…is a bridge needed to walk across an area flooded because Other People ate burgers, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on a promise Trump just kept that globalists do not like.

…is a bridge needed to walk across an area flooded because Other People ate burgers, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on a promise Trump just kept that globalists do not like.
SOMETHING you wont see in the MSM. A must watch. Remember Jimmy Dore is a progressive and despises both GOP and DNC.
You will like this.
Good on ya for sharing that.
It was reported in WaPo, CNN, FOX, Talking Points Memo, IBT, NYT, LA Times, WSJ too, so it’s untrue it’s not being covered widely.
Note that Ahwad Khawaja, one of the indicted, donated $1 million to Trump – which got him an Oval Office picture with Trump. This information was not in the Barr/tRump DOJ press release. Wonder why?
“Progressive” Jimmy Dore didn’t mention the ties to Trump, either.
A 2018 investigation by the Associated Press detailed that Khawaja, Allied Wallet and top executives contributed at least $6 million to Democratic and Republican candidates and groups.
And why would Nader, a Trump associate, arrange illegal contributions for Clinton?
Nader has acted as a liaison between Trump‘s advisers and Mohammed bin Zayed, crown prince of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, as well as Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. In August 2016, Nader met with Donald Trump Jr. to offer help to Trump‘s campaign alongside Blackwater founder Erik Prince and Israeli social media specialist Joel Zamel. In 2017, Nader visited the White House several times to meet with Steve Bannon, then serving as Trump‘s chief strategist.
Uh-Oh, I hear another “impeachable offence” rustling in distance.
In fact, in this case Trump is probably in the clear. The bad guys contributed $1 million to his inaugural fund.
No, they’re not the bad guys, but contributions to an inaugural fund are hardly the stuff of impeachment.
The bad guys are the ones you support.
You don’t think Khawaja is a bad guy? Barr/Trump indicted him for illegal donations to the Clinton campaign. Even I think he’s a bad guy.
As I’ve explained, you can donate huge sums to an Inaugural Fund, so it WOULDN’T be impeachable even if Trump knew about it.
Sober up and come back.
What’s known as thin gruel.
Being covered round the clock, non stop, day after day? Or oh by the way this and on to more important NEWS TRUMP is orange man bad.
Jimmy Dore hates Trump. He also hates the democrats for stealing the nomination from Bernie by Clinton and the DNC. he hates the Establishment DNC and MSM by trashing Bernie right now and giving him no coverage at all while they work furiously to nominate ONE OF THEIR OWN in Buttigieg or Biden and Not Warren, Sanders.
As for Ties to Trump. How come they are not screaming about a child pornographer getting his picture taken with trump? HUM????? Come on Jeffy.
Gotta love the awesome bait and switch here from Elwood. Clinton tied to……Yeah but…but….but TRUMP is really Orange man Bad. He once took his picture with a guy who knew a guy that was related to a guy. And you cant donate 1 million to Trump no matter how you try. You can only donate 2500.00.
Move the goalposts much? First you pimp Dore saying the MSM won’t cover this. Now you say they don’t cover it enough.
You can donate to the Inaugural Fund… of which 10s of millions are still not accounted for. Sheldon Adelson donated $5 million to Trump’s Inaugural Fund.
You’re confused regarding Trump go-between Nader (child porn guy), and Ahwad Khawaja, the businessman who donated $1 million to the Inaugural Fund and had his pic taken with Trump. Khawaja made his donation after the election, no doubt to curry favor with Trump. Didn’t work!
Did Clinton do anything wrong here?
No wonder little sissybitch is beside himself.
The IPO started at $12 just a month ago.
BWAHA! Lolgfy genius.
Did you even watch the entire video?
Jimmy Dore is famous. He is beloved by those of you on the left. Well except for establishment types who are still defending HRC.
I find it amazing how you will blast even people on the left who don’t say what you want them to say.
Tim Pool. You will love this guy Elwood. He wants the democrats to win and talks about how stupid the left is in trying to win house, senate and the WH.
Check this out. He is a democrat. Believes in SJW but he is more interested in the Truth. He gets so much hate from his own side, even though he is constantly talking about how much he dislikes Trump.
How much “donated” to the Ozarks are still not accounted for?
No sweat.
She will definitely float.