…is an evil bottle of vitamins which help people live longer which is bad for climate, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Feral Irishman, with a post on a good guy with a gun.

…is an evil bottle of vitamins which help people live longer which is bad for climate, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Feral Irishman, with a post on a good guy with a gun.
All I see are a couple of life preservers which will keep that young lady afloat in any weather.
Was watching ABC news yesterday and the left is trying hard to pin Pence with Trump. Their goal is to impeach both of them, get them out of office and put Pelosi into the White House.
There really is a coup in the works. The deep state is starting to reveal tidbits of what they are working on by bringing out of the woodwork all of these photographs of people who were with Trump at a party or whatever.
It all falls on Epsteins death. Why was he murdered? If we see 20 GOP senators defect and vote Trump out of office then we know why he was murdered. Blackmailed Senators saving their own balls and letting the USA go down like the titantic.
I genuinely fear for Trump, Pence and the USA at this moment. Our government is not run by elected officials. It is run by deep staters, billionaires and power brokers.
Our own little Komissar has been saying the same stuff for about a year now, although I think it’s more wet dream than real plan.
Pence, like Trump, is no dummy, but the real issue is the Ozarks can’t ever show their faces in public life after that pic of Willie with one of Epstein’s sex slaves turned up. Zippy is clear because he likes guys, but blackmail can cut both ways. Depends on who holds the goods.
So far, Trump’s been smarter than the whole Deep State for the simple fact he may be the smartest guy in the White House since Jefferson.
Be cool and keep your powder dry.
PS Talking wet dream, it would be cool to see several million Americans descend on DC Demanding this nonsense end. Most Americans are too busy working, but keep in mind the 2A sanctuary county movement is growing daily.
You say ya want a revolution…