Of course, the editorial board of the NY Times has already convicted Trump, so, of course they want the Senate to be serious
Take Impeachment Seriously, Senators
It would be nice to have faith that, as the Senate prepares to receive the articles of impeachment against President Trump and gears up for its role in this rare and momentous process, it will do the right thing. Confronted with a mountain of evidence that an American president abused his power by shaking down a vulnerable country for his own personal gain — and then stonewalled a congressional investigation into his behavior — senators should spare no effort in conducting a fair and thorough trial, complete with witnesses and documentary evidence.
Nice that they’ve already decided, but, then, this is a movement that started even before Donald Trump was elected. This is the same editorial board (obviously, many different people now, but the view from the paper hasn’t changed from bat guano insane leftism) which supported investigating Bill Clinton but not impeaching him, despite actual violations of the law (suborning testimony, witness tampering, perjury). Bill was of their Party. Trump is not. It’s that simple.
Alas, in 2020, the Senate is led by Mitch McConnell, who has demonstrated time and again that he is more concerned with covering for Mr. Trump than protecting the integrity of the office Mr. Trump holds, the security of the nation he leads or the Constitution he swore to defend.
Same paper was never concerned with Operation Fast and Furious, IRS targeting, avoiding the duly elected Legislative branch and going with Constitutionally dubious executive orders and rules, etc, nor were they concerned with Hillary Clinton violating numerous State Department rules, government rules, and national security law that would put you or I in jail.
With few exceptions, Mr. McConnell has enjoyed the lock-step support of his caucus. So it has been notable to hear over the past few days a hint of dissension within the ranks, as a handful of Republican senators, including Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, have indicated that they oppose a straight-up dismissal of the charges against the president.
Is this like the lock-step support in the House for Nancy Pelosi?
Mr. McConnell, meanwhile, has yet to show that he takes any part of this process seriously. He has already announced that he will work hand-in-glove with the Trump administration as it defends the president and that he will blithely violate the oath of impartiality he is required to take. On Tuesday, Mr. McConnell mocked the House Democrats’ calls for more witnesses to testify, saying they can’t claim that the case against Mr. Trump is so strong as to be impeachable, and yet “also so weak that the Senate needs to go fishing.—
Impeachment is a political process. This is what Democrats want from the start, since they can’t beat him at the ballot box. The House hearings were so super serious that due process was thrown out the window. This was all a sham, a method to cancel out the results of the 2016 election. That the House sat on the articles of impeachment for weeks and weeks after telling us that was a danger to the nation and such.
There is even time for President Trump to behave like, well, a president. Each of the last two presidents to face impeachment proceedings — Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon — complied with congressional subpoenas, if grudgingly. The question must be asked again: If Mr. Trump is so confident that he did nothing wrong, why does he refuse to let these officials testify or turn over key documents? And if Mr. McConnell is so confident that his party’s leader will be vindicated, why fight so hard to prevent the full truth from coming out?
So much for the 5th Amendment. So much for due process. This is how deranged Democrats are.

“NY Times Wants Senators To Do The Right Thing On Impeachment Or Something”
“Take Impeachment Seriously, Senators”
They can’t have it both ways…
“Alas, in 2020, the Senate is led by Mitch McConnell, who has demonstrated time and again that he is more concerned with covering for Mr. Trump than protecting the integrity of the office Mr. Trump holds, the security of the nation he leads or the Constitution he swore to defend.”
It’s funny how concern for the integrity of the office of President, the security of the country, and the Constitution were not a concern from 2009 – 2017.
The Republicans realize the President is guilty but also realize they hold a straight flush in the Senate. The only hazard is allowing the people to see what tRump has done, so that’s why they have to walk a tightwire to suppress the evidence and squelch witnesses without appearing to do just that.
tRump’s deep state is now admitting that Russia is working to help tRump vis a vis Burisma hacks – leaks to follow.
I understand your ideological blinkers prevent you from saying certain things in public, but in this case you are opining about things that are demonstrably false, even by your own observations. What is the point of your self delusion?
“The Republicans realize the president is guilty…” You have seen ample evidence here, if nowhere else, that Republicans are convinced the President is innocent and the impeachment against him is purely motivated by partisan politics. Trump is holding about 95% approval rating among Republicans. He is more popular than Reagan. Whether or not you like that or agree with why it is so, you must acknowledge the evidence you can see with your own eyes.
