Democrats and their pet media who all pushed the “coming recession” doom and gloom hit the hardest (oh, and Glenn Beck, who pushes this for his advertisers like Gold Line and prepper foods)
Recession fears recede in boost to Trump
After a summer dip, consumer spending has roared back to life heading into the holiday shopping season, giving the stock market a boost and fending off recession fears with less than a year until the 2020 elections.
The improving economic picture could be a boon for President Trump, who has made the economy a central argument for his reelection.
Recent economic data stands in contrast to just a few months ago, when economists were worried that consumer spending would be the next shoe to drop after manufacturing hit a slump and as investment was in the midst of contracting.
The tumultuous summer was also marred by a rocky stock market, escalating trade tensions with China and repeated warning signs from the bond market that a recession could be on the 2020 horizon.
By the time fall rolled around, analysts were forecasting flat or even decreasing sales for Halloween, a further sign of declining consumer sentiment.
But sales beat expectations, raising prospects for the all-important holiday shopping season.
“Consumers are in good financial shape and willing to spend a little more on gifts for the special people in their lives this holiday season,†said National Retail Federation President and CEO Matthew Shay.
While there were certainly real concerns, and still are, for some international markets, particularly in Europe (which has killed its economy through Progressive regulations and climate change policies), the U.S. was never really in danger. The media just liked to over-hype dangers to the economy, because Trump is in office, which hurt consumer confidence, which is now rising up
“Consumers are finally acknowledging that consistent — albeit moderate — wage inflation and steady job gains combined with subdued price inflation have made them financially better off than they were 12 months ago,†Morning Consult wrote in an analysis of the polling data. (snip)
The economic news is likely to benefit Trump. Despite the effects of his ongoing trade war with China and criticism over the high cost and uneven benefit of the 2017 tax-cut law, the economy has proven resilient. And Trump has taken notice.
So, expect the media to tout how bad the economy is and that doom is coming next year in an attempt to defeat Trump, in complete defiance of the economic indicators.

“… 4, 5 even 6% growth…”, predicted trump.
2% is now the optimistic estimate for the world’s second largest economy (China now #1).
Anyway, what we should be working on is life-changing wage growth for the working classes but our so-called representatives (Repubs AND Dems) continue to work for the political donor class, rigging the system to enrich the rich at the expense of the working classes.
Elwood what have I told you about pretending to be a progressive?
Remember you love wars, love billionaires, love dark money, love to tax the middle class and then blame the right. Remember what you really stand for Elwood as you work furiously to herd the blacks back on the plantation. and stop pretending you care about wage growth. Because if you really did you would join your REAL progressive brethren who heap more praise on Trump than they do any of the Democrats save Bernie and Tulsi.
Perhaps you could also be honest when you post things. Like China is the largest economy in the world.
AS of 2019. China’s GDP is 15.4 trillion and the USA is 22.7 trillion.
I did find one site which said that China was ahead of the US in GDP when using the PPP matrix to measure. So I scratched my head and did some research.
PPP…… Purchasing power parity (PPP) is an economic theory that compares different countries’ currencies through a “basket of goods” approach. According to this concept, two currencies are in equilibrium or at par when a basket of goods (taking into account the exchange rate) is priced the same in both countries.
but this is not true when comparing the USA and China because China is constantly manipulating its currency to favor them over all their trade partners.
Now I finally understand why the USA is always accusing China of manipulating its currency to get better deals and hence we have the real truth.
Elwood. You should just do a little research before you spout untruths. You constantly project this on the right while you yourself practice it constantly. Thank you for your time.
We didn’t blame the right. We clearly stated the Dems and GOPhers both are to blame for this assault on the working classes. It’s a systemic manipulation of the economy to reward the rich at the expense of the working class.
Remember you love wars, love billionaires, love dark money, love to tax the middle class and then blame the left. Remember what you really stand for Doom as you work furiously to herd the blacks back on the plantation. and stop pretending you care about wage growth.
Find your own accusations. You are intellectually lazy as that other guy accused you of being.
Wage Growth: Is indeed rising no matter how much Polifact jumps through hoops trying to lie to you and say its not. I was on this webpage looking at this matrix.
They say NO WAY you assholes. NO WAY. Then they present a chart in which wages clearly and without any way of arguing show they have gone up under Trump but you then have to listen to 5 paragraphs of double talk to try and convince you the chart by the BLS is a lie.
