My personal recommendation would be to either give up your own use of fossil fuels, technology, grow your own food, live in a tiny off the grid home, make your own clothes, etc. Or, pull yourself out of the Cult of Climastrology, like people have done by escaping Scientology
Feeling distressed about climate change? Here’s how to manage it
Climate change is often framed as a scientific or technical issue. But for many, it’s an emotional one too.
It can be almost unbearable to witness entire towns obliterated by wildfires and islands leveled by storms. To see photos of koala bears singed by flames and dead seabirds washing ashore by the thousands. Or to read the latest confirmation that nations are woefully underperforming on their pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
“It hits you in the heart before it hits you in the head,†said Jennifer Atkinson, a senior lecturer in environmental humanities at the University of Washington in Bothell.
Our reactions to these grim facts take many forms, including sadness, despair, hopelessness, anger and anxiety.
These are often manifestations of a deeper grief brought about by climate change. Experts say the phenomenon is growing , and it’s something we have to confront.
“We don’t want to get stuck in the space of grief forever,†Atkinson said. But “the ability to move forward is predicated on the ability to acknowledge losses and to openly grieve.â€
In the past, people blamed the gods. Or witches. Now they blame trace amounts of “carbon pollution” from Other People.
The first step, she said, is to give yourself permission to feel whatever you are feeling, even if it seems silly or overblown, and to honor it.
“The message we get is that our grief is somehow deviant,†she said. But grief is a normal, healthy response to loss, examples of which are easy to find in a warming world.
But, it is deviant. Loony tunes. Bats in the belfry. It’s getting upset over a scam. But, hey, we can burn some witches if that will make them feel better.
The rest of the article is just as silly. Have a good laugh reading it.

TEACH whines: In the past, people blamed the gods. Or witches. Now they blame trace amounts of “carbon pollution†from Other People.
It’s a fact that “trace amounts of carbon pollution” in the atmosphere absorb infrared radiation causing warming. No gods or witches need to be invoked. And it’s not Other People emitting the CO2, it’s all of us. Why do you claim it’s Other People?
Comment is mostly wrong.CO2 in trace amounts does nothing.
260 ppm CO2 keeps the Earth from being covered in ice.
260 ppm of CO2 is insufficient to keep the Earth from being covered in ice. There are many other factors in play.
There’s this big yellow thingy that does that.
No, that is wrong. Even the 99 scientist are beginning to disavow your religion
Very often it is.
Most of the ocean pollution comes from Africa and Asia.
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
OK, then, what have you done, personally, to reduce your own CO2 emissions?
A big part of the problem, from your ‘side’ of the argument, is that so many of your partisans do not act as though they take what they are saying seriously. If Al Gore and John Kerry and their fellow travelers are flying off to Davos, Switzerland on private jets to tell the World Economic Forum that carbon emissions have to be curtailed, why would anyone take that seriously.
In 2017, the former Secretary of State flew to Davos to tell the hoitiest and the toitiest that carbon emissions were going to kill us all. He did so again in 2018, and 2018 saw an 11% increase in the number of private jets taking conferees to Davos; why it’s almost as though they didn’t listen to him. The number of private planes increased again in 2019. I wonder if there’ll be another increase this year?
Former Vice President Gore has made himself very wealthy through the scam of selling ‘carbon offsets,’ and loves to travel the world on fossil-fueled flights to make his Chicken Little presentations, and then claims to be carbon neutral because he’s buying carbon offsets . . . from himself! Hypocrisy of the first order!
Let’s face it: your fearless leaders have no interest at all in reducing their own carbon emissions or cutting back on their own lifestyles; they simply expect the Little People to have to do that.
The estimable Mr. Dana makes a valid, but minor, point – everyone should do better.
But if one denies the problem, what benefit can come from discussing the possible solutions?
The flaw of the argument is, of course, that influential anti-deniers can solve the global warming by altering their lifestyle. The strategy is to attack anti-deniers personally – which is fair enough – but it doesn’t address the problem of global warming.
The argument by deniers that they will take global warming seriously once Al Gore et al reduce their CO2 emissions to zero is disingenuous. Are scientific positions dependent on what others do?
