Well, coloring books are about at Warmist’s speed
New Adult Coloring Book Draws Attention to Climate Change’s Effect on Sea Birds
For most people, climate change is real and 16-year-old Greta Thunberg is deserving of being Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. And while adults also want to do something about climate change, many individuals feel they are too insignificant to make a difference or don’t know how to have an impact.
For them, internationally known artist Lynn Matsuoka offers a starting point: this holiday season, purchase copies of her new adult coloring book, Saving Our Seabirds, to give to loved ones on their holiday list so that they can learn more about why birds are the harbingers of worse things to come, appreciate their amazing qualities and, at the same time, contribute to the Audubon Society’s Project Puffin to help reclaim the birds’ habitats and keep them healthy.
“The book uses the vehicle of the birds being endangered to illustrate how and why climate change is coming down on all of us, the birds being the alarm bell,” says Matsuoka. “And hopefully, through coloring the images of the birds, people will feel an emotional attachment to them, which will make the information on the birds and the messages in the book more meaningful.”
If you already Believe, then there’s no need for the book. If you don’t believe, you don’t need a coloring book from unhinged Warmists.

Who will be the first to say tgst all Audubon members and supporters are communists!!!
Apparently the author is clueless about irony. “Save our seabirds…â€. Well, then you might try not putting up any more off-shore wind turbines. Just a guess….But as typical with the alarmist group, they focus on what “could happen†in the future rather than what’s actually happening now