Anyone paying attention to what is going on in Virginia?
the left was voted into office, they immediately started gun grabbing.
To date.
88 of 95 counties in Virginia have declared themselves 2nd amendment sanctuary counties and IF the left comes for their guns, the sherrifs promise to deputize the entire population giving them the right to bear arms. Virginia is raising militias in response to these Leftist loons who have essentially banned every weapon in existence barring the flintlock and bow and arrow.
A recent poll of virginia shows trump beating all but Biden in Virginia right now and it was done by a left leaning polling firm and when the poll is equally weighted Trump trounces everyone but Biden and is in a TIE with Biden in BLUE Virginia.
Keep trying to grab those guns you dimwitted leftist morons….hahahaha.
I really am surprised this is not getting more coverage by bloggers. I guess with Trump killing an Iranian and his impeachment that is just doesnt seem to matter that Virginia is in the throes of armed conflict with themselves.
*Defense Secretary Mark Esper said the U.S. will “follow the laws of armed conflict.†When asked if that ruled out targeting cultural sites, Esper said pointedly, “That’s the laws of armed conflict.â€
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday said that any U.S. military strikes inside Iran would be legal. “We’ll behave inside the system,†Pompeo said. “We always have and we always will.â€*
On Sunday Pompeo denied that Trump has tweeted anything about cultural sites.
Trump: “They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people,†he told reporters traveling with him on Air Force One. “And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural sites? It doesn’t work that way.â€
Sorry Donnie, that’s exactly how it works.
Do you think Esper should be fired for not obeying orders? Or is he right that it was an illegal order from trump?
Do you guys love trump even more now that he’s going after those Muslims?
I’m just happy that we have someone who is willing to stand up and fight against those who are out to destroy us and our way of life no matter what their religion. Unlike your hero who did nothing but draw red lines and bow to our enemies.
So far Fredo, everybody including Esper has obeyed their orders and Trump would never issue such orders but it is remarkable that after three years of Trump’s bloviating you crazy azzed leftists still clutch your pearls every time he trolls your stupid asses. Amazing! Once again you’ve got the vapors over something he said, not did. You’re idiots!
I can’t speak for the rest of these guys but when Trump kills our enemy I’m happy. Why aren’t you? I hope he kills them all until they surrender and stop the jihad they’ve had against America since 1979 (actually since 1797). Fuk’em and fuk you for siding with them you traitor.
Trump 2020 Wipe out our enemies wherever we find them (even hiding behind “cultural sites”)
*Defense Secretary Mark Esper said the U.S. will “follow the laws of armed conflict.†When asked if that ruled out targeting cultural sites, Esper said pointedly, “That’s the laws of armed conflict.â€
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday said that any U.S. military strikes inside Iran would be legal. “We’ll behave inside the system,†Pompeo said. “We always have and we always will.â€*
On Sunday Pompeo denied that Trump has tweeted anything about cultural sites.
Since when is blowing up a cultural site (whatever they may be) a war crime?
And Pompeo and Esper do not make policy. Trump does (that’s what Presidents do). If you look at Dana’s link you will see that.
Sorry Donnie, that’s exactly how it works.
No, it doesn’t. The President sets policy. And, aside from the fact the crazies break these rules all the time (combatants that intentionally use protected people or property as human shields or camouflage are guilty of violations of the laws of war and are responsible for damage to those that should be protected) although I have yet to see anybody prosecute them, you’re going to have to come up with an enforceable statute, which I doubt exists.
Do you think Esper should be fired for not obeying orders? Or is he right that it was an illegal order from trump?
He can be, he serves at the pleasure of the President. And you’d have to find a US law that addresses the issue.
This is just the usual St John of Hanoi stuff. Trump wants to hit the bad guys where they live and a lot of Whigs are afraid.
Do you guys love trump even more now that he’s going after those Muslims?
To ask the question is to answer it.
He’s just doing his job as President and the people love it. Which is why you are afraid of it.
He might sweep all 60 states.
Do you guys love trump even more now that he’s going after those Muslims?
Jeffery conveniently forgets that during the Iraq wars, Iraq used cultural sites such as mosques and also used hospitals as staging areas for the military or as military sites.
They were fair game then and they are fair game now.
The left hates so much that they would rather allow Americans to die than take out terrorists who are hiding in a mosque or a museum.
That’s how much they hate the US and American soldiers.
After all, all he has left is hate. And abject fear.
Con Men: Why don’t we just nuke the Middle East except for Saudi Arabia and Israel? Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan – gone! While we’re at it maybe we just move on all Muslim majority regions such as North Africa? This would eliminate most of the bogeymen that terrify you. Then we could take our oil from under the desert sands (Why did Jesus put our oil in the Middle East, anyway?). Previous Presidents have just been big pussies, not willing to use America’s God given might to do what needed to be done. But Trump is different.
Why did God give us these weapons if He didn’t want us to use them for His Glory?
That’s one approach. But atheists can be like fundamentalist Christians or Muslims, that is, not willing to examine evidence. Some atheists reject the concept of gods, magic, angels, miracles based on evidence, concluding it’s just so unlikely to be true. It’s sort of like predicting if the Sun will rise tomorrow, which is 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% probable. Agnostics claim there’s no evidence of gods, magic etc, but are open to being convinced by data.
Not sure what you mean by militant in this regard. Do you mean not concerned with offending the religious? We’ve noticed that many Christians and Muslims are snowflakes.
atheists can be like fundamentalist Christians or Muslims, that is, not willing to examine evidence.
OK, that explains your ignorance.
Some atheists reject the concept of gods, magic, angels, miracles based on evidence, concluding it’s just so unlikely to be true. It’s sort of like predicting if the Sun will rise tomorrow, which is 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% probable.
Which only shows how stupid they are, since they don’t have all the evidence.
Not sure what you mean by militant in this regard. Do you mean not concerned with offending the religious? We’ve noticed that many Christians and Muslims are snowflakes.
You have? You might not want to put that to a test. Unlike you, they really are armed.
And militant, in your case, means arrogance born out of stupidity.
Not a bad plan, actually. Maybe the non-tourist sites in Mexico and everything south of there as well? If we truly wish to save Western civilization, that might be the only way to do it.
Actually, if the neutron bomb actually worked the way it was characterized — kill the people but leave the infrastructure — that would be the better way to go.
Seems like you’re the one who’s afraid. Afraid this will make Trump more popular than ever.
Why don’t we just nuke the Middle East except for Saudi Arabia and Israel? Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan – gone! While we’re at it maybe we just move on all Muslim majority regions such as North Africa?
And your problem is…? Your big concern for the Moslems is only that, if they’re nneutralized, who’s left to bully the faint hearts?
Then we could take our oil from under the desert sands (Why did Jesus put our oil in the Middle East, anyway?).
We’ve got our own oil now that nobody’s listening to the environuts, so it really doesn’t matter.
Previous Presidents have just been big pussies, not willing to use America’s God given might to do what needed to be done. But Trump is different.
By George, I think he’s got it.
Why did God give us these weapons if He didn’t want us to use them for His Glory?
Because we made them ourselves? In any case, your puerile attempt at denigrating religion may be out of Uncle Saul, but do you think your pals in Teheran wouldn’t use one against us if they could?
No wonder you’re a morally bankrupt heathen. When you say something like “(Why did Jesus put our oil in the Middle East, anyway?)” it shows your complete lack of intellectual theology of Christianity. What a maroon!
Trump 2020 Bomb them into the stone age. Wait, they’re already there!
Intellectual theology of Christianity? What a joke!
Speaking of the stone age, Christianity is based on the imaginings of stone age goatherders, Cucko. But if God was thinking of the superior white Christians, why DID he put all our oil in lands overrun by Muslims?
Do you agree that we need to flex our God-given might and martyr those Muslims?
Intellectual theology of Christianity? What a joke!
Says the guy still waiting for Communism to to work. Actually, guys like Augustine and Aquinas have even been hailed by a few atheists as brilliant minds, but you just keep going long, taking pride in your ignorance.
Speaking of the stone age, Christianity is based on the imaginings of stone age goatherders, Cucko.
No, it’s founded on the teachings of a man who changed the world. Even your gods, the Commies, have to pay lip service to Him.
Even you have tried to use His teachings to try to look intelligent, but even God’s grace can’t do that.
But if God was thinking of the superior white Christians, why DID he put all our oil in lands overrun by Muslims?
He didn’t. He put it in PA and TX and OH and ND where we are self-sufficient. If the Arabs wanted to sell their to us, that was their decision.
Do you agree that we need to flex our God-given might and martyr those Muslims?
If that’s what they want, who are we to stand in the way of God’s will?
While Idiot defends Salami and his fellow cutthroats (literally), the Eminent Mr Surber offers us a glimpse of Salami the man and why you can be vicious and stupid at the same time.
The following was written by Tom Friedman of the Gray Lady
Think of the miscalculations this guy made. In 2015, the US and the major European powers agreed to lift virtually all their sanctions on Iran, many dating back to 1979, in return for Iran halting its nuclear weapons program for a mere 15 years but still maintaining the right to have a peaceful nuclear program. It was a great deal for Iran. Its economy grew by over 12% the next year. And what did Suleimani do with that windfall?
He and Iran’s supreme leader launched an aggressive regional imperial project that made Iran and its proxies the de facto controlling power in Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad and Sanaa. This freaked out US allies in the Sunni Arab world and Israel, and they prevailed on the Trump administration to respond by tearing up the nuclear deal and imposing oil sanctions on Iran that have now shrunk the Iranian economy by almost 10% and sent unemployment to more that 16%.
Sanaa is the capital of Yemen, where Saudi-led forces demolished General قاسم سلیمانی ‘s forces in a proxy war.
He ran a porous operation as well. Friedman wrote, “Israeli intelligence had so penetrated Suleimani’s Quds Force and its proxies that Suleimani would land a plane with precision munitions in Syria at 5 pm and the Israeli air force would blow it up by 5.30 pm. Suleimani’s men were like fish in a barrel.
Idiot tries his feeble best to be glib and witty and merely ends up trying to defend a regime and a man both vicious and stupid at the same time.
Sadly formwiz, I think defending anyone and any country that hates America is Fredo and his comrades position. He hates America. Hate is all they have. Fredo would have you, me and the whole blog shot if he could. Right after Trump and his family.
Remember their motto: “By any means necessary”. And they mean it. All this ridiculous fear of a war with The Duchy of Grand Fenwick is just another anti Trump meme meant to try and throw a wrench in his reelection.
I didn’t “project” that Fredo, I stated it and I meant it. We notice you didn’t deny it just like you didn’t deny being on the mooslems side just to hurt Trump. And you give your hateful self away when you say stupid, hateful stuff like “the trash trumps”. Only a truly vile lowlife would say something like that about a president. That’s a lot of hate to be carrying around Fredo. Set it down and rest a spell. You’re gonna need all your strength come November.
You’re a riot, Cucko, with so little self awareness.
You believe billions of fellow humans should be murdered because of their religion, yet you go ballistic when Trump is called trashy.
You don’t seem bothered by insults directed at Dems. Do you agree that the vile insults hurled at Presidents Clinton and Obama were inappropriate? Trump alone called President Obama a Kenyan, a disaster, affirmative action president, the founder of ISIS, others calling him, Muslim Pres, Chairman Mau Mau, halfrican, Dumbo, O’Bummer, Mocha Messiah, fag, terrorist, crackhead, Jugears, ObaMao, Ogabe, Pres Choom, Reggie Love’s Catcher, Ozero, Urkel, ape, monkey man etc etc and so forth. Michelle Obama was called Chewbacca, Sasquatch, an ape in heels, Gorilla face, and even their kids were called apes, monkeys, niggers, street whores, ghetto street trash…
Your response will be that those insults are true.
When did you Con Men become such whiny snowflakes? Maybe you can get the trashy Trump clan to sue me for slander. Unless he cuts a deal, Don Trump will be the first US President to spend time in prison. If that’s not trashy, what is?
The Secret Service is investigating a comedian for saying, “We’ll do it for half!”, after some Iranian said he’d give $80 million USD for Trump’s head.
Cucko and Minimu only want to murder 80 million Iranians – actually they want others to do it for them. Covfefe!!
Once again you can’t get the concept. I never said I “believe billions of fellow humans should be murdered because of their religion”, ever! You lie. I don’t believe anyone should be murdered because of their religion including mooslems or heathens like you. What I do believe is that nobody is exempt from the responsibility of their actions even if like mooslems, their actions are dictated by their religion. You can’t murder people with impunity because Allah said to. Is that hard to grasp, Fredo?
“Your response will be that those insults are true.” So if you know they’re true why bring them up?
The SS should investigate people who threaten the life of our officials, shouldn’t they? Or is it okay because it’s Trump?
Your prediction of Trump spending time in prison is as accurate and hateful as your prediction he wouldn’t be President TODAY! Lawful countries don’t imprison their elected officials because they don’t like them. That’s what shit hole countries do. Once again Fredo, you lose.
You leftists are doing your best to grind this republic into the dirt. We need a Revolution to rid our nation of the quislings.
You believe billions of fellow humans should be murdered because of their religion, yet you go ballistic when Trump is called trashy.
And your faux compassion for the Moslems is just that.
If they all died tomorrow, you’d be waiting to be told your new allies in the fight to destroy this country.
And Trump’s a good man. He’s kept his word and made everybody’s life better.
Which is why you hate him.
You don’t seem bothered by insults directed at Dems. Do you agree that the vile insults hurled at Presidents Clinton and Obama were inappropriate? Trump alone called President Obama a Kenyan, a disaster, affirmative action president, the founder of ISIS, others calling him, Muslim Pres, Chairman Mau Mau, halfrican, Dumbo, O’Bummer, Mocha Messiah, fag, terrorist, crackhead, Jugears, ObaMao, Ogabe, Pres Choom, Reggie Love’s Catcher, Ozero, Urkel, ape, monkey man etc etc and so forth. Michelle Obama was called Chewbacca, Sasquatch, an ape in heels, Gorilla face, and even their kids were called apes, monkeys, niggers, street whores, ghetto street trash…
Your response will be that those insults are true.
No, our response is the truth hurts. He is a Kenyan and he was a disaster. He’s also an affirmative action human being, by his own admission. The Truth hurts but it’s still the truth.
Most of those lines I never heard, so I’m assuming you’re lying, although halfrican sounds like one of the epithets blacks gave him.
The best dig I heard against the girls, who seem to be coasting through life just like Dad, was Sushi and Malaria.
But that’s no different than what the Trump family has been called.
And those people actually work for a living.
When did you Con Men become such whiny snowflakes? Maybe you can get the trashy Trump clan to sue me for slander. Unless he cuts a deal, Don Trump will be the first US President to spend time in prison. If that’s not trashy, what is?
Serial rapist like Willie Whitewater.
Race hate peddler like Zippy.
Extortionist like the Hildabeast and Gropin’ Joe.
And I’m waiting to see how you figure a) Trump can be found guilty of any real crime; b) how he is prosecuted by the SDNY since that’s part of the DOJ; c) what deal he’s going to cut; and d) how he spends any time in jail if he’s never committed a crime that can be brought into a court of law.
The Secret Service is investigating a comedian for saying, “We’ll do it for half!â€, after some Iranian said he’d give $80 million USD for Trump’s head.
Wasn’t “some Persian”, but the head chief crazy and the Secret Service investigates anybody who makes a threat against any President.
Your ignorance becomes more palpable by the hour.
Cucko and Minimu only want to murder 80 million Iranians – actually they want others to do it for them. Covfefe!!
The Iranians want to be rid of the mullahs, so Im betting they’ll do it themselves, or are you still trying to tell us how the Persians are “united in their grief and outrage”?
Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Florida lawmakers are considering major changes to state child labor laws that would loosen restrictions on when and how long…” Mar 29, 01:11
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Anyone paying attention to what is going on in Virginia?
the left was voted into office, they immediately started gun grabbing.
To date.
88 of 95 counties in Virginia have declared themselves 2nd amendment sanctuary counties and IF the left comes for their guns, the sherrifs promise to deputize the entire population giving them the right to bear arms. Virginia is raising militias in response to these Leftist loons who have essentially banned every weapon in existence barring the flintlock and bow and arrow.
A recent poll of virginia shows trump beating all but Biden in Virginia right now and it was done by a left leaning polling firm and when the poll is equally weighted Trump trounces everyone but Biden and is in a TIE with Biden in BLUE Virginia.
Keep trying to grab those guns you dimwitted leftist morons….hahahaha.
I really am surprised this is not getting more coverage by bloggers. I guess with Trump killing an Iranian and his impeachment that is just doesnt seem to matter that Virginia is in the throes of armed conflict with themselves.
DOD is refusing to commit war crimes for trump.
*Defense Secretary Mark Esper said the U.S. will “follow the laws of armed conflict.†When asked if that ruled out targeting cultural sites, Esper said pointedly, “That’s the laws of armed conflict.â€
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday said that any U.S. military strikes inside Iran would be legal. “We’ll behave inside the system,†Pompeo said. “We always have and we always will.â€*
On Sunday Pompeo denied that Trump has tweeted anything about cultural sites.
Trump: “They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people,†he told reporters traveling with him on Air Force One. “And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural sites? It doesn’t work that way.â€
Sorry Donnie, that’s exactly how it works.
Do you think Esper should be fired for not obeying orders? Or is he right that it was an illegal order from trump?
Do you guys love trump even more now that he’s going after those Muslims?
I’m just happy that we have someone who is willing to stand up and fight against those who are out to destroy us and our way of life no matter what their religion. Unlike your hero who did nothing but draw red lines and bow to our enemies.
So far Fredo, everybody including Esper has obeyed their orders and Trump would never issue such orders but it is remarkable that after three years of Trump’s bloviating you crazy azzed leftists still clutch your pearls every time he trolls your stupid asses. Amazing! Once again you’ve got the vapors over something he said, not did. You’re idiots!
I can’t speak for the rest of these guys but when Trump kills our enemy I’m happy. Why aren’t you? I hope he kills them all until they surrender and stop the jihad they’ve had against America since 1979 (actually since 1797). Fuk’em and fuk you for siding with them you traitor.
Trump 2020 Wipe out our enemies wherever we find them (even hiding behind “cultural sites”)
It seems, Mr Dowd, that the United States had absolutely no problems with destroying ‘cultural sites’ when it came to the last war we actually won.
There is only one crime in war, and that’s the losing of it.
Exactly, Dana!
DOD is refusing to commit war crimes for trump.
*Defense Secretary Mark Esper said the U.S. will “follow the laws of armed conflict.†When asked if that ruled out targeting cultural sites, Esper said pointedly, “That’s the laws of armed conflict.â€
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday said that any U.S. military strikes inside Iran would be legal. “We’ll behave inside the system,†Pompeo said. “We always have and we always will.â€*
On Sunday Pompeo denied that Trump has tweeted anything about cultural sites.
Since when is blowing up a cultural site (whatever they may be) a war crime?
And Pompeo and Esper do not make policy. Trump does (that’s what Presidents do). If you look at Dana’s link you will see that.
Sorry Donnie, that’s exactly how it works.
No, it doesn’t. The President sets policy. And, aside from the fact the crazies break these rules all the time (combatants that intentionally use protected people or property as human shields or camouflage are guilty of violations of the laws of war and are responsible for damage to those that should be protected) although I have yet to see anybody prosecute them, you’re going to have to come up with an enforceable statute, which I doubt exists.
Do you think Esper should be fired for not obeying orders? Or is he right that it was an illegal order from trump?
He can be, he serves at the pleasure of the President. And you’d have to find a US law that addresses the issue.
This is just the usual St John of Hanoi stuff. Trump wants to hit the bad guys where they live and a lot of Whigs are afraid.
Do you guys love trump even more now that he’s going after those Muslims?
To ask the question is to answer it.
He’s just doing his job as President and the people love it. Which is why you are afraid of it.
He might sweep all 60 states.
Do you guys love trump even more now that he’s going after those Muslims?
Jeffery conveniently forgets that during the Iraq wars, Iraq used cultural sites such as mosques and also used hospitals as staging areas for the military or as military sites.
They were fair game then and they are fair game now.
The left hates so much that they would rather allow Americans to die than take out terrorists who are hiding in a mosque or a museum.
That’s how much they hate the US and American soldiers.
After all, all the left has is hate.
The Left also conveniently forgets that Moslems gleefully destroy cultural sites every chance they get. It’s not a war crime to shoot back.
Billy Bob should tell it to the Marines.
After all, all he has left is hate. And abject fear.
