This is the kind of thing that gets President Trump re-elected. All those middle ground voters, the #NeverTrumpers, etc, they should take note of stuff like this, and realize that Democrats really do hate America. Do they want to vote for them? They don’t have to vote Trump, but, they’ll just avoid voting D
dear iran,
i hate to say it — i hope i don't sound ridiculous — i don't know who this man is. i mean, he could be walking down the street, i wouldn't . . . i wouldn't know a thing.
— maryam aftab (@mxry_xm) January 3, 2020
There are plenty more of the “assassinate Trump” tweets out there
So, attack Red states. Your fellow Americans.
They do know who Soleimani actually is, right? Doubtful.
Dear Iran,
We don’t even like it here.
From~ Black People
— ????????? (@couldbeamos) January 3, 2020
Dear Iran and Iraq:
On behalf of the American Black delegation…… wasn’t us— Vocal Advocacy Class #DefundBPD 101 (@KINGDACEO) January 3, 2020
This Dear Iran stuff is actually flowing through black Twitter. Of course, Conservatives are starting to hijack the meme, with tweets like

You don’t get bullies to leave you alone by saying, “Please do not kill us”.
You get bullies to leave you alone by fighting back.
Ain’t they cute?
#Lolgf losers
is a friend of a country that hangs gays, stones women who get pregnant out of wedlock, shoots demonstrators, disappears poets and bloggers, and kills and maims people all over the globe. How long would Rose actually survive in Tehran?
Teach typed: This is the kind of thing that gets President Trump re-elected.
This was Trump’s objective.
Didn’t Trump promise to keep us out of foreign wars? Just another unkept promise but necessary to reelection, so what are ya gonna do? His Ukraine plan fell flat.
No, your Ukraine plan fell flat.
And all those hopes for another Benghazi don’t look good, either.
Didn’t Trump promise to keep us out of foreign wars?
And he just ended that one. Quds was one guy that was irreplaceable.
As Reagan said in a very similar situation, “You can run, but you can’t hide”.
Elwood. Stop the routine lying!
You apparently hate Teach so much the truth doesn’t matter anymore to you.
Donald is keeping his promise.
Iran attacked us, not the other way around.
Research before commenting. Sound smarter.
Have no idea what you’re talking about. Of course, this is a wag the dog operation by Trump to distract from his impeachment problems and to boost his poll numbers.
He’s sending 3000 troops now.
The US escalations — including the attack on the Iraqi militia and the assassination of Suleimani — were carried out without congressional approval. The current presence of US troops in Iraq has not been authorized by Congress at all—and even the White House’s justifications for deployment were based on claims of fighting ISIS, not launching attacks that could lead to war with Iran.
The urgent need right now is for Congress and the people of the United States to demand a stand-down from Washington’s belligerence toward Iran.
Have no idea what you’re talking about. Of course, this is a wag the dog operation by Trump to distract from his impeachment problems and to boost his poll numbers.
Tell us all how he got the mullahs to attack our embassy in Baghdad and then kill their most valuable general.
He’s sending 3000 troops now.
Sounds rather prudent.
The US escalations — including the attack on the Iraqi militia and the assassination of Suleimani — were carried out without congressional approval. The current presence of US troops in Iraq has not been authorized by Congress at all—and even the White House’s justifications for deployment were based on claims of fighting ISIS, not launching attacks that could lead to war with Iran.
The urgent need right now is for Congress and the people of the United States to demand a stand-down from Washington’s belligerence toward Iran.
Why? We’re winning, aren’t we?
My God, what drivel. Where did you get this, Gray Lady or WaPo?
And Trump doesn’t need Congressional approval for something like this; the protection of American life and property, although we all know how you Lefties don’t really care about any of that.
‘It’s to distract from them impeachment…â€. Brilliant! I’m just wondering how he arranged the attack on the embassy to start this….
Yet impeachment was to distract us from Trump’s booming economy.
