Joe Biden’s press office and the Dem supporting media have their job cut out in spinning this. Of course, they can all just not carry the story, but, too many can see it on social media
Biden Calls Voter ‘a Damn Liar,’ ‘Fat’ After a Question About Hunter Biden
On Thursday, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports played a clip of 2020 Democrat presidential hopeful former Vice President Joe Biden being questioned by a voter in Iowa about his son Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian business.
At a New Hampton, Iowa, town hall, a voter asked, “We all know Trump has been messing around in Ukraine over there holding there foreign aid for them to come up saying they are going to investigate you. We all know about that … But you, on the other hand, sent your son over there to get a job and work for a gas company that he had no experience with gas or nothing in order to get access for the president. So you are selling access to the president just like he was.â€
Biden said, “You’re a damn liar, man. That’s not true. And no one has ever said that.â€
The voter added, “I see it on the TV.â€
Biden said, “You see it on the TV. No, I know you do. And by the way, I’m not sedentary. I get up … Let him go. Let him go. Look, the reason I’m running is because I’ve been around a long time, and I know more than most people know, and I can get things done. That’s why I’m running. You want to check my shape on let’s do push-ups together, let’s run, let’s do whatever you want to do number one. Number two no one has said my son did anything wrong, and I did not on any occasion—â€
The voter said, “I didn’t say you were doing anything wrong.â€
Biden said, “You said I set my son up to work at an oil company. Isn’t that want you said? Get your words straight jack.â€
The voter said, “That’s what I hear on MSNBC.â€
Biden said, “You don’t hear that on MSNBC.â€
The voter said, “The hell I do.â€
Biden said, “Look, I’m not going to get in an argument with you.â€
The voter said, “I don’t want to either.â€
Biden said, “Well yeah you do but look, fat, here’s the deal—â€
The voter added, “It looks like you don’t have anymore backbone than Trump does.â€
The voter had introduced himself as a Democratic Party and Elizabeth Warren voter and was concerned about Joe’s age. Joe has a long history of making gaffes by speaking the random thoughts in his head that should have been stopped by the mental filter. His press office is trying to say that Joe said “facts”, not “fat”, but, listen to it yourself. Sure sounds like “fat.”
It will be great when the media is forced to ask the tough questions as to what was Joe’s role in Hunter getting that job with Burisma, and with forcing Ukraine to fire the prosecutor looking into Burisma’s shaky business dealings. Why Joe threatened to withhold aid if they didn’t.
Watch Joe Biden’s tense exchange with a voter in Iowa who accuses him of selling access to the White House with his son in Ukraine and being too old for the presidency— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) December 5, 2019

I’m more concerned how Joe’s son was given a seat on AMTRAK, a United States Government Corporation/Agency and his only qualification was “he rides trains”. He’s not getting THAT taxpayer funded gig without his father’s direct help & direct influence.
Does anyone know exactly how many seats on boards of directors this idiot Hunter is on? BTW, Hunter’s a leftist fag name. May as well be Biff or Chip or the new popular Caleb. I can’t find a believable estimate of his net worth as my source states $3 million which is less than mine so I know it’s bull shit. Especially since he’s paying his ex wife $37,000 per month. but the nefarious dealings of late are part of a career pattern:
“Paradigm Global Advisors: In 2006, Hunter Biden and his uncle James Biden (Joe’s younger brother), purchased a hedge fund called Paradigm Global Advisors. To buy the firm, they paid with an $8.1 million promissory note. Over their five year tenure at the firm, Hunter and James were not particularly successful investors. They reportedly lost money in frauds and Ponzi schemes on more than one occasion. During his time with the fund, Hunter drew an annual salary of $1.2 million. Hunter and James unwound the fund in 2010 and never paid off the $8.1 million promissory note.”
I have yet to meet an honest politician but the left brings graft, corruption and out-and-out theft to a new standard.
Trump 2020 Keep the commies out of the White House
Why don’t you feel stupid posting such disingenuous tripe? Any shame or intellectual honesty left?
When Trump insults 20 people every day before he even finishes his morning dump?
And the guy was a Gee Oh Pee plant anyway- sorry you’re disappointed ole Joe didn’t take the bait
Enjoy the ride down
Can’t wait to see Quid Pro Joe testifying under oath.