CO2 emissions from our burning of fossil fuels is causing the current bout of warming – with no reason to believe the warming will slow. Old men such as Mr. Dana, me and Al Gore will likely be spared the worst of global warming, but the next generation, and the next after, will not be spared.
Understand that the entire world, but especially the EU, China, US, Russia and India, are causing warming. The problem is global, as is the solution.
If one denies the problem, what benefit can come from discussing the possible solutions?
Mr. Dana concluded: leaders have no interest at all in reducing their own carbon emissions or cutting back on their own lifestyles; they simply expect the Little People to have to do that.
Recognizing the obvious and harsh reality that economic elites largely work in their own self-interest is nothing new. Whether they alter their lifestyle has little impact on global warming.
Now explain how enormous taxes, destruction of our economy, and global communistic government influences your mythology.
Please explain how exploding debt, white supremacy, scientific ignorance, global fascism and oppression of minorities influences your mythology.
I feel unhinged over AOC.
the right is treating her like they did when Obama first declared he was going to run for the presidency. Everyone on the right laughed. I remember Rush Limbaugh making fun of him for months and then in a frantic reversal told all the Cons to vote for HRC in the primaries to throw a monkey wrench in the works.
AOC scares me. She is a whack job who is charismatic. Don’t matter she lies, makes shit up and exxagerates. SO DOES TRUMP.
AOC and BERNIE are not to be taken lightly. Remember in 2016, Trump received 22 percent of the Bernie bro votes.
this year he will not. Even the Bernie bros wont vote a second time for Trump, let us hope that Trump can make this up with blacks and hispanics because this is the last GOP president we will see in the history of the USA.
Why? Because the left is secretly on this mission:::::::::::::: As of January 2020, it has been adopted by fifteen states and the District of Columbia. Together, they have 196 electoral votes, which is 36.4% of the Electoral College and 72.6% of the 270 votes needed to give the compact legal force.
When they reach 270 votes and they will. AS more states turn stupid and put democrats in the state legislatures they will get to 270 votes and voilla. The electoral college is no more.
The right. Once again is sleeping on this just like they do everything else that is changing in this country.
She has a good body.
She’s 29 and her tits are at her waist. She needs one of those famous NY “lift” jobs. And an orthodontist.
Save the dental bill. Just use a few bags, then you can avoid the eyes.
She isn’t attractive enough for you sad old men? LOL!
And her appearance is relevant to you because?
If you are as dumb as a tool like AOC, then your only purpose is a piece of meat. I am an old, venerated professional in a superior class to you, so deal with it.
LOL. You have long claimed you’re a superior being, all evidence to the contrary. For gods’ sake, your avatar is a confederate fooking flag! LOL.
Because we don’t find Occasional-Cotex attractive you find it necessary to insult us? Very mature of you. You’re only upset because she’s a fellow traveler, another commie. You’ve make all kind of slurs about Mrs. Trump for years but a couple comments about Horsey-mouth McBigtits and you cry like a bitch.
BTW, her appearance is no more relevant to us than Melania Trump’s is to you.
We are so, so sorry for hurting your feelings over your personal attacks on Representative Ocasio-Cortez.
YOU raised the subject of the Representative’s appearance. Most Con Men view women as mere adornments, as if a woman’s value depends on her looks. For all you know, she may find overweight, 70-something white nationalists attractive!
We perfectly understand your concern about her political positions, but you don’t discuss that, you smear her based on her looks. We don’t agree with her on all her positions either.
*Ocasio-Cortez advocates a progressive platform that includes Medicare for all, a federal jobs guarantee, a proposed Green New Deal, abolishing the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, free public college and trade school, and a 70% marginal tax rate for incomes above $10 million.
Ocasio-Cortez majored in international relations and economics at Boston University, graduating cum laude in 2011.
During college, Ocasio-Cortez served as an intern for U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy, in his section on foreign affairs and immigration issues.*
Our opinion of the first lady is irrelevant.
Abolishing immigration and customs enforcement and she graduated cum laude from Boston University? What-were they giving them away that day?
Universities don’t work that way.
Do you disagree with her proposed elimination of ICE? I also disagree with her on that.
