This makes the Trump haters very happy
I wouldn’t have wasted my time on Trump, says Greta Thunberg
Teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg said on Monday that talking to U.S. President Donald Trump at a United Nations summit on global warming would have been a waste of time since he would not have paid any attention.
In an interview with BBC radio’s Today program, for which she was the guest editor on Monday, Thunberg also said she regarded personal attacks on her as funny and that she hoped to go back to having a normal life.
A video of the 16-year-old Swedish campaigner giving Trump what media described as a “death stare†at a U.N. climate summit in New York in September went viral on social media. Trump has questioned climate science and is pulling the United States out of the 2015 Paris Agrement on global warming.
Asked what she would have said to the president if they had spoken, Thunberg said: “Honestly, I don’t think I would have said anything because obviously he’s not listening to scientists and experts, so why would he listen to me?
“So I probably wouldn’t have said anything, I wouldn’t have wasted my time,†she said.
So, let’s say you have a chance to talk to Bernie, Elizabeth, Mayor Pete, Sheriff Joe, etc. Or Putin, Maduro, other hardcore world leaders in something. Do you say “nah, they won’t listen”? Or, perhaps talk with them and attempt to get them to change their minds? Because that’s what adults do. They talk. There may be no meeting of the minds, no one’s minds may be changed in the least, but, is it worth the effort? Of course. St. Greta could have attempted to sway Trump, even if it was in a minor way. Perhaps she could have gotten Trump to back more research into alternative energy sources. Something. But, she’s a spoiled brat who has been brainwashed into the Cult.

Trump would no more listen than you would, Teach. And of course the Dem candidates WOULD listen. Cons are famous for never listening.
How pathetic that a 16 yr old Swedish girl with mild autism is more mature and makes more sense than either you or Trump.
Says Con Man Michael Knowles on FOX:
“… the climate hysteria movement is not about science. If it were about science it would be led by scientists rather than by politicians and a mentally ill Swedish child who is being exploited by her parents and by the international left.†(NB – FOX condemned the comment by Knowles as “disgraceful” and apologized to Thunberg and her family. — Kudos to FOX).
But what had Thunberg said: “I don’t want you to listen to me. I want you to listen to the scientists… I want you to unite behind the science.â€
In reading many conservative critics opinions of Thunberg, many seemed to focus on the personal characteristics of Thunberg, rather than her message. And just to be clear, her message was a very simple one. She asked the leaders of the world and lawmakers to listen to the science and scientists who are in strong, general agreement about the impact of climate change. Very few critics actually addressed the subject on which she was speaking.
Instead, they went after Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish teenage girl who was passionate and articulate in her speech to the U.N. — Dr. John Grohol
The American President is mentally ill according to multiple experts. I don’t know… I think he’s just a willfully ignorant and cruel arsehole.
Can any of you supply evidence that Ms. Thunberg is being exploited and abused by her parents?
Again the unapologetic child molester from St. Louis becomes an askhole.
Heavy indeed.
Lolgfy little sissybitch
We get it now.
YOU were sexually abused as a child, weren’t you – was it your grandfather, dad, uncle, family friend? Don’t be ashamed; it wasn’t your fault. But don’t hide from it either.
Libeling others offers you some scant psychological comfort in the form of being able to face, at least indirectly, your internal demons. It’s how you release your frustrations when you feel attacked. Now it all makes sense.
It wasn’t your fault. You were a child. Your family was supposed to protect you and they failed you. A family counselor or psychologist can help you sort out your anger issues and your self-destructive behaviors. Many adult animal abusers like you were abused as children – again, your acting out with pets is just another cry for help.
Please get the help you need, many abuse victims become abusers themselves. I know for a fact that you have few resources, but I’ll pay half if Teach will pay half.
Let us know. We won’t bother you again until you do.
Best wishes and good luck to you.
Bwaha! You know nothing about me or anything else.
Lolgfy Jeffery Keene
Predictable denial response and lashing out with more potential libel. Porter Good might not appreciate the liability.
Just remember, it’s not your fault, and your history explains your problems today. It’s not necessary to explain. You’re the victim.
Jeffery Keene is your name.
You posted it here several times.
