Well, really, when a Republican is in the White House, everything is Hitler, isn’t it? Can a Republican/Conservative really call themselves a Republican/Conservative if they haven’t been called Hitler by the unhinged Left? It’s almost a rite of passage these days
Linda Ronstadt compares Trump to Hitler, says Mexicans ‘are the new Jews’
Music icon Linda Ronstadt blasted President Trump in a recent interview, comparing him to Adolf Hitler and claiming that under his presidency, “Mexicans are the new Jews.”
In the CNN sitdown, Ronstadt revealed her supranuclear palsy diagnosis had become “a strain” on her family relations, particularly with Republican relatives in Tuscon, Arizona. (snip)
“Now, I have to be careful because we’ve had so much taken away from us by this administration that I’m not willing to let them take my family relationships away,” Ronstadt continued. “My family — the parts that are Republican were fairly rational Republicans. We don’t have that in our current White House.”
The Grammy-winning artist went into detail about the “great parallels” she saw between the rise of Trump and Nazi Germany and how both leaders, according to her, were “uncontrollable.”
“By the time he got established, he put his own people in place and stacked the courts and did what he had to do to consolidate his power,” Ronstadt elaborated. “And, we got Hitler and he destroyed Germany, he destroyed centuries of intellectual history forward and backward.”
Cooper replied, “I think a lot of people, though, would be surprised to hear comparisons between what happened then and now.”
“If you read the history, you won’t be surprised. It’s exactly the same,” Ronstadt doubled down. “Find a common enemy for everybody to hate. I was sure that Trump was going to get elected the day he announced, and I said it’s gonna be like Hitler, and the Mexicans are the new Jews. And, sure enough, that’s what he delivered, you know.”
Because all the Mexicans are being rounded up and being worked to death and executed sent back to Mexico as President Trump enforces federal law as passed by a duly elected Legislative Branch. This is all what passes for “intellectual” by the Left, where everything they don’t like is literally Hitler. Remember when George Bush 43 was going to round up Democrats and put them in concentration camps? Oh, right, that was just a fantasy, as it never happened.
Perhaps Linda should look in her own party and see what Democrats are saying and doing to actual Jews.

Actual Jews (American) vastly prefer the Democratic Party
Anti Semitic crimes have increased under Trump’s presidency
Jews have always been a target of white nationalists who vote overwhelmingly Republican
The ‘actual’ Jews, in my Jewish neighborhood have changed since they voted for Obama the first time.
They have wised up and now vote Right.
And during the Clinton and Obama terms the right was obsessed with black helicopters and internment camps in the Northwest and guns being taken away.
Didn’t happen then, won’t happen under President Biden.
*(Ronstadt) went into detail about the “great parallels†she saw between the rise of Trump and Nazi Germany and how both leaders, according to her, were “uncontrollable.â€
“By the time he got established, he put his own people in place and stacked the courts and did what he had to do to consolidate his power,†Ronstadt elaborated. “And, we got Hitler and he destroyed Germany, he destroyed centuries of intellectual history forward and backward.â€*
Deny it all you want. The far-right wants to destroy the US and rebuild in their image; abortion ban, unrestricted firearms, privatize Social Security, infrastructure, Medicare, Medicaid, military, cut and cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations, close the borders, ban gay marriage, establish white Christian culture as the law of the land…
Since there are effective abortion medicines, how will you regulate them? (NB – bans on heroin and methamphetamine have worked “soooo” well). How will the gov’t monitor pregnancies, i.e., how will the government verify pregnancies? You could require all women of child-bearing aid to undergo monthly or quarterly exams to verify. Make women report any changes in their menstrual cycles. Would also need a mechanism to differentiate spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) from induced abortion. Maybe take some Space Force money for the new Mother Force. Also, Canada has very liberal abortion laws, so pregnant Americans can travel to Canada and return “not pregnant”. Make it a law that women traveling overseas undergo a pregnancy test. Since the act of abortion is “clearly” premeditated murder, what should the punishment be if a provider and a woman commit the crimes? Life in prison? Execution?