Most colleges give a grade of C for just showing up. American colleges have really taken a hit with the progressives influence. There is also the affirmative action rules making it tough to honestly grade some classes of people. Colleges are ranked on the basis of retention of students, it is very difficult for a student to fail. Awards are often given only on the basis of skin color. We were forced to give positions in advanced programs simply because the individual was not white, despite the fact they could not perform above average. In California, something like 75% of black males are functionally illiterate and still given a diploma.
You claim to be an educated person, all evidence to the contrary. You have admitted to getting wealthy off Medicaid and Medicare patients whom you claim are black, lazy and stupid. Perhaps an investigation of LSU Med is in order.
After laying out AOC positions, you confirm she is dumb as a rock. Thus, good for nothing but to pleasure men.
Still disgusting after all these years, aren’t you?
You confirm that you’re dumber than Representative Ocasio-Cortez, thus you’re good for nothing but disappointing women and pleasuring men.
That you’re married proves your wife is dumb as a box of rocks. You know what that means, don’t you?
You probably learned more in prison than school, right?
You asked earlier why we refer to you as dookie.
You claimed to be an acquaintance of felon, neoNazi, anti-Semitic, KKK Grand Wizard and Republican office holder, the odious david duke, and are certainly a follower of his white nationalist philosophy, making you a dukie. We bet you even voted for Duke at some point. As an added bonus, “dookie” is slang for “turd” Hence, a dookie. You may not be the only dookie here!
Now let me show you how stupid and inferior you are. You claim U am a white supremacist because I related to you some of the activities of the clan.
Dukes policies are almost the exact as yours. I do have encounters with the clan as they had their headquarters across from where I lived. The encounters were to frequently avoid being best up, you see my wife was half black, like Obama.
I am clearly your mental superior as I can see the fallacy of your all so noble socialist programs and how they have been tried and failed numerous times over the last 200 years.
Then you go off on Medicare and Medicaid. You don’t realize that a large number of doctors do not accept these programs. So you are accusing me of taking care of the poor and elderly. I can assure you I did not get wealthy on these insurances. I was one of the top grossing doctors in Louisiana due to hard work. One of the privileges that comes with being in the top 10% is that Medicare established an office in your office and review everything that you do. They never found an issue with me. In fact they were very complimentary.
This all highlights the fact that you are a deplorable person who hates because you make unfounded presumptions. You need serious help.
We are so, so sorry for hurting your feelings over your personal attacks on Representative Ocasio-Cortez.
YOU raised the subject of the Representative’s appearance. Most Con Men view women as mere adornments, as if a woman’s value depends on her looks. For all you know, she may find overweight, 70-something white nationalists attractive!
No, that’s you guys. Women are merely electoral objects to you. To be used as a means of gaining power.
Conservatives love women. Appearance, brains, manner, and all their other attributes.
That, of course, is lost on you.
We perfectly understand your concern about her political positions, but you don’t discuss that, you smear her based on her looks. We don’t agree with her on all her positions either.
*Ocasio-Cortez advocates a progressive platform that includes Medicare for all, a federal jobs guarantee, a proposed Green New Deal, abolishing the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, free public college and trade school, and a 70% marginal tax rate for incomes above $10 million.
Ocasio-Cortez majored in international relations and economics at Boston University, graduating cum laude in 2011.
Meaning nothing. She’s still a doofus, almost as bad at sticking her foot in her mouth as Gropin’ Joe.
During college, Ocasio-Cortez served as an intern for U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy, in his section on foreign affairs and immigration issues.*
Our opinion of the first lady is irrelevant.
Your opinion of everyone is irrelevant. Did the Chap of Quiddick consider her a foreign affair?
My references to AOC were to show that she is very stupid, much like most who graduate now days. Being stupid as a woman and not learning means you are just an object for abuse. My daughter is very attractive, but she had dyslexia. She could very easily have been an air head like AOC. But we helped her through high school and college and made sure she do not say things like AOC. Now she runs a major unit at the largest clothing store on the west coast. All he own effort. She could not domath, but now handles one billion in accounts.
Remember the Democrat party is the party of the Clintons, Weinstein, Kennedy’s and Epstein, who did not commit suicide.