After three years of pussy Democrat Communist losers bitching and accusing Trump of everything under the sun because they lost an election you ask about someone’s “intellectual honesty”? Is it intellectually honest to state even before a peron takes office you plan to impeach him? Is it intellectually honest to investigate the same guy for two years, come up with a big fat zero then switch gears and start an impeachment over a phony phone call?
Trump may insult 20 people daily but the Democrat Communist Party insults millions by siding with the enemies of our Republic and tearing apart the Constitution on a daily basis. It’s not your TrumpHitler who wants to confiscate our guns, regulate our speech, dictate our cars, energy, and even straws. It’s those “intellectually honest” leftists who won’t allow anyone else to speak at a college, eat at a restaurant without being harassed or play a softball game without being shot.
The civil war is coming and hell will follow it. You leftists are gonna wish you never peed in America.
Trump Kult members such as Kye are becoming increasingly violent, threatening to harm Americans with whom they have ideological differences.
Congress is following a Constitutional procedure and you want to kill fellow Americans?
Do you think the US Gov’t and our military will side with you and yours when you start a civil war?
Trump Kult members such as Kye are becoming increasingly violent, threatening to harm Americans with whom they have ideological differences.
They are?
Most of the violence is coming from the Left.
As always.
Congress is following a Constitutional procedure and you want to kill fellow Americans?
Not really. They’re trying to overturn a lawful election with invalid evidence.
Do you think the US Gov’t and our military will side with you and yours when you start a civil war?
Where do the men and women of the military come from?
Not Hyannisport and not Bed-Stuy.
Fredo, I think the US military will “side” with their Commander in Chief, the President of the US, Donald J. Trump. They follow orders. Now you separated “the US Gov’t” from the military which is very telling. The military will go after the Deep State operatives like loyal troops are apt to do.
And me and mine aren’t starting any civil war, you and your’s are engaged in a coup and if you fools push too far, like trying to remove Trump you will find out we are not willing to allow you to overthrow our government.
Trump 2020 Stop the coup by traitors!
You think that our military will defend Donald Trump if he is ousted from the White House by a legitimate Constitutional process? You further suggest our military would form a junta with Trump and “go after” government officials.
What you’re describing is the wet-dream of an authoritarian banana republic, which is what the far-right has wanted for a long time anyway.
Let’s imagine that Trump survives impeachment/removal, doesn’t resign and does run in 2020. If Biden or Buttigieg or whomever win by a slim electoral college margin do you still plan to start your killing spree? Could Trump order the military to keep him in the White House? Would they obey his orders?
Or imagine if the DOJ OLC didn’t have a policy to not indict a sitting President. What if the DOJ had indicted Trump for obstruction or bribery (Stormy Daniels) and convicted him? Would you expect our military to obey Trump’s command to kill FBI agents trying to arrest him? Can our commander in chief order the military to defend him against our legal system?
Why are you so angry and hate-filled?
Old Joe who likes to have little kids tickle his leg hair and jump in his lap,called this old man FAT.
FAT SHAMING an 86 year old?
Is that you Elwood? I noticed you were gone for several days and now a new name pops up and the problem with you is you have the same old tired talking points.
Welcome back Elwood, Keywords for you. Intellectual, insults, enjoy the ride down, obsessed with trumps bottom half of his body.
Yep ole Jeffery, Elwood is back in a new form with the same insults. Notice how the article is about Joe Biden and it immediately is turned to Trump. Yep Elwoods back.
What on Allah’s green Earth are you going on about?
Your an Atheist. A bad one it appears since Allah is God by a different name.
I suppose it’s just all you TDS anti-trumpers all talk alike with the same talking points. Now we know who you are though. I find it interesting that this person would immediately jump in and start trashing on KYE out of the blue. He reminded me of you. Hell, he reminded me of all lefties these days.
I’m not an atheist.
It’s not enough for Kye to label others unAmerican, now he’s threatening violence against those with whom he has disagreements.
Why so angry, why so hateful?
So that explains it. The Reaganite Republican used to be a decent website. It was back in the day when he was 100 percent all-in on the wars in the Middle East. Then Obama came along and he was anti-Obama and then Trump was nominated and he went off the rails anti-Trumper.
Just like the Drudge Report is now an ANTI-TRUMP news feed this drivel of a website is now attempting to be a Drudge Report.
News Flash there are several taking over for Druge and his views are down 17 million a month. Dan Bongino is putting together a conservative newsfeed with all things Pro-Trump. It is due very, very soon according to him so be on the lookout.
