The GOP Senate may be pulling that kill switch sooner than later
Out: Not allowing witnesses is a cover-up
In: Negotiating witnesses is a cover-up
I can't keep up
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) January 19, 2020
Oh, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), one of the House impeachment managers in President Trump’s Senate trial, said Sunday that Republicans looking to block or negotiate on witnesses are “part of the cover-up.”
Nadler’s comments came in response to a question on whether Democrats would consider calling former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden to testify in exchange for calling witnesses put forward by Democrats.
Nadler dismissed the idea of negotiating on witnesses as part of the trial.
“In any trial, all relevant witnesses must be heard,” Nadler said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”
We actually don’t need Hunter: we need Joe, who should explain why he demanded a Ukranian prosecutor investigating the company his son was on the board of be fired or a billion in aid would be denied.
“Any Republican senator who says there should be no witnesses or even that witnesses should be negotiated is part of the cover-up,” Nadler said.

Teach typed: we need Joe, who should explain why he demanded a Ukranian (sic) prosecutor investigating the company his son was on the board of be fired or a billion in aid would be denied.
That is the right-wing meme, but turns out it’s just not true.
Teach didn’t seem to investigate the story at all. But now that he knows better he’ll likely stop lying about Biden and tRump.
Ukraine ousted Prosecutor General Victor Shokin, who was believed to be corrupt by the US, the EU, the IMF, the EBRD and anti-corruption forces within Ukraine. Shokin’s deputy resigned over Shokin’s corruption.
In fact, pressure was on Shokin for NOT vigorously investigating Burisma, the owner Zlochevsky, as well as other connected oligarchs. Vitaly Kasko, who had been Shokin’s deputy overseeing international cooperation before resigning in February 2016 citing corruption in the office, provided documents to Bloomberg News indicating that under Shokin, the investigation into Burisma had been dormant.
tRump’s entire story that he was only interested in corruption in Ukraine and Biden just happened to get caught up in it, is a sham. tRump engineered a scheme attempting to force Ukraine to disparage tRump’s most likely 2020 opponent. It’s clear what tRump did, the only question is whether this kind of traitorous behavior is impeachable. If it isn’t, what is?
Biden testifying would be part of the GOPher side show, but Biden would like be happy to do it, if just to further embarrass tRump.
That is the right-wing meme, but turns out it’s just not true.
I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.
So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. (Laughter.) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.
Game. Set. Match.
tRump’s entire story that he was only interested in corruption in Ukraine and Biden just happened to get caught up in it, is a sham. tRump engineered a scheme attempting to force Ukraine to disparage tRump’s most likely 2020 opponent. It’s clear what tRump did, the only question is whether this kind of traitorous behavior is impeachable. If it isn’t, what is?
That isn’t because he was following up on a treaty obligation (they have the effect of law, you know).
And it’s hardly treason.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
Biden testifying would be part of the GOPher side show, but Biden would like be happy to do it, if just to further embarrass tRump.
you give new dimension to the phrase, “unintentionally risible”.
First, Gropin’ Joe made all kinds to tough-guy talk about not testifying if subpoenaed until somebody told his handlers that would mean jail.
Second, you want an end to the Gropin’ Joe circus? Put him on the witness stand on national TV under vigorous examination. He’ll either incriminate himself and Zippy or prove he’s too senile to be trusted with a trip to the bathroom by himself.
Or both.
The two are not mutually exclusive.
In this instance the two are probably mutually inclusive.
Trump 2020 Lets get the idiots out of government.
Kye: Trump 2020 Lets get the idiots out of government.
The irony is stupefying.
Your stupidity is ironic.
Trump 2020 Only idiots believe in MMGW
The US, EU, IMF etc wanted the corrupt Shokin out, and one reason was because he WASN’T investigating corruption. Make certain you understand that sentence before moving on.
Got it? OK.
Burisma WASN’T being investigated at the time Obama/Biden threatened to withhold aid unless Shokin was outed and a prosecutor who WOULD investigate corruption was appointed.
Everything you and tRump say regarding the matter is a lie. Of course, much like the GOPhers, you are not even remotely interested in truth. You worship tRump because he’s as hateful and dishonest as you.
Sure. The EU and the IMF have replaced Team America as world Police.
Gropin’ Joe is such a conscientious soul. And Burisma just happened to have his coke-addled son as a director. And Zippy has always been an advocate of good government, right?
That’s why all the stimulus money went to his political pals.
Everything you and tRump say regarding the matter is a lie. Of course, much like the GOPhers, you are not even remotely interested in truth. You worship tRump because he’s as hateful and dishonest as you.
No, everything you say on the matter is a lie because you know how the electorate will go if all this comes out. Fauxcahontas hasn’t got a prayer and neither has Bernie.
And nobody is as hateful and dishonest as you.
You keep responding as if Jeff cares what you write.
Clearly, Jeffery is getting as scared as the rest of the Demos of Gropin’ Jjoe being called as a witless. Having him backed into a corner would be a disaster for the Demos and they’ve waited to long to come up with a rebuttal to the CFR vid.
Obviously, the story is getting some traction and Gropin’ Joe on the stand, under oath, his teeth falling out, mumbling and stuttering, talking about how Franklin Roosevelt led the Rough Riders up Bunker Hill at Antietam, forced to tell the truth would throw the election to the Rs.
And I love Jeffery’s little tough-guy admonition, Make certain you understand that sentence before moving on.
Got it? OK.
Actually, it’s more of a plea. A last ditch hope the Lefties can snow somebody.
See where the rally in Richmond went off without a hitch? See where a delegation of VA sheriffs showed up pledging they wouldn’t violate the 2nd Amendment?
Jeffery is sure riding a cold streak.
Jeffery’s just doin’ what he’s paid to do and it looks like Gropin’ Joe is getting scared.
Gropin’ Joe issued a memo to media outlets on Monday warning them against spreading “false accusationsâ€. He ordered Fake News they must state clearly and unambiguously that they have been discredited and debunked by authoritative sources .
Wow, ordering Fake News. Usually they know what to suppress.
And who are these authoritative sources?
Jeffery L Keene?
It hardly matters which democrat wins the nomination. They all have the same platform and Trump is going to win in any case.
Since it looks like the Democratic party is ready to throw Biden under the bus, I’m just wondering why the national media is still so incurious about his decades of corruption and making everyone in his family millionaires. Ukraine is just the most recent.
Too good to keep. Off Insty, from FaceBarf
It’s much worse (or better, depending on your stance) than “GOP Negotiating Witnesses Is Now “Part Of The Cover Upâ€â€.
If the Republicans in the Senate don’t vote to convict TMT (The Mighty Trumpster), THAT will be “Part Of The Cover Up.”
I like the part in one of the speeches by some black Congress creep that all of the government is in on helping Trump and keeping everything secreat. Funny they were not interested in the big O spying and Hillary selling nuclear material to the enemy or selling influence.
Or giving weapons to Mexican drug terrorists or sending palates of cash to terrorist enablers.
The Big O was one of the greatest basketball players of all time, and has not been accused of spying. Until now.
HRC did not sell nuclear material to Trump’s benefactor.
Most of what TrumpubliCons believe to be true is false.
The Trumpublicans recognize that they are circling the drain – it’s why you’re in full blown panic.
Trump will lose bigly (if he even runs).
Dems will gain House seats.
The GOP will lose the Senate. Good bye Cory Gardner, Martha McSally, Moscow Mitch, Susan Collins, Thom Tillis…