You’ll never guess why
US taxes drop to 4th lowest following GOP tax cuts: study
The U.S. tax burden fell to the fourth lowest among advanced economies following passage of the GOP tax law, according to data released Thursday by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
The report found that the share of the economy devoted to paying taxes in the U.S. in 2018 fell by a whopping 2.5 percentage points, by far the largest of any of the 36 countries in the group.
Only Ireland, Chile and Mexico had a lower tax burden than the United States, which came in at 24.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), well below the 34.3 percent average.
France had the highest tax burden, amounting to 46.1 percent of GDP.
The trend in the U.S. differed from most of the countries on the list, most of which saw taxes go up in the past decade.
Of course, The Hill writer Niv Elis attempts to shoot down this good news later in the article, par for the course. I bet if politicians were talking about raising taxes on the news industry they’d be all for lower taxes.

Say that’s a good idea especially since Devin Nunes sued CNN and then just days later Schiff reveals his phone records and CNN runs with the crime of the century story against Nunes.
That is not even to mention they also published the phone records of Solomon a reporter of note who started digging into Biden, Biden in Ukraine.
I am horrified that the democrats are spying on other members of the house and god knows who else.
Anyone left or right that is not outraged by this is brain dead as an American. This is precisely why we were all opposed to the Patriot Act and the FISA courts and now we have this.
This alone should be grounds for impeachment, but nothing will happen because the MSM will lie to the public nonstop and convince them that little green men exist in Trump’s underwear.
I kid you not the democrats are now spying on Members of the Republican party and reporters they dont like. You know, like Obama did.
Since Trump was elected exactly how many Dems have been charged with any crimes
Every week we team that the DOJ is indicting another crony if Trump’s
His old personal attorney Cohen is in jail and Rudy is person of interest in many investigations
This is being down by Federal prosecutors appointed by Trump not by “leftistsâ€
First, it’s being done, not down; second, how many have had nasty little secrets come out?
Let me count the ways:
Gropin’ Joe
the Hildabeast
Pelosi Galore
Now the other one, how many resigned
Allison Jaslow
Molly Ritner
Nick Pancrazio
Jared Smith
Melissa Miller
Van Ornelas
Kinky Katie Hill
Al Smalley Franken
His old personal attorney Cohen is in jail
Old is the operative word. Cohen tried to roll over on Trump and only convicted himself.
John you have a lot more hate than facts.
Come on over to the Right.
Learn to love the Light.
Look it up
Under Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr and Clinton there were the Following POLITICIANS CONVITED OF CRIMES.
Why did I cut it off here? Because at the end of the Clinton era the war began. The war on each other in DC.
Under BUSH
Under OBAMA.
The others were not politicians.
In short, you can clearly see when the MSM climbed in bed with the Democrats and began giving each other head. That would be after Clinton was Impeach and the left lost their minds even though he was in fact brought up on Charges in a bipartisan vote in the house.
So whatever you’re peddling JUDAS BEN JOHN its falling on deaf ears because we want the swamp cleaned up too.
It’s actually sad how many democrats Trump put in positions around him only to have them turn on him and throw him under the bus. Trump’s presidency is very sad for America. Not because Trump is over his head but he’s existence in this universe shows how despicable the swamp really is in DC.
Teach taxes are low and deficits are at all time record highs
Is that really what you want ?
Is that fiscal conservatism ?
We are aware your ignorance has no bounds, but the fact is that the Dems own this problem. Trumps tax cuts have resulted in lifting us out of the Obama depression, but nothing can stop the Dems and RINOS from spending money on crap. Why don’t you use your amazing efforts in writing to attack the liberal/communist.
Deficits are mostly the result of IdiotCare, and that’s your baby.
But, tell us, if you’re so hot to balance the budget, which entitlements do you want stopped?
“Is that fiscal conservatism ?”
No, it’s not. Call your representative and tell him or her to cut spending.
It’s a good start. Now Congress needs to get off its collective massive ass and CUT. SPENDING.
They can start by whittling away all those programs, grants, subsidies etc. where people go “Oh, that’s such a small amount…why should we cut funding for the study of why transsexual lesbians can’t find find meaningful relationships, when we have bigger budget items to look at?”.
The problem is that those bigger budget items never get looked at. And don’t forget that grocery stores manage on a profit margin of 1 – 2%. If you start cutting the low-hanging, low-cost fruit, it WILL add up. The excuse is unjustifiable.
With the best economy evah! we can’t balance our budget? In fact, we’re accruing $1 trillion a year more debt for as far as a Republican can see. When will the massive tax cuts start paying for themselves? 2030?
And Trump and the GOP will certainly try to engineer another tax cut before the election to help his chances, and push added spending (more fiscal stimulus) to buy votes. As an aside, remember when fiscal stimulus during a recession was a bad thing, but during the best economy evah! fiscal stimulus is great!
So what do you want to cut? Defense is almost two-thirds of our discretionary budget. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid? Unemployment insurance? Interest payments? We already pay some 10% of our budget on interest – and it goes up the more debt we add.
