And they are all very surprised that it will raise costs. But, hey, all these left leaning Dem voting climate crisis (scam) believing voters will have no problem with this, right?
In Massachusetts, the word “transportation†conjures images of choked highways, rickety bridges and derailed subway cars. The frustration, inconvenience and loss of economic productivity we all incur due to transportation shortcomings constitute a painful cost to our quality of life.
Transportation that is powered by fossil fuels exacts still more costs, due to the pollution that it generates. It exacerbates respiratory diseases and it is the largest source of climate-warming greenhouse gases — 43% of Massachusetts’ greenhouse gas emissions come from the transportation sector.
Responding to the increasing distress around transportation, the Baker administration, in collaboration with other eastern states, has made public new details of an innovative regional plan, called the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI). The plan is designed to raise needed revenue and ratchet down fossil-fuel emissions that contribute to serious public health problems and climate change.
It would indirectly add a small amount to the cost of gasoline and diesel fuel at the pump in Massachusetts, and so it acts, in effect, as a tax. Any levy that the state imposes on the public must be not only justified but just. TCI is both.
The Transportation and Climate Initiative is a regional cap-and-invest program. Twelve eastern states and the District of Columbia would agree to set a cap on emissions by requiring wholesalers of transportation fuels to purchase, from the states, pollution allowances in proportion to the total carbon content of the fuel they sell. The pollution allowances would be limited — thus the “cap†— and decline in number every year while increasing in price. The states independently invest the money they collect to improve transportation and limit pollution.
And every penny will be passed on to the consumers, who will suffer with higher costs at the pump to go to work, reducing the value of their paychecks while also increasing their overall cost of living.
The justification for TCI is clear. Transportation planners have long wishlists of projects to address a multitude of troubles. A report earlier this year estimated Greater Boston’s rush-hour congestion to be the nation’s worst. Our commuter rail system needs to be electrified. The MBTA is in continual crisis. The eastern and western halves of the state aren’t connected by passenger rail.
You political masters know what is best for you and will try and force you out of your fossil fueled vehicles, which makes it easier to control your movement. wonders if consumers are willing to pay
Is it worth a 5 to 17 cent per gallon increase in gas prices to fight climate change, reduce air pollution and plow the money into better public transit and electric vehicles?
That is a proposal being floated in 12 northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states and the District of Columbia, as part of the Transportation and Climate Initiative. Supporters said it is designed to help reduce air pollution and the resulting health-related illnesses from dirty air. New York, Pennsylvania and New York are part of the bi-partisan initiative
CO2 is not a pollutants. It doesn’t make the air dirty. Now, consider, you will be paying 5 to 17 cents (to start with) on everything. When you fill your tank. When you buy tomatoes. When you buy ice cream. Every single product at the grocery store. Every single meal. Everything. Because every bit will be passed on. But, hey, all you climate cultists supporting this, stay in your states. Suck it up. Live it. Don’t come to GOP states to escape it.

So, these mental midgets want to replace a failing, screwed up transportation system run by the government with a transportation system that uses unproven, unreliable and expensive components run by that same inept government?
That’s a good idea.
Ah, but the “new” system gives them a whole new chance to pay off their friends and relatives and drive their opponents out of business. After all what else is “public money” for if not corruption?
Trump 2020 We literally can’t afford these corrupt leftists any more.
Corruption has been the sine qua non of the Republican Party for decades. Just look at indictments and convictions by Presidential term.
One Repub Prez even offered a foreign country nearly half a billion to criticize the Prezzies opponent.
Better, look at the Demos – Danny Rostenkowski, Tony Coelho, Jim Wright, Alcee Hastings, William Jefferson.
One Repub Prez even offered a foreign country nearly half a billion to criticize the Prezzies opponent.
No, one Republican followed his obligation under treaty to inquire about investigations underway concerning American citizens.
The laughable part is Baghdadi Bunny wants us to believe anybody in their right mind could believe Gropin’ Joe could ever be a credible threat to Donald Trump.
Gropin’ Joe can’t even keep his teeth straight, let along his idiotic brags.
Amazing that you can’t see the corruption in government as a whole. You only see it when it fits your hatred of Republicans.
Take impeachment for example. You and your ilk still defend Clinton saying he was impeached for a blow job. Never mind that he was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice of which, there was actual evidence of. Hell, he practically admitted he was guilty.
Now, with Trump, you have him tried and convicted with NO evidence, no admissions of guilt. In fact, the ONLY true witnesses to the call, Trump and Zelensky have said numerous times that there was no pressure, there was no quid pro quo, there were no strings attached to getting the aid.
But this doesn’t matter to you. All you care about is getting some revenge because Trump had the audacity to win an election. To paraphrase your latest hero: “How dare he”.