Impeachment is the Constitutional mechanism for removing a corrupt US President.
Trump solicited electoral assistance from a foreign country by withholding approved foreign aid (it was clearly trump’s plan based on recently released unredacted emails). Trying to rig a presidential election is impeachable.
Trump is having to do things at home and international that he would prefer not to do. The reason is that Obama was the worse leader we have ever had. Coupled to this is the fact that Democrats in Congress are doing their best to destroy Trump even to the point of destroying our country. Other countries perceive this as Trump being weak and do not understand that he will react to provocation. He has clone so in the right manner.
Thus the American voter realizes that Trump is wrongfully hampered by liberals who desire the destruction of our way of life. This year, Trump will be overwhelmingly re-elected as well has having majorities in both Houses and will have a conservative court at all levels.
Who said it in 2011?
“Our president will start a war with Iran because he has absolutely no ability to negotiate. He’s weak and he’s ineffective. So the only way he figures that he’s going to get reelected — and as sure as you’re sitting there — is to start a war with Iran.â€
Of course we didn’t attack Iran in 2011.
No, he tried to buy them off with $1.8B in cash and we ended up with a mess. So who cares who said it?
Too bad Zippy never read the history of WWII or he’d have learned appeasement never works.
So your cutesy little question blows up in your face. As does your Mocha Messiah’s plan to become Khameini’s bitch.
Woof, woof.
Who said Trump would be out of office before 2020?
Funny how nobody, not Republican nor Commiecrat asked if killing Osama would cause the Moooooslems to retaliate. And not one American referred to Osama as “a statesman”, “a military genius” or any other complements. What are the fukers gonna do run out in the streets and scream “Death to America”? Maybe they could get together with Fredo and burn some American flags for effect.
I wish the American leftist party and the Fredo’s of the Republic loved America as much as they love Suleimani the murderer. At least if they loved America as much as they hate Trump and his supporters it would be nice. Then again you can’t love something you want to “fundamentally change” now can you?
Trump 2020 Keep our enemies off balance, from the Fredo’s to the Moooslems.
bin laden engineered 9/11, was a murderer, was not a military genius or a statesman.
Had Bluto even heard of Suleimani before he was assassinated?
Kind of missed the part about Trump cleaning up after the worst president ever, Obama. Winning, MAGA, KAG.
You have no idea how ridiculous you sound.
Actually, it just foreshadowed his plans 9 years ago. He knew, we knew he’d start a war if he lasted to election day.
Regarding President Obama releasing $1.8 billion owed to Iran, trump has given $28 billion (over two years) to the farmers he’s hurt with his stupid tariffs. Are these the welfare payments uber-cons want to stop? In parallel, trump is cutting SNAP benefits 30% (poverty is $16,910 and under for household of 2 – but the average income is much lower). Median household income for farmers is $72,000.
No matter how you choose to look at it, Iran’s goose is cooked. They have already been warned many times not to pursue a nuclear or biological weapons program. But they ignore these warnings.
It’s also important to remember that the West was instrumental in forming the country of Iran.
That country was created, so that the local people would have a homeland. That’s the same reason that Israel was created. But all of those countries in the Middle East, which were formed by the West, exist contingent upon their responsible conduct. They do not have an absolute right to exist. Iran is not acting responsibly. And the West isn’t going to sit around, and wait for them to develop more dangerous weapons. The Iranians are fools; and there’s just no cure for that.
“we killed your precious leader, so how about you kill ours and let’s call it even.”
What do they have against GEN Milley?
Now the cowardly democrats are demanding that Trump give a full accounting of this.
I wonder where was there outrage when Obama blew up an American with an airstrike?
Just saying. Glad we dont have to fight these battles with the left. They are too busy swirling down the drain of the swamp to make any sense anymore.
Now we get word searches for Franz Ferdinand and WWIII are “trending”.
If Wendell Willkie had won in ’40 and the Demos were the pack of snowflakes they are now, we’d see this kind of nonsense after Pearl Harbor.