You said the Representative was only good for pleasuring men. Are you apologizing for that awful misogynistic slur?
It’s hopeful that your daughter turned out better than you.
Remember the GOP is the party of Trump, Nixon, Ollie North, Cheney, Butz, Watt, Gingrich, Larry Craig, Petraeus, Roy Moore, Ensign, Sanford, Vitter, Giuliani, Henry Hyde, Chenoweth, Livingston, Packwood, Hastert… sex scandals, lying the nation into an invasion, fraud… you name it.
Apologize! You have got to be kidding. This crazy woman represents all that is wrong with our country. She is attempting to destroy the country. Just look what she did with the Amazon deal. She is likely a hero to you and your little liberal twinks. I don’t understand why you demonize the men you listed and you have no idea as to international politics and war. We can bring up other great Dems, such as Wilson who got us involved in WW1 I order to make the world safe for democracy. What the hell does that mean. Then all the crap from FDR. The list and issue is very long. But the issue now is to keep the Dems and the AOCs from committing the utter destruction they intend. AOC is the enemy and every effort should’ve made to bury her.
Are you ready to admit that Obama should be put in jail?
Let it go.
He’s just putting on the bear suit because Trump is winning on all fronts and he’s just another Lefty loser.
Trump – accused of 3 rapes and multiple sexual assaults + impeached for abuse of power
Nixon – really? Forced to resign by GOP for abuse of power
Ollie – got off on a technicality after being convicted of felonies
Cheney – with W, lied the nation into an unnecessary war, killing over 4000 brave Americans for nothing
Butz – racial slurs (which used to be wrong before Trump)
Watt – perjury, obstruction
Gingrich, Larry Craig, Petraeus, Roy Moore, Ensign, Sanford, Vitter, Giuliani, Henry Hyde, Chenoweth, Livingston, Packwood, Hastert – sex scandals including statutory rape, extramarital affairs (which used to be wrong before Trump), paying for sex (which used to be wrong before Trump)
Trump’s DOJ are free to investigate President Obama. Why don’t they? Do you have evidence of crimes he committed that you can share with the DOJ?
Trump’s DOJ and FBI just finished a 2 year investigation of Hillary, Uranium-1 and the Clinton Foundation and found nada. Now, Senate GOPhers are trying to get the DOJ and FBI to probe Clinton and Ukraine! What a witch hunt!
Speaking of GOPher corruption. Remember Reagan’s Iran-Contra scheme (secret U.S. arms deal that traded missiles and other arms to free some Americans held hostage by terrorists in Lebanon, but also used funds from the arms deal to support armed conflict in Nicaragua).
Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense, was indicted on two counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice – pardoned by BushI
Robert C. McFarlane, National Security Adviser, convicted of withholding evidence – pardoned by BushI
Duane Claridge, CIA supervisor, indicted for perjury – pardoned by Bush I
Elliott Abrams, Assistant Secretary of State, convicted of withholding evidence – pardoned by BushI
Alan D. Fiers, Chief of the CIA’s Central American Task Force, convicted of withholding evidence – pardoned by BushI
Clair George, Chief of Covert Ops-CIA, convicted on two charges of perjury – pardoned by BushI
Oliver North, member of the National Security Council, indicted for accepting an illegal gratuity, obstruction of a congressional inquiry, and destruction of documents – dismissed for immunity for ratting out his collaborators
John Poindexter. Security Advisor was convicted of five counts of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, perjury, defrauding the government, and the alteration and destruction of evidence. – reversed by DC circuit
Duane Clarridge. An ex-CIA senior official, he was indicted in November 1991 on seven counts of perjury and false statements – pardoned by BushI
Richard V. Secord. Former Air Force major general, who was involved in arms transfers to Iran and diversion of funds to Contras, he pleaded guilty to making false statements to Congress –
Albert Hakim. Businessman guilty of funneling money to Ollie North.
Reagan and George H.W. Bush got off, scot free. Bush’s pardons also protected him from the testimony of the others in exchange for sentence reductions. According to Israel, Bush was fully briefed on the scheme but denied all knowledge. On 1 Dec, in Mexico, a plane crash killed Amiram Nir, an Israeli with information of Bush’s involvement. After his death, burglaries targeted documents relating to the Iran-Contra Affair. One of the burglary targets was the home of Nir’s widow. Funny how that works.