Con Men: Why don’t we just nuke the Middle East except for Saudi Arabia and Israel? Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan – gone! While we’re at it maybe we just move on all Muslim majority regions such as North Africa? This would eliminate most of the bogeymen that terrify you. Then we could take our oil from under the desert sands (Why did Jesus put our oil in the Middle East, anyway?). Previous Presidents have just been big pussies, not willing to use America’s God given might to do what needed to be done. But Trump is different.
Why did God give us these weapons if He didn’t want us to use them for His Glory?
Whenever I need to know what God wants, I always consult a militant atheist.
That’s one approach. But atheists can be like fundamentalist Christians or Muslims, that is, not willing to examine evidence. Some atheists reject the concept of gods, magic, angels, miracles based on evidence, concluding it’s just so unlikely to be true. It’s sort of like predicting if the Sun will rise tomorrow, which is 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% probable. Agnostics claim there’s no evidence of gods, magic etc, but are open to being convinced by data.
Not sure what you mean by militant in this regard. Do you mean not concerned with offending the religious? We’ve noticed that many Christians and Muslims are snowflakes.
Thanks for that enlightening description. Wiki was down.
atheists can be like fundamentalist Christians or Muslims, that is, not willing to examine evidence.
OK, that explains your ignorance.
Some atheists reject the concept of gods, magic, angels, miracles based on evidence, concluding it’s just so unlikely to be true. It’s sort of like predicting if the Sun will rise tomorrow, which is 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% probable.
Which only shows how stupid they are, since they don’t have all the evidence.
Not sure what you mean by militant in this regard. Do you mean not concerned with offending the religious? We’ve noticed that many Christians and Muslims are snowflakes.
You have? You might not want to put that to a test. Unlike you, they really are armed.
And militant, in your case, means arrogance born out of stupidity.
Not a bad plan, actually. Maybe the non-tourist sites in Mexico and everything south of there as well? If we truly wish to save Western civilization, that might be the only way to do it.
Actually, if the neutron bomb actually worked the way it was characterized — kill the people but leave the infrastructure — that would be the better way to go.
Seems like you’re the one who’s afraid. Afraid this will make Trump more popular than ever.
Why don’t we just nuke the Middle East except for Saudi Arabia and Israel? Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan – gone! While we’re at it maybe we just move on all Muslim majority regions such as North Africa?
And your problem is…? Your big concern for the Moslems is only that, if they’re nneutralized, who’s left to bully the faint hearts?
Then we could take our oil from under the desert sands (Why did Jesus put our oil in the Middle East, anyway?).
We’ve got our own oil now that nobody’s listening to the environuts, so it really doesn’t matter.
Previous Presidents have just been big pussies, not willing to use America’s God given might to do what needed to be done. But Trump is different.
By George, I think he’s got it.
Why did God give us these weapons if He didn’t want us to use them for His Glory?
Because we made them ourselves? In any case, your puerile attempt at denigrating religion may be out of Uncle Saul, but do you think your pals in Teheran wouldn’t use one against us if they could?
Maybe drop it right on St Lou. Howzat strike ya?
Nah. The Tehranists would strike Akron, OH first. Ohio is a hotbed of right-wing Trumpism and Islamophobia.
It is? And St Lou isn’t?
You’re so despised you can’t even get invited to Christmas dinner.
And you have to make up lies to show us you are.
No wonder you’re a morally bankrupt heathen. When you say something like “(Why did Jesus put our oil in the Middle East, anyway?)” it shows your complete lack of intellectual theology of Christianity. What a maroon!
Trump 2020 Bomb them into the stone age. Wait, they’re already there!
Is Trump still in office, Fredo?
Intellectual theology of Christianity? What a joke!
Speaking of the stone age, Christianity is based on the imaginings of stone age goatherders, Cucko. But if God was thinking of the superior white Christians, why DID he put all our oil in lands overrun by Muslims?
Do you agree that we need to flex our God-given might and martyr those Muslims?
Intellectual theology of Christianity? What a joke!
Says the guy still waiting for Communism to to work. Actually, guys like Augustine and Aquinas have even been hailed by a few atheists as brilliant minds, but you just keep going long, taking pride in your ignorance.
Speaking of the stone age, Christianity is based on the imaginings of stone age goatherders, Cucko.