Certain contraceptive methods inhibit implantation of an embryo (or a “baby” according to the right) and should be banned as murder, right?
Has any Con thought through what a ban would require? Seems important since controlling women’s behavior and reproduction is the central objective of the right.
And during the Clinton and Obama terms the right was obsessed with black helicopters and internment camps in the Northwest and guns being taken away.
Didn’t happen then, won’t happen under President Biden.
Both tried, but you’re right about Gropin’ Joe.
There won’t be a President Gropin’ Joe.
Deny it all you want. The far-right wants to destroy the US and rebuild in their image; abortion ban, unrestricted firearms, privatize Social Security, infrastructure, Medicare, Medicaid, military, cut and cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations, close the borders, ban gay marriage, establish white Christian culture as the law of the land
IOW, back when Commies went to jail as subversives and we were the richest, happiest, most productive, and greatest country the world had ever seen.
This is why you don’t go around quoting over-the-hill rock singers looking for a little attention.
Since there are effective abortion medicines, how will you regulate them?
Outlaw them. Just like you want to outlaw guns.
(NB – bans on heroin and methamphetamine have worked “soooo†well).
Long prison terms. Execute pushers. That’s how the Moslems do it.
How will the gov’t monitor pregnancies, i.e., how will the government verify pregnancies? You could require all women of child-bearing aid to undergo monthly or quarterly exams to verify. Make women report any changes in their menstrual cycles. Would also need a mechanism to differentiate spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) from induced abortion.
Gee, that’s what universal healthcare does all the time.
Also, Canada has very liberal abortion laws, so pregnant Americans can travel to Canada and return “not pregnantâ€. Make it a law that women traveling overseas undergo a pregnancy test.
Make ’em stay there. Revoke their citizenship and they can have all the abortions they want.
BTW How does it feel being a traitor to your own race? That’s why the Lefties push abortion so hard for blacks. They exterminate themselves. Even the Klan doesn’t do that.
Since the act of abortion is “clearly†premeditated murder, what should the punishment be if a provider and a woman commit the crimes? Life in prison? Execution?
Works for me. Murder 1. And no Ol’ Sparky.
String ’em up.
You really know how to make an ass of yourself.
Certain contraceptive methods inhibit implantation of an embryo (or a “baby†according to the right) and should be banned as murder, right?
And your problem is…?
Has any Con thought through what a ban would require? Seems important since controlling women’s behavior and reproduction is the central objective of the right.
Ever hear of social approbation?
The Lefties try to use it so everybody loves the queers and fears global idiocy. Running around getting pregnant got you ostracized from polite society.
Since the Lefty media companies are all going broke, watch how all the bad behaviors begin to be looked down upon again.
Your day has passed, but you obviously know that.
Uh oh, the truth is beginning to slip out.
Lolgfy Linda, John, little sissybitch
Major Garrett going to end up private Garrett if he doesn’t watch himself.
The more truth coming to light, the better for our Republic and the Right that wishes to conserve/restore it.
Trump is not nearly as bad as Hitler.
What are the most important features of fascism? They include ultra-nationalism and authoritarianism; the demonisation and persecution of minorities; a cult of the leader; a demagogic appeal to the “ignored†masses and against a “treacherous†establishment; contempt for parliamentary institutions; disregard for the law while standing on a law and order platform; control of the media and the crushing of criticism; slogans promising everything to everybody; a promotion of force as a means to an end leading to violence, militarism and war.
Trump is not nearly as bad as Hitler.
That’s white of you.
If you want fascism, or, more correctly, national socialism, that’s the previous Administration. And everything you listed described the Magic Negro’s reign of error to a T.
Of course, there are more accurate points of national socialism you missed.
State run industries.
Spying on private citizens.
Wars of conquest.
BTW See the interview where Washington Post executive editor Marty Baron and New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet agreed during Sunday’s Meet the Press on NBC that the publications should respect and not be dismissive towards supporters of Trump?
Kinda leaves you out on a limb.
Noel Coward Lives!!!!
He liked little boys, too.
BWAHA! Good one.
Your definition of fascism is quite interesting. The problem with the modern usage of the internet is that you can find a quote or description you like and use it and claim it has some significance and relative meaning.