“The only hazard is allowing the people to see what tRump has done…” Seriously? This is 2020. There is absolutely zero accusation against the President that the entire planet has not heard. There is no possibility of “new evidence” being presented, let alone anything that will convince anyone to change their mind. Supporters will continue to support, haters will continue to hate.
perfesser hell,
You’re admitting that the Republicans are either despicable hacks or stupid beyond belief. My vote is that they’re hacks, although a few are really stupid. It’s to their political advantage to back trump. It’s likely most of them realize that trump did exactly what he’s been accused of, but claim it’s not improper, therefore not impeachable.
Untrue about any further information to come out. Recall that trump forbade any of his associates from testifying (although a few disobeyed him). Every day Lev Parnas seems to release more letters and emails relating Giuliani and trump to the mischief in Ukraine. Others now say that trump personally withheld the funds from Ukraine.
Trump supporters know that Trump withheld funds from Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine attacks on Biden. Of course that’s impeachable but the Repubs and trump supporters disagree that strong-arming a foreign country to gain an electoral advantage is improper. In fact, there is a strong possibility of new evidence being presented, which is why trump doesn’t want Bolten, Giuliani, Perry, OMB reps, Pompeo et al to testify.
You start with name calling and expect me to care what you type after that?
As did you. Can dish it out but not take it?
There’s a Juco Professor Hale on Rate My Professor who got a bunch of 1s and 2s and No!, regarding taking another class with him.
Sounds like you.
Your name is Jeff. You used it yourself on this blog. There is no possible definition of name-calling that applies to this usage.
Stalking much? I don’t care about you “that way”. “Professor Hale”, as I have said before, is a pseudonym, and has no relationship to my real name. Please leave that other Professor Hale alone. He has done nothing to you.
And perfesser hell is my homage to you. Get used to it.
Do you prefer to be called by your pseudonym? Seems like a reasonable request.
Should Porter Good make it a rule?
You don’t like being called molester.
We can give you what you give us.
Seems like everybody wants to call witnesses, so it’s going to be interesting how many witnesses exonerate him.
Burisma hacks prove Gropin’ Joe & Son are dirty, so oyu’ve got another non sequitur going.
LOL! Remember, Mr Dowd, in his previous life as Jethro Bodine, told us, before the Mueller Report was released, that Mr Trump was guilty of felonies and would be out of office by now. Perhaps his statement that “Republicans realize the President is guilty” should be examined with his prior statements in mind.
Also as Jeffery he claimed to have “joined” the Army back in 1971 during the Vietnam war.
Might want to keep that in mind too.
#Lolgf sissybitch
Did Jeffery claim to have joined the Army?
#LOLGFY TeachsLilBitch
Yup. Screen shots and all proved it.
Okay start playing your little games again.
#Lolgfy sissybitch
Prove it.
#lolgf PortersLilBitch
Bet he did.
He always denies it, but people remember.
Mr. Pico,
tRump HAS committed felonies including paying hush money to a porn star to support his electoral strategy, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and likely tax evasion and money laundering.
He’s dumber and more arrogant than previously thought, perhaps putting his future in the hands of the Russians and the electorate. When he’s convinced he’ll lose or if he loses he’ll be cutting deals and working pardons with Pence.
Do you deny that trump pressured Ukraine’s President to announce investigations of Biden and Burisma in an attempt to help his election? If you’re answer is no, you’re blind. If it’s yes but so what, you’re blindly partisan.
tRump HAS committed felonies including paying hush money to a porn star to support his electoral strategy, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and likely tax evasion and money laundering.
Any of this ever proven in a court of law?
I wasn’t aware being a victim of extortion was a felony while the “obstruction” was something Bungling Bob Mule Ears said only lived in his wishful thinking. “abuse of power” does not exist in US law and “likely” gets you nothing in court.
BTW See where the Feds busted Avenatti?
He’s dumber and more arrogant than previously thought, perhaps putting his future in the hands of the Russians and the electorate. When he’s convinced he’ll lose or if he loses he’ll be cutting deals and working pardons with Pence.
After last night’s “debate”? When even Van Jones admitted the Demos haven’t got a prayer?
Shirley, you jest. And the Russian government’s resigned, so he’ll have to win it on his own.
Do you deny that trump pressured Ukraine’s President to announce investigations of Biden and Burisma in an attempt to help his election?
Do you deny the “pressure” is all a dodge because the collusion fell through?
If you’re answer is no, you’re blind. If it’s yes but so what, you’re blindly partisan.