No, it’s founded on the teachings of a man who changed the world. Even your gods, the Commies, have to pay lip service to Him.
Even you have tried to use His teachings to try to look intelligent, but even God’s grace can’t do that.
But if God was thinking of the superior white Christians, why DID he put all our oil in lands overrun by Muslims?
He didn’t. He put it in PA and TX and OH and ND where we are self-sufficient. If the Arabs wanted to sell their to us, that was their decision.
Do you agree that we need to flex our God-given might and martyr those Muslims?
If that’s what they want, who are we to stand in the way of God’s will?
And the word is still cuckoo.
While Idiot defends Salami and his fellow cutthroats (literally), the Eminent Mr Surber offers us a glimpse of Salami the man and why you can be vicious and stupid at the same time.
The following was written by Tom Friedman of the Gray Lady
Think of the miscalculations this guy made. In 2015, the US and the major European powers agreed to lift virtually all their sanctions on Iran, many dating back to 1979, in return for Iran halting its nuclear weapons program for a mere 15 years but still maintaining the right to have a peaceful nuclear program. It was a great deal for Iran. Its economy grew by over 12% the next year. And what did Suleimani do with that windfall?
He and Iran’s supreme leader launched an aggressive regional imperial project that made Iran and its proxies the de facto controlling power in Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad and Sanaa. This freaked out US allies in the Sunni Arab world and Israel, and they prevailed on the Trump administration to respond by tearing up the nuclear deal and imposing oil sanctions on Iran that have now shrunk the Iranian economy by almost 10% and sent unemployment to more that 16%.
Sanaa is the capital of Yemen, where Saudi-led forces demolished General قاسم سلیمانی ‘s forces in a proxy war.
He ran a porous operation as well. Friedman wrote, “Israeli intelligence had so penetrated Suleimani’s Quds Force and its proxies that Suleimani would land a plane with precision munitions in Syria at 5 pm and the Israeli air force would blow it up by 5.30 pm. Suleimani’s men were like fish in a barrel.
Idiot tries his feeble best to be glib and witty and merely ends up trying to defend a regime and a man both vicious and stupid at the same time.
Sadly formwiz, I think defending anyone and any country that hates America is Fredo and his comrades position. He hates America. Hate is all they have. Fredo would have you, me and the whole blog shot if he could. Right after Trump and his family.
Remember their motto: “By any means necessary”. And they mean it. All this ridiculous fear of a war with The Duchy of Grand Fenwick is just another anti Trump meme meant to try and throw a wrench in his reelection.
Trump 2020 Don’t let the Duchy down, bomb them.
Says Cucko, who wants to murder civilians – children and women, too.
Cucko projects that others want to shoot him and the trash trumps.
You had no problem with the idea of the Brown Wave driving whites from power.
You think the only white people are male and adult?
And I project nothing. I just quote.
And the word is still cuckoo.
I didn’t “project” that Fredo, I stated it and I meant it. We notice you didn’t deny it just like you didn’t deny being on the mooslems side just to hurt Trump. And you give your hateful self away when you say stupid, hateful stuff like “the trash trumps”. Only a truly vile lowlife would say something like that about a president. That’s a lot of hate to be carrying around Fredo. Set it down and rest a spell. You’re gonna need all your strength come November.
Trump 2020 Support America, kill the terrorists.
You’re a riot, Cucko, with so little self awareness.
You believe billions of fellow humans should be murdered because of their religion, yet you go ballistic when Trump is called trashy.
You don’t seem bothered by insults directed at Dems. Do you agree that the vile insults hurled at Presidents Clinton and Obama were inappropriate? Trump alone called President Obama a Kenyan, a disaster, affirmative action president, the founder of ISIS, others calling him, Muslim Pres, Chairman Mau Mau, halfrican, Dumbo, O’Bummer, Mocha Messiah, fag, terrorist, crackhead, Jugears, ObaMao, Ogabe, Pres Choom, Reggie Love’s Catcher, Ozero, Urkel, ape, monkey man etc etc and so forth. Michelle Obama was called Chewbacca, Sasquatch, an ape in heels, Gorilla face, and even their kids were called apes, monkeys, niggers, street whores, ghetto street trash…
Your response will be that those insults are true.