Yes wages are up under Trump.
Tax cuts for the middle class:
From Forbes:
What share of the tax cuts went to the rich and the poor? The richest 1 percent received 9.3 percent of the total tax cuts, the top 5 percent got 26.5 percent, the top quintile received 52.2 percent and the bottom quintile got 3.3 percent.
So, the rich received the lion’s share of the tax cut. But they also pay the lion’s share of taxes. The top 1 percent pay 30.2 percent, the top 5 percent pay 51.1 percent, the top quintile pays 80.1 percent and the bottom quintile pays negative 9.0 percent.
AS the Atlantic stated after the 2018 election: Shocker: Liberals Admit They’ve Been Lying About The Trump Tax Cuts
Concerning dispatches from the liberal bubble, liberals are now openly admitting to misinforming Americans about the Trump tax cuts, in which 80-90 percent of Americans received tax relief. Even Bernie Sanders admitted this, and this will remain for the next decade. Vox’s Matt Yglesias wrote, “Nobody likes to give themselves credit for this kind of messaging success, but progressive groups did a really good job of convincing people that Trump raised their taxes when the facts say a clear majority got a tax cut.â€
In short Elwood. Once again your lying and then projecting those lies on Me, the right and anywhere your flying turds might stick.
AS for wars, no I have repeatedly said bring them home. You were the one demanding Trump stay in Syria, protect the kurds and continue bombing innocents with drone missile strikes. AS for the poor on plantations. No I want them to prosper.
NOW UNDER TRUMP and WHY blacks are nearing 40 percent approval of Trump.
Black entrepreneurship: “Year over year, we saw a 400% increase in the number of African-American owned small businesses under Trump’s policies†the report reads.
The report also found that 45% of all small business in the country was owned by minority groups this year. Who would dare report such a thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why that would be: The African American unemployment rate fell to 6.8%, the lowest rate in 45 years. I am so happy about this News! And, in the Washington Post (of all places), the headline states, “Trump’s first-year jobs numbers were very, very good.â€
So while you rail against a president who is helping Blacks, the fact that you are angry he is helping blacks and you’re opposed to that means YOU and not the US want the blacks put back in their place.
My son in law is black. We just enjoyed a great Thanksgiving and I surely don’t want some of my grandchildren to grow up on the plantation.
Beat him over the head with actual statistics.
You don’t understand the issue. It’s not trump (although he’s no help), it’s the system of Dems and GOPhers whose laws reward the wealthy at the expense of the workers. A thousand dollar increase in yearly pay hardly compensates for increased local taxes thanks to the Cons. Or for an increase in healthcare or college tuition. Working stiffs are barely getting by, and making the rich richer in the process.
Policies toward labor, environment, patents and trademarks, immigration, trade, taxes, minimum wage, fiscal, monetary, bankruptcy, healthcare, defense,… you name it, the wealthy benefit.
One commenter here lies daily about the MIC. When the US spends more and more on defense, and force the EU to spend more and more on defense, who benefits the most?
I see Fredo is right on track with his communist handlers with ehe seasonal attack on President Trump. like this commie bitch:
Of course after she made a big deal at Newsweek about Trump having a “24 course meal” at Mar-a-Lago she discovered Trump was eating with the troops in Afghanistan. OOPS! No prob, she’ll just move on to the next series of Fake News like false economic data from cooked/crooked books or ignoring positive economic events to TRY and take credit away from lower taxes fewer regs Trump or even the constant “predictions” of economic and Wall Street doom.
They all LOVE America and show their gratitude for living in the freest most prosperous country in the history of mankind by trying to destroy it every minute of their lives. The sickness of the left is legion. Their seething hate is no longer hidden as they would destroy our country to save their worthless political asses.
As pointed out by Wrongthink Radio:
“Since the media is predisposed to lie about everything in an effort to attack Trump and the American people who made him President, my prediction is that today, and on the Sunday shows, the Democrat-media complex is going to claim that the lack of people punching each other in lines is a sure sign that a recession is coming. They wont share revenue numbers, or if they do, they will likely be revenue numbers for stores who did not prepare for the obvious preference of consumers to shop online. I guarantee there will be spots on Sunday shows where liberal commentators will feign concern while they discuss the lack of maniacs lined up outside shopping malls like cattle just to save a few dollars on a toy that will likely break within a week.
