The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has a big new blockbuster we’re totally doomed “study” out just in time for the latest UN IPCC working vacation in Madrid, and, of course, the compliant media is running the stories without question
Climate change: Oceans running out of oxygen as temperatures rise
Climate change and nutrient pollution are driving the oxygen from our oceans, and threatening many species of fish.
That’s the conclusion of the biggest study of its kind, undertaken by conservation group IUCN.
While nutrient run-off has been known for decades, researchers say that climate change is making the lack of oxygen worse.
Around 700 ocean sites are now suffering from low oxygen, compared with 45 in the 1960s.
Researchers say the depletion is threatening species including tuna, marlin and sharks.
Wait, did they say nutrients?
The threat to oceans from nutrient run-off of chemicals such as nitrogen and phosphorus from farms and industry has long been known to impact the levels of oxygen in the sea waters and still remains the primary factor, especially closer to coasts.
Hence why so many of these sites are near shore. But, hey, this is still your fault for getting that giant flatscreen TV and binge watching shows
However, in recent years the threat from climate change has increased.
As more carbon dioxide is released enhancing the greenhouse effect, much of the heat is absorbed by the oceans. In turn, this warmer water can hold less oxygen. The scientists estimate that between 1960 and 2010, the amount of the gas dissolved in the oceans declined by 2%.
That may not seem like much as it is a global average, but in some tropical locations the loss can range up to 40%.
One has to wonder how sea life survived prior to the Industrial Revolution and the fossil fueled vehicle, you know, when seas were much higher and the oceans much, much warmer. And how they survived in the tropics where the water temperature has always been warmer.
The sad part is that this (highly activist) report actually has some good points about pollution from land pollution runoff, including nitrogen from fossil fueled vehicles, plastic pollution, farm runoff, and other pollution, things that are an actual issue, but, spends the balance of time focusing on Hotcoldwetdry.
But, hey, the Cult of Climastrology needs its apocalyptic talk to stay relevant.

TEACH, based on your headline, do you think the scientists are lying or faking the oxygen data?
Realize too that animals (including protozoans, sponges, jellyfish, clams, octopi, lobsters, sharks, tuna and whales) need oxygen to survive.
Based on modern climate model projections, if countries follow through with current and pledged climate policies, the world is on track for about 3C of warming above pre-industrial temperatures by 2100…
It’s obvious that we’re not going to make changes to slow warming, so the world needs to be preparing for 3C of heating by 2100. It means over 6 feet of sea level rise, so goodbye Shanghai and Miami.
Our great-grandchildren will thank us.
TEACH wondered: how sea life survived prior to the Industrial Revolution and the fossil fueled vehicle, you know, when seas were much higher and the oceans much, much warmer.
Sea life survived as it always has, by adaptation, migration, evolution, depopulation. Of course, that happened before there were billions of humans lining our seashores and living in other marginal areas (e.g., tropics). Now, billions of humans will be forced to migrate and adapt as our ancestors did.
Our species will survive! But with significant adjustments.
TEACH, based on your headline, do you think the scientists are lying or faking the oxygen data?
The two are not mutually exclusive.
Realize too that animals (including protozoans, sponges, jellyfish, clams, octopi, lobsters, sharks, tuna and whales) need oxygen to survive.
Really? How ’bout that! Thank you, Captain Obvious.
It’s obvious that we’re not going to make changes to slow warming, so the world needs to be preparing for 3C of heating by 2100. It means over 6 feet of sea level rise, so goodbye Shanghai and Miami.
Our great-grandchildren will thank us.
So now we only have 81 years to fix global idiocy. Good to know.
Sea life survived as it always has, by adaptation, migration, evolution, depopulation. Of course, that happened before there were billions of humans lining our seashores and living in other marginal areas (e.g., tropics). Now, billions of humans will be forced to migrate and adapt as our ancestors did.
ICYMI it’s happened after there were billions of humans lining our seashores and living in other marginal areas, too.
Or is evolution something else of which you are ignorant?
It’s comforting in a sense that you still have nothing relevant or interesting to type.
