See, you just didn’t understand what she was really saying (even though you knew exactly what she was saying with her off the cuff comment)
Greta Thunberg apologizes after saying politicians should be put ‘against the wall’
Greta Thunberg apologized Saturday after saying that politicians should be put “against the wall†after some critics alleged that the teen climate activist was advocating for violence against officials.
“Yesterday I said we must hold our leaders accountable and unfortunately said “put them against the wallâ€. That’s Swenglish: “att ställa nÃ¥gon mot väggen†(to put someone against the wall) means to hold someone accountable,†Thunberg tweeted.
“That’s what happens when you improvise speeches in a second language. But of course I apologise if anyone misunderstood this. I can not enough express the fact that I – as well as the entire school strike movement- are against any possible form of violence. It goes without saying but I say it anyway,†she continued.
Holding them accountable can mean putting them against the wall, could it not? But, see, the problem is your ignorance, not her clarion call to put people who refuse to comply with her uneducated, Outraged, unhinged beliefs. Remember when we were told we were only supposed to listed to those with degrees in climate science? She hasn’t even graduated high school, and is blowing school off. Once the mask slips you can’t put it back on.
However, some right-wing critics on social media accused the teen of advocating for violence, according to the AP.
Pouncing or seizing? Now, just imagine some right leaner said the same thing: think the media would be so quick to let it go?

I was wrong this morning when I rationalized Queen Greta was saying to put people in a place with no way out on climaphobia. I read it was her handler, the name escapes me now, jumped all over her when the SHTF and coached her”apology”.
The leftists from Nazi Pelosi (“we have to impeach or Trump will get elected) to Beatoff O’Whiteguy (“Damn right we’ll take your guns”) and even Hillary and now the little commie Greta have all let the mask slip. Must really suck to be a hate filled Democrat-Communist. Even the British went conservative just not enough.
Trump is making deep strides at overturning the pigs who inhabit the Deep State. Hopefully all the shit about these anti American bastards will come out.
Trump 2020 America the beautiful from sea to shining sea.
Our conservative compatriots have become such snowflakes. If Ms. Thunberg had said she wanted to hold their “feet to the fire” would you accuse her of wanting to immolate others?
You’re being victimized by a petite teen girl.
Your leader advocates violence almost daily and as President has the power to carry it out.
You’re allowing yourselves to be terrorized by a kid.
Just so you know, she is right, and the right is wrong.
Our conservative compatriots have become such snowflakes. If Ms. Thunberg had said she wanted to hold their “feet to the fire†would you accuse her of wanting to immolate others?
You’re being victimized by a petite teen girl.
No, we’re just reminding everybody this is what Lefties do. And she probably would.
Every time some Lefty says, “You’re just being paranoid”, subsequent events always prove the old wheeze that just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.
Lefties always tell you what they’re going to do to you.
So I think we can operate that Jeffery L Keene doesn’t want us shot. Too quick, too merciful.
He has something more IS in mind.
Your leader advocates violence almost daily and as President has the power to carry it out.
It’s the Lefties doing that. Remember all of Gropin’ Joe’s fantasies about taking Trump out behind the gym?
And Trump really doesn’t have the power to carry it out. Just like the Mocha Messiah, you fantasize of absolute rule. The President of the United States is bound by law.
Just so you know, she is right, and the right is wrong.
So you do want her to put us all up against the wall.
Well, she’s wrong – and probably psychotic – and we’re right, as we’ll prove in November.
Edward Sibley Dutcher, you never learn.
If you’re saying I’ve found Lefties untrustworthy, I’d say I’ve learned the most important lesson of all.
Just so you know, there’s no proof that “she’s rightâ€.
As we’ve explained several times, scientific theories are not proven. As supportive evidence accumulates and the theory has not been proven wrong, it becomes unreasonable to not accept the theory as true. Biological evolution has not been proven, but it’s unreasonable to not accept it as true.
That are many facts associated with the theory of global warming that HAVE been proven.
The concentration of atmospheric CO2 is increasing steadily, and is at highest level for at least the last 1 million years.
This CO2 is derived from fossil fuel carbon.
The Earth is warming.
CO2 absorbs electromagnetic energy in the infrared range (heat).
The stratosphere is cooling; and the infrared wavelengths absorbed by CO2 are reduced in the stratosphere.
The ocean pH is decreasing.
No, the entire scientific method relies on proof. If you can’t prove it, your hypothesis is wrong.
Moreover, it’s generally conceded that a negative cannot be proven, so your entire hypothesis is fallacious.
As for your “evidence”, if it has to be faked to work, it’s all phony.
That’s all claptrap.
Warming as compared to what?
If you compare today to 150 years ago, then yes, the Earth is warming. If you compare now to 600 years ago the Earth’s temp is about the same. Compare today to 1000 years ago and we are much cooler.
So where do we draw the line? What temp is “normal”?
Considering that humans are better adapted to living in warmer climates than colder I would say that a warmer Earth is preferable to a cooler one. Since plant life is more abundant now and severe weather events are declining I would say that a warmer Earth is better all around than a cold Earth.
Not so, J. For example many recent papers put CO2 sensitivity at .5 degrees or less, which would mean a majority of the warming is natural or by “adjustmentsâ€. “ph is decreasingâ€. You mean like it has on and off for millions of years?
Fredo is the guy always accusing us of wanting to kill people yet he defends Greta, Mohammadans an communists.
