The Washington Post finally notices something that Trump and the Senate Republicans have been doing for years now, and, though this is in the straight news section, and the lead story, they do not think this is a good thing
Court system will feel Trump’s influence for decades to come
After three years in office, President Trump has remade the federal judiciary, ensuring a conservative tilt for decades and cementing his legacy no matter the outcome of November’s election.
Trump nominees make up 1 in 4 U.S. circuit court judges. Two of his picks sit on the Supreme Court. And this past week, as the House voted to impeach the president, the Republican-led Senate confirmed an additional 13 district court judges.
In total, Trump has installed 187 judges to the federal bench.
Trump’s mark on the judiciary is already having far-reaching effects on legislation and liberal priorities. Just last week, the 5th Circuit struck down a core provision of the Affordable Care Act. One of the two appellate judges who ruled against the landmark law was a Trump appointee.
Would that be the “landmark law” that most Democrats running for president are trying to throw away to replace with single payer/Medicare for all?
The Supreme Court — where two of the nine justices are conservatives selected by Trump — could eventually hear that case.
The 13 circuit courts are the second most powerful in the nation, serving as a last stop for appeals on lower court rulings, unless the case is taken up by the Supreme Court. So far, Trump has appointed 50 judges to circuit court benches. Comparatively, by this point in President Obama’s first term, he had confirmed 25. At the end of his eight years, he had appointed 55 circuit judges.
Trump’s appointments have flipped three circuit courts to majority GOP-appointed judges, including the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in New York. The president has also selected younger conservatives for these lifetime appointments, ensuring his impact is felt for many years.
He’s darn near flipped the usually hyper-leftist 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to Republican, and almost stopped their insane rulings
While Trump has wavered on some conservative policies during his tenure, he has reliably appointed judges in line with conservative ideology.
Certainly, there are things policy-wise that are a bit concerning, like his spending, the debt, and the deficit. And, sure, the #NeverTrumpers freak over his personality. But, in reality, for those of us on the right who held our noses and voted for him, worried that he was really a NY liberal in Republican clothes, but willing to give him a shot because he had to be better than Hillary, he’s done four fantastic things. First, fought back on a constant, consistent, and hardcore basis against the Dems and their pet media. Perhaps he overdoes it at times, especially when he slaps back at those on the Right that he needs as comrades.
Second is getting rid of tons of regulations, and not just the smaller ones. The Ocare mandate, the contraceptive mandate for religious organizations, the Waters of the US, and the Clean Power Plan, among others. Yes, he had help, but, do you think they would have gone so easily with President Hillary? Heck, would it have been so easy with a President Rubio or Jeb Bush? Would they be doing this?
Third is his focus on keeping the economy running well. Sure, not everything will be perfect, because the President isn’t really in charge and can’t dictate. Coal jobs are not coming back, that’s reality. Manufacturing came back to a small degree. Regardless, we see the results. He’s trying to open up foreign markets to U.S. goods. That’s the point of the so-called trade wars. To benefit Americans.
Finally, there is the court system. The amount of Republican judges he and Mitch McConnell have gotten appointed is superb. Awesome. Excellent. Stupendous. This is a tier one focus of the two, seemingly above everything else other than then economy. Think this won’t make a long term difference? This is a massive win for Trump.
All in all, you’d think the #NeverTrumpers could sit back and say “hey, this guy is doing good right leaning stuff.” The courts thing is awesome, and will have far reaching benefits for Republicans. They are all deranged, though, so, they can’t even admit this.
There is only one circuit court vacancy left for Trump to fill, but more could open up next year. And if Trump wins in November, there will certainly be vacancies in his second term. There’s also the potential for additional openings on the Supreme Court. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1993, is 86 and has had health problems. Justice Stephen G. Breyer, another Clinton pick, is also over 80.
That’s one reason I voted Trump in 2016, because of SCOTUS vacancies. Better Trump than Hillary. And a damned good reason to vote Trump in 2020.