All you have is hate. Why are you always so angry?
It was interesting enough you felt the need to reply with one of your less imaginative tropes.
And, clearly, I’m not angry. You’re the one who doesn’t seem to get evolution and dislikes having your ignorance called out.
But you DO a good job of italicizing quotes! Kudos.
I read no hate or anger in anything formwiz wrote in that comment just a shit load of sarcasm. Must have gone over your head, Fredo.
We always welcome your input, Dildo, regardless of how off-point it is!
Have a nice day!
Elwood has to name call because facts and reasoning do not support his ‘argument’.
Is it only OK for right-wingers call people names? If you check you’ll see that I only call names in response to being called a name.
“Climate models .
Tony Wuwt? Are you kidding?
By all means, how dare you bring in something refutes Baghdadi Bunny’s lies?
“Tony Wuwt†didn’t write the article, genius. But nice try…
Please don’t call me a genius, it’s embarrassing!
Anyway, David Middleton wrote the opinion piece on Tony Wuwt’s platform. Middleton is no more informed than Tony the TV Weather Guy.
It’s just more distraction from the right. The Earth is warming just as predicted.
You stated formwiz’s comment was full of hate and anger. I commented I failed to see any and you say I’m “off point”? How much more to the point could I have been?
It’s Pearl Harbor Day so I guess a little gratefulness is in order. You have a good day too.
Elwood is apparently a Leftist. The truth all supports the Right, so all the Lefties have is lies and hate.
Nicely put.
That’s just silly. Unfortunately for America, most of the right wing’s most treasured beliefs (tax cuts cut the debt, global warming is a hoax, Social Security is bankrupting America, China is paying the tariffs, US healthcare is the best, etc) are false. And Trump lies daily, e.g., remember when he told Americans “that the “sinister ideologies†of “racism, bigotry and white supremacy†have no place here”. He doesn’t believe that. His followers don’t believe that.
Got any stock tips, genius?
Lolgfy little sissybitch
If they’re all false (and the one about tax cuts is a misrepresentation), then why are we doing so well.
Our healthcare is better than the rest of the world.
Tax cuts do not cut the debt, they stimulate the economy. Spending cuts cut the debt.
Social Security and the rest of entitlements are bankrupting the country.
Red China’s economy is tanking because they are paying the tariffs.
And we all know global fantasy is just that.
And, if you think Lefties aren’t racists, watch what happens, listen to the name-calling they use, when someone bolts the Democrat plantation.
And, if Trump is such a racist, why is the Trump economy is helping minorities, non-college grads, and blue-collar workers the most?
Blacks, Hispanics and non-college graduates are seeing the greatest gains! those wage gains now flow overwhelmingly to workers previously left behind. For example, blue-collar wage growth exceeded white-collar wage growth; non-college grads outperformed those with degrees; and black incomes surpassed those of whites.
As Donald Trump, Jr observed, if his father is a racist, he is very bad at it.
Commenter typed: black incomes surpassed those of whites.
Even the dishonest Steve Cortes (seriously, Steve Cortes?) knows better than this.
As economists know, when the economy approaches full employment wages start to rise, especially at the lower end of the wage spectrum. Trump has yet to squelch the multi-year expansion of the economy following the Great Recession. The economic stimulus (tax cuts for the rich and massive government spending) has goosed the economy and the stock market, at the expense of the debt. We’re borrowing a trillion a year for as far as the eye can see. But as Dick Cheney famously said, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter”.
“Middleton wrote the piece on Watt’s platform.†So? It doesn’t matter where he wrote the piece, now does it? It’s the data. Another round-about way ignoring contradictory data. Again
If it was such a brilliant takedown he should submit to a scientific journal, as did the thousands of scientists whose work he was shitting on!
Oh yeah, that’s right… There’s a conspiracy against illiterate ranters on the interwebs.
We always welcome your input, Dildo, regardless of how off-point it is!
Your fascination with womens’ sex tools is interesting in that you can’t really use them. Unless you use hers to beat your wife?