I actually used to visit the Reaganite Republican back in the day when he was all in on murdering Muslims across the middle east. Sorry, we left you behind, Bud. We don’t like killing Muslims anymore. Just the really bad ones. We don’t support the MIC anymore. That would be the Democrats and Elwood and the establishment Democrats.
This guy lost his mind and no longer has any idea what he believes in other than he believes Orange Man Bad. TDS at its finest. That is James Yanke linking his name to the Reaganite INDEPENDENT. HAHAHAHA. I bet he voted for HRC too.
Hey, James, have you heard from Donkelphant? He quit like the day after Obama was elected after 8 years of absolutely trashing Bush. Sorta reminds me of you so I figured you would know each other.
“You think that our military will defend Donald Trump if he is ousted from the White House by a legitimate Constitutional process? You further suggest our military would form a junta with Trump and “go after†government officials.”
First of all I think our military will obey the orders of the CiC, don’t you? Secondly, you gave your treason away by using the term “ousted by a legitimate Constitutional process”. There is nothing “legitimate” about planning the illegal removal of a lawful President the day he’s elected. That’s called a coup and you are a traitor. Legitimate Constitutional processes aren’t held in secret, run by one party and threatens the legislators and witnesses if they reveal the proceedings. That’s a junta. A coup. Treason. Sedition.
And I do further suggest the military will go after government officials, civilians and anyone else if they are in Rebellion just as they did the last time you Democrat slavers rebelled and formed the CSA. If you challenge the legitimacy of this lawfully elected President and try to nullify an election you leave the Patriots and the military no alternative than to PUT DOWN YOUR REBELLION just as they did in 1865.
Trump 2020 Save our Glorious Union from the Treasonous Coup!
If a US President is removed from office by legal means, do you really think the men and women of the US military would obey his orders to defend him by killing US citizens? The moment convicted in the Senate he would no longer be commander in chief. Would the military be so loyal as to obey him anyway? That’s a junta.
And the men and women of the US military will attack government officials and civilians on Donald Trump’s order that they are traitors? Soldiers do not have to obey unlawful acts do they? Attacking government officials and civilians without due process would be unlawful. That’s a junta.
Typing “ousted by a legitimate Constitutional process†identifies one as a traitor? Do you not consider impeachment a legitimate Constitutional process?
It sounds as if you believe the commander in chief should use the power of the military against his political enemies even BEFORE he could be convicted in the Senate. And you call others traitors.
Article 1, Section 2, [5]: The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Article 1, Section 3, [6]: The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.
[7]: Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
Article 2, Section 4.: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Why did the authors of our Constitution provide for it?
You think that our military will defend Donald Trump if he is ousted from the White House by a legitimate Constitutional process? You further suggest our military would form a junta with Trump and “go after†government officials.
Trump is standing by the guys who count, the ones on the front lines, so don’t take any bets otherwise. And Kye said they would stand by the CIC, something a person of your vast military background doesn’t seem to grasp.
So you lie again and, if he is ousted from the White House, it won’t be by a legitimate Constitutional process, but a kangaroo court.
That isn’t happening, thanks to Cocaine Mitch. This will go to trial and he will crucify the entire Democrat party.
What you’re describing is the wet-dream of an authoritarian banana republic, which is what the far-right has wanted for a long time anyway.
Actually, it’s what the Left is trying to create, but you keep rattling on with your wet dreams and sex tools.
It seems to be the only sex you get.
Let’s imagine that Trump survives impeachment/removal, doesn’t resign and does run in 2020. If Biden or Buttigieg or whomever win by a slim electoral college margin do you still plan to start your killing spree? Could Trump order the military to keep him in the White House? Would they obey his orders?
Let’s imagine? Shirley, you jest. The Demos are trying to find a way out of this mess and the whole farce has been nothing but good for Trump. He’s 5 points higher than where Zippy was and the money is just rolling in.
As for Gropin’ Joe winning, even Democrats want somebody else and, if Black America has anything to say about it, it ain’t gonna be Buttpeg, so nobody’s going on a killing spree unless it’s on the Left and you won’t have to worry what the military will do.
Ever see Battleship Potemkin?
Or imagine if the DOJ OLC didn’t have a policy to not indict a sitting President. What if the DOJ had indicted Trump for obstruction or bribery (Stormy Daniels) and convicted him? Would you expect our military to obey Trump’s command to kill FBI agents trying to arrest him? Can our commander in chief order the military to defend him against our legal system?