Now that Trump has signed a bill siding with the Hong Kong protesters, the media can go back to shilling for Communist China while they claim that people aren’t shopping on black Friday because the bad orange man isn’t playing nice with China and his trade war is somehow ruining the country. I never thought I would live to see the day where the main stream media is pretending to be concerned that nobody is buying cheap Chinese garbage, I just wish the Democrats were as concerned about America’s economic prosperity as they seem to be about China’s. I am elated that more Americans stayed home for the holidays, and we know that as a society we are happy that there will be less social media videos of Americans trying to kill each other over plastic garbage, but there is a contingent that will frown about this, because they are required to. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be a Democrat in 2019 and have to be upset that China isn’t selling us more crap, and that people aren’t wasting their time off to sit outside a mall for 12 hours, but then again, that’s a good reason to not be a Democrat.
Prepare yourselves for the weekend blitz of disinformation and omission by the media to try and convince America that prosperity is defined by you camping outside a big box store, and not defined by the increase of cash in your wallet, because that is going to be the narrative. I hope everyone survived their relatives at Thanksgiving dinner, even though the Left tried to feed them talking points just so they would ruin the holidays. Let’s see if I get this prediction right.”
Trump 2020 Keep the REAL economy growing ignore leftist lies.
We see Rev Dildo still not making sense. Two-thirds of our economy comes from consumer spending – buying stuff from China and serving burgers and fries to each other. Your president is the salesman in chief – you better hope he doesn’t whip up his legions to STOP buying stuff.
While the working classes were struggling to get by, the elites tightened the stranglehold “the market” has on the world. We’ve all become interchangeable pieces in the “global market”, driving down the value of each worker as the bosses race to the bottom (for you, not for them). US workers, with our “quaint” environmental and worker protections, are in direct competition with unfettered capitalism’s unregulated economies in commie China, commie Vietnam, India, Mexico… we still buy oil, gas, electricity and uranium from our friend, Canada. The US is weakening regulations so that our workers can become more competitive with poor workers in other countries. And we’re trying to strengthen patent and trademark provisions globally to further help the poor capitalists! Lower pay but higher profits!
Of course, the young woman you call a “commie bitch” immediately apologized for her mistake. Have you ever heard a Con Man apologize? Speaking of commie bitches, why didn’t trump’s better half go to Afghanistan with him?
And the troops didn’t look too happy with trump either. Did you notice the diversity there? Women, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, maybe even a Middle Easterner or two – and even some white guys. Who will defend America once the nuGOP makes America white again?
We suspect the far-right think they’re doing the right thing supporting international corporations and the elites at the expense of workers.
unfettered capitalism’s unregulated economies in commie China, commie Vietnam
Proof he hasn’t stopped slugging down the Ripple after Mom told him he had ruined her last Thanksgiving and wasn’t going to take it (or him) anymore.
Of course, the young woman you call a “commie bitch†immediately apologized for her mistake. Have you ever heard a Con Man apologize? Speaking of commie bitches, why didn’t trump’s better half go to Afghanistan with him?
I guess Bolshevik Bunny’s mad because Mom told him she wasn’t having sex with him no matter how he begged that he couldn’t get laid.
Melania is no Commie. She was a true refugee.
And it was Newsweek that retracted the piece, having been made to look like bigger fools than usual, but what do you expect from a rag that was bought for a buck?
And Conservatives don’t apologize because we’re right.
Only Lefty wussies apologize.
And the troops didn’t look too happy with trump either. Did you notice the diversity there? Women, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, maybe even a Middle Easterner or two – and even some white guys. Who will defend America once the nuGOP makes America white again?
Those same white guys who won America’s wars from Louisbourg to Monmouth to New Orleans to Cerro Gordo to Antietam to Wolf Mountain to San Juan Hill to Peking to Chateau Thierry to El Guettar to Salerno to Omaha Beach to Attu to Hollandia to Myitkina to Pusan.
They looked happy enough. Maybe they were listening to what he had to say because it has a direct impact on their lives.
We suspect the far-right think they’re doing the right thing supporting international corporations and the elites at the expense of workers.
Cartoon characters make lousy commentators.
It’s the people who love unfettered capitalism’s unregulated economies in commie China, commie Vietnam that support international corporations. They couldn’t exist without those big donors.
You lie like a trump, and make Kye look bad.
Jessica Kwong
Trump headed to Afghanistan to surprise U.S. troops on Thanksgiving … Deleting this tweet because it was written before knowing about the president’s surprise visit to Afghanistan-an honest mistake. Story has already been updated, as shown in the screenshot.
