Of course, members of the Cult of Climastrology are always trying to warn on something in order to get Government to implement taxes/fess and Big Government authoritarianism. This is Greg Mullins, a former commissioner of Fire and Rescue NSW and a climate councillor from Australia in the main paper of the Cult of Climastrology, the UK Guardian
Not long ago, somebody said to me, “It would take a huge disaster for this government to acknowledge that there is such a thing as climate change.†Tragic, but perhaps true.
While we now seem to have grudging government acknowledgment that climate change is the predominant driver of the current bushfire disaster (notwithstanding it previously being portrayed as “not a factorâ€, “one of many factorsâ€Â or a delusion of inner-city latte-sipping greenies, etc), the acknowledgment has yet to be matched by action on the root cause.
Make no mistake: this disaster is a weather-driven event, not a fuel-driven one, underpinned by years of drying and warming. Climate change is the driver of increasing extreme weather.
Particularly devastating because together with 22 former fire and emergency service chiefs from every state and territory I had tried from April 2019 to warn the prime minister about what veteran firefighters, climate scientists and meteorologists all identified as a looming bushfire disaster. We were ignored and trivialised: the government inferred that we were criticising the efforts of current fire chiefs and told us via the media that we could be assured that the “new breed†of chiefs “had it under controlâ€. Of course, this missed the point entirely. We were trying to say things that the existing hard-pressed, hard-working chiefs could not. Our suggestions about better using the military and freeing up processes to allow them to be used in non-firefighting support roles, our request for approval of additional funding for large firefighting aircraft, and better national coordination (following the hollowing out of Emergency Management Australia, which has now been absorbed into the huge Home Affairs bureaucracy) were ridiculed. Until, of course, the disaster worsened, and the media and public called for action. Then the government “took the initiativeâ€.
And, since they didn’t listen
There has been an appalling failure in national leadership from Canberra. Failure to recognise and prepare for what was coming. Failure to accept briefings from experts. Failure to understand and accept the government’s national support role to the states and territories. Failure to provide funding certainty for critical equipment requested by fire agencies in a detailed business case but stalled in Canberra since May 2018.
And what he really blames
And the government is failing again by now suggesting that our primary focus should be on adapting to climate change rather than upping our efforts to tackle the root cause: the burning of fossil fuels. Continuing to burn coal, oil and gas is sending us down a pathway to an even hotter, drier Australia where conditions will get worse and worse.
Interesting. I guess the over 200 people arrested for starting fires has no meaning, right? I know some Warmists outlets are trying to argue that it is meaningless, but, what of the 24 arrested for intentionally starting fires? And then you have the ones who were stupid, like the guy fined $11,000 for tossing a lit cigarette.
And, just like in California, the fires are much worse and harder to contain because Enviroweenies have instituted polices that restrict brush clearing, controlled burns, and fire breaks. You clear your fallen leaves, right? Well, wildfires happen, and they are all either due to lightning strikes or human failure, not because someone ate a burger and refused to pay a carbon tax. Not because the world is a measly 1.5F higher than it was in 1850, which is mostly the fault of natural processes.

Please tell us Teach what are the natural processes that are causing the Earth to become hotter
Now about the fires
The NSW Rural Fire Service says that 99.97% of the average burned was from lightning strikes NOT from human activity (including arson)
Teach it was Breibart that first tried to blame left wing climate activists for the fire
As far as the greenies stopping controlled fires to reduce the fuel load, that practice has always been part of the Green Party Australia’s policy
But the NSW Rural Fire Service was unable to do all of tgg f st they wanted to do because the conditions this year were too dangerous , high temps, drought, and high winds prevented controlled burning
Breitbart hosed you again
Try looking on you tube for
The causes of buff sad h fires in Australia by potholder54
You will see that unlike Breitbsrt he always provides citations for things like the number of acres burnt by human activity
Porter typed: the world is a measly 1.5F higher than it was in 1850, which is mostly the fault of natural processes.