If we cut 10% across the board (10% lower SS payments, 10% lower Medicare coverage etc) we’d shave $400 billion off leaving only a $600 billion deficit this year. In fact, we’d need about a 25% cut across the board to balance the annual budget. If your average SS benefit is $1461/mo, it would drop to $1096/mo. Is that OK?
Anyway, why is Trump (The King of Debt) running such massive deficits?
Because the Demos won’t let him cut the budget where it counts – entitlements.
And the King of Debt was Zippy, but that was OK, right?
With the best economy evah! we can’t balance our budget? In fact, we’re accruing $1 trillion a year more debt for as far as a Republican can see. When will the massive tax cuts start paying for themselves? 2030?
With Commies running the House, to ask the question is to answer it.
But I take it your sudden interest in a balanced budget is because impeachment is sinking by the bow and the Demos have no way out.
Just let it run through the holidays and don’t bring it up when everybody comes back from Christmas vaca? The crazies would stay home
Hold the vote and watch it fail? Same thing.
Pass the Articles and send it on to the Senate for trial? Read how Adolf turned the tables on the Bavarian state because Trump will do the same thing. Put the Democrat party on trial and call all of the crime families – the Ozarks, the Os, Lurch, Pelosi Galore, the Gropin’s – along with all their consiglieri.
Have Pelosi Galore suddenly call a stop because this should be decided by the people? Again, watch the crazies stay home.
And Trump and the GOP will certainly try to engineer another tax cut before the election to help his chances, and push added spending (more fiscal stimulus) to buy votes. As an aside, remember when fiscal stimulus during a recession was a bad thing, but during the best economy evah! fiscal stimulus is great!
Kinda hard with the Demos running the House. And Zippy’s stimulus was a big fat flop.
So what do you want to cut? Defense is almost two-thirds of our discretionary budget. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid? Unemployment insurance? Interest payments? We already pay some 10% of our budget on interest – and it goes up the more debt we add.
If we cut 10% across the board (10% lower SS payments, 10% lower Medicare coverage etc) we’d shave $400 billion off leaving only a $600 billion deficit this year. In fact, we’d need about a 25% cut across the board to balance the annual budget. If your average SS benefit is $1461/mo, it would drop to $1096/mo. Is that OK?
How’s ’bout we get rid of welfare and privatize Social Security?
You want the budget balanced, there’s your answer.
If we cut 10% across the board (10% lower SS payments, 10% lower Medicare coverage etc) we’d shave $400 billion off leaving only a $600 billion deficit this year. In fact, we’d need about a 25% cut across the board to balance the annual budget. If your average SS benefit is $1461/mo, it would drop to $1096/mo. Is that OK?
If we get rid of welfare all together and make Social Security a private fund that has to make a profit, that would be better.
@ Formwiz, “And Zippy’s stimulus was a big fat flop”.
Not in the least. All that money went somewhere. That’s what it was intended to do. Just because it didn’t do what Obama said publicly it would do doesn’t mean it failed. There is a reason the Obamas are getting a $65 million book deal for a book that will never earn anywhere near that in revenues and a $50 million deal from Netflix to do “nearly nothing”.
It was supposed to get the economy moving and it didn’t. At least, that’s what the Mocha Messiah said.
Its real purpose was to pay off all the ward heelers who made sure their district had 140% turnout.
It’s only real purpose was to put money into the pockets of connected friends. Looting the treasury was always the core principle of the Obama administration.
Economists knew that the Great Recession left a gaping $3 trillion hole in the economy. Government stimulus (added Medicaid, unemployment payments, infrastructure, tax cuts directed at working classes) helped but was inadequate to fill the gap (thanks to the GOP).
The economy has been adding jobs since, and the Dow has quadrupled. From the end of the Great Recession President Obama added 16 million jobs. The 2011 Budget Control Act actually hurt job growth by triggering the “sequestration”.
The average monthly gain under Trump so far is 188,000 — compared with an average monthly gain of 217,000 during Obama’s second term.
Got any stock tips?
Now tell us again how the economy works?
Here’s a clue for our resident economic genius.
Lolgf little sissybitch
Economists knew that the Great Recession left a gaping $3 trillion hole in the economy. Government stimulus (added Medicaid, unemployment payments, infrastructure, tax cuts directed at working classes) helped but was inadequate to fill the gap (thanks to the GOP).
Government stimulus did nothing. The economy was stuck until Zippy left
Massive report of a quarter million new jobs, a fifth manufacturing and U.S. total tax rate lowest among a grouping of major economies.
So, clearly, you’re wrong yet again.
The economy has been adding jobs since, and the Dow has quadrupled. From the end of the Great Recession President Obama added 16 million jobs. The 2011 Budget Control Act actually hurt job growth by triggering the “sequestrationâ€.
Link? Because the Depression didn’t end until 2017 and 16 million jobs in, what?, 6 years are a joke compared to a quarter million.
The average monthly gain under Trump so far is 188,000 — compared with an average monthly gain of 217,000 during Obama’s second term.
Sure, it is. Then what about those 88 million people still out of work when the Mocha Messiah left the LGBTQ House?
You lie like a trump. Even your ‘and’ and ‘the’ are lies.
No, but that’s all he’s got anymore.