Say, did they bother asking the actual firefighters whether they needed or wanted this truck?
So, at least double the cost of a fossil fueled fire truck, and also less dependable: "well, we'd like to save your house, but, the wind isn't blowing so we can't charge our truck." #climatebrawl
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) December 22, 2019
A $1.1 million electric fire truck will soon be operating in Menlo Park, California
Menlo Park Fire Protection District has reserved an all-electric fire truck that cost $1,112,900 after shipping and inspection.
The truck — created as a rescue vehicle with pumps, tanks, and recovery equipment — was designed by Austria-based Rosenbauer Group and was created with the intention of tackling shifts in firefighting, the environment, and ergonomics.
“Based on the megatrends in firefighting, Rosenbauer is already designing the firefighting vehicle of tomorrow – today,” Rosenbauer wrote on its website.
Its maker claims the truck was built with predicted shifting trends in gender and age for firefighting. Other predicted shifts that were taken into account when designing the vehicle also include connectivity, urbanization, and migration.
So, not only ‘climate change’, but gender and stuff? Where are they getting the power to charge it? California is against fossil fuels, nuclear, and coal. What about when the wind is not blowing and the sun is not shining? The truck, which looks smaller than a typical fire truck, has lots and lots and lots of features, including WiFi and a driver’s seat that buzzes when danger is close, and
The truck has two electric motors that can power water pumps for 30 minutes. There’s also a diesel-powered extender along with the generator for longer truck use that is quiet and has lower emissions than a typical truck engine.
The battery can power the truck about 30 kilometers, about 18.6 miles.
A typical fire truck costs less than half what this one does, can operate much longer, can be refueled quickly, and are planned to last at least 20 years. How long till the expensive batteries on the electric one need replacing? The Cult of Climastrology and the Woketards are sacrificing safety.

There are many different types of “fire†trucks, pumpers, ladder, and rescue trucks
The primary purpose of rescue trucks is to arrive first do forcible entry if needed, alert and evacuate buildings, extract from damaged vehicles and things of that nature
This one is a rescue truck
Typically fire trucks travel only about 1-2000 miles per year . You can verify this by checking the she and mileage of fire trucks on eBay
As for not being able to recharge that in the event of a total grid failure well of course all fire houses have a back up diesel generator
There are many different types of “fire†trucks, pumpers, ladder, and rescue trucks
As noted in the article, this is a rescue truck. Pumpers, ladder, aerial, etc are more expensive than a “rescue truck.”
The primary purpose of rescue trucks is to arrive first do forcible entry if needed, alert and evacuate buildings, extract from damaged vehicles and things of that nature
The trucks don’t do these things, the people riding in the trucks do.
Typically fire trucks travel only about 1-2000 miles per year . You can verify this by checking the she and mileage of fire trucks on eBay
Mileage on these trucks matters not one iota so I have no idea why you bring it up. What matters is the hours on the engines, the pumps, etc.
I happened to have been drafted by my local fire company to help research and propose to the City Council a new rescue fire truck. It had to have certain capabilities to carry equipment and men. We also wanted the rescue truck to act as an auxiliary command center and so it was loaded with extra communication devices.
Total cost – brand new, out the door and delivered including different length warranties on different parts – was $500,000 – $560,000 depending on the vendor. A check of the specs on this electric vehicle says our new truck and this are similar except we can get two for the price of one.
Also of note is that in our area, because of the distances and number of city and county fire departments, when a company heads to a fire, another company will roll a truck to a designated area in case a second incident occurs while the first truck company is out handling the first call.
Typically here, that is a 10 mile or so relocation. This thing can’t make the trip and get home without kicking in the aux generator which kind of defeats the purpose.
John apparently believes that local residents should pay more for shiny toys that do less and are less capable. John hates taxpayers that much.
After all, all the left has is hate.
After all, all The Gitarcarver has is hate.
Then all that water shorts it out and it sll yoes up in a puff of smoke.
There are many different types of “fire†trucks, pumpers, ladder, and rescue trucks
This one is a rescue truck
Seems like you’re the only one who cares.
After all, all The Gitarcarver has is hate.
Baghdadi Bunny is the only living being that can get hate out a discussion of fire engines.
Idiotwiz ignores that The Gitarcarver brought up hate in his screed about fire engines.
In fact, for reasons unknown, The Gitarcarver signs every comment with:
All the left has is hate, which is obviously untrue. So it’s really just a meaningless slur.
No doubt, you, gitarcarver, Kye, jl, david, TEACH, are filled with hate and rage, so it’s really just projection.
All the left has is hate, which is obviously untrue. So it’s really just a meaningless slur.
I am pretty sure that I have never said that all the left has is hate is untrue. From the posts here, it is a clear and accurate observation from based on what you and John say.
It is the left that hates freedoms of all kinds. You hate speech, you hate guns and want to take all guns away from citizen, you hate people of other colors, you hate corporations, you hate those who make more than you do, you hate Trump (as you did Bush,) you hate the holidays, you hate women (calling your own wife “delusional,) you hate science, you hate anyone that disagrees with you ….
Hate, hate, and more hate.
It is all the left has.
Never forget, that with a con man it’s always projection. Always.
Live Trump and idiotwiz, gitarcarver lies constantly.
All the right has is hate.
Live Trump and idiotwiz, gitarcarver lies constantly.
In order to hate even more, the left feels the need to make up stuff instead of actually debating and discussing issues.
