These are some sick people
"800% increase in mentions of Greta Thunberg on profiles around the world on OkCupid in 2019…Climate change is more important to daters than the economy, eradicating disease and world peace".
What kind of person mentions Greta Thunberg on their dating profile?
— Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) January 20, 2020
Anyhow, apparently Warmists aren’t so much for diversity and such when it is their own life
The climate is changing dating
“Could there be anything less sexy than buying into fossil fuel propaganda?”
Funny part is, most of these same climate cultists refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels
Katharine Wilkinson has been on a lot of first dates. But she’s only ever walked out on one.
It was 2013 at a bar in mid-town Atlanta, Georgia, and Wilkinson had just published a book about evangelical Christians and the climate crisis. Her date was a guy from the dating app OKCupid. She doesn’t remember his name. Let’s just call him Todd.
A few minutes into their first drink, Todd asked what Wilkinson did for a living, and Wilkinson proudly mentioned her recent accomplishment. But Todd didn’t seem very impressed. In fact, he seemed dismayed.
“He said, ‘whoa whoa whoa, I can tell we’re going to disagree there,’†said Wilkinson. “And I said, ‘On what? Religion? Politics? Climate change?’
“And he said, ‘Definitely on climate change.’â€
At this point, Wilkinson said, it was like every neuron in her brain came to a halt. “It took me a minute to gather myself,†she said. But once she did, she knew she couldn’t be there anymore.
So, the person they use is one invested in the climate scam? That needs people to buy her book? Huh.
But Wilkinson is not the only person who considers climate denial a deal-breaker when it comes to dating.
In fact, on OKCupid, so many people share Wilkinson’s aversion to climate deniers that the company now allows its users to pick and choose who they date based on whether the person is concerned about climate change.
Same people are part of the surveys where they refuse to pay more than $10 a month to “solve” Hotcoldwetdry, we can be sure.
“You definitely came to the right place because our users are really engaged and passionate about the leading issues of our time, including climate change,†OKCupid’s global communications manager Michael Kaye said in an email. “There was actually an 800 percent increase in mentions of Greta Thunberg on profiles around the world on OkCupid in 2019.â€
That’s creepy, considering she is under 18.
Lots more crazy in the article, have at it.

TEACH is bothered that Greta Thunberg was mentioned, perhaps not thinking that the mentions were not romantic, but rather expressed what the user was like politically and socially.
For example, if a user described themselves as a tRump supporter you wouldn’t assume they were thinking of tRump sexually (who would for under $130,000?). Or maybe tRump supporters do.
Denying global warming is almost as bad as wearing a MAGA hat.
Again, we don’t deny global warming so stop lying. Try this, moron: believing in man made global warming is akin to believing killing a baby isn’t a human. Both are bad science.
Trump 2020 Abandon phony science
I can think of a lot of 16 year olds who might inspire romantic messages, but Bitchi Longstocking isn’t one of them.
And what does 800% mean? Up from 1 to 9?
if a user described themselves as a tRump supporter you wouldn’t assume they were thinking of tRump sexually (who would for under $130,000?). Or maybe tRump supporters do.
Hey, a lot of women had the hots for your boy, Adolf.
Denying global warming is almost as bad as wearing a MAGA hat.
A lot of bad mammerjammers out there.
See where more non-Trumplicans are showing up at Trump rallies than Trumplicans?
And we’re talking tens of thousands, not tens like the Demos are drawing (that and flies).
Todd just dodged a bullet…
“He said, ‘whoa whoa whoa, I can tell we’re going to disagree there,’†said Wilkinson. “And I said, ‘On what? Religion? Politics? Climate change?’
“And he said, ‘Definitely on climate change.’â€
At this point, Wilkinson said, it was like every neuron in her brain came to a halt. “It took me a minute to gather myself,†she said. But once she did, she knew she couldn’t be there anymore.
I’ll take “shit that never happened” for $500, Alex.
Porter William Good?
Jeffery Loser Keene?
Edward Sibley Dutcher?
Porter William Good?
“You definitely came to the right place because our users are really engaged and passionate about the leading issues of our time, including climate change,â€
Passion is good. Alas, most leftists mistake it for brainpower.
Fake story. Women who write for a living are known to make stuff up to make themselves seem more virtuous. Men on “dating” sites are only interested in one thing, and it isn’t climate change.