And the UN wants more action, despite the majority of signatories of the “historic” Paris Climate Agreement failing to uphold their pledges already
In bleak report, U.N. says drastic action is only way to avoid worst effects of climate change
The world has squandered so much time mustering the action necessary to combat climate change that rapid, unprecedented cuts in greenhouse gas emissions offer the only hope of averting an ever-intensifying cascade of consequences, according to new findings from the United Nations.
Already, the past year has brought devastating hurricanes, relentless wildfires and crippling heat waves, prompting millions of protesters to take to the streets to demand more attention to a problem that seems increasingly urgent.
Amid that growing pressure to act, Tuesday’s U.N. report offers a grim assessment of how off-track the world remains. Global temperatures are on pace to rise as much as 3.9 degrees Celsius (7 degrees Fahrenheit) by the end of the century, according to the United Nations’ annual “emissions gap†report, which assesses the difference between the world’s current path and the changes needed to meet the goals of the 2015 Paris climate accord.
As noted time and again, the world has seen a small 1.5F increase in global temperatures since 1850, and now they prognosticate a 7 degree increase in the next 80 years? It’s not a science, it’s a cult. But, they do this Utter Doom And Gloom thing every year before the yearly UN IPCC Conference on the Parties meeting, always held is some great vacation spot, where well over 10,000 Warmists take fossil fueled trips to attempt to tell Other People how to live their lives.
Tuesday’s report, which is viewed as the benchmark of the world’s progress in meeting its climate goals, underscores how the pledges that nations made years ago in Paris are woefully inadequate to achieving the goals of the accord. To hold warming to “well below†2 degrees Celsius, the authors found that countries would need to triple the ambition of their current promises. To hit the more ambitious target of no more than 1.5 degrees of warming, they found, nations would need to ramp up their pledges fivefold.
So, the countries that signed are failing? After pimping their support? Bummer.
Investment in renewable energy in the developing world also dropped significantly in 2018, according to an analysis released Monday by BloombergNEF, which tracks worldwide energy trends.
In other words, nations are realizing that renewables just aren’t cutting it to provide power, both in the 1st and 3rd Worlds.
Next month at the annual U.N. climate conference in Spain, representatives from countries around the world will face pressure to ramp up their ambition — not just their rhetoric — over the coming year. So far, only a handful of the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters have policies in place to meet the promises they made in Paris four years ago, much less more aggressive strategies “for transformative climate commitments at the breadth and scale necessary,†Tuesday’s report says. The report also found that cutting greenhouse gas emissions could do more than just mitigate climate change. It also could reduce air pollution, improve public health and help conserve wildlife.
They’re failing on their existing policies, what makes them think they can succeed on even tougher ones? Meh, doesn’t matter, it’s all a scam.