Prominent Evangelical Magazine Calls For Removing Trump From Holy Trinity
CAROL STREAM, IL—In a scathing opinion piece published Thursday by Christianity Today, the evangelical magazine’s editor-in-chief Mark Galli made the case for President Trump’s removal from the Holy Trinity. “The president has demonstrated repeatedly that he lacks the ethical convictions necessary for us to continue worshipping him as a part of the triune God,†said Galli, explaining that when Trump was seated at the right hand of the Father, many Christians assumed his behavior would by extension be righteous and godly, but this has not been the case. “While it is not a decision we undertake lightly, our position is firm: If we do not reverse course now—if we continue to accept Mr. Trump as our Lord and Savior in spite of his blackened moral record—who will take the evangelical community seriously in the years to come?â€
So not only are you a heathen but you bear false witness against Christianity. All you have is hate and it’s eating you alive, Fredo.
Trump 2020 Now that he’s removed from the “Holy Trinity” he has more time to make
leftist pigs cry.
So not only are you a white supremacist, you fail to recognize satire (The Onion) poking fun at the right’s fear/worship of DJ, Dildo.
Any criticism of your nuSavior is eating you alive, Dildo. The Don is a jealous god!
Even if he runs in 2020, Trump’ll not be elected. Normal America won’t allow it, even if we relies on Russia again.
As you know, Dildo, The Don spends most of his time not chasing “leftist pigs” but rather grifting from us taxpayers and playing golf.
“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf.” –Donald J. Trump, August, 2016
228 visits to his golf courses, so far. Spending $118 million of taxpayer money, much going into his own businesses.
Whoopee. You wouldn’t know satire is you were hit with it.
And criticize Trump all you want. It’s all lies, as I’ve proven any number of times.
Even if he runs in 2020, Trump’ll not be elected. Normal America won’t allow it, even if we relies on Russia again.
Now that’s satire.
Let’s see what Commie News Net says.
Oh, yeah, best economy in 20 years and he beats all of the possible Demos.
As you know, Dildo, The Don spends most of his time not chasing “leftist pigs†but rather grifting from us taxpayers and playing golf.
No, that was Zippy. we got rid of him.
228 visits to his golf courses, so far. Spending $118 million of taxpayer money, much going into his own businesses.
Sources. Of course, you won’t show any. It’s all lies.
First of all, I know “satire” from “insults” and that shit is an insult to all Christians. I bet you lefty fags wouldn’t write some similar “satire” about Muhammad would you? That’s because you know the Mohammadans would cut your throats.
Secondly, you still don’t know what a white supremacist is and you don’t seem to have the intellectual ability to learn it either. I am white and I am a nationalist but I am not a white nationalist. I am also white but married outside my race therefore I CANNOT BE A WHITE SUPREMACIST you fuking moron.
There is a word for what Fredo is doing here. It’s called lying. For starters, there is no definition of “white nationalist†that includes me, formwiz, guitarcarver, Dana, Teach or any normal American that would not also include the Founders of the United States. If that is what Fredo intends, then he is the extreme radical here, claiming that the very founding of the nation is immoral. After all, the term “white nationalist†is currently defined to mean immoral, as in a heretic or blasphemer.
How can a person who loves his country be the “bad guy” in all this bullshit talk? By allowing the commies on the left to define the words. Don’t let commie heathen white haters like Fredo determine what words mean. Next thing you know he’ll be telling you a man is a woman, there are more than two sexes ad an infinite number of races so whites don’t deserve to live or live in their own countries but blacks, Hispanics, Mohammadans and Asians do.
Trump 2020 Get rid of the America haters.
Far-rightists such as Dildo “love” their country the same way domestic batterers “love” their spouses.
No one is telling Caucasians where to live, but you and your tribe need to realize that the US belongs to us all here, not just Christianist, Caucasian, Conservatives. We get that you desire that America be dominated by Christianist, Caucasian, Conservatives and plot to make life here more difficult for all others.
And yes, white nationalism is immoral. We understand you wish to soften the connotation from desiring a “Caucasian ethnostate based on pigment” to “American nationalism advocated by people who just happen to be Caucasians”.
OK boomer, nice try.
gitarcarver has never (to my recollection) expressed white nationalist sentiments.
Christianity Today has been a Lefty rag for quite some time, so what they say means nothing to Christians.
So big deal.
There are currently about 900 Federal judges
Trump had appointed about 16%
But, by the end of his second term, he might well have appointed a majority!
Justice Ginsberg might do us all a favor and leave the court during his current term!
