The answers are hilarious
We asked, you answered: Here’s how the climate changed your lives in 2019
— grist (@grist) January 2, 2020
Here we go
A year has passed since the publication of “We broke down what climate change will do, region by region,†the best-performing Grist story of recent times. In the piece, the Grist team laid out what the 4th National Climate Assessment warned was coming for each region of the country. The main takeaway? No matter where you live, climate change will find you.
The Pacific Northwest is looking at a rainy future, while the Southwest will experience blistering temperatures and drought unlike anything seen before. As we said last year, your backyard might suffer different climate consequences from my backyard.
Wait, it’s going to rain in the Pacific NW? That would be unusual, right? Right? Anyhow, here are some of the responses
I work on climate change, and it has taken a toll on me mentally this year: I’ve felt both filled to the brim with hope and depleted with despair.
-Furnace couldn’t keep up during February polar vortex, and we had 11†of snow before leaves finished falling in November.
-Seasonal changes have been “off.†Very cold and wet in May, slowing planting in our short season. Then October brought early snow, forcing apple harvest before ripening. November, so far, has been our October. November is usually wet, but no precipitation in rain or snow to speak of.
-I live in Jersey City, New Jersey. We got hit hard by Sandy in 2012, which was my BIG climate story. Lately it’s just been extreme temperatures. In the winter, we have the polar vortex. I usually walk to work, but when it’s that cold, I have to take a cab/Lyft for health reasons. My apartment building is very old, was retrofitted over 10 years ago, and simply doesn’t have the energy efficiency to keep in the heat. I have electric baseboards and my energy bill can be north of $300 in cold months.
So, see, the cold is your fault for driving a fossil fueled vehicle and having a burger a couple times a week.
I have started taking the climate emergency more seriously. My wife and I sold a car and have decided to share one car. I have decided to bike to work every day. I linked up my employer with a local nonprofit that helps companies incentivize their employees to not commute alone in a car to work. I have started voting in every election I can, researching alternatives to flying, and embracing slow travel. I am considering changing jobs or even a career shift to work for a company that is either not participating in global warming or making efforts to limit their carbon footprint. I am also driving my wife insane. :)
The planet is dying and no one with a lot of power is doing anything adequate to stop it. I am not having children as a result. The world, it seems, will only get worse and worse with each passing year as climate change destroys civilization as we know it. When I said that in middle-school some 30 years ago, I was accused of hyperbole. When I saw it now, we all know it’s true. Who wants to live in the world that’s coming? Not me.
Our summer was kind of cool and we had three good rains here in Southern Oregon. We had one or two 100 degree days this year. Normally, we have five to 10. Our rains normally stop in May and resume in October — rain during summer is quite uncommon up here.
So, wait, fewer 100 degree days is proof of an over-heating planet? Huh? Typically here in Raleigh we average six 100 degree days a year. We only had one this past summer, one the previous, and none 3 summers ago. We haven’t had 6 in almost a decade. That’s a good thing, right? Not in Climate Cult World, of course.
We lost our home and nearly everything we possessed in the Camp Fire due to environmental changes that contributed to massive wildfire.
While I’m sorry to hear that, climate change had nothing to do with the fire. It was man-caused, though, namely irresponsible actions by California’s PG&E power company.

“I am not having children as a result.”
Well… Bye. The future belongs to those who can be bothered to show up. If you don’t have kids, your opinion on what the future should look like no longer matters.
You called it, Professor. The fewer of these nut jobs that spawn the better off mankind.
Forgive my inordinate amount of posting, It is between semesters and I have a little extra time on my hands having already put together my staff, hired my teaching assistants and put together the lesson plans for the upcoming 4 classes I have to teach. The only thing left to do is to get with the 5 candidates for their PHD thesis and develop and approve their projects.
Elwood said “Trump would no more listen than you would, Teach. And of course, the Dem candidates WOULD listen. Cons are famous for never listening.”
A recent man on the street that polled hundreds of Trump supporters at several different rallies said this exact same thing, Elwood. The GOP does not listen. They make promises and then do nothing when they get to DC claiming it is too hard and the Democrats obstruct them.
The overwhelming consensus of these people was that Trump is a crass, obnoxious man who says what he will do and then does it. They liked that.
In a separate poll, 80 percent with a margin of error of 3 percent said that they are better off financially right now. Trump was left out of the question. They were then asked if their lives were going to get better or worse in the coming year. 83 percent said better.
The same poll then said the country not so much because of the political divide but they personally were doing quite well the last few years.