This is the new alliance between the Dems and the commies. Sweet isn’t it? Fredo is supporting a retarded 16 year old foreigner which goes to show you the intellect of the American leftist. About the same level of maturity as a 16 year old and the same education and experience. But they’ll follow that dog because she, like they hat America.
Trump 2020 Put the democrats against Gretas wall.
Dildo knows not of what he speaks, as he spews his hatred for non-whites and non-Christians.
Dildo supports a mentally ill leader, and is likely ill himself – only sick people can support a sociopath like trump.
I’m defending not supporting Ms. Thunberg, although she is right and Dildo is wrong. The Earth is warming from the CO2 we’re all dumping into the atmosphere.
Dildo needs to remember, that with Cons, it’s always projection.
Ms. Thunberg does not have Down’s syndrome, but is reported to have Asperger’s a milder version of autism. That she is from Sweden has no relevance to her being right. What is shocking is that so many 70 + yr old Americans are so ill-informed, but many of them DO revere D.J. Trump, who suffers from some degree of mental illness.
We can’t describe to Dildo how peculiar we find the obsession these old white men (especially D.J.) have with this child. What if the innocence of a naïve child is more relevant than the cynicism that old men such as Dildo and TEACH accumulate over their decades? Neither of these men have given us any evidence that they are wiser than a 16 yr old child.
Oscar Wilde once said: It’s said that with age comes wisdom, but often age comes alone.
Since when is Snippi Longstocking non-white or non-Christian?
You lie once again.
And Trump is not mentally ill. The mental illness is in the petulance of Leftists who, having lost an election, refuse to accept the outcome. They project their many neuroses on the people who disagree with them to justify their own inability to cope.
I’m defending not supporting Ms. Thunberg
Here comes the weasel. In a week, he never heard of her. And Asberger’s is like ADHD, double talk to explain ill-behaved children whose parents can’t or won’t discipline them.
What is shocking is that so many 70 + yr old Americans are so ill-informed, but many of them DO revere D.J. Trump, who suffers from some degree of mental illness.
And what would this illness be? Fighting for America? Opposing the Left? Living rent-free in their minds? Outsmarting you at every turn?
A lot of 70- Americans also revere Trump. Are they all ill-informed? Every time you open your stupid mouth, you get the facts shoved down your throat from any number of quarters
We can’t describe to Dildo how peculiar we find the obsession these old white men (especially D.J.) have with this child. What if the innocence of a naïve child is more relevant than the cynicism that old men such as Dildo and TEACH accumulate over their decades? Neither of these men have given us any evidence that they are wiser than a 16 yr old child.
The only sex toy here is yours and is a very limp one, at that. The obsession with Bitchi Longstocking is yours as you hope she will give you the moral authority you crave so much. We just laugh her off.
Hate to tell you, but the innocent, naive children don’t want to order people to the wall and the fact she was dumb enough to say it shows she is as irrelevant as all of Trump’s accusers and will be forgotten just as quickly.
As for wisdom, Trump has given us a prosperous, proud nation. He is handling our foreign policy with incredible elan and skill. All Itchi Longstocking can do is scream anything Dr Evil tells her to.
Oscar Wilde once said: It’s said that with age comes wisdom, but often age comes alone.
Oscar Wilde was a mincing little queer whose outtakes are his only claim to fame.
You want wit, I suggest Saki.
A lot of 70- Americans also revere Trump. Are they all ill-informed?
Seriously? Of course anyone who reveres D.J. Trump is ill-informed.
Is he mentally ill? Haven’t you listened to him or read his tweets. Here’s what mental health experts say: … pathological narcissist, a sociopath, or a malignant narcissist — take your pick —
And he’s getting worse and more dangerous.
We’re still discussing Oscar Wilde, no one will remember Don John Trump except as a butt of jokes.
Sometimes age comes alone.
How often has Your Trumpet said people shoukd be hung for treason ?
Of Course you justify that by saying “that is just trump being trumpâ€
I believe he said, “Put them up against a wall.”
Or something.
And he’s right of course.
I doubt he said it ever.
He’s well-enough educated to know people are hanged, not hung.
Professor John- 18 US code 2381 states the penalty for treason shall be death, or lesser offensives prison time. So when, and if, Trump said that he’s correct- treason holds the death penalty. For people who use too much carbon, not so much.
Jeffery wants to put this in the old Alinsky terms of, “You can’t really be this mean, can you?”.
We’re past that. The whole world has seen this annoying little Pippisqueak show her true colors and are reacting as one might expect.
Is Jeffery going to accuse the entire world of being victimized by a petite teen girl? Will he claim the human race has become such snowflakes?
It’s Hell on the liars when the truth comes out.
Sibley fails to recognize that it’s only the American far-right that fails to understand global warming, and have become snowflakes being triggered by a child.
It’s only right-wing snowflakes like Sibley who are apoplectic over this child.
Americans on the right don’t get “triggered”. That’s a term for leftist commie fags. We on the right see a retarded little girl being brainwashed and used as a meal ticket by exploitative leftists handlers. It’s sad but not triggering. It is however, SOP for the commie left to exploit whoever it can to achieve it’s goals, even murder them as Fredo and Greta have proposed. Sadly, they fit in to a whole line of pinkos going all the way back to Marx himself.
Trump 2020 Save the “triggering” for the fags and loons on the left.
This idiot girl is schizophrenic. That means she is psychotic. You should identify.
As to your warming religion, it is hog wash.