No one else is liable for your stupidity or lies.
Bring it on little coward.
Lolgfy little sissybitch
Wait for that knock on your door…
Lolfgy Porter Good
Porter William Good has arrest or criminal records.
We get it now.
YOU were sexually abused as a child, weren’t you – was it your grandfather, dad, uncle, family friend? Don’t be ashamed; it wasn’t your fault. But don’t hide from it either.
Libeling others offers you some scant psychological comfort in the form of being able to face, at least indirectly, your internal demons. It’s how you release your frustrations when you feel attacked. Now it all makes sense.
It wasn’t your fault. You were a child. Your family was supposed to protect you and they failed you. A family counselor or psychologist can help you sort out your anger issues and your self-destructive behaviors. Many adult animal abusers like you were abused as children – again, your acting out with pets is just another cry for help.
Please get the help you need, many abuse victims become abusers themselves. I know for a fact that you have few resources, but I’ll pay half if Teach will pay half.
Actually, it was you. This is what is known as transference. And, of course, what was done to you, you do to others. A common phenomenon among the abused.
You’re just a mess of psychoses, aren’t you?
Edward Dutcher?
No, Jeffery L Keene.
Do you have evidence to support your claim about a commenter being a pedophile
Do you have any evidence to support your claims about commenters being victims of abuse, KKK members, wife beaters, or Nazis?
She does seem to be able to control your emotions
The way Trump does yours?
Actually, Teach is a study in moderation compared to you and your cartoon characters.
Trump would no more listen than you would, Teach. And of course the Dem candidates WOULD listen. Cons are famous for never listening.
How pathetic that a 16 yr old Swedish girl with mild autism is more mature and makes more sense than either you or Trump.
Sounds more like you and, what, exactly, qualifies her to lecture the world except for the fact she spouts the same anti-scientific drivel as you?
But what if Thunberg had said: “I don’t want you to listen to me. I want you to listen to the scientists… I want you to unite behind the science.â€
Well, if you’d actually thrown some real science at us, instead of a lot of faked data, you might have a point, but the only point is the one on top of your head.
The American President is mentally ill according to multiple experts. I don’t know… I think he’s just a willfully ignorant and cruel arsehole.
Nobody cares what you think (if you think at all) and multiple experts have been wrong before.
Can any of you supply evidence that Ms. Thunberg is being exploited and abused by her parents?
They’re dragging her all over the world instead of keeping gher in school?
Teach is a spoiled brat who was probably exploited and abused by his parents.
Just when we figured you couldn’t get any lower, Fredo you pull out the “abusive parents” card. Wow. Just wow.
This is the same as what TEACH and right wingers say about Ms. Thunberg.
Can you explain why it is OK to publicly denigrate a 16 yr old girl but “low” to denigrate TEACH the same way? Wow. Just wow.
What did she say about TEACH that made him attack her personally? TEACH? Maybe you can explain? It could be you are just as big an arsehole as is Trump. Most NuCons are.
Greta Thuderbug is a public figure and as such it’s fine to go after her. Once somebody regardless of age puts themselves out there they are targets. Teach is a person who is allowing us to use his resources and you should act grateful or get off.
You fukin’ leftists always use kids and retards as human shields and when we take a shot you pigs scream Foul. Guess what? It’s your kind who put the poor ignorant retarded bitch out there so it’s your fault.
Trump 2020 Don’t let the human shields deter you.
Sorry Kye, but TEACH is a public figure as well. Do doubt he wishes he was more famous, but too bad.
You’re a poor ignorant retarded sissybitch. What kind of “man” blames others for him calling a 16 yr old girl poor ignorant retarded bitch. Why do you hate her so much?
Again. Any evidence that somebody “put her out there”? Didn’t think so.
Are you some kind of “Christian”?
ICYMI you have no evidence of any abuse by Teach’s parents.
Snippi Longstocking’s are a couple of frustrated actors looking for a star to ride. If she does have mental problems, that only emphasizes Mom and Dad’s abuse.
And the Left’s. Little Bitchi Lonstocking is just the latest Hogg.
PS Teach isn’t trying to tell the world how to live. And, last I looked, you put yourself up on the world stage, you open yourself to attack.