The Fascist conception of the State is all-embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. Thus understood, Fascism is totalitarian, and the Fascist State—a synthesis and a unit inclusive of all values—interprets, develops, and potentiates the whole life of a people.
— The Doctrine of Fascism, 1935
My above quote is directly from the manifesto of Fascist Italy which to my knowledge was the only nation to fully embrace, nay conceive of and define true fascism.
Now what you describe can most certainly hold true today in the United States. The problem is that does not describe the Trump Administration, the Obama Administration nor the Bush Administration.
What you are describing is the deep state that has now come to be debunked as a conspiracy theory despite dozens of people exposing the deep state and all its power. Those unelected officials in positions of power who dictate to politicians and our government what we will and won’t do. What we will produce and who we will attack. Endless wars not by politicians but brought to us by the deep state.
Do you remember the CIA swearing it had information that Sadaam Hussein had WMDs and that even Teddy Kennedy stood on the capitol steps and said: “I Have seen the evidence.”
Do you remember the CIA telling us Syria gassed the rebels not once but twice? Yet that has now been exposed as a lie and in fact, the rebels gassed themselves to illicit help. On and on the merry go round of lying to the American people by unelected people goes. Billionaires control the direction of the country based upon how much money they proffer to pay off politicians to do their bidding.
Yes, Fascism exists in the USA but unfortunately, the left is defending the very people who are the extollers of its virtues in order to resist Trump in his efforts to dig the USA out from under the clutches of out of control agencies.
I offer you the latest bombing by Trump in Syria and Iraq. Does he really know this was carried out by members of Iran backed Militias? Once again another effort by the deep state to get us into a retracted war with Iran in the ME.
I agree fascism exists in the USA. However, it is not Trump as its leader nor was it Obama or Bush. It is the heads of dozens of secretive agencies all with an agenda far more sinister and without regard for the health and welfare of USA citizens.
You just described the entire Democrat/Communist Party! Especially the part about “control of the media and the crushing of criticism; slogans promising everything to everybody; a promotion of force as a means to an end leading to violence, militarism and war.” That fits you guys to a T. Free everything!
Meanwhile, Happy New Year 2020. America is still great regardless of what Fredo and his comrades say and President Trump is still in office regardless of what Fredo and his comrades predicted.
I’ll leave this little ditty to let you know exactly what Fredo and his comrades really are:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor–he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation–he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city–he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared – Cicero, 42 B.C.E.”
Treason from within, Fredo. Seems Cicero knew all about you commies 2062 years ago.
God Bless America, President Trump and Teach and the commenters here and God damn the treacherous coup and it’s supporters and all those with nothing left but hate for our Founders, our Flag and our Republic.
Trump 2020 Let’s get rid of those Cicero described so long ago.
Nothing you type any longer is useful, as you become increasingly Everything you type is hate-filled and advocate violence. Anger is consuming you.
Here’s to America resisting the violent invocations of Trump and those like him and you.
You don’t represent most Americans but are rather an exception and an abomination.
Best wishes to you and yours, but I’m not optimistic for you.
It’s become obvious that your anger has overwhelmed your ability to reason but I’ll ask one last time – What actions do you identify as treasonous?
Is opposition to the behaviors and actions of Donald Trump, support for better lives for the poor and working classes, support for the Constitution and civil rights the equivalent of treason and the “elimination” of other Americans?
To most, the jailing or execution of your fellow Americans for opposing the direction of America sounds exactly like right-wing authoritarianism/totalitariansm/facism.
Good bye.
Nothing you type any longer is useful, as you become increasingly Everything you type is hate-filled and advocate violence. Anger is consuming you.
composed as he looked in a mirror.
Here’s to America resisting the violent invocations of Trump and those like him and you.
You don’t represent most Americans but are rather an exception and an abomination.
Best wishes to you and yours, but I’m not optimistic for you.
No, here’s to all who see through you and yours. And that’s most Americans because Kye does represent most Americans. You are the exception and the abomination.
No, he’ll be OK; you’re going to turn into another Snippi Longstocking, increasingly depressed and angry as the long march of the Left is halted and reversed.
