Democracy grief is real, and Democrats are living it. They seem rather upset that there are a whole bunch of people running for the nomination, which happens most years
Democrats Agree on One Thing: They’re Very, Very Nervous
The past three years have not been easy for the political fortunes or the emotional health of America’s Democrats. To the extent they feel optimistic about anything, they have been waiting for the 2020 election in the way inhabitants of a storm-ravaged city might look toward the end of hurricane season — as an opportunity to restore order not just to their fractured physical world, but to their battered psyches.
Why, then, even with the potential catharsis of impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump underway, do so many feel so awful?
“My big fear is that we are not coalescing around one candidate, and I don’t know in the end if there’s enough people who will come out and vote,†said Mac Macnair, a Democrat who lives in a deep-red county in rural Georgia. “Four years is as long as I can go, but eight years — we won’t even have an America left.â€
See, if Trump wins, America is gone. LOL. Perhaps they aren’t coalescing because their candidates stink? Seriously, this happens all the time. If it’s May and there’s no coalescing, then worry.
Some people are suffering from general political angst. Others have specific qualms: a concern that their favorite candidate lacks that essential quality, electability; a worry that fellow Democrats will become disillusioned if their chosen candidate fails to get the nomination and will vote for a third-party candidate, or for Trump, or for no one at all — the “Bernie or Nobody†scenario.
A sampling of interviews with Democrats in different parts of the country reveals that worry comes in many forms.
From Jobetta Hedelman-Beaver, 39, of Kennewick, Washington: “I’m anxious about Trump. I’m super-anxious about him. I blame him for my high blood pressure.â€
I don’t remember the Bush deranged folks dropping that bit of blamestorming on him.
From Katie Matlin, 40, in Northbrook, Illinois: “My husband has major anxiety around the election. We actually cannot watch news coverage in our house because any news about Donald Trump triggers his anxiety.â€
From David Kaye, 37, in Milwaukee: “During previous elections, I’d have a giant spreadsheet and follow every candidate. But it’s not fun anymore. It’s still just as important, but it triggers my anxiety, and sometimes it triggers panic attacks. I’m not following out of interest or a sense of fun, but out of a sense of not wanting our civilization to fall.â€
Fear That Good News for the President is Bad News for the Democrats
The stock market is roaring. Unemployment is at a record low. The economy added 266,000 new jobs in November. Though these things are objectively good, of course, they are less good if you are a Democrat and you don’t want the current president to get credit for anything that might help him get reelected.
In other words, what’s good for the country is bad for Democrats. I’m looking forward with glee to watch Democrats melt down even more than usual. How about you?

Teach seems to have forgotten that in our last national election the American voters overwhelmingly voted Democratic (10 million more)
As for the economy doing great ?
Unemployment is low but so are wages
Both personal and corporate debt very high
Deficits ??? Much higher than even Obama had during the biggest recession in our history
Adjusted for inflation the Dow has been flat for 2 years
Everything you wrote there is bullshit. Give us citations. Trolling by an incompetent fool is still trolling, John. Don’t be a troll.
Everything he typed is not bullshit.
You ask for citations but rarely back up your own “truths”.
Dems routinely receive more nationwide, total votes that Republicans. We know that Gore and Mrs. Clinton received more votes than their opponents.
In the Senate, this results from the fact that more populous states (CA, NY, IL etc) usually elect Dems. It takes millions of voters to elect a Senator in NY or CA but only few hundred thousand in WY or AL.
In the House, state Repubs have gerrymandered districts such that more total votes go to the Dem candidates but more Repubs go the Washington.
The economy is “great” but wage and wealth inequality is worse. Homelessness is a growing problem, even in smaller cities in red states.
A simple concept way too difficult for little sissybitch and Johnny retard to comprehend.
Keep bringing the stupid, m’kay?
John seems to have forgotten that the national popular vote has nothing to do with electing presidents
An epidemic of “fear of facts” is sweeping through conworld.
As we’ve stated many times, the current Repub party is smarter, better politicians and more ruthless than the feckless Dems. The Repubs presciently started their strategy of minority rule decades ago at the state level, gerrymandering to secure House seats, taking advantage of our electoral college rules and Senatorial election rules. This is not a complaint, just a recognition of facts. Kudos Republicans.
An American minority controls the White House, the courts, the Senate and most state houses. Kudos! Well played. Now the GOP is working to consolidate it’s minority rule, and Trump is their tool.
As we’ve stated many times, the current Repub party is smarter, better politicians and more ruthless than the feckless Dems. The Repubs presciently started their strategy of minority rule decades ago at the state level, gerrymandering to secure House seats, taking advantage of our electoral college rules and Senatorial election rules. This is not a complaint, just a recognition of facts. Kudos Republicans.
Of course, it’s a complaint. Ernest & Julio Gallo never made more whine.
And here the country thought the Rs were the Stupid Party and the Demos the Mean Party.
An American minority controls the White House, the courts, the Senate and most state houses. Kudos! Well played. Now the GOP is working to consolidate it’s minority rule, and Trump is their tool.
The polls say differently. The Donald is polling about 5 points above Zippy at the same point.
Dems routinely receive more nationwide, total votes that Republicans. We know that Gore and Mrs. Clinton received more votes than their opponents.
No, not according to the courts.
In the House, state Repubs have gerrymandered districts such that more total votes go to the Dem candidates but more Repubs go the Washington.
As opposed to all the districts gerrymandered by the Demos?
It’s not the Rs’ fault the Demos elected a PUS whose fecal touch shut them out of so many state houses.
The economy is “great†but wage and wealth inequality is worse.
Funny how people are too busy working to be marching in the streets.