Sounds more like your Mocha Messiah.
Not to mention yourself.
Guess what? Alot of us aren’t listening either so go home and put on an ABBA album.
Teach hates that child something fierce
No, he just has better sense than to listen to a neurotic 16 year old.
Liberals: how dare you denigrate a 16 year old child!
Same liberals: it’s should be public policy to errorize children in school by telling them the world will end in 12 yrs…..
it should be public policy to terrorize children in school by telling them the world will end in 12 yrs…..
We assume you meant “NOT to terrorize”
It should be public policy Not to terrorize children in school by telling them they will burn for eternity unless they worship an imaginary deity.
He meant terrorize. It’s the only way the Left gets what it wants – terrorize the rubes.
Unfortunately, the rubes are wising up, so now they have to scare kids.
It should be public policy Not to terrorize children in school by telling them they will burn for eternity unless they worship an imaginary deity.
That’s what they were taught until the teacher unions came along. Don’t believe in Karl Marx.
But your attempt to slander Christianity, as always, fails on the facts. Even pagans are saved if they live virtuous lives.
And God is not imaginary. Only the good Communism can do is imaginary. God created the universe and all things within it.
God is real. You are phony.
You assumed wrong, as usual. You should have said burn for eternity unless they worship renewables..
J doesn’t seem to be up on current events, I see. The ones who keep pushing the end of days scenarios are the environmentalists.
Sorry Kye, but TEACH is a public figure as well. Do doubt he wishes he was more famous, but too bad.
If that’s the case, so are you and it makes it OK for lijeffy and david to tell the world all about your disgusting personal; details.
You’re a poor ignorant retarded sissybitch. What kind of “man†blames others for him calling a 16 yr old girl poor ignorant retarded bitch. Why do you hate her so much?
Why are you so protective of her? It’s not that you love kids, apparently. And all that name-calliong only means you know you’re losing this one.
Little Snippi’s 15 minutes are over. Maybe you ought to go back to telling us how Trump hasn’t got a prayer of re-election and how the Demos will sweep to victory.
See where Gropin’ Joe’s tough guy act on Senate subpoenas folded? See where he said he’d consider choosing a Republican as Vice President?
That’s how desperate he is and he’s the frontrunner.
Until his next senior moment.
Again. Any evidence that somebody “put her out there� Didn’t think so.
Plenty. 16 year olds don’t usually get invited to address the UN. 16 year olds don’t usually get global media coverage.
Are you some kind of “Christian�
Are you some kind of race-hating Communist?
Fredo all you need is google “greta” and you can see her parents exploiting the little retard. Here’s just one picture:
In my opinion Teach is not a “public figure” he is a blog owner. Period. You should be more great full that he’s a bigger man than you and doesn’t ban you. Calling everybody here that you want to talk with dirty names is about your speed, you haven’t the intellect to be clever. Calling Trump a dick or Greta a twat is fine but calling your fellow commenters dildos and such is silly and childish. Then again you’re a commie and you’ve been having a brat attack since Trump’s election so I guess there is no cure for your despicable hatefulness. All you have left is hate. Hate for us, for Teach, for Trump, for whites, for America and for Christians yet you act like some kind of virtuous thinker. You’re a fukin phony, Fredo.
Trump 2020 keep the retard in Sweden.
Predictable denial response and lashing out with more potential libel. Porter Good might not appreciate the liability.
Neither would you, accusing people of all sorts of things.
You’ve made yourself just as public a figure as you claim he is.
Better find a real good lawyer.
Just remember, it’s not your fault, and your history explains your problems today. It’s not necessary to explain. You’re the victim.
Good little Democrat mantra. You are so victimized in this country; you’d be so much better off if you lived under Communism.
You could run a gulag. You could be a commissar. You could have class.
You could be a contenduh.
Greta Thunberg’s father has said he thought it was “a bad idea” for his daughter to take to the “front line” of the battle against climate change.
Svante Thunberg told the BBC he was “not supportive” of his daughter skipping school for the climate strike.
So, is her father now publicly denigrating a 16 yr old girl?
Just let little Jeffery run his mouth. He’ll make a fool of himself every time.