It’s become obvious that your anger has overwhelmed your ability to reason but I’ll ask one last time – What actions do you identify as treasonous?
We have this Constitution thingy. Check it out.
Is opposition to the behaviors and actions of Donald Trump, support for better lives for the poor and working classes, support for the Constitution and civil rights the equivalent of treason and the “elimination†of other Americans?
Since he’s legally elected, your attempted coup is, at the least, seditious.
And you do not support better lives for the poor and working classes or the Constitution and civil rights.
You want tyranny.
To most, the jailing or execution of your fellow Americans for opposing the direction of America sounds exactly like right-wing authoritarianism/totalitariansm/facism.
Most of the people you see in the mirror, you mean.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
It’s what you do.
PS It’s fascism, after the Roman fasces, not facism.
In other words I nailed you right between your beady little eyes so fuk me, right? You live in a fog world of propaganda and lies and you can’t face it. The actions and the economy of President Trump HAS made the lives of the poor, working poor, middle class and rich guys like you better. That’s a fact Jack! The stock market rose 5000 points in 2019, more than any one year increase IN HISTORY. That represents wealth, douchebag. That represents IRA’s for retirement savings for working people as well as those retired. Didn’t YOU make more money on your investments this year? I know I did.
President Trump have lowered unemployment to the lowest point EVAH! And his policies have helped employ more BLACKS and HISPANICS than ever recorded. So if he’s a racist he’s going about it the wrong way.
Trump 2020 Keep the prosperity coming.
We notice you changed the subject. You didn’t answer our question explaining how opposition to Donald Trump is treason.
What actions do you identify as treasonous?
Thanks in advance for your reasoned answer.
A tweet from John Bolton a former Bush Neocon who is a warmonger and Trump to his discredit thought he would bring a Bush crony to the WH to help him. Anyone remember Trump offering a powerful position to a Mitt Romney woman who then leaked information like a sieve before being caught?
Why would Trump trust anyone connected with Bush or Romney or Mccain or any one of the dozen of entrenched politicians?
Or perhaps the Colonel defending his turf on Ukraine against the president’s wishes?
The deep state doing the bidding of their handlers.
The tweet just today:
How to respond to Kim Jong Un’s threatening New Year’s remarks? The U.S. should fully resume all canceled or down-sized military exercises in South Korea. Hold Congressional hearings on whether US troops are truly ready to “fight tonight.â€
Once again the deep state’s response to everything is fighting another war. Attack, attack, attack. Endless wars supported by the left now as the new GOP party has finally come to realize how duped they have been by this deep state activity.
The list is endless:
Today as well. Up to 4,000 US troops could deploy to the Middle East amid Baghdad unrest: officials
Meanwhile, the Democrats impeach Trump while the deep state tries to drag him back into heavy fighting and protracted wars in the Middle East.
@ Winston
Points well taken.
e.g., Merriam-Webster defines fascism:
noun: fas·​cism | \ ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-
Definition of fascism
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
Admittedly we (and I) use terms such as fascism, autocracy, communism, socialism, authoritarianism, democracy, capitalism, police state to describe government systems even as all governments operate as blended combinations of all the above. In addition, in accord with definition 2 above, the terms are used even more loosely to label individuals and actions, e.g., labeling Social Security as socialist or communist, or Presidential proclamations as autocratic. The classic definition of Fascism mainly differs from America’s current path in that over the past several decades the US has evolved (devolved?) to a state largely controlled by corporations, which could be described as reverse Fascism or a Constitutional neo-plutocracy. We elect representatives whose primary objectives are 1) get and maintain power and 2) support policies giving more power to corporations (Citizens United, slashing regulations, “trade” agreements, regressive tax policy, slashing safety net, loosening campaign finance regs, USPTO policies…). This not a partisan issue. Dems, Repubs, Americans and the media are guilty of ceding their responsibilities to corporate America.
J. Edgar Hoover was Director of the FBI from 1935-1972 and used questionable tactics (often with the direct and tacit approval of Presidents) in pursuing organized crime elements, communists, political enemies, personal enemies, activists, potential foreign spies, potential “disloyal” American citizens… certainly actions that could be considered fascistic, but often without the support (or even the knowledge) of the President.