Later on 22 Dec, Pan Am 103 went down over Lockerbie Scotland with CIA members with knowledge of Iran-Contra.
President Clinton looked the other way as he took office.
So dookie, tell us again why President Obama should be in jail?
You said the Representative was only good for pleasuring men. Are you apologizing for that awful misogynistic slur?
What do you care? She’s the dumbest thing since a box of rocks and it’s doubtful she knows enough to make a man smile, either.
It’s hopeful that your daughter turned out better than you.
MD is pretty good. Clearly you have nothing on him.
Remember the GOP is the party of Trump, Nixon, Ollie North, Cheney, Butz, Watt, Gingrich, Larry Craig, Petraeus, Roy Moore, Ensign, Sanford, Vitter, Giuliani, Henry Hyde, Chenoweth, Livingston, Packwood, Hastert… sex scandals, lying the nation into an invasion, fraud… you name it.
Lots of sex scandals for the Demos.
Zippy lied us into 7 wars, Woody Wilson lied us into one.
As for fraud, that’s what the Ozark Mafia does best.
But guess what? The Rs don’t leave girls they’re not married to to drown. They don’t leave guys at embassies to be murdered. They don’t have a special brand of murder named after them (Epstein didn’t hang himself).
So I’d say you got nothing.
She isn’t attractive enough for you sad old men? LOL!
And her appearance is relevant to you because?
He’s a heterosexual male.
Unlike you.
LOL. You have long claimed you’re a superior being, all evidence to the contrary. For gods’ sake, your avatar is a confederate fooking flag! LOL.
Not here it isn’t.
So you lie again.
You claim to be an educated person, all evidence to the contrary. You have admitted to getting wealthy off Medicaid and Medicare patients whom you claim are black, lazy and stupid. Perhaps an investigation of LSU Med is in order.
No admission. Medicare made all doctors rich men. And he shows he’s smarter than you, so I guess your evidence on that score, like all your other evidence is no good.
Still disgusting after all these years, aren’t you?
You confirm that you’re dumber than Representative Ocasio-Cortez, thus you’re good for nothing but disappointing women and pleasuring men.
That you’re married proves your wife is dumb as a box of rocks. You know what that means, don’t you?
You probably learned more in prison than school, right?
Hah! Now that’s projection. Multiple deviant calling somebody else what he is!
And anybody is smarter than Occasional Cortex. How do you think she got the name?
You asked earlier why we refer to you as dookie.
You claimed to be an acquaintance of felon, neoNazi, anti-Semitic, KKK Grand Wizard and Republican office holder, the odious david duke, and are certainly a follower of his white nationalist philosophy, making you a dukie. We bet you even voted for Duke at some point. As an added bonus, “dookie†is slang for “turd†Hence, a dookie. You may not be the only dookie here!
The only fecal effluvia here is you and you spread more of it in the name of climate, Trump, government policy, and your general lack of civilization.
In fact, to call you fecal effluvia is a compliment because even that serves a useful purpose while you serve none.
You’re even a lousy troll.
Feeling unhinged by too many people believing in climate change ?
I woukd recommend refocusing on things other than what other people believe about climate change
A good start might be
Consider removing all your CFL bulbs and using incandescent !
Ending the cease fire in the bathroom wars!
Bringing back those Iraq war slogans like “ we are at the tipping point†“the latest attacks just show how desperate the terrorists are†“We must stay there till the end or the deaths of all who fell earlier will be in vain†“WMDâ€
How does that monkey feel now about getting his ads kicked out of Iraq ?
Why were you in jail john?
A few Lefties buy it, the rest of the country doesn’t.
That’s why you’re paid to come her and spread a lot of nonsense.
And ICYMI we just won the War with Iraq. The War on Terror was won some time ago.
But I understand all you have left is getting drunk in the john.
It must be Hell being you.
Thanks, John. Stocked up on a lifetime supply of incandescents right before the original ban went into effect. Thanks to Trump we can buy them again, if you so desire