If President Trump wins a second term, I would hope that Justice Clarence Thomas, who has proven to be a very good member of the Supreme Court, would retire, and allow Mr Trump to replace him with someone much younger. It would be pretty awesome if the only two Democratic appointees on the Court were Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.
Oops! I just ‘misgendered’ Justice Ginsberg.
You and everybody else.
If you ever wanted to see the smug little smile wiped off Eleanor Clift’s puss, that’s the way to do it.
Better than half of what Zippy appointed in less than half the time.
(I wonder who divided for him)
Far-rightists such as Dildo “love†their country the same way domestic batterers “love†their spouses.
Wrong in both cases. You’re the only dick here, limp as you are, and most abused spouses don’t suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. They just haven’t got the means to leave.
No one is telling Caucasians where to live,
Of course, you are. You want us in camps where you can do with us what you want.
but you and your tribe need to realize that the US belongs to us all here, not just Christianist, Caucasian, Conservatives.
First, the word is Christian. I know a lot of Lefties try to use Christianity, but they’re just cafeteria Catholics. Those are Christianists.
Blasphemers, actually. They go to Hell.
We get that you desire that America be dominated by Christianist, Caucasian, Conservatives and plot to make life here more difficult for all others.
We hate it that you get that we desire that America be dominated by Christianist, Caucasian, Leftists and plot to make life here more difficult for all others.
And yes, white nationalism is immoral. We understand you wish to soften the connotation from desiring a “Caucasian ethnostate based on pigment†to “American nationalism advocated by people who just happen to be Caucasiansâ€.
Funny how your crowd are the only ones saying this, but you can’t get anything right anymore. Can’t impeach a President. Can’t dispossess a state’s gun owners of their firearms. Can’t get the legally constituted law enforcement and militia to violate the Constitution for you.
Can’t even fool dark-skinned people you have their interests at heart any more.
That must really sting.
OK boomer, nice try.
No, it’s all old and pretty obvious. Your day is done and you might as well find a quiet place on de plantation where y’all can rock in your rocking chair.
gitarcarver has never (to my recollection) expressed white nationalist sentiments.
Not what you said yesterday. You can’t even lie successfully to your self.
Looks like Ukrainian officials are testifying under oath that is was the DNC that tried to throw the ’16 election with the aid of Ukraine.
Not to mention all that dirty Biden money.
Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you
Bad boys, bad boys
Your source is Rudy Giuliani? LOL
Maybe Rudy Colludy will testify under oath? LOL
Well, first the lovely Mrs Pelosi would have to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate, and she seems reluctant to do that for some reason.
Of course, Mr Giuliani is the President’s lawyer, so there’s attorney-client privilege and all of that.
Of course, it shouldn’t even matter, ’cause you already told us that President Trump would be out of office by the end of the year. That’s just nine days away!
No, I take a video of Ukrainian diplomatic officials testifying under oath.
So you can stick your LOL where you always stick your dildo.
BTW notice we have a theme this evening? The queer violent Negro cuckold keeps telling me on what I base my comments is risible and I keep showing what an utter, complete, irredeemable, and irremediable ass he is by stating the facts.
So you don’t like Giuliani but love Hillary. That absolutely eliminates you as a serious commenter. Besides being stupid, ignorant and low born.
“While Trump has wavered on some conservative policies during his tenure, he has reliably appointed judges in line with conservative ideology.”
Trump isn’t a conservative. He’s barely even a Republican. But he isn’t liberal or communist either. He really is outside the box of the normal dichotomy of politicians that turn out to be two sides of the same coin. Politically, he is to the Left of Bill Clinton.
If the Democratic party had not invested so much ego into mindlessly hating him, they could easily embrace him as one of their own.
He appoints conservative judges because that is exactly where conservatives NEED to be. You cannot have a justice system depending on the whims of unelected dictators enforcing their political activism onto everyone from the bench. Conservative judges follow the law. The justice system requires stability and that only comes from conservative judges. Even liberals depend on the stability and predictability of the courts. But liberal activists need activists on the bench to get what they want without having to legislate.
Democrats are going to lose to Trump again because after all this time, they still don’t understand him. Instead they spend all their political capital fighting the caricature of him that they themselves built.