When did you Con Men become such whiny snowflakes? Maybe you can get the trashy Trump clan to sue me for slander. Unless he cuts a deal, Don Trump will be the first US President to spend time in prison. If that’s not trashy, what is?
The Secret Service is investigating a comedian for saying, “We’ll do it for half!”, after some Iranian said he’d give $80 million USD for Trump’s head.
Cucko and Minimu only want to murder 80 million Iranians – actually they want others to do it for them. Covfefe!!
Once again you can’t get the concept. I never said I “believe billions of fellow humans should be murdered because of their religion”, ever! You lie. I don’t believe anyone should be murdered because of their religion including mooslems or heathens like you. What I do believe is that nobody is exempt from the responsibility of their actions even if like mooslems, their actions are dictated by their religion. You can’t murder people with impunity because Allah said to. Is that hard to grasp, Fredo?
“Your response will be that those insults are true.” So if you know they’re true why bring them up?
The SS should investigate people who threaten the life of our officials, shouldn’t they? Or is it okay because it’s Trump?
Your prediction of Trump spending time in prison is as accurate and hateful as your prediction he wouldn’t be President TODAY! Lawful countries don’t imprison their elected officials because they don’t like them. That’s what shit hole countries do. Once again Fredo, you lose.
You leftists are doing your best to grind this republic into the dirt. We need a Revolution to rid our nation of the quislings.
Trump 2020 Covfefe to all the leftist azz holes.
You believe billions of fellow humans should be murdered because of their religion, yet you go ballistic when Trump is called trashy.
And your faux compassion for the Moslems is just that.
If they all died tomorrow, you’d be waiting to be told your new allies in the fight to destroy this country.
And Trump’s a good man. He’s kept his word and made everybody’s life better.
Which is why you hate him.
You don’t seem bothered by insults directed at Dems. Do you agree that the vile insults hurled at Presidents Clinton and Obama were inappropriate? Trump alone called President Obama a Kenyan, a disaster, affirmative action president, the founder of ISIS, others calling him, Muslim Pres, Chairman Mau Mau, halfrican, Dumbo, O’Bummer, Mocha Messiah, fag, terrorist, crackhead, Jugears, ObaMao, Ogabe, Pres Choom, Reggie Love’s Catcher, Ozero, Urkel, ape, monkey man etc etc and so forth. Michelle Obama was called Chewbacca, Sasquatch, an ape in heels, Gorilla face, and even their kids were called apes, monkeys, niggers, street whores, ghetto street trash…
Your response will be that those insults are true.
No, our response is the truth hurts. He is a Kenyan and he was a disaster. He’s also an affirmative action human being, by his own admission. The Truth hurts but it’s still the truth.
Most of those lines I never heard, so I’m assuming you’re lying, although halfrican sounds like one of the epithets blacks gave him.
The best dig I heard against the girls, who seem to be coasting through life just like Dad, was Sushi and Malaria.
But that’s no different than what the Trump family has been called.
And those people actually work for a living.
When did you Con Men become such whiny snowflakes? Maybe you can get the trashy Trump clan to sue me for slander. Unless he cuts a deal, Don Trump will be the first US President to spend time in prison. If that’s not trashy, what is?
Serial rapist like Willie Whitewater.
Race hate peddler like Zippy.
Extortionist like the Hildabeast and Gropin’ Joe.
And I’m waiting to see how you figure a) Trump can be found guilty of any real crime; b) how he is prosecuted by the SDNY since that’s part of the DOJ; c) what deal he’s going to cut; and d) how he spends any time in jail if he’s never committed a crime that can be brought into a court of law.
The Secret Service is investigating a comedian for saying, “We’ll do it for half!â€, after some Iranian said he’d give $80 million USD for Trump’s head.
Wasn’t “some Persian”, but the head chief crazy and the Secret Service investigates anybody who makes a threat against any President.
Your ignorance becomes more palpable by the hour.
Cucko and Minimu only want to murder 80 million Iranians – actually they want others to do it for them. Covfefe!!
The Iranians want to be rid of the mullahs, so Im betting they’ll do it themselves, or are you still trying to tell us how the Persians are “united in their grief and outrage”?
And the word is still cuckoo, minimu.