If Justice wants to indict him, they’ll find a way. Problem is, there’s no there there and all the little Deep Staters would be shown the door if they tried.
And, since you’re the one who keeps claiming our side is the violent one, who was it said Trump would order the Army to kill the FBI.
BTW, genius, it would be US Marshals.
And for defending him, when the legal system actually does something, let us know.
Why are you so angry and hate-filled?
We’re not, you are. It must be Hell to have no life except for violent fantasies.
I’m not an atheist.
Another lie. You’ve said so any number of times.
It’s not enough for Kye to label others unAmerican, now he’s threatening violence against those with whom he has disagreements.
No, that’s you.
Why so angry, why so hateful?
Because you’re a loser?
No. I’ve said many times there is no evidence to support the existence of gods.
I could be wrong. All it takes is evidence.
No, you’ve mocked the whole idea of God. And there’s plenty of evidence.
We are, after all, here.
As usual you confuse theology with law. It takes evidence to prove a President committed a crime whereas it takes faith to believe in God.
It’s easy to refuse the beauty of God when all you have is hate.
BTW, with 24/7 Non-stop Hate propaganda From All The Television Outlets, Newspapers, Hollywood, Television Show, Late Night Comedians, Indoctrination By Teachers And Professors, Violence and Threats Of Violence From Hooded Leftist Anarcho-Communists, Intimidation By FBI, CIA And Deep State Operatives, Non-stop Media Hyped Impeachment Hearings With Fake Charges, He Still Gets 52 Percent.
Imagine If They Just Reported The Facts?
(90 Miles From Tyranny)
Trump 2020 Have faith in America.
As I said, I may be wrong about the supernatural. I don’t consider our existence as evidence, not do I consider natural beauty any more persuasive than natural ugliness. But you may be right and I may be wrong. Fair enough?
I try to always be open to changing my mind based on evidence, but surely fall short.
Trump does receive much criticism from around the entire world, much of it deserved, in my opinion.
Regarding Trump’s popularity, national polls taken in December (11 polls including 2 Rasmussen) have Trump’s approval at 41% (range 38-45%). Trump is more unpopular than each of the last 12 Presidents (except Carter, 38%) at this point in their terms.
No, not really. You may as well ask the question where did the universe come from?
Eventually, there is an uncaused cause that defies scientific explanation, but I do love the sight of you trying to weasel out of Commie rejection of God.
I try to always be open to changing my mind based on evidence, but surely fall short.
If you fell any shorter, there’s be toe marks inside your shoes.
Trump does receive much criticism from around the entire world, much of it deserved, in my opinion.
You’ve been wrong about everything else, so this is no surprise.
Regarding Trump’s popularity, national polls taken in December (11 polls including 2 Rasmussen) have Trump’s approval at 41% (range 38-45%). Trump is more unpopular than each of the last 12 Presidents (except Carter, 38%) at this point in their terms.
Polls are pretty unanimous in saying Trump is a good 5 points above Zippy at the same time in his Administration.
formwiz typed: Polls are pretty unanimous in saying Trump is a good 5 points above Zippy at the same time in his Administration.
Not sure what a zippy is, but according to the polls, since Truman’s terms, Trump is below each one except Carter at this point.
Can you cite a few of the polls you’re referring to?
Baghdadi Bunny is playing his little what if games of impeachment because he has no other cards.
The fact that there’s no viable way out for the Demos makes their electoral chances nil. Gropin’ Joe’s dementia, which I think has always been there, is becoming worse by the day, Fauxcahontas is becoming increasingly disliked, and Buttpeg will lose the Demos the black vote.
So he has to fantasize there’s some way Trump will be removed from office and all his ignorant, paranoid delusions about the military staging some kind of coup are clumsy attempts to bait people.
It’s all over for him.
Trump, Obama Approval Ratings Are Exact Same 922 Days Into Respective Presidencies
By Benjamin Fearnow On 8/7/19 at 1:08 PM EDT NEWSWEEK.
Anyone Notice That Trump Is Now Tied With ‘Popular’ Obama On Job Approval? Investors business daily.
Gallup Poll: Trump Approval Higher Than Obama’s At Same Point in Presidency
By Matt Margolis May 6, 2019
Friday, December 06, 2019
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove.
There are many polls showing Trump is slightly ahead of Obama at the same day in his presidency. With your impeachment fiasco its only gonna get worse for the Democrats.