The question then turned to Why were they doing better and overwhelmingly the poll saw that Trump was the key factor. Bostonians who were democrats, NY’ers who were democrats, fly overs who were GOP, Californians who were democrats all responded by saying that Trump was the key factor in why they are doing so much better.
In essence, the overwhelming consensus among the pundits who were in fact democrats is that this poll is pointing to a Trump Landslide in 2020. Not a Trump resignation. I read your posts. They are of course meant to rise tension and elicit emotional responses, but occasionally you hit on a truth.
The truth is neither side listen to the voters, if they did, poverty would be over, infrastructure would be well on its way to being fixed, we would be out of wars in the Middle East, Taxes would be 90 percent, a Democrat or Republican would be president holding secret meetings with billionaires as to what they want to be done next and on and on it goes.
Again, thank you for your thoughtful opinions. And you also occasionally hit on a truth!
As of now, Trump would lose the popular election by over 10 million votes but still have a good chance to be re-elected by concentrating on potential key swing states, Michigan, North Carolina, Florida, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Arizona. While Trump’s reelection would be bad for America, this would likely put a stake through the heart of the EC. How can a candidate lose in a landslide by popular vote but be reelected is what people may ask.
Current Trump supporters have the perception that Trump is doing what he promised, but largely based on gaslighting by Trump, Barr, FOX and OAN. He hasn’t built the wall, he hasn’t pushed infrastructure, he hasn’t balanced the budget, he hasn’t fixed the trade deficit, he hasn’t brought either N Korea or Iran to heel, the economy is at 2% growth and not the 4, 5, even 6% he promised (China near 6%), manufacturing is down, wealth inequality is on the rise, abortion and gay marriage still legal, but… he has put Mexicans in cages, rewarded the wealthy, harassed Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTs and libs/dems… all the things his supporters desired!
We’ll have to wait until Nov to see what happens. In the meantime keep an eye on the Trump scandal machine to see if and when he’s compelled to resign! It’s clear that Trump supporters do not find soliciting electoral assistance from a foreign country in exchange for US taxpayer aid to be wrong. Let’s see if Bolton or Mulvaney are willing to be the fall guys.
As I’ve said before, a Trump was inevitable – a pseudopopulist demagogue who would restore the white working classes to their rightful place! Goldwater, Wallace and Pat Buchanan were just too soon.
Both Dems and Repubs have ignored the American working classes for decades, concentrating on the rich, and it’s reached the point where even in a “good” economy people are feeling the pinch. Healthcare, tuition and housing are crushing the middle class.
billionaire Nick Hanauer:
— … the problem isn’t that we have inequality. Some inequality is intrinsic to any high-functioning capitalist economy. The problem is that inequality is at historically high levels and getting worse every day. Our country is rapidly becoming less a capitalist society and more a feudal society. Unless our policies change dramatically, the middle class will disappear, and we will be back to late 18th-century France. Before the revolution.
And so I have a message for my fellow filthy rich, for all of us who live in our gated bubble worlds: Wake up, people. It won’t last.
If we don’t do something to fix the glaring inequities in this economy, the pitchforks are going to come for us. No society can sustain this kind of rising inequality. In fact, there is no example in human history where wealth accumulated like this and the pitchforks didn’t eventually come out. You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state. Or an uprising. There are no counterexamples. None. It’s not if, it’s when. —
— Which is why the fundamental law of capitalism must be: If workers have more money, businesses have more customers. Which makes middle-class consumers, not rich businesspeople like us, the true job creators. Which means a thriving middle class is the source of American prosperity, not a consequence of it. The middle class creates us rich people, not the other way around. —
— Dear 1%ers, many of our fellow citizens are starting to believe that capitalism itself is the problem. I disagree, and I’m sure you do too. Capitalism, when well managed, is the greatest social technology ever invented to create prosperity in human societies. But capitalism left unchecked tends toward concentration and collapse. It can be managed either to benefit the few in the near term or the many in the long term. The work of democracies is to bend it to the latter. That is why investments in the middle class work. And tax breaks for rich people like us don’t. Balancing the power of workers and billionaires by raising the minimum wage isn’t bad for capitalism. It’s an indispensable tool smart capitalists use to make capitalism stable and sustainable. And no one has a bigger stake in that than zillionaires like us. —
This worsening inequality is not a natural development from market forces but has been largely manufactured by gov’t policies that reward the wealthy at the expense of the working classes. Trade agreements, tax policy, immigration, patent/copyright law, regulatory policies – every policy is crafted to benefit the wealthy and corporations.