Trump and Zelensky have said numerous times that there was no pressure, there was no quid pro quo, there were no strings attached to getting the aid.
It should no surprise that a criminal and his victim (with the threat still present), denied the crime. It’s a crime to solicit foreign assistance in a US election, not to mention withholding allocated defense funds to pressure the foreign country.
Hell, Trump and his chief of staff practically admitted he was guilty.
There were several witnesses on the call, not just Trump and Zelensky (unless you think Trump prepared the “transcript”).
Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about sex with an intern and for obstruction. Recall too, that he was acquitted of both. Trump is afraid to do anything under oath.
All you care about is getting some revenge because Trump had the audacity to win an election.
The GOP and their helpers on the right pursued Clinton from 1993 on. Clearly the GOP was trying to overturn Clinton’s decisive electoral victories. You just couldn’t stand it that a Dem hillbilly had won, and your side sought revenge, even attacking his wife.
We all understand the ‘entitlement’ syndrome that plagues the American right. ‘How dare’ Clinton or Obama destroy the GOPhers entitled to be President??
Trump is a horrible man, and an even worse President, and is harming America. If perjury about sex with an intern is impeachable, than so is soliciting foreign help in an election, so is obstruction of justice, so is paying hush money to lovers to help electoral chances, so is defrauding thousands of students, so is the war on the free press, so is taking foreign money off your office…
All evidence to the contrary.
Lolgfy little sissybitch
Teach you never seem to be able to actually tell us how much those costs will be
Remember at the current carbon offset price of $8 per ton of CO2 those long distance jet flights of say 3000 miles can go carbon neutral for about $4 per seat (blue
Would you even notice an extra $4 on a transatlantic ticket price ?
Hell you save that every month when you were forced to give up your incandescent light bulbs
The fact you pay on $4 shows what a scam it is.
Offsets are the Lefties’ version of indulgences.
Hell you save that every month when you were forced to give up your incandescent light bulbs
ICYMI most people (I’d say just about everybody) told Dr Evil to go screw himself and never gave up incandescent light bulbs.
Professor John-first you’d have to prove that there’s a need to buy carbon offsets. That hasn’t been done yet. You’re skipping a very important step. You’re welcome
America was great when we had a good train system
Make America great again
We have planes and cars now, if you haven’t heard.
Cars give people independence. Planes are faster than trains.
You are aware that unions killed trains. No, your ignorance knows no bounds.
The you have yet to understand the additive effects of the carbon tax.
Finally, explain how a tax reduces carbon.
By the way, if you are so worried about CO2, how any trees have you planted? Answer, none as you know this is a scam.
He isn’t aware trains don’t run on steam anymore.
Trump and Zelensky have said numerous times that there was no pressure, there was no quid pro quo, there were no strings attached to getting the aid.
It should no surprise that a criminal and his victim (with the threat still present), denied the crime. It’s a crime to solicit foreign assistance in a US election, not to mention withholding allocated defense funds to pressure the foreign country.
No, it’s a crime to break a treaty. Trump did exactly what he was supposed to do. And most victims do not deny the crime (apparently, your wife didn’t). Trump and Zelensky said their was no tying of the aid to any decision.
You sound more like somebody who lost rather than won. And, of course, you lost. You lost the Democrat party’s chance to be a figure in national politics for a generation.
Hope it was worth it. BTW How much KY did you buy for the occasion?
Hell, Trump and his chief of staff practically admitted he was guilty.
And this was when?
There were several witnesses on the call, not just Trump and Zelensky (unless you think Trump prepared the “transcriptâ€).
If there were, the Articles wouldn’t be Abuse of Jeffery and Obstruction iof Keene.
Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about sex with an intern and for obstruction. Recall too, that he was acquitted of both. Trump is afraid to do anything under oath.
No, Willie was convicted. Lost his license and everything.
The GOP and their helpers on the right pursued Clinton from 1993 on. Clearly the GOP was trying to overturn Clinton’s decisive electoral victories. You just couldn’t stand it that a Dem hillbilly had won, and your side sought revenge, even attacking his wife.
Decisive? He never topped 50% in both tries? You love to whine about popular vote so much.
They were so easily attacked, too. The continuation of their corrupt boorish behavior the brought from Arkinsaw never stopped.
We all understand the ‘entitlement’ syndrome that plagues the American right. ‘How dare’ Clinton or Obama destroy the GOPhers entitled to be President??
No, that’s just the projection kicking in. You still have it. Read Eleanor Clift’s latest whine about how dare Trump turn the 9th Circus into a real court.