CNBC defends the action of killing the Iranian thug. The left rebels calling them a “corporate propaganda machine.”
“Soleimani has an 82% approval rating in Iran, and is a hero in much of the Middle East because he defeated ISIS[.] Iran defeated ISIS according to the left.
Meanwhile US client regimes like Saudi Arabia supported ISIS, after the US gave birth to it. The US empire is the world’s actual no. 1 bad guy.”
AND of course. THE USA IS THE WORLDS BAD GUY from idiots on the left.
And now we are headed for: Are you ready?
“For anybody interested in how a reckless assassination that might lead to an apocalyptic war could be redeemed and framed by media as a jingoistic and dangerous achievement, here’s how it starts,” political analyst Jared Yates Sexton reacted.
The lefts new talking point. Forget Ukraine. Forget Russia. Now its defend IRAN from the USA. LOLOLOL. Remember children. Obama loved Iran and gave them a sweetheart deal including cash on the runway. For Trump to kill one of their beloveds is a horrible sin.
Blow up Americans. No problem. Blow up Iranians and its the end of the world even though Iran attacked Saudia Arabia, funds Hezbollah and just months ago Trump was evil for not going to war with IRAN.
Make up your fuking minds Democrats!!!!!!
Looks like we have some hot intel (too bad our intelligence committee was busy impeaching people or they’d have known what was happening).
Airstrike blew up the leaders of one of Quds’ militias inside Iraq.
In the immortal words of Douglas MacArthur, “That’s the best thing to do with them”.
Trump looks like he’s going to take out the whole infrastructure.
In the immortal words of William Tecumseh Sherman, “The more we kill today, the fewer we have to kill tomorrow”.
Actually I was watching ABC news last night or one of those MSM outlets and a democrat on the house intell committe admitted he had seen the evidence and was not questioning the evidence. He was of course a moderate Dem. He was simply debating with himself if Trump had a reason since both Obama and Bush had the opportunity to take this guy out and didnt.
The Demcrat even admited that this guy was certainly posing an imminent threat to people in the region at that very moment.
Additional and telling news is that this is a reason for Trump to remove Americans from the Middle East. right now Americans are fleeing the Middle East as we speak at the Presidents orders.
Haha to the Democrats. Why the Fuk do we have Mercenaries in a dozen countries in the ME? You think that is Trumps doing? No that is compliments of your runaway and out of control 3 letter agencies. And you can bet these mercs are paying these unelected officials lots of backchannel money to give them big contracts to go play GI Joe in foreign lands.
Wouldn’t it be Senate malpractice to continue the impeachment witch hunt while the nation is at war?
I bet McConnell and Trump never even thought of that.
The treacherous and treasonous impeachment coup is malpractice of every Democommie in Congress. They should be dealt with and will come November.
Trump 2020 Let’s deal with the Democommies once and for all.
Impeachment is the Constitutional mechanism for removing a corrupt official.
If you’re implying that the Democrats will lose elections in Nov, you may be right. We’ll see.
If you’re implying that the Dems should be arrested you’re an authoritarian.
Impeachment is the Constitutional mechanism for removing a corrupt official.
No, it merely removes him/her/it/xe/xer from office.
If you’re implying that the Democrats will lose elections in Nov, you may be right. We’ll see.
How many times has he said Trump was going to lose? Or resign?
This is an historic occasion.
If you’re implying that the Dems should be arrested you’re an authoritarian.
No, he just knows the law. Manufacturing or tampering with evidence is a felony, as is perjury and suborning witlesses, not to mention jury tampering.
With your extensive legal background, you should know that.
Hardly. Identifying the country’s enemies (Democrats) would be a necessary part of winning a war.
Should have done it 50 years ago.
PS Last I looked, no such crime as Senate malpractice.
Since everyone is playing the “what if” game:
Had President Clinton in the 90s taken out Bin Laden when he had the chance would the Twin Towers still be standing today?