Homelessness is a growing problem, even in smaller cities in red states.
It is? Last I heard, all the bums were moving to CA because they can do anything there.
Well, let’s see…..
He claimed that there was a difference of 10 million votes when the difference was really less than 3 million. BS number 1.
He stated that while unemployment is low so are wages. According to the Bureau Of Labor Statistics wages over the last year have increased by about 3% over the last year. BS number 2.
He said that the current deficit is higher now than zippy had during the recession. Nope. The first 4 years of zippy’s reign saw larger deficits than what we have now. BS number 3.
He said that the Dow, adjusted for inflation, has been flat for 2 years. Again wrong. Even adjusted for inflation, the Dow has made record gains in the last few years.
So yes, everything he wrote is BS.
We’ve been over this, but Baghdadi Bunny has to keep dragging out the same old whine.
And I thought she had only 3 million votes more. I guess somebody found out about those 7 million fraudulent votes.
Hardly of note, since some say Trump’s actual count was as much as 20 million more.
Then again, I don’t hear anybody who wasn’t working during Zippy’s Reign of Error (88 million) complaining, so it must be more Lefty lies.
And Bolshevik Bunny’s concern about deficits is about 10 years late.
N.B. – Trolls formwiz, drowningpuppies (lil), david and D&G aren’t worthy of response.
That would require an intellectually honest and cohesive response on the part of Jeffery Keene.
Guess we expect too much from the whimpering little sissybitch.
Lolgfy loser

How’s the IPO working out for ya?
Only because provable facts are hard to beat.
for somebody who accuses everybody else of whining, you’re the biggest 2 year old of them all.
President Trump’s mean Presidential approval rating has been at or below 43% for the past 2 years and has never reached 50%, consistent with Trump receiving fewer votes than his opponent in the last election.
But that doesn’t mean that Trump cannot be “elected” in 2020. If Trump isn’t “elected” he has prison in his future. Crooks will do anything to stay out of prison, even cheat. If it appears he won’t be “elected” he’ll cut a deal, although he’s working the DOJ to cover for him. It’s an authoritarian regime consolidating its power and America doesn’t know how to prevent it.
An Ozaukee County Wisconsin circuit judge has ordered the state to kick over 200,000 registered voters off the rolls (at the behest of a conservative group – no surprise there), and to do it before the 2020 election. This resulted from a oft used “voter caging” scheme, where letters are sent out asking the recipients to reply, and if they don’t, they lose their right to vote. Unsurprisingly, Madison and Milwaukee were overrepresented in the mailings. This is how you consolidate your power in a critical state! A county circuit judge may determine the 2020 election!
President Trump’s mean Presidential approval rating has been at or below 43% for the past 2 years and has never reached 50%, consistent with Trump receiving fewer votes than his opponent in the last election.
Not what the pollsters say, but Jeffery switches his sources to fit his lie. Actually, that 40 is his floor. Most politicians have a ceiling, above which they can’t go. Trump has a floor of 40%, below which he won’t go.
Most politicians would kill for a floor.
And 7 million fraudulent votes mean he won. 30 electoral states mean he won.
He won. And he’ll win again.
But that doesn’t mean that Trump cannot be “elected†in 2020. If Trump isn’t “elected†he has prison in his future. Crooks will do anything to stay out of prison, even cheat. If it appears he won’t be “elected†he’ll cut a deal, although he’s working the DOJ to cover for him. It’s an authoritarian regime consolidating its power and America doesn’t know how to prevent it.
No, he will be elected. People like Jeffery have seen to it with their lunatic behavior and there is no prison in his future.
For the people who attempted this coup, but not him. And I thought Justice was going to bring him to heel. You kept saying that, but here he is, the one the public believes over the weaponized hacks of the Deep State.
If America wanted him out, they can vote against him, but since he’s already got at least 7% of the Hildabeast’s voters (the live ones, anyway), that ain’t happenin’.
An Ozaukee County Wisconsin circuit judge has ordered the state to kick over 200,000 registered voters off the rolls (at the behest of a conservative group – no surprise there), and to do it before the 2020 election. This resulted from a oft used “voter caging†scheme, where letters are sent out asking the recipients to reply, and if they don’t, they lose their right to vote. Unsurprisingly, Madison and Milwaukee were overrepresented in the mailings. This is how you consolidate your power in a critical state! A county circuit judge may determine the 2020 election!
Scheme? People are told to respond to a letter confirming their resident is a scheme?
Sounds like a lot fewer dead people voting in Ozaukee.
All that vote fraud going to waste.
How is insuring the integrity of the vote by identifying actual authorized voters a “scheme”? Now allowing illegals and non citizens to vote is a scheme. That’s what Dems do. Having about 2 million dead people on the voter rolls is a scheme. That’s what Dems do. Harvesting votes is a big scheme and the Dems invented that one. Voting more than once at different locations is a scheme. That’s another Democrat original. “Losing” the military vote is a scheme. Dems do that too. Finally when they “unexpectedly” find boxes of votes in somebody’s trunk, that is a scheme. And you guessed it, it’s the Dems do it.
You guys are all pissed off because you managed to rig the election for Hillary in all the states where you can “fix” but you dopey bastards forgot we live in a Republic not a democracy and you stupidly lost the Electoral College. It was so funny watching you all squeel and cry when you realized you gave Trump the win.
And now you’ve given him a second term. Mostly because of the hate filled statement like “If Trump isn’t “elected†he has prison in his future.” proving you are despots just like your hero Stalin. Winning isn’t enough, you got to imprison anyone who defy’s you. You’re all commie animals and all you have is hate,hate,hate!
Trump 2020 Put an end to the leftist Hate Machine!!