Well, first of all, it’s your answer, minimu, and second, the investigation was the reason Gropin’ Joe pressured Ukraine to drop it, so you’re blindly partisan.
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
How odd it is, then, that the Democrats, in their single-minded mission to impeach the President, did nit charge him with a single felony. They had Robert Mueller III investigating him for two years, spending $35 million and having a staff of 19 (IIRC) attorneys, the majority of whom were strong Democratic partisans, and added their own half-year investigation, and yet they still couldn’t come up with even one actual felony with which to charge Mr Trump.
Donald Trump was audited every single year, due to his wealth, yet the Infernal Revenue Service never found anything that they said amounted to a crime. The Obama Administration was investigating him once he made the slightest noises about running for President — and he made those noises in 2012 as well — and never charged him with anything. You said that “He’s dumber and more arrogant than previously thought,” but if you really believe that he “HAS committed felonies,” he must be pretty damned smart, to have gotten away with all of them.
If he did, it wasn’t a crime! Is he playing hardball in trying to win re-election? Yup, he sure is, and he ought to be; in an election, second place is losing.
Witness the latest dust-up between Senators Warren and Sanders; they’re playing hardball as well. There is no place for weakness in an election.
A President doesn’t have to commit a federal crime to be impeached. It’s why we have the special case of impeachment in the Constitution.
Are you saying it’s OK for a President to allocate US aid to support his or her electoral chances? That seems the very definition of abuse of power.
Neither the IRS nor the SEC caught Bernie Madoff’s $65 billion scam. New York state is investigating Trump’s potential falsification of business documents (lying on state and local taxes). It’s an easy scam.
There are a number of people who comment here with whom I really like sharing my opinions and hearing them. I have learned a good bit from some of the commenters.
But it is obvious that harmony can not be maintained with this guy Jeff. He calls all of us names, constantly lies, attacks the President with wild accusations, distorts reality.
As readers of this great blog and those of us who enjoy sharing viewpoints, don’t you feel that it is time to disregard Jeff or Elwood, or whatever he choses to call himself. Even under his various pseudonyms his voice is readily apparent.
I am not going to respond to this jerk and encourage others to do the same.
Never having to correct your lies would be a relief. Thanks.
So which do you prefer, molester or wife beater?
You can let it go or get what you deserve.
Mini Mouse.
“tRump HAS committed felonies including paying hush money to a porn star to support his electoral strategy,”. Elwood, just making a statement as ridiculous at that is the reason no one can talk to you. The “porn star” you reference was at the time Trump knew her not a porn star, he paid her a sum as per a non disclosure agreement and she had zero to do with his “electoral strategy”. As far as can be proven whether you like it or not Trump has not beed charged with obstruction of justice, abuse of power and you’re really going out on that insane partisan limb if you keep accusing a billionaire who is audited every year of tax evasion. You money laundering bull shit is pure fiction and you know it. You allow your hatred of Trump to completely cloud over your ability to reason and think when his name is mentioned.
He is just as arrogant as ever which is no surprise and he would have no reason to put his future in the “hands of the Russians” and if you were capable of thinking you’d know that. It’s that stupid to say and that obvious to see. You lemmings have been riding on that Russian shit since before he was even sworn in so shove it.
Yes, I do deny that Trump “pressured Ukraine’s President to announce investigations of Biden and Burisma in an attempt to help his election” adamantly. He, as the head of state asked the Ukraine to RESUME the previous investigation of a person who was being paid off in a phony baloney job. He did that in a phone call in 2019, not in 2016 to help an election.
Your hate for Trump, for Republicans, for supporters, for America, for Christianity and for whites is well known and well documented here. You don’t need to keep repeating it.
You are the blind partisan not us. You accuse us of every evil under the son from being bad Christians, to being racist, to homophobes, Islamophobes to just totally eveil because that’s how the Democrats have been rolling these past 10-15 years. If a person isn’t 100% with them then he is EVIL.
You now side with terrorists and white supremacists because you hate, hate, hate.
Trump 2020 It’s time to stop the leftist hate in America.
The “porn star†you reference was at the time Trump knew her not a porn star
Stormy Daniels started her film career in 2002 and had her affair with Trump in 2006.
he paid her a sum as per a non disclosure agreement and she had zero to do with his “electoral strategyâ€
He had his attorney Michael Cohen pay her $130,000 hush money Oct 2016 to keep her quiet just before the election. Mr. Cohen is in prison over the issue, and Trump was described as Individual One in the indictment of Cohen.