“Harassed Black, Hispanics, Muslims, LBGTs, libs…†Uh, no he hasn’t. Unless you consider record or near record low black unemployment as “harassing.â€
“Billionaire Nick” Makes some good points none of which are in sync with the ardent leftist policies of Fredo or his Field of Presidential Contending Clowns. As he said “You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state.” And yet most (not all) of the corrective policies prescribed by the leftists will lead us to a police state without doubt.
We no longer have capitalism in any of it’s historic manifestations. What we have is crony capitalism and it was put together by LEFTISTS to create an impregnable managerial state by the collusion of business/government/law & politics. That’s why if you went to sleep in 1960 and woke up 2020 you’d find the overwhelming number of millionaires and billionaires in America are Democrats, leftists, socialists and communists.
When we try and figure ways to even the playing field we get either idiots screaming that Social Security and medicare are communist or that they want the government to solve this problem which the government through selective regulations, enforcement, taxation and favoritism created. But when he says “balancing the power of workers and billionaires by raising the minimum wage isn’t bad for capitalism” he’s waaaaay off unless he plans to make minimum wage $1,000,000 per year. I’m not a millionaire because I made a million dollars last year, I’m a millionaire because as I earned more and more I saved and invested it in WEALTH CREATION. That’s why when some ass hole hits the lottery he winds up on welfare in five years. He’s not millionaire material and no amount of money will make him so. He will always piss it away.
Dismantling capitalism is not the answer even if billionaires think it is. And in case you leftists haven’t noticed the inequality of wealth is EVEN GREATER under socialism and communism where the ONLY rich people are the “bosses”.
Trump 2020 Keep the billionaire in office just for spite!
Why are you so angry, Dildo?
We agree that Congress (Dems and Repubs) over the past few decades has turned the US into a corporation-run plutocracy with the objective of making the rich ever richer.
Mr. Hanauer made the point that the wealthy aren’t the job creators, those that spend their money every day are. Not everyone has had the advantages that you and I have had. And neither me nor Hanauer are advocating dismantling capitalism, but rather making our system serve all Americans. Advocating that life be easier for the working poor is not dismantling capitalism. But capitalism needs regulation. So, yes, higher minimum wage, universal healthcare, childcare resources for working families, progressive income tax, block grants to states, helping education, repairing the tech/pharma patent system, …
You’re quick to blame Dems for all of America’s problems but don’t overlook Mssrs. Reagan, Bush’s and Trump. Reagan + Bush 1 nearly tripled the national debt, but had an excuse – to squelch inflation. Clinton actually balanced the budget. Bush 2 had his war and tax cuts. Obama had the Great Recession. Trump has no excuse rather than to transfer wealth to the wealthy, using borrowed money to do it.
The Great Recession took trillions out of the US economy, mostly punishing the working poor.
Senator Sanders has the most sound policies for “leveling the playing field” although Medicare for All needs some work.
You used to be reasonable but your anger has blinded you.
Actually, you don’t agree, out of power vibrator.
He’s looking for an honest broker. You’re just another duplicitous Commie.
Mr. Hanauer made the point that the wealthy aren’t the job creators
And he’s a damned fool or a damned liar. and the two are not mutually exclusive.
And neither me nor Hanauer are advocating dismantling capitalism
Of course, you are. You both think you’ll prosper under Communism, but useless idiots like you are always the first to go to the wall. Commies realize more than anyone that somebody who betrays his country once will do it again.
But capitalism needs regulation. So, yes, higher minimum wage, universal healthcare, childcare resources for working families, progressive income tax, block grants to states, helping education, repairing the tech/pharma patent system, …
That’s how you wreck capitalism, but it’s also how you impose Communism.
Clinton actually balanced the budget.
Lie. Willie never balanced a budget. All his savings were in the out years.
If you have to lie, try to pick something a little harder to break.
Obama had the Great Recession.
Which gave him a great chance to do what Coolidge did, but, no, he had to go the New Deal route, for which we’re still paying.
The Great Recession took trillions out of the US economy, mostly punishing the working poor.
No, Zippy did and gave it to all his allies.
Senator Sanders has the most sound policies for “leveling the playing field†although Medicare for All needs some work.
You haven’t gotten the memo again, have you? Medicare for All is dead. Even Fauxcahontas has dropped it because even Democrats don’t want that mess again.
And Bernie’s going down the same road that’s failed before: forgive student debt, wealth tax, job guarantee, Green Nude Eel.
You used to be reasonable but your anger has blinded you.
