In the absence of actual “ZOMG, there it is!” proof, the Democrats Impeachment Theater is not going well. Heck, it’s starting to look like Charlie’s Angels. A lot of sound and noise, but, a failure at the box office
(Breitbart) Support for impeaching President Donald Trump has collapsed among Hispanic and black voters—a situation that could doom Democrats in 2020.
A recent national poll released by Emerson College indicates that black Americans, a key constituency of the Democrat Party, narrowly opposes Trump’s impeachment. The poll found that 38 percent of black voters are opposed, while 37 percent are in favor, with 25 percent unsure.
Hispanic voters, meanwhile, were only narrowly in favor of impeachment, 48 percent to 41 percent, with 11 percent unsure. The Emerson poll also found 48 percent of white voters nationally were opposed to impeaching Trump, while 44 percent were supportive.
The results are starkly different from those recorded nationally by Emerson in October. At the time, 58 percent of black voters were in favor of impeaching Trump compared to only 27 percent against and 15 percent unsure. Likewise, 73 percent of Hispanics favored the president’s impeachment in October, while 24 percent were opposed and only 3 percent.
Overall, between the two surveys, support for impeaching Trump dropped 20 percent among black voters and 25 percent with Hispanics. The drops have been accompanied by nearly double digit increases among voters from the two communities telling pollsters they were unsure if Trump’s impeachment was the best recourse.
I’m guessing the switch from quid pro quo to bribery worked well in focus groups, but, not so much in actual practice. Perhaps a lot of blacks and Hispanics are starting to realize that the Democrats are just full of it, as well as that the Democrats do nothing for blacks and Hispanics.
(Fox News) Michigan Democratic Rep. Brenda Lawrence, a prominent supporter of Kamala Harris who has previously supported the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, abruptly announced Sunday that she no longer saw any “value” in the process and called for her fellow Democrats to throw their support behind a symbolic censure resolution.
Lawrence’s about-face came as polls have shown that independents are souring on the idea of impeaching and removing Trump from office, including in critical battleground states like Wisconsin, even as House Democrats aggressively presented their poll-tested “bribery” case against the president over the past two weeks.
The wise move would have been to censure Trump, yet, they’re all unhinged, so, they swung for the fences and popped it up in foul territory for an easy out. Democrat strategist Doug Schoen is also hoping they move to censure
“I am praying for censure. It can turn what could be a loss into a certain victory,” he said, arguing that Pelosi should forgo impeachment and instead vote to publicly reprimand the president.
“While the Democratic electorate is almost unanimously in favor of impeachment, swing voters in swing states… are decidedly mixed, if not negative,” the polling expert explained on Fox Nation’s “Deep Dive.”Â
“And given that states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Florida — ones the Democrats have to win in some combination to win the presidential election, it’s hard for me to see that impeachment is anything but a very problematic issue for the party,” he argued.
It probably won’t happen. The collapse of Charlie’s Angels included blamestorming of viewers, bad marketing, and more, rather than the notion that it was a poor concept, poor script, and poor casting to blame. The Democrats will defend their Impeachment Theater and keep moving forward, no matter how bad it is for them.