Apparently, high flying Michael Bloomberg missed the part where focusing on ‘climate change’ killed off the aspirations of Jay Inslee, and doesn’t really move the needle with the even Democrats. People might care about man-caused climate change in theory, but, not in practice. Most do not want to pay even $10 a month to “solve” it
Bloomberg unveils plan to combat climate change, cut emissions by 50 percent in 10 years
White House hopeful Michael Bloomberg on Friday unveiled his plan to combat climate change, setting a series of deadlines he would meet to curb emissions.
The former New York City mayor’s plan would get the country toward a 100 percent “clean-energy economy-wide future†by 2050, slash emissions by 50 percent by 2030 and ensure 80 percent clean electricity by the end of his second term in office.
“The president refuses to lead on climate change, so the rest of us must,” said Bloomberg. “I’ve been all in on this fight for more than a decade – and having helped close more than half the nation’s dirty coal plants, having cut New York City’s carbon footprint by 14 percent, having led a coalition of cities, states, and businesses committed to the Paris Agreement, I know that we can win.
Oh, good, the guy who takes lots and lots of fossil fueled trips, including on evil private jets, has worked hard to make the cost of energy more expensive for The Little People. He’s the very definition of a climahypocrite.
“We’ve proven that you can transition to clean energy and strengthen the economy at the same time,” he continued. “As president, I’ll accelerate our transition to a 100% clean energy economy.â€
Bloomberg would accomplish his plan by working to phase out emissions in the electricity sector, replacing all coal plants with clean energy no later than 2030 and setting firm dates to retire specific sites. He would also end all subsidies for fossil fuels and put in place a moratorium on all new fossil fuel leases on federal lands.
I’ve said before, I’m no fan of coal, but, you can’t replace its energy output with solar and wind. And Mike’s plan makes no mention of nuclear power plants, and he wants “to stop the rush to build new” natural gas plants. Natural gas is extremely affordable, reliable, and the facilities have small land footprints, and work, unlike solar and wind. Nor why he failed to make NYC carbon neutral. His plan does mention
Ensure corporations are held responsible for the damages they have created, and commitments made to impacted communities are honored.
Like the corporations he owns, which use vast amounts of fossil fuels to operate?
Fully embed environmental justice into how the government conducts its work – putting intense focus on federal rulemaking, enforcement, and investments on communities disproportionately impacted by the production and use of coal and gas.
So, this really isn’t about ‘climate change’, but about SJW politics. Good to know. How soon does his campaign end, with his focus on Hotcoldwetdry?

Say what? Mr Bloomberg “helped close more than half the nation’s dirty coal plants”?
Coal fired electric plants have been closing because, due to hydraulic fracturing, the United States has been able to significantly increase its natural gas production, and natural gas is now cheaper than coal. It’s cleaner burning than coal, which is good, but it’s still a fossil fuel.
Truthout, a far-left whacko site, pointed out that Mr Bloomberg is a supporter of fracking, although the quality of their journalism leads to sentences like “is an unapologetic advocate of drilling and fracking who almost certainly has large chunks of his billions invested in oil and gas.”
Emphasis mine. “Almost certainly”? That means they are guessing; they don’t know.