Hate is all the left has.
BTW Jeffery, should Schiff and the other Democrats resign, be impeached or prosecuted for failing to follow the law on FOIA requests?
Unlike the President, who has a legal reason for not responding to subpoenas (that the hateful left refuses to acknowledge they hate the Constitution so much,) Schiff has no such legal safe harbor.
Surely you are for Schiff resigning, being impeached or jailed for breaking the FOIA laws, right?
Or are you going to show more hatred aimed at those on the right with whom you disagree?
All the left has is hate, and they despise that people are catching on to it.
Hate is all the right has. You project your own hate on others.
Do you ever notice that you and your far-right, white nationalist brethren make stuff up? Have notice them wanting to debate and discuss issues?
Is it you, or is someone hacking your avatar to mock other commenters here?
BTW Jim Bob, Trump’s DOJ (and his personal attorney, Bill Barr) can investigate Rep Schiff if so inclined.
So you think the administration can refuse to respond to subpoenas because “the hateful left refuses to acknowledge they hate the Constitution so much”!
That’s nuts even by far-right standards.
Hate is all the right has.
Hate is all the right has. You project your own hate on others.
Unfortunately for the reality challenged and hateful left, truth is not hate. Clearly you are becoming so bothered by the truth that your only response is more hate.
Do you ever notice that you and your far-right, white nationalist brethren make stuff up?
Wait, you claim that I have “far right, white nationalist brethren” and then claim I am making stuff up? Right off the bat your premise is wrong. In order to perpetuate your own hate, you make things up about others.
As I said earlier in this thread, “It is the left that hates freedoms of all kinds. You hate speech, you hate guns and want to take all guns away from citizen, you hate people of other colors, you hate corporations, you hate those who make more than you do, you hate Trump (as you did Bush,) you hate the holidays, you hate women (calling your own wife “delusional,) you hate science, you hate anyone that disagrees with you ….”
BTW Jim Bob, Trump’s DOJ (and his personal attorney, Bill Barr) can investigate Rep Schiff if so inclined.
The DOJ is having more than enough to deal with when it comes to illegal acts by the democrats:
tsk tsk tsk. The Democrats are supported by child molesters.
So you think the administration can refuse to respond to subpoenas because “the hateful left refuses to acknowledge they hate the Constitution so muchâ€
No, unlike you, I think the separation of powers applies and that the executive branch can refuse certain subpoenas. This is a view held by the Supreme Court as well. The Congress cannot say that the Executive Branch is obstructing justice by acting in a legal manner. That’s the lie that you and others on the left want people to believe.
Secondly, you ignored the issue of Shiff and other breaking the law in regards to FOIA requests.
Is it your contention that those on the hateful left can ignore the laws of the land?
That would be a huge lie as well.
You and the hateful left are beginning to get desperate. In that desperation, you lie more and more.
That lack of ethics and morals from the left feeds into the hate.
After all, hate is all the left has.
Well, you’ve been saying git never did that stuff. I guess you were lying once more.
And he learned it all from you, because all the Left has is hate.
Can’t be a good Lefty if you aren’t a good hater.
How’s this for leftist hate?
Ocasio-Cortez has endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who’s also a socialist, for president. She was at a rally in California, stumping for him this weekend, when she took her confusion about political systems and her failure to understand the United States to new heights, claiming America wasn’t an “advanced society†and that “what we have is fascism†or “what we are evolving into.â€
So the U.S., maybe the greatest country in the history of the world, with its constitutional freedoms and free booming economy is “not an advanced society†and is “fascism,†but the society she would like to usher in with government control in the form of things like the Green New Deal dictating what we can do and how we should live is “advanced†and “not fascism?†How does one wrap one’s head around such twists of logic and reality? But this is from the same folks who deny that the Nazis were actually socialists and who deny the wreckage that socialism and communism have wrought throughout the world.
Perhaps she’s just being honest about the intent of leftist Democrats if they get more power.
She also snuck in a call for revolution. “Are we ready for the revolution?†she said to a crowd, cheering in agreement.
Here’s the actual headline from the article TEACH linked:
A $1.1 million electric fire truck was set to operate in Menlo Park, California before it was vetoed
Notice the difference? Menlo Park is not buying the fire truck.
They wanted to, though, but somebody came to their senses.
Hate is all the right has. You project your own hate on others.
Do you ever notice that you and your far-right, white nationalist brethren make stuff up? Have notice them wanting to debate and discuss issues?
Is it you, or is someone hacking your avatar to mock other commenters here?
BTW Jim Bob, Trump’s DOJ (and his personal attorney, Bill Barr) can investigate Rep Schiff if so inclined.
So you think the administration can refuse to respond to subpoenas because “the hateful left refuses to acknowledge they hate the Constitution so muchâ€!
That’s nuts even by far-right standards.
Hate is all the right has.
Keep telling yourself that since you can’t be a Lefty without being a hater.
And you’re the proven liar. So much so that, when we try to debate, you start name-calling and changing the subject.
When the Administration actually gets a subpoena, look us up. All they’re gotten so far are requests.
As for Schiff for Brains, turns out he may be mixed up in the Ukraine money, so that should be interesting.
Saw this and I can’t resist passing it along.
So in my town, if it were dispatched from the fire station to my house, it couldn’t make it back. Can’t make it one way to assist the town next door, or to the far side of town from the fire station. And all local towns in ruralville require assistance or must assist from time to time.