Remember that cheeseburger you at in 2011? And that fossil fueled trip you took for Thanksgiving? Where you ate too much? And all those presents you ordered that were delivered by fossil fueled vehicles? And how you bought a refrigerator with an ice maker? And refused to hand wash your clothes? Well, every single bit of weather, every rain storm, every snow storm, every hot day, cold day, nice day that was perfect for a picnic, it’s your fault
Weather shows evidence of climate change every single day since 2012
A single, torrential rainstorm one day in June. An unseasonably warm day in January. A cold snap in late April. The wind, sun, humidity, and all the other things we experience when we walk outside every day: that’s weather.
Climate, scientists have long explained, is what you get when you mash together day after week after month after year of weather. Climate is the whole cloth woven together by individual threads of daily weather.
For years, scientists have cautioned that weather can’t tell us about how the climate is changing. That 70-degree day in January? There are a whole pile of reasons that could have happened. Climate change, they’ve said, could be part of the equation, but our statistical techniques haven’t previously been finely enough tuned to pick out the direct influence on weather of human-caused global warming.
But those days are over. Climate change has dug in its claws so thoroughly into the planet that its marks can be seen in any single day of global weather since 2012. A 6-year-old child, therefore, has never lived a day without feeling climate change’s influence.
Um, in reality, no one has ever felt a day of weather that isn’t climate change. Climate is the averages of long term weather. Averages are made through lots of numbers. And, with weather, there will always be outliers which factor in. The climate is always changing. But, of course, they mean “this is your fault for refusing to pay a tax and give up your liberty, freedom, and choice.”
A climate scientist “could sit on the space station and look down at Earth and actually see the fingerprint of climate change on any given day†just by watching the global weather pattern, says Reto Knutti at the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science at ETH Zurich and an author of the research, published in January in Nature Climate Change. “We’re so far into uncharted territory in terms of climate change that we can see things clearly now.â€
Nope, not a cult with cultish beliefs.
The “signal†scientists search for is this: what’s actually happened to temperature and humidity over the years, according to weather records, compared to what climate models predict would have happened without human-caused global warming in play. The more those two things diverge, the stronger the signal is considered to be.
OK, once you thrown in the computer models, bases on notions and retroactively changed to prove their Beliefs, it’s over. It’s like those pamphlets they leave in public bathrooms that say that God planted dinosaur bones to fake us out. Or like Scientology, which says that if you spend all this money and read these books you’ll get wiser and wiser.
“The last decade was warmer than any decade ever. The signal is so strong now that without doing super complicated work, we can actually detect these patterns,†she says. “The signal has emerged and evolved so much in such a short time frame.â€
First, it was warmer during the three previous Holocene warm periods. Second, there’s no proof that it is mostly/solely caused by Mankind. Other than the actually easy to see urban heat island effect and land use. And massaged/fabricated data.
I do laugh at them blaming a cold snap on heat trapping gasses, though. Not a cult.

TEACH typed: they mean “this is your fault for refusing to pay a tax and give up your liberty, freedom, and choice.â€
TEACH plays the victim. Global warming is the fault of us all, not just those that deny its cause. In our defense, we humans have only known for the past 40 years that dumping gigatons of greenhouse gases would likely lead to global warming. Rather than argue about it, it may me to our advantage to honestly discuss how to solve the problem.
How does “paying a tax” cause everyone to “give up your liberty, freedom and choice”?
Tell it to the termites.
Stop being a little sissybitch.
#Lolgf lose
TEACH: First, it was warmer during the three previous Holocene warm periods.
N.B. – from NOAA: the mid-Holocene, roughly 6,000 years ago, was generally warmer than today during summer in the Northern Hemisphere. In some locations, this could be true for winter as well. Moreover, we clearly know the cause of this natural warming, and we know without doubt that this proven “astronomical” climate forcing mechanism cannot be responsible for the warming over the last 100 years.
“Medieval Climate Anomaly†temperatures from about 950 to 1250 AD were mostly warmer averaged over the Northern Hemisphere than during the subsequent “Little Ice Age†from roughly 1450 to 1850 AD. The timing and spatial structure of the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age are regionally complex, however. One region where these temperature variations played an important role in human history is the North Atlantic, where warmer temperatures during the Medieval Climate Anomaly allowed Norse seafaring and colonization of Greenland that began at the end of the 10th century and continued until cooler Little Ice Age conditions developed in the 15th century.
TEACH: Second, there’s no proof that it is mostly/solely caused by Mankind.
Although scientific theories are not proven, there is overwhelming evidence that the current period of global warming results from atmospheric CO2 from fossil fuel burning.
TEACH: Other than the actually easy to see urban heat island effect and land use. And massaged/fabricated data.
No doubt large cities are warmer than surrounding areas, but this phenomenon is not causing global warming. There is no evidence that warming is the result of “massaged/fabricate data.”
“MWP generally warmer than the LIA over the NH .â€Sorry, J. Actually the MWP was as warm or warmer than now over most of the globe.
You do realize using NOAA proves nothing since it’s one of the agencies Zippy worked hardest to infiltrate.
Although scientific theories are not proven, there is overwhelming evidence that the current period of global warming results from atmospheric CO2 from fossil fuel burning.
If scientific theories were proven, it would mean global idiocy would be disproven.
Which it has.
No doubt large cities are warmer than surrounding areas, but this phenomenon is not causing global warming. There is no evidence that warming is the result of “massaged/fabricate data.â€
If such was true, it would mean the Demos are causiung the earth to warm, now wouldn’t it?