Trump is a horrible man, and an even worse President, and is harming America. If perjury about sex with an intern is impeachable, than so is soliciting foreign help in an election, so is obstruction of justice, so is paying hush money to lovers to help electoral chances, so is defrauding thousands of students, so is the war on the free press, so is taking foreign money off your office…
No. It isn’t. You keep beating this drum on things that have never been proven in court, much less have any truth to them.
If they did, you wouldn’t be bellyaching about them now. It’s called Shut Up And Deal.
Fact is, you got what you were wailing for and it changes nothing. Trump is still President, he’ll be re-elected next year, the Demos will lose the House as well as more seats in the Senate, Fake News has lost its grip on reality, and the American public is solidly on Trump’s side.
Try a little cheese with all that whine.
People like Fredo have completely destroyed the Democratic Party. It was once the “party of the people” but has shifted so far left it has become the party of commies, traitors, whiners and fools and guys like Fredo have let it happen.
The idea of partisan politics is fine as long as at the end of the day we all are Americans with American ideals in mind. The Dems left those ideals on the abortion tables and at the convention where they booed God…twice! That is not American ideals. Guys like Fredo took the Democrats down the road of Marx and Lenin and now they can’t find their way back.
With the Dems attitude like this, there is no way forward:
Trump 2020 Let’s give the left what it deserves
People like Dildo have completely destroyed the once proud GOP, the former party of Reagan, Danforth, McCain, Dirksen, HW Bush, Romney… now unrecognizable, having become the party of the far-right, white nationalists. They are all now terrified of Donald Trump and his band of rabid followers.
Do you recall with Moscow Mitch help a Supreme Court seat open for a year? Good times. Do you remember W lying about 9/11? The NuGOPhers (Trumpublicans) hate Americans except for the wealthy and the white nationalsists.
The current Democratic Party still stands for equality, justice, and support for the working classes. It’s the NuGOP wanting to gut Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the ACA, all while spending taxpayer monies like drunken sailors, running up record debt.
In your opinion, Dildo, what does the left “deserve”?
If they fell in a hole, most people wouldn’t cry.
As for sex tools, I see yours still can’t make half mast. And you’re projecting again. The Demos were always the party of race and corruption, but they tried to avoid insanity. People like you have done away with all that.
And don’t put St John of Hanoi in the same group as Reagan and Dirksen.
Do you recall with Moscow Mitch help a Supreme Court seat open for a year? Good times.
And listening to you still whining at being beaten at your own game makes it so much better.
Do you remember W lying about 9/11?
Actually, nobody does because it never happened.
The current Democratic Party still stands for equality, justice, and support for the working classes. It’s the NuGOP wanting to gut Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the ACA,
You sound like the soul of DC Fontana has taken possession of you. Never heard such science fiction this side of the Romulan Empire.
As for IdiotCare, you’ll notice nobody is complaining it’s going away. And, if you look at that Constitution thingy you said you revere, you’ll notice all appropriations start in the House, so you’re just blaming yourself.
First, Bolshevik Bunny tries to convince us of what the last month’s Congressional follies and Fake News were supposed to do.
Now he wants to change the subject to anything but impeachment (much like Pelosi Galore this morning).
Sounds like he knows how big he’s going to lose next year. He thinks Uncle Saul’s Rules still work. He thinks if he just screams it loudly enough, people will throw in the towel and give up.
Them days is long gone.
Decisive may not mean what you think it means.
1992: EC votes Clinton 370 GHW Bush 168. Clinton had 5 miilion more votes
1996: EC votes. Clinton 379 Bob Dole 159. Clinton had 8 million more votes.
Trump didn’t even win the popular vote, much less reach 50%.
Clinton was acquitted of all GOP charges, so also not proven in court. As Trump would bray, “total exoneration!”
So unsubstantiated accusations against Clinton and Biden are true but accusations against the gawdawful Trump are DeepState fake news. Got it.
Trump brought the same boorish behavior from NY/FL to our White House.
Willie never achieved 50% or better of the popular vote.
Trump did win the popular vote. Fraudulent votes don’t count.
He also took more states than any recent President.
Clinton was acquitted of all GOP charges, so also not proven in court.
No, he was convicted of perjury. Deny it all you want. It’s still true.
So unsubstantiated accusations against Clinton and Biden are true but accusations against the gawdawful Trump are DeepState fake news. Got it.
Unsubstantiated accusations against Trump are true but accusations against the gawdawful Clinton and Biden are DeepState fake news.
That’s what you mean. And, sad to say, we have Gropin’ Joe on vid bragging about it.
Not just a river in Egypt, huh?
Trump brought the same boorish behavior from NY/FL to our White House.
Now you really are talking about Willie.
I thought you guys won yesterday, but you keep talking like the loser you always are.
Other peoples freedom; to live where they want to live, to work where they want to work and to recreate where they want to recreate; makes some people uncomfortable.
And the history of climate is a history of change.