Do you still think we should deport Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, Asians, Arabs etc?
The Ohio pervert typed, Mom told him she wasn’t having sex with him no matter how he begged that he couldn’t get laid
My mother is long passed but your wife does just fine, except when the line is too long.
That is NOT an “honest mistake”, that is fake news written without any bother to check the FACTS. She’s a fukin’ liar and just typed what she “projected” like all leftists tend to do. An honest mistake would be “Trump visits servicemen in Korea for Thanksgiving dinner”. OOPS!
And this is a perfect example of WHY we won’t trust the Fake Media to tell us the weather let alone their version of the “news”. They have a narrative and an agenda and if the news does not conform to their predetermined program they either lie about it or refuse to report on it. How often do you hear CNNMSNBC tout the great economy, the great progress of black and Hispanic employment or the very positive attitude of small businessmen under Trump? Never, that’s how often. You need to visit One America News or at least FOX to even remotely be aware of these things.
BTW she’s still a commie bitch. She’s just a careless commie bitch.
Yeah, they look real unhappy and look at that diversity will ya?
Trump 2020 Get rid of these commie bitches of all colors even though it’s okay to be white even tho leftists whites like Fredo hate white people:
My wife hates Commies, so that’s another lie.
And the twat was deleted because she mouthed off her bias and her ignorance and her lack of professionalism and made Newsweek look bad, as if it doesn’t already.
Do you still think we should deport Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, Asians, Arabs etc?
Obviously you do since those are your words, not mine.
My mother is long passed
Then where do you go? Surely, your wife threw you out after you beat her.
Your wife doesn’t talk much ideology, if you know what we mean.
Ten years had been the longest we have gone without a recession, and we just exceeded it: the ten year window was up at the end of the second quarter. I have to wonder if the very long, slow climb out of the last recession, which technically ended beginning July of 2009, and our sustained very slow growth has contributed to the length of the expansion.
And now we are using economic tactics normally used to combat recessions, the lowering of interest rates and huge deficit spending to stimulate the economy, even though we aren’t in a recession. Those economic tools — which I see as of questionable utility anyway — will not be available when we do slip into recession, because we will have used them up! There’s not much lower interest rates can be lowered, and we are already spending a trillion dollars more than we take in.
Yeah, I absolutely want to avoid recession until after the next election, but eventually, one will come.
Mr. Dana is sounding an alarm and Americans should listen.
Those economic tools — which I see as of questionable utility anyway — will not be available when we do slip into recession, because we will have used them up!
We were in a brutal recession in 2008-2009 (10% unemployment; people losing their homes) and we fought out of it slowly and steadily but at a cost of trillions to Americans.
If 88 million people are out of work, it’s more than 10% unemployment, but Zippy was never known for his bookkeeping.
And we fought our way out of it when we elected a guy named Trump.
We all know sooner or later a recession will happen but there is no need to let the left talk us into one for their nefarious political reasons. If they manage to instill enough economic fear into people the way they do about global warming people will ACT like it’s a recession. Same thing as a real one actually.
Maybe the radical leftists like Fredo can stop bringing in illiterate, diseased, frequently criminal POC’s to take the low end of American jobs. The Fredo’s aren’t exactly bringing in Jonas Salk’s with the MS gang members, human/women/ sex traffickers, gun runners, drug smugglers and the all important Indians to replace America IT jobs.
But it’s more important to exterminate the white man than save the Republic he built.
Trump 2020 Stop the genocide!
Was watching a roundtable on Youtube. Getting the news from the people is so much more informative and refreshing than listening to the MSM lie to you for eyeballs and clickbait.
Anyway, they were all saying the idea of a recession has all but died since the fed reduced rates again by nearly 1 point. The positive of really low-interest rates is it keeps the economy rolling. See almost zero rates when Obama was in office and the first meeting after trump took over they immediately started raising rates. More deep state shit as the long yield bond quickly turned upside down signaling a recession was on its way.
The fed came to their senses and have reduced rates 3x’s since then which has calmed the fears and returned the 10-year bond to a more stable looking yield curve.
The fear is there is no tool in the box if low-interest rates usher in a recession and this is not true at all. Obama used it repeatedly as is Trump and every president since Nixon. Its called deficit spending. Deficit spending and WARS are the stimuli that is a boon to a society that depends on consumerism.
