President Trump should come out in favor of the Cult of Climastrology: most Warmists will suddenly find themselves “deniers” due to their kneejerk reaction to being opposed to anything Trump believes
How bad can the climate crisis get if Trump wins again?
Climate pollution in the US is up under Donald Trump and threatens to undermine international efforts to stall the crisis, especially if he wins re-election this year and secures a second term in the White House.
While US climate emissions fell 2.1% in 2019, they rose significantly in 2018, according to estimates from the economic analysis firm Rhodium Group. On net, emissions are slightly higher than in the beginning of 2017, when Trump’s administration began enacting dozens of environment rollbacks aimed at helping the oil and gas industry.
Trump is still working to further weaken bedrock standards. This week he proposed to allow major projects like pipelines and highways to bypass reviews of how they will contribute to global warming. The draft rule is unlikely to become final before the November election, but it is yet another reason industries weighing climate choices might delay significant action. (snip)
Andrew Light, a climate negotiator for President Barack Obama’s state department, said the world is taking note of those efforts, but if Trump is re-elected “you are going to see a lot of people who are worried anew about what the US can doâ€.
Americans choosing Trump would send the signal that they don’t care about the climate, Light said.
We don’t, we really don’t. But, most don’t even know they don’t care about Hotcoldwetdry, because it is a low ranking issue for most voters, because they really don’t care about it in practice.
The Trump administration has initiated essentially all of its planned climate rollbacks – from weakening standards for cars to go farther on less gasoline to erasing rules for power companies to shift away from coal. It would be able to defend those changes in court against environment advocates and Democratic states if the president wins election.
“The biggest impact of a second term of a Trump administration would just be more lost time,†said Trevor Houser, a partner at Rhodium Group. “It would be more time in which emissions weren’t really declining when they really needed to be.â€
Here’s what Donald Trump should do: release a statement about his changed belief and go on TV saying he wants to enact all the policies of the Cult of Climastrology, including the Green New Deal. Then he should lay out exactly what those policies will do. All the higher taxes and fees, all the control of citizen’s lives by Government, all the restrictions on foods, products, vehicles, travel, size of homes, use of air conditioning and heating, no more ice makers in the fridge, electricity will be metered (ie, shut of during busy times and times not home), rolling brownouts and blackouts will be common place, etc. That the cost of living for citizens will go up, but, it is For Their Own Good.
How well would that go over?
Then he should explain that he’s exempt from all the restrictions and such because he’s a Leader, and it would interfere with him getting stuff done, just like for all the other bigwigs in the CoC.
Might there be a few people who suddenly realize what the CoC is actually about, and quite? I’ve got a movie scene right on the tip of my brain, one where people are cheering and into it and then are being told stuff where they go “hey, wait a minute, what’s that? That’s not what we want.” Maybe I’ll suddenly realize which one it was.

Trump celebrated 100 border wall miles this week. 70 or so of those miles was to replace 5 foot high barbed wire wall which had more holes in it than swiss cheese. They are now into building NEW wall in new areas which does not include private efforts to build 5 miles in a critical area on private land.
So we have this:
Those efforts were boosted Wednesday by a decision from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which allows the administration to use $3.6 billion in military funds for border wall construction.
Trump is winning by pouring judges into the appeals courts and reversing the decades long ignorance of the right because really all the right gives a shit about is getting rich when they go to DC.
The court reversed a lower court order that had stopped Trump, who declared a national emergency along the southern border in February 2019, from diverting the Defense Department money.
The appeals court REVERSED a lower court decision. Too bad, so sad for the left.
And finally we have this:
Opponents argued that pulling money that was approved by Congress to pay for the border wall is an abuse of power.
QUITE SIMPLY. The left believes the presidents decisions are ABUSES OF POWER IF THEY DISAGREE WITH THEM!!!
Enter the current impeachment articles. Abuse of power. DOA. Their articles basically say Trump abused his power because they dont like his actions.
Say, How Bad Can The Climate Crisis (scam) Get If Trump Is Re-elected?
Let’s find out!