Remember when the Paris Climate Agreement was “historic”? When it would save us all? And how so many in government say they’re Doing Stuff to alleviate Hotcoldwetdry?
Greenhouse gases surge to record in 2018, exceeding 10-yr average rate: U.N.
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere hit a new record in 2018, rising faster than the average rise of the last decade and cementing increasingly damaging weather patterns, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Monday.
The U.N. agency’s Greenhouse Gas Bulletin is one of a series of studies to be published ahead of a U.N. climate change summit being held in Madrid next week, and is expected to guide discussions there. It measures the atmospheric concentration of the gases responsible for global warming, rather than emissions.
“There is no sign of a slowdown, let alone a decline, in greenhouse gases’ concentration in the atmosphere – despite all the commitments under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change,” said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas.
“This continuing long-term trend means that future generations will be confronted with increasingly severe impacts of climate change, including rising temperatures, more extreme weather, water stress, sea level rise and disruption to marine and land ecosystems.”
So, despite Paris, nations are putting out more CO2? Who would have thought it? It’s like most nations are more concerned with their own economies not collapsing. If only the Warmists themselves would put their money where their mouths are and practice what they preach. Because, otherwise total Doom!
The concentration of carbon dioxide, a product of burning fossil fuels that is the biggest contributor to global warming, surged from 405.5 parts per million in 2017 to 407.8 ppm in 2018, exceeding the average rate of increase of 2.06 ppm in 2005-2015, the WMO report said.
First, that’s not much of a long term growth rate, just 10 years. Second, that time period was also when we were having the Great Pause, where temperatures were going up so little that it was “statistically insignificant.”
Anyhow, since everyone else seems to be failing when it comes to the Paris Climate Agreement, why does the U.S. even need to be in it?

Meanwhile, the US has done better than its targets, without government pressure.
Too bad liberals are incapable of learning.
“Surged” from 406 ppm to 408 ppm, which somehow exceeds a claimed average of 2.1 ppm.
Must be New Math.
No, I’m not a “climate scientist” (whatever that really is), but I have a fair amount of experience in Gas Chromatography — enough to how flawed their numbers can be.
surged from 405.5 parts per million in 2017 to 407.8 ppm in 2018
Are you sure gas chromatography is used to measure atmospheric CO2?
What the link describes sounds like a GC/IR, so yes, I’d call it Gas Chromatography.
Heh! And the whimpering little sissybitch slithers away…
Bwaha. Lol
What’s the mobile phase?
And why is the method inaccurate or imprecise?
IIRC, China others and India did not have significant reductions in the Paris Accords, but other nations did. More importantly, major first world nations were on the hook for $100 billion in payments to third world countries to help them with their reductions, with the U. S. coughing up half of that.
So it was all about the payments, rather than the any actual reductions.
“rising faster than the average rise of the last decade” Maybe the last ten years the average rise was 2.06 ppm every year; if not there would be years it would be higher. Do they not know what average means?