Rev Dildo is terrified as white nationalists tend to be. They’re afraid of losing their unearned superiority and the competition it brings.
Maybe radical white nationalists such as Dildo can rally his kind to treat other people kindly. Reagan, Bushes, Clinton, Obama and Trump have spelled out how it’s going to be. We’re degenerating into an authoritarian uber-capitalist global market that is becoming your dreaded One World Government. Once the politicians can stay in power regardless of voting you’ll see how quickly your life changes. Trump is playing us all for the fools we are.
Genocide: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
Exterminate: extirpate, eradicate, uproot mean to effect the destruction or abolition of something.
Coup d’état: the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group
Whose fault is it that Caucasians do not reproduce enough to keep our economy perking along?
Are you sure you have your definitions correct? You seem extremist.
The 10.0% figure was the “official” U-3 unemployment number; I have always said that U-6 is far more indicative of the situation, and noted, in September of 2016, that Americans were ‘feeling’ the U-6 number, then 9.7% rather than the official U-3 unemployment rate of 4.9% that the Obumble Administration was trumpeting in support of Hillary Clinton. .
You have somewhat mischaracterized what I have said: I do not believe that the ‘tools’ which were used were effective. The Fed dropped interest rates to near zero, but people were still not borrowing to invest in job creation, because even with the very low interest rates, too few could foresee a profitable return. The Obysmal Administration passed an $810 billion stimulus plan, but it stimulated virtually nothing. It was supposed to hold U-3 unemployment to a maximum of 8.0% (the CBO guesstimated 8.5%), and said U-3 would rise to 9.0% without it, but after it was passed, U-3 rose to 10.1% (later revised to 10.0%).
Nothing the government did worked, and I would argue it was actively harmful.
Now we are running a deficit of a trillion a year, stimulating the Hell out of the economy, but after running deficits 46 out of the last fifty years, the economy has factored in stimulus; deficits are the new normal, and thus more deficit spending really has little helpful impact. We have inoculated the economy as far as deficits are concerned.
I guess to your mind being concerned about my country and my race is being afraid, racist and extremist. If I were black and had the same concerns would I still be afraid, racist and extremist or must one be white, patriotic and Christian to fit your bigoted mold?
Who the hell are you to say what person has earned their superiority? You must have a brain tumor to accuse a person who spent his entire adult life in the most competitive business in the world, the food business of being “afraid” of competition.
Genocide: the deliberate destruction of the Caucasian race in America by importing millions of colored people to replace the current culture.
Exterminate: To eradicate the American culture by “any means necessary” to “fundamentally change” the demographic, societal and cultural base of our nation.
**Ask the Indians how well unstopped immigration and disarmament worked out for them.
Coup d’etat: The seditious attempt to overthrow a lawfully elected President commencing EVEN BEFORE HE WAS SWORN IN by a Deep State/Media cabal.
Your definitions are appropriate but you fail in the understanding of their application. You must be a radical leftist either a Nazi or commie. Which are you?
I would imagine the feminist movement, the social justice warriors, academia and even Planned Parenthood have some fault in the current reproductive habits of Caucasians.
You are a self-hating American and a self-hating Caucasian. That’s pathetic on so many levels. To you both being white and American is nothing to be proud about. Something very bad must have happened to you.
There’s your problem, right there – believing one should take pride in their pigment – a trait one has no control over! We don’t choose our parents, it’s just dumb luck.
It’s been made clear by most commenters here that they believe they’ve “earned” their advantages conferred by their skin color.
Are you really comparing the European nations’ actions against the natives of North and South America to US Hispanic citizen’s fecundity compared to whites?
We understand your fear, but it is misplaced. There will never come a time when non-white Americans enact policies putting whites at a disadvantage. It IS possible that current minorities will continue to push for equality, and dominant cultures always view equality as the dominant culture being discriminated against.
Trump will be gone soon enough and we’ll all have to start living together again.
Trump will be gone soon enough and we’ll all have to start living together again.
That is funny. Who says we want to live with YOU? I mean seriously, your funny. You are the guy that goes into a bar gets everyone fighting and then sneaks out the back door laughing to himself.
You spend 3-4 years throwing rocks at my house and screaming insults at my family and then when I MOVE you say, well now we can go back to living together again.
Your side has spent its heart and soul attempting to destroy what the other half of the country LOVES and believes in and you serioulsy think that we can go back to living together again when you vote into office a communist who honeymooned in the Soviet Union?
