Democrats just can’t let it go, despite having zero evidence
Adam Schiff Tries to Make Impeachment About ‘Russia Collusion’ Hoax
Lead House impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) led his opening argument in the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump on Wednesday by citing allegations of “Russia collusion†that have been debunked.
Schiff tried to argue that the Senate had a duty to remove President Trump from office for allegedly inviting foreign interference by Ukraine in the 2020 presidential election because he supposedly invited Russia to interfere in 2016.
He said:
We also took this step with the knowledge that this was not the first time the president solicited foreign interference in our elections. In 2016, then-candidate Trump implored Russia to hack his opponent’s email account, something that the Russian military agency did only hours later.
Schiff was referring to a press conference in July 2016 at which Trump joked about Russia finding the approximately 33,000 emails that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had deleted from her illicit private email server. Trump made the joke after being badgered by the press to comment on allegations that Russia had hacked the Democratic National Committee’s email server. The Clinton campaign had blamed Russia — and had blamed Trump as well. (snip)
The articles of impeachment themselves refer to “Russia collusion,†referring to “President Trump’s previous invitations of foreign interference in United States elections,†as if that were somehow an established fact.
This is delusion. This is people living in an alternate universe. They created a Narrative, that Narrative collapsed with the Mueller Report, but, like a deranged Ex constantly checking that person’s social media they can’t move on.

Dem continue dying on day 2.
Don’t be Adam.
Don’t be tRump.
Don’t be rusty trombone.
Teach changes the subject.
Trump and Putin pushed the narrative that it was Ukraine and not Russia that attacked the US, a narrative that has been proven false.
Then trