…is an ocean that will soon inundate all the land, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is No Frakking Consensus, with a post on young people distressed by Hotcoldwetdry.

…is an ocean that will soon inundate all the land, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is No Frakking Consensus, with a post on young people distressed by Hotcoldwetdry.
No wonder the demo are making excuses.
When all else fails, Jeffery runs to RCP, whose polls can be weeks, if not months, old.
And then there’s the fact a lot of moderates who took a flyer on Zippy and then Trump are now solidly Trump
When all else fails, Jeffery runs to RCP, whose polls can be weeks, if not months, old.
drowningpuppies, not Jeffery, cited RCP. The polls cited in that link were taken in December 2019, so neither weeks nor months old!
Obsession! by Sibley
At least she won’t have to worry about drowning, with that built-in flotation system.
Fantastic hips. Child bearing?
Fraudline Greta is the gift that keeps on giving.
Speaking of fraud… it’s a fake pic.
Here’s the original.
Much of what conservatives feel to be true, is not.
We know you are stupid, but to actually believe the picture was real takes the cake. Shows why you can not determine the fraud in your religion.
Trump in bed with teen Ivana.
Ivana was born in 1949 and met Trump in 1976. That would make her at least 26 in that picture. So why do you say “teen Ivana”? Are you again lying about Trump? You leftists seem to have an insatiable need to disobey the eighth commandment. Maybe because you’re heathens?
Trump 2020 And hi wife is actually beautiful unlike the previous Wookie.
Whimpering little sissybitch has a dirty little mind.
Lolgfy Jeffery
A kiss goodnight is something all good parents give their kids.
you just prove all the accusations about you are true.
Only a pervert would see obscenity in that picture.
Trump’s daughter was born Ivana and they had her name changed to Ivanka.
Apology accepted.
Are you denying it was Trump?? Or his teen daughter??
You’re the ones thinking it’s perverted.
Still pretty damning.
And on what fuel does the train run?
Renewable electricity.
Backed up by renewable coal in case the wind ain’t blowin’ or the sun ain’t shinin’.
And how is the electricity renewed?
Or is asll this, like everything else, made up?
And look at that single use plastic.
Was that taken before or after her “sitting on the floor because the train was overcrowded” photo op?
Top Gun: Maverick (2020) – New Trailer – Paramount Pictures
Something for us all to conjure with.
There’s a law on the books that says if you’re acquitted by the Senate, Congress can add 3 years to your term.
Now, consider the possibilities. The morons on the Left want to keep impeaching Trump even if he’s acquitted and re-elected. Assume both happen. That means Trump’s term goes to 2028. If he’s acquitted for another impeachment, then he’s in until ’31. if he’s acquitted once more, he’s in until ’34.
Feel free to share with your friends.
Especially the Lefty ones. Pay ’em back for Thanksgiving.
Fake news. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/supreme-court-extend-trumps-term/
That’s a good one. Art Tuboll, LOL. Others here aren’t as brilliant as you and may think this is a real news story, LOL.
Why didn’t Bill Clinton take advantage of this Nixon loophole?
Anyway, is this why much of what conservatives feel to be true, is not?
Here are other of their “breaking stories”… Sasha Obama Arrested in a ‘Million-Dollar Shoplifting Ring’
Trump Family Donates $1 Billion to Fund the Border Wall
Bush, Obama, and Clinton trashed Air Force One after the funeral of George H.W. Bush
California Governor Signs a Law Requiring All Students to Learn Spanish
Captured Islamic State Leader Had Barack Obama On Speed Dial
Roy Moore received 953 votes and Doug Jones 5,327 — in a town with just 1,867 registered voters
Planned Parenthood Employee Charged with Using Aborted Babies as Halloween Props
Woman Found on Clinton Estate Dead, Tortured, and Malnourished
Trump’s daughter was born Ivana and they had her name changed to Ivanka.
Apology accepted.
To what is he apologizing?
Are you denying it was Trump?? Or his teen daughter??
Are you denying you’re a pervert that gets off on sex with children?
You’re the ones thinking it’s perverted.
Only because you are, but keep on digging. Do you beat your wife cause you can’t get any of that young stuff?
Why do you creepy guys think the picture of Trump and his teen daughter is perverted?
We don’t. But obviously you do. Why else comment it with “Trump in bed with teen Ivana”?
Addressing your perversions does not make us perverts.
Do you believe everything you see on the internet?