Well, that’s good, because less unhinged arguments. I love the way this starts
Choosing Not To Fly Home For The Holidays, For The Climate’s Sake
This year Thom Hawkins is missing his fourth family Thanksgiving back home in Minnesota, by choice.
The 82-year-old lives in Glendale, Calif., and hasn’t visited his extended family of nieces, nephews and cousins since September 2016. That’s when he decided he couldn’t fly anymore because of environmental concerns. Ever since, he has missed weddings, birthdays and graduations, and he expects to miss funerals.
“On the last trip there I felt guilty, if you want to know the truth,” Hawkins says. “I [had] become very aware of climate change … probably hyper-aware, more than most people that I know.”
He’s even told his family to no longer fly to California to visit him, as he doesn’t want them to contribute to climate change on his behalf. Hawkins is part of a small but growing number of people who are choosing not to fly, or to fly less.
So, for 80 years he had the good life, took flights, traveled, but, now he gives it up, and won’t even attend important times in the life of his family? Cult.
A group called Flight Free, which has members in at least 10 countries, and another called NoFlyClimateSci, claim more than 20,000 people around the world have signed different public pledges to not fly in 2020. There is an international push to raise those numbers by the end of the year.
“We’re trying to inspire climate action, and when people choose not to fly that’s one of the most immediate and direct and cheapest ways that people can help solve the climate crisis,” says Ariella Granett, who helped found Flight Free USA.
But, will they give up traveling in fossil fueled vehicles?

Meanwhile, the majority of the politicians, celebrities, and other members of the cult of environgelicalism who berate us daily with their tales of imminent demise, continue to rack up frequent flier miles faster than third world refusgee’s can spit out welfare babies.
TEACH berates Americans for flying, crying ‘hypocrite’! But I the same breath berates them for NOT flying. Cult.
But will they now give up cars, he demands. Cult.
And when they give up gas-fed cars, TEACH will demand they give up breathing. Cult.
Dozens of leftist billionaires missed out on the insane profits that fossil fuels have to offer.
It’s clearly obvious they want to cash in on Green energy. The problem they face is that all of the Fossil fuel companies are also getting strongly involved in green energy. In fact, Chevron, Oxy and one other oil company have helped fund Bill GATES and his co2 extraction project in BC, Canada.
The only way Green will become viable is for a huge and I do mean a huge tax on carbon fuels. Again Elwood is pounding the table for his billionaire CORPORATIST BILLIONAIRES to get rich off the backs of MIDDLE-CLASS Americans while then shoving the fault onto Republicans.
It’s such a great scam. When it rains or snows or the wind blows they just scream Climate change, scare the shit out of little kids and laugh all the way to the bank. What’s funny is I was watching a Canadian Youtuber going to a meeting that Greta Thunberg was holding in Alberta the home of Canada’s third-largest deposit of oil in the world.
She was driving a 1 million dollar TESLA or more precisely her small little entourage was. She was beating the pulpit against the cleanest fossil fuels in the world and most environmentally friendly. When the reporter asked her two simple and I do mean simple questions she turned and said this is harassment and the guy was hauled away by the Canadian government police because in Canada there is NO FREE PRESS, NO FREE SPEECH and it is a crime to harass a public figure.
That is why she is in Canada and not the USA. Her only foray into the USA was to speak at the UN where she shut down when asked a simple question and started whining about being harassed which is an earmark of the snowflake EU nations which is where there is such a humongous uprising going on in the EU and around the world now against a movement that wants to starve people all in the name of a 100 billionaires wanting to cash in on green energy which is so damn expensive that people will be dying all over the world as we make the transition.
Great for the billionaires and the deceived children of the world, bad for two billion starving people
Hey, at least a few of the warmunists are trying to live as they say others must live, so more power to them. I absolutely applaud them taking voluntary action in connection with their beliefs. As long as they keep their noses out of my personal life, I’m happy for them.
Flying today is a miserable, awful experience akin to riding a Greyhound bus for 7 hours.
Now, he has a good excuse.
I suspect the real cause of his lack of travel is that he is 82. Old people hate getting on airplanes.
I also suspect a lot of extended family don’t miss him.