Trump has not been charged with obstruction of justice, abuse of power
The DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel has a policy not to indict a sitting President.
a billionaire who is audited every year of tax evasion
Tax crimes have a statute of limitations of 6 years, and the IRS (gutted during the Reagan revolution) aren’t what they used to be. Tax”payers” like Trump spend 10s of millions a year lawyers and accountants to outwit the IRS. Kye: Is calling Trump a tax cheat any worse than claiming that HRC and Obama should be in jail?
Yes, I do deny that Trump “pressured Ukraine’s President to announce investigations of Biden and Burisma in an attempt to help his election†adamantly.
This position is contrary to the evidence. Trump executed this scam in the past year. Why was the only target of Trump’s plan Joe Biden? Republicans believe that Trump pressuring a foreign country to help with his 2020 election is no big deal.
Stormy Daniels started her film career in 2002 and had her affair with Trump in 2006.
She denied any contact until January ’19 until Michael Avenatti wanted to make himself a big wheel in the Democrat party. He was arrested today by the IRS. She’s lucky she’s not in jail.
He had his attorney Michael Cohen pay her $130,000 hush money Oct 2016 to keep her quiet just before the election. Mr. Cohen is in prison over the issue, and Trump was described as Individual One in the indictment of Cohen.
Cohen claimed a payment was made in hopes of getting Mule Ears off his back. All it got him was a conviction from the SDNY.
And no proof beyond Cohen’s say-so.
The DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel has a policy not to indict a sitting President.
A department shot through with Zippy’s hand-picked consiglieri wouldn’t let that stop them. Mule Ears just had nothing and used this “policy” as an out to get him off the hook.
BTW obstruction of justice and abuse of power are not valid charges in American law.
Tax crimes have a statute of limitations of 6 years, and the IRS (gutted during the Reagan revolution) aren’t what they used to be.
Having worked for the IRS during the Dogpatch years, I can tell you for a fact you are lying.
Taxâ€payers†like Trump spend 10s of millions a year lawyers and accountants to outwit the IRS.
And who wrote most of those laws and how many Democrats also spend 10s of millions a year lawyers and accountants to outwit the IRS?
You really are an idiot. If you’re going to sell something like this, you might want to think it through first.
This position is contrary to the evidence. Trump executed this scam in the past year. Why was the only target of Trump’s plan Joe Biden?
Because Gropin’ Joe was the only one whose coke-addled “son” Republicans believe that Trump was being investigated by Ukraine. Because Idiot Joe bragged about it 2 years ago on tape? Because only when Bungling Bob Mule Ears once again lived down to his rep on the Russia collusion and “obstruction” scams did the Demos need an excuse to keep the witch hunt going?
Republicans believe that pressuring a foreign country to help with his 2020 election is no big deal.
You mean like Democrats believe that pressuring a foreign country to help with Gropin’ Joe’s 2020 election is no big deal?
My God, this stuff is so easily researched I can’t believe you’re still trying to peddle it.
So are you saying that you, Jeffery, didn’t claim to have joined the Army in 1971 during the Vietnam war?
In October of 2016 you wrote that you did.
What changed?
#Lolgf sissybitch
Do you have evidence that Jeffery claimed what you said?
#Lolgf PortersLilBitch
Do you have evidence he didn’t?
A President doesn’t have to commit a federal crime to be impeached. It’s why we have the special case of impeachment in the Constitution.
The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
First, treason is a Federal crime. Second, he still has to commit a crime, most of which would be Federal.
Third, you’re still trying to sell this?
Are you saying it’s OK for a President to allocate US aid to support his or her electoral chances? That seems the very definition of abuse of power.
Still doesn’t make abuse of power an impeachable offense.
But withholding $1B to help get your coke-addled son off the hook is the very definition of abuse of power. No seems about.
Neither the IRS nor the SEC caught Bernie Madoff’s $65 billion scam. New York state is investigating Trump’s potential falsification of business documents (lying on state and local taxes). It’s an easy scam.
If it’s so easy, why hasn’t he been arrested? And what do Madoff’s doings, have to do with anything? Actually, they chose not to dig very deeply (wonder why? another FOB?).
And, if the IRS or SEC never caught Madoff’s scheme, what makes the Corrupt State of New York any different?
Or are you going to tell us Treasury also has a rule about charging a sitting President?
I see the name calling is back. You run and hide and come out in the dark.
Reminiscent of M. Ever see the movie? Your kinda guy.