The US has been involved in dozens of examples of “regime change”, presumably for US benefit. Since 1947, the CIA was responsible for these attempts, often opposing communist influence. Greece, Iran, Guatemala, Bay of Pigs, Syria, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Congo, Chad, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq invasion… but this is not to suggest that all the actions were contrary to US long-term interests. The CIA was implicated in Iran-Contra, Watergate, foreign assassination attempts, Central American “death squads”, monitoring of social media, rendition to “black sites”, illegal wiretapping of Americans, torture of captives, support of right-wing leaders in South America and repeatedly lying to Congress.
The FBI and CIA have often acted as rogue operations, often as instruments of the executive branch, but often independent of Presidents, and very often without Congressional oversight, even lying to Congress.
For decades Congress has been ceding their oversight responsibilities to the Executive Branch, inviting autocratic/authoritarian/fascist actions by the Presidents. The perception that American life is increasingly unfair and unequal, an actual outcome engineered by the “plutocracy” where policies advance the desires of the wealthy and corporations at the expense of the working classes made the public susceptible to an autocrat identifying the white working classes as “victims” of immigrants and minorities, scorching American institutions (Congress, gov’t agencies, free press, elections) as illegitimate and promising to “fix” working class lives.
Admittedly we (and I) use terms such as fascism, autocracy, communism, socialism, authoritarianism, democracy, capitalism, police state to describe government systems even as all governments operate as blended combinations of all the above.
What’s this “we”, Rastus?
The classic definition of Fascism mainly differs from America’s current path in that over the past several decades the US has evolved (devolved?) to a state largely controlled by corporations, which could be described as reverse Fascism or a Constitutional neo-plutocracy. We elect representatives whose primary objectives are 1) get and maintain power and 2) support policies giving more power to corporations (Citizens United, slashing regulations, “trade†agreements, regressive tax policy, slashing safety net, loosening campaign finance regs, USPTO policies…).
No, you can’t chasnge what something is to fit your agenda.
And a lot of that stuff occurred under Democrat Administrations and Congresses. Such as the last Maladministration.
The US has been involved in dozens of examples of “regime changeâ€, presumably for US benefit. Since 1947, the CIA was responsible for these attempts, often opposing communist influence. Greece, Iran, Guatemala, Bay of Pigs, Syria, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Congo, Chad, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq invasion… but this is not to suggest that all the actions were contrary to US long-term interests. The CIA was implicated in Iran-Contra, Watergate, foreign assassination attempts, Central American “death squadsâ€, monitoring of social media, rendition to “black sitesâ€, illegal wiretapping of Americans, torture of captives, support of right-wing leaders in South America and repeatedly lying to Congress.
You left out a couple of world wars and more than a few ops pre-WWII. As always, history is yet another subject of which you’re ignorant.
Regime change was intended to improve the lot of the locals, and anything that got Saddam Hussein off the backs of the average Iraqi was an improvement.
The FBI and CIA have often acted as rogue operations, often as instruments of the executive branch, but often independent of Presidents, and very often without Congressional oversight, even lying to Congress.
Especially ’09 – ’17.
For decades Congress has been ceding their oversight responsibilities to the Executive Branch, inviting autocratic/authoritarian/fascist actions by the Presidents. The perception that American life is increasingly unfair and unequal, an actual outcome engineered by the “plutocracy†where policies advance the desires of the wealthy and corporations at the expense of the working classes made the public susceptible to an autocrat identifying the white working classes as “victims†of immigrants and minorities, scorching American institutions (Congress, gov’t agencies, free press, elections) as illegitimate and promising to “fix†working class lives.
Everything that’s wrong with the Democrats and the Left.
More projection, but the same old Commie blah blah.
You’re losing. The Lefty paradises are hemorrhaging voters because things are so bad. NY and CA will each probably lose seats in Congress.
The next 4 years of the Trump Train are going to be so much fun
OMG, it’s like Oscar Wilde was right in front of me!!!
Also light on his feet.