Better his anger than your lies and stupidity.
As of now, Trump would lose the popular election by over 10 million votes but still have a good chance to be re-elected by concentrating on potential key swing states, Michigan, North Carolina, Florida, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Arizona. While Trump’s reelection would be bad for America, this would likely put a stake through the heart of the EC. How can a candidate lose in a landslide by popular vote but be reelected is what people may ask.
And how many dead people would you need to beat him by 10 mil?
Right now, even according to the Lefty polls, Trump beats all the Democrats.
And the Left only hates the Electoral College because it makes vote fraud so much more difficult.
Current Trump supporters have the perception that Trump is doing what he promised, but largely based on gaslighting by Trump, Barr, FOX and OAN. He hasn’t built the wall, he hasn’t pushed infrastructure, he hasn’t balanced the budget, he hasn’t fixed the trade deficit, he hasn’t brought either N Korea or Iran to heel, the economy is at 2% growth and not the 4, 5, even 6% he promised (China near 6%), manufacturing is down, wealth inequality is on the rise, abortion and gay marriage still legal, but… he has put Mexicans in cages, rewarded the wealthy, harassed Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTs and libs/dems… all the things his supporters desired!
Phase 1 of the China deal is signed in 2 weeks, little idiot. Trade deficit has improved, he’s brought NoKo and the mullahs to heel or Red China would be importing Persian oil.
Manufacturing’s up and the blue collars are prospering and more Trump judges are being appointed every week.
And he’s so harrassed blacks, Hispanics, and the queers, they can’t wait to get away from the Democrats.
WalkAway, Blexit.
We’ll have to wait until Nov to see what happens. In the meantime keep an eye on the Trump scandal machine to see if and when he’s compelled to resign! It’s clear that Trump supporters do not find soliciting electoral assistance from a foreign country in exchange for US taxpayer aid to be wrong. Let’s see if Bolton or Mulvaney are willing to be the fall guys.
The only resignations have been from the Democrat clown car and the country has found no evidence of soliciting electoral assistance from a foreign country in exchange for US taxpayer aid.
As I’ve said before, a Trump was inevitable – a pseudopopulist demagogue who would restore the white working classes to their rightful place! Goldwater, Wallace and Pat Buchanan were just too soon.
Actually, you never said that before and it’s just as well.
You’d be saying the Lefty paradise bequeathed by Franklin Roosevelt was all a lie (which, of course, it was) and it was Dwight Eisenhower who restore the white working classes to their rightful place.
Both Dems and Repubs have ignored the American working classes for decades, concentrating on the rich, and it’s reached the point where even in a “good†economy people are feeling the pinch. Healthcare, tuition and housing are crushing the middle class.
So let’s all go Commie because it’s always worked so well.
Now, as for this clown, Hanauer. I don’t see him giving up his money. Just like Bill Gates and Buffett, he wants to tell everybody else how to live, but he reserves the right to keep the house on the hill.
Among other things, Politico is a Lefty rag, so you’d expect idiot Lefties to contribute. More to the point, I don’t see any peasants (that’s what his analogy is really about) rioting in the streets. I see them at work in a booming economy. And, if they were, you can bet the ranch he’d have the National Guard called out to make sure he still had his.
As always, Hypocrite Hare isn’t just a tool of the Commies, he’s a dumb tool. too stupid to see how he’s being had.
Ogden Nash returns.
I guess his overlords at Troll Central have told to post anything, no matter how ridiculous.
And he has.
Obsession! by formwiz
You only exist because of me…
When I stop mocking you, you’ll disappear.
Funny-it seems that facts and Obama disagree with that perspective..
More facts:
One thing he’s right about, though-immigration polices. Importing low wage workers keeps wages down and takes jobs away from American workers. Of course, Trump’s policy is to end this while liberal’s policy is to keep this going or even do away with borders all together. Libs as hypocrites? Shocking
Trump Inc. has hired undocumented workers for years. Now they’re firing them. Coincidence?
Cons as hypocrites? Shocking
Can you or the Gray Lady prove they’re all illegals?
Betcha can’t.
How surprising that the Trump Campaign claims Trump has been keeping promises!!
It’s not so surprising that the Examiner is shilling for him again. They publish whatever the campaign hands them. Fake news!
Better than your sources that make it up as they go along.
So in other words what the Examiner said is true. But we knew that. And I have no idea about Trump and illegals, but even if what was said was true and they’re now being fired, well then at least they’re trying to undo the hypocrisy. Libs, on the other hand, full steam ahead!