…is horrible heat snow from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is DC Clothesline, with a post on village idiot AOC not understanding that 25,000 is greater than 1,500
It’s flannel week!

…is horrible heat snow from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is DC Clothesline, with a post on village idiot AOC not understanding that 25,000 is greater than 1,500
It’s flannel week!
The right-wing couldn’t help but notice that Representatives Schiff and Nadler are Jewish.
Recently, Pastor Rick Wiles labeled the procedures as the “Jew Coup” during a segment on his show titled “Jew Coup: Seditious Jews Orchestrating Trump Impeachment Lynching.†Wiles claims Jews are orchestrating the mass shootings in America and are planning a mass gun confiscation so they can kill Christians. He also is predicting a civil war this year and questions if our military will support the President. Wiles has suggested that Trump supporters will hunt down Democrats.
Trump gave Wiles’ outlet, TruNews, White House Press credentials. Lovely.
He sounds as loony as the whimpering little sissybitch.
Trump gave Wiles’ outlet, TruNews, White House Press credentials. Lovely.
He also gave credentials to CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, WaPo, LATimes, NYT among others.
What’s your point. They are all lying to the American public but only you believe them because they say nice things about your side.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL……Elwood, you’re a priceless work of Establishment HRC ART. How many signed pictures of her do you have in your den? Is there one of Bill Clinton there too and Donna Brazille laughing about how HRC took over the DNC to WIN the nomination against the Communist Bernie? It seems the left is more obsessed with conspiracies and Russians than is the right.
See Russia Gate, Ukraine Gate, and Area 51 not to mention I heard they are going to put a flat earth plank in this coming presidential election.
The right-wing couldn’t help but notice that Representatives Schiff and Nadler are Jewish.
We have? All I’ve seen is Fatty and Schiff For Brains.
One jerk hardly speaks for everyone. Although in your case, it does seem to be true.
Wiles claims Jews are orchestrating the mass shootings in America and are planning a mass gun confiscation so they can kill Christians.
Gee, that sounds like those DC Moslem bitches you admire so much.
He also is predicting a civil war this year and questions if our military will support the President.
Gee, so are you.
Trump gave Wiles’ outlet, TruNews, White House Press credentials. Lovely.
what would be lovelier is if you could get something right.
Trump took a question from somebody in TruNews while he was in Miami. That isn’t giving them White House Press credentials.
What a giant flapping prolapse anus.
President Donald Trump’s official in charge of Medicare and Medicaid, Seema Verma, submitted a $47,000 claim for reimbursement for uninsured jewelry and clothing stolen from a rental car as she was giving a speech criticizing the ACA.
This is soooo trump! Drain the swamp? Hardly. They want to cut Medicare and Medicaid, but keep the money for themselves!
Oh my, that’s almost as bad as sending pallets of cash to Iran!
Nice try, whimpering little sissybitch.
As always, the two things are unrelated.
Trump gives an administrator of proven ability a job. It follows said administrator has shown the required ability in the past and has been compensated for it.
Not quite the same as Gropin’ Joe’s misfit son being used as a bagman for Ukrainian bribe money.
They want to cut Medicare and Medicaid, but keep the money for themselves!
And where, O where, does it say anyone in the Trump Administration has been siphoning off Medicare funds? This is something Democrats do.
All the time.
And get this: Among the roughly two dozen pieces was an Ivanka Trump brand pendant whose estimated value was $5,900!
So trump lackeys are buying trump merchandise! Let them eat cake!
Well, at least she made her own fortune.
I saw nothing about what Trump supporters are buying, so Hypocrite Hare assumes again.
When you assume you make an ass of U in front of me.
WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said he wants a nationwide review of water efficiency standards because of issues with “sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms†across the country.
“People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times as opposed to once. They end up using more water,†Trump said, continuing that the Environmental Protection Agency is “looking at” the issue at “his suggestion.”
“We have a situation where we’re looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms, where you turn the faucet on in areas where there’s tremendous amounts of water, where it rushes out to sea because you could never handle it. And you don’t get any water. You turn on the faucet and you don’t get any water.â€
Maybe Donald spends too much time tweeting from his “throne”.
Congress created the requirement for low flow plumbing to please the environuts, but never consulted the American people if the wanted it.
They don’t. Now Donald Trump is going to act on what the American people want in stead of what the Democrat crime families and petty constituencies want.
aybe Donald spends too much time tweeting from his “throneâ€.
At least he uses one, unlike you who just does it in the street.
This whiny little nancy boy whines about Trump in a forum that should be celebrating that very fine example of the Female of the species. Elwood must be Pajama Boys other Nom De Plume.
Wow, Joe. You really put me in my place. I’ll rethink my entire life now. Thanks.
Yep. He nailed it.
Even people who don’t comment here often realize a whimpering little sissybitch when they see one.
BTW how’s that IPO going?
Well, it appears you’ve spent time in the Big House for it.