If 48% of the Rasmussen poll takers do not approve of Trumps 266,000 new jobs then they are too stupid to vote. The economy speaks to Trump’s job performance all else is propaganda. Even the traitorous coup cannot stop him.
Actually, over 50% of Americans disapprove of Trump’s job performance. That doesn’t mean, as you claim, that they’re too stupid to vote, but that they base their opinion on more than the jobs report. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama had outstanding job reports but I suspect you disapproved of them both.
Remember those days when conservatives claimed that Presidents (i.e., Clinton) didn’t impact the economy and jobs? Good times.
It’s clear you consider anyone who disapproves of Trump as a traitor and unAmerican and stupid.
They do?
Funny how we’ve seen a bunch of them with The Donald doing about 5 points better than Zippy at this point.
And Willie and Zippy were a couple of crooks.
Remember those days when conservatives claimed that Presidents (i.e., Clinton) didn’t impact the economy and jobs? Good times.
If you mean coasted off the Reagan economy.
It’s clear you consider anyone who disapproves of Trump as a traitor and unAmerican and stupid.
If the hammer and sickle fit…
And it’s a common thread with conservatives that Americans who disagree with them are “too stupid to vote”.
Do you support a “voting test” for Americans?
Actually, it’s a Lefty meme, so I guess they want the voting test.
Thanks. Here’s a compilation of many polls that disagree.
Many Repubs and conservatives are claiming that Trump’s impeachment will be bad for the Dems. We’ll see. The only defense offered by the GOP is that the Dems are angry over the 2016 election so it’s all a hoax. Right now, Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, is self-exiled in Ukraine still working for Russia’s Putin, meeting with ex-KGB and Ukrainian officials (nothing to see here folks). It’s now reported that Russia has been monitoring the unsecured telephone calls between Trump and Giuliani and may be using the information for leverage. Devin Nunes has had calls with Lev Parnas and Giuliani on unsecured devices. So far, 26 Republican House members have decided to retire rather than run in 2020.
Donald J. Trump is very likely to be only the third US President to be impeached, following Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. It’s not certain how long the GOP will continue hang with the President.
538? Surely you jest.
And the kangaroo court is already having an impact on the Left.
Negatively, of course.
CNN is doing miserably with its all impeachment all the time format and an increasing number of Democrats are coming out against impeachment.
It’s now reported that Russia has been monitoring the unsecured telephone calls between Trump and Giuliani and may be using the information for leverage. Devin Nunes has had calls with Lev Parnas and Giuliani on unsecured devices.
Wow, that’s worse than mass murder. If the “reports” are fourth hand hearsay.
So far, 26 Republican House members have decided to retire rather than run in 2020.
Good, get rid of the Whigs now. How many Demos of the Class of ’18 are underwater?
Got a poll for that?
Donald J. Trump is very likely to be only the third US President to be impeached, following Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton.
He is? Jim Clyburn doesn’t sound like it.
It’s not certain how long the GOP will continue hang with the President.
Yes, it is. 2025 and not a second sooner.
Don Surber? Surely you jest.
He’s been right more often than anyone else.
And, pray tell, what about Jim Clymer’s remarks?
Not sure what a zippy is, but according to the polls, since Truman’s terms, Trump is below each one except Carter at this point.
Oh, you know who Zippy is. The little chimp that couldn’t.
And Bucketmouth lost, but Bucketmouth loused up the economy and screwed up our foreign policy, so I’d need a link to any poll that had Bucketmouth above water in December ’79.
Can you cite a few of the polls you’re referring to?
Ras, Emerson, Marist. But you knew that already.
We’ll accept that as no you can’t cite any relevant polls.
Little chimp that couldn’t? Not following your slang, sorry.
Where we’re from, ‘bucketmouth’ is a largemouth bass. Do you not know English?
And we don’t give a shit what you think you “need”. We supplied the citation that shows presidential approval in Dec 1979. Use your arithmetic.
The fact that I did says you don’t want to hear any bad news.
And, if you actually read Ned Silver’s link, you’d see 3 YouGov polls and one Morning Consult, none noted for their objectivity or accuracy. RAS OTOH is valued even by the Lefties because it’s the only constant and accurate day-to-day reading. Or don’t you give any meconium about that, either?
You can keep your effluvia (I hear it’s a thing with your preference), but your “evidence” shows Bucketmouth 10 points below Trump.
Jerk, so you might want to keep your smart mouth to yourself until you learn to read a graphic.