The Sierra Club is on a seriously unhinged roll with this one
Trump’s environmental record should be impeachable: Sierra Club
The Sierra Club has come out in support of the impeachment and removal of President Trump from office. We have never before called for the impeachment or removal of a sitting President, but Trump’s abuse of power and disregard for the law has undermined our democracy.
He has violated his oath of office and his behavior when it comes to the environment is even more reckless – he has deliberately ignored laws and trying to destroy important environmental institutions. President Trump has declared war on the environment. He unilaterally pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord, called climate change a hoax, and has muzzled scientists while trying to compromise 50 years of environmental progress.
He is exploiting our public lands while attempting to roll back 85 environmental regulations including the Environmental Species Act and lightbulb standards, and is allowing banned toxic chemicals and pesticides back on the market. He has stacked government agencies with industry lobbyists like EPA’s Andrew Wheeler. Trump’s lawlessness and disregard for institutions is putting our environment and safety at risk.
OMG, he’s trying to allow people more choice with lightbulbs!!!!!!! Impeach now!
Some say that Trump’s tweets make them sick, but it is actually his environmental policies. His EPA’s studies have shown that rolling back the Clean Power Plan would lead to over 1,400 premature deaths and 40,000 cases of asthma each year and freezing CAFE standards would result in 41,000 deaths and 1.67 million cases of asthma over a decade.
Except, the CPP never went into effect, because nearly half the states sued to stop a serious breach of Executive Office power from the Obama administration. And court after court put the plan on hold, and would have killed it if the Trump admin hadn’t.
Trump’s actions are not going unchecked. Sierra Club and others are suing on close to 37 rules he is trying to weaken, from Waters of the United States to coal ash to offshore drilling. We are also fighting the administration for hiding scientific reports, holding private meetings with lobbyists, and the border wall as well as challenging permits for projects like the Dakota Access Pipeline, LNG terminals, and clean power plants.
Courts also forestalled the Waters of the USA over-reach, and would have killed it had the Trump admin not done it first. Also, the Sierra Club wants your power to skyrocket. Look, I don’t agree with some of what the Trump admin has done with real environmental issues, but, they are not impeachable.
We need to not only get rid of Christie’s rollbacks on environmental rules but also move forward on protecting New Jersey from climate impacts and sea level rise by regulating greenhouse gases and getting to 100% renewable energy. Basically, we need to build a green wall around our state.
What he is doing to the environment is a high crime and worse than a misdemeanor. Flooding, sea-level rise, and other climate impacts are getting worse, and blocking the U.S. from moving forward will leave a legacy of destruction.

You really should research cloud seedings n weather modifications offices and patentsðŸ‘
When they joined the Commie R Carsnin ’63it was clear they did no love America! they still hate us!
“ flooding, sea level rise, and other climate impacts are getting worse..â€. No, they’re not.