Now I know your offices are closed for the holidays but you should stick to the usual schtick until they reopen and give you a new talking point for the week.
There’s your problem, right there – believing one should take pride in their pigment – a trait one has no control over! We don’t choose our parents, it’s just dumb luck.
In your case, outright stupidity.
And I understand your frustration at trying to guilt white people and they refuse to listen.
We survived 8 years of an “intelligent, clean, articulate” Negro, but only barely.
It’s been made clear by most commenters here that they believe they’ve “earned†their advantages conferred by their skin color.
It has? You’ve said so, but I see little of it from the commenters.
Are you really comparing the European nations’ actions against the natives of North and South America to US Hispanic citizen’s fecundity compared to whites?
ICYMI A lot of Hispanics are aborting themselves out of existence just like their Democrat overlords tell them they must. And actually he said nothing of the kind.
You keep trying to put words in his mouth the way you keep trying to put other things in other people’s mouths.
There will never come a time when non-white Americans enact policies putting whites at a disadvantage. It IS possible that current minorities will continue to push for equality, and dominant cultures always view equality as the dominant culture being discriminated against.
Too bad that Brown Wave just kept orgasming about failed to materialize, even though Zippy did his best (and, as always, it wasn’t good enough) to put whites at a disadvantage.
And minorities are equal. What you want is superiority.
And you’ll never get it.
Trump will be gone soon enough and we’ll all have to start living together again.
The Trump Train will be barrelling through this country for a long time. The Democrat party is self-destructing (the Obama Touch does it again) and it’s going to be a long time before the Left will have a say in this country’s business.
As for living together, you mean like we did when the Choom Gang was spying on people>
D&G typed:
You spend 3-4 years throwing rocks at my house and screaming insults at my family and then when I MOVE you say, well now we can go back to living together again.
No doubt it’s difficult to accept criticism, but understand the mass of Americans will not tolerate discrimination against Muslims, Blacks, non-white immigrants, Sikhs, LGBTs…
Are you really saying that you will revolt against America if you don’t get your way in the next elections? Sen Bernie Sanders is qualified to be President. If you don’t like him, rally your like-minded Americans to vote for the other guy.
Half the population disagree with trump and his followers and you’re working to destroy that part of America. What are the trump regime positions to be lost that you find worthy of revolution? Thanks.
No doubt it’s difficult to accept criticism, but understand the mass of Americans will not tolerate discrimination against Muslims, Blacks, non-white immigrants, Sikhs, LGBTs…
They why will Trump win in a landslide? Why is it painfully obvious blacks, non-white immigrants, white immigrants, and Hispanics support him over the Democrat clown car?
Sen Bernie Sanders is qualified to be President.
Only in the strict Constitutional sense, but I’m glad you concede the rest are a pack of losers.
Half the population disagree with trump and his followers and you’re working to destroy that part of America. What are the trump regime positions to be lost that you find worthy of revolution?
Half? Only when the polls are skewed to the Democrats.
You want positions (somebody with your tastes is, of course limited)?
Strong economy
Lower takes
Build The Wall
Intelligent foreign policy
America First
Support The Troops
Get the Feds off the country’s back.
Ya velcome
Your wife doesn’t talk much ideology, if you know what we mean.
Why don’t you tell us? You and your cartoon characters don’t, either, from what people here have to say.
Rev Dildo is terrified as white nationalists tend to be. They’re afraid of losing their unearned superiority and the competition it brings.
Impossible. Wherever white people go, they dominate.
Maybe radical white nationalists such as Dildo can rally his kind to treat other people kindly.
We do. You’re still alive, aren’t you?
Reagan, Bushes, Clinton, Obama and Trump have spelled out how it’s going to be. We’re degenerating into an authoritarian uber-capitalist global market that is becoming your dreaded One World Government. Once the politicians can stay in power regardless of voting you’ll see how quickly your life changes. Trump is playing us all for the fools we are.
The only fool is you.
Whose fault is it that Caucasians do not reproduce enough to keep our economy perking along?
Democrats, mostly. And it’s worse with blacks. They’re aborting themselves out of existence.
but a Judas Goat like you doesn’t care. You think you’ll be one of the gauleiters.
Guess again
Are you sure you have your definitions correct? You seem extremist.
His definitions are on the money and he’s perfectly normal.
You’re the one who’s insane.