Nothing like indoctrinating the little kiddies in government run schools into the Cult of Climastrology
Santa goes full blown commie at an Oxbow, Saskatchewan Christmas concert. The school claims the student’s anti-oil protest song wasn’t politically motivated, but was chosen because of the beat. Hilarious how CBC flips this into a big bad fossil fuel story.
— Colin Korol (@colin_korol) December 23, 2019
From the link
A Saskatchewan school division has apologized after parents raised concerns a Christmas concert last week had an anti-oil agenda.
On Thursday, the Oxbow Prairie Horizons School’s annual concert featured a show titled: “Santa Goes Green.”
This didn’t sit will with some audience members, as Oxbow is a community where a good number of workers are in the mining and resource industries. In fact, the town’s logo prominently contains a pumpjack.
Mike Gunderman, whose daughter was in the show, took to Facebook to express his concerns about the play, saying the concert was a “kick in the groin” to anyone working in the struggling oil industry. The post has since been shared more than 650 times.
“It wasn’t even a Christmas concert at Christmas time,” he said. “It was blatantly just an anti-oil protest.”
The school claims there was no political agenda. Riiiiiiight. The school should try operating without fossil fuels, see how that goes in the Saskatchewan winter. That imagine in the tweet comes directly from the holiday show’s book of music.

What parents refuse to acknowledge is that sending children to a government school is a political act. The parents are choosing, voluntary, to surrender control of their children’s education to complete strangers.
So Teach
Why no more posts about the huge cost of golfing vacations by Trump?
It was 62º F and sunny yesterday, and it’s supposed to be in the low sixties all this week.
Christmas week.
December, in Kentucky. And I’m supposed to be opposed to
global warmingclimate change?