Is that where you’ve been since Thanksgiving? In the hoosegow for beating your wife?
Is it only OK for right-wingers call people names? If you check you’ll see that I only call names in response to being called a name.
Of course, he lies.
He calls names as soon as somebody shows they see through him.
Or just say something factual that blows his lies to bits.
As economists know, when the economy approaches full employment wages start to rise, especially at the lower end of the wage spectrum. Trump has yet to squelch the multi-year expansion of the economy following the Great Recession. The economic stimulus (tax cuts for the rich and massive government spending) has goosed the economy and the stock market, at the expense of the debt. We’re borrowing a trillion a year for as far as the eye can see. But as Dick Cheney famously said, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matterâ€.
Cortes merely reports the figures put out by the Feds. You know, the ones that lied about how great the economy got under Zippy.
I would say deficits do matter, but you think as long as they go towards welfare, they don’t count.
Deficits were 1T or better under Zippy and 88 million people were out of work.
And just because some statistical mark, like the markets finally moving up, was passed doesn’t mean the Depression ended.
And do I really need to beat you over the head with how much good the tax cuts did the working stiff?
I will if I must, because kicking your ass is always a pleasure.
As a side note to your original raving, Red China is indeed on the brink and, according to Roto Reuters, the growth decline was attributed by economists to weakness in export-related industries, particularly the manufacturing sector.
Can you say tariffs?, Sure, you can.
“This regime knows it’s in grave peril, domestically,â€
You were saying something about the Eminent Mr Surber. He’s postulated a country can only stand Communism for about 70 years and then it all comes tumbling down.
The Commies took China in Dec ’49.
Commenter typed: 88 million people were out of work
This was a con talking point that included retirees, high school kids, college kids, stay at home moms and dads, those who chose not to work.
Using those same criteria, 88 million are out of work now.
Stumpy is adding a trillion a year to the debt to reward the wealthy.
No on both counts, but the biggie is Zippy stopped counting anybody who had been out of work for more than 6 months. That’s the lie to your Great Recession that didn’t end in ’10.
Nothing recovered until Trump was elected. They had a Recovery Summer for 5 years in a row and nobody ever came.
All those people who have been going back to work since companies started hiring again.
And that didn’t start until January 2017.
Zippy added a trillion a year to the debt to reward the party.
Take away all the pork Zippy added and how much is left?
Zippy’s the problem, not Trump.
I smell Liberal desperation in the air….
Was wondering about that stench here in the cove…
Lolgf little sissybitch
Kissing my ass may be a pleasure for you, but knock it off.
How’s that IPO going, genius?
Bwaha! Lolgfy little sissybitch
You seem obsessed with that. The more you say it, the more proves all the stories liljeffy tells.
If it was such a brilliant takedown he should submit to a scientific journal, as did the thousands of scientists whose work he was shitting on!
No, but the “scientific” journals have sold out to the global idiocy crowd. BTW if he was so illiterate, how did he write the article?
One of these days, you really need to learn the English language. And he knows he’s losing on all fronts. He’s Baghdadi Bear again.
<Oh yeah, that’s right… There’s a conspiracy against illiterate ranters on the interwebs.
That’s the great thing about the Internet. It’s open to everybody.
Conspiracy!!!! LOL.
Well, you’re the one who said it, idiot.
Well, you’re the one who believes it, idiot.
Oh yeah, that’s right… There’s a conspiracy against illiterate ranters on the interwebs.
Your exact words. You have all manner of nitwit fantasies about Conservatives.
In the end, it’s all projection.
“If it was such a brillant takedown…â€. Data is data, and it’s all right there for anyone to see. Either it can be refuted or it can’t. With all the mental gymnastics going on about where it’s published, who published it, who wrote it etc., there seems to be a slight problem with refuting it. Surprise
Who you gonna believe? Experts who publish their work in scientific journals or some climate change denying blogger?
You mean like the “experts” at Black Rock who maligned a US President on the concept of Fake But Real?
Just because somebody gets published in a journal doesn’t make him right.
The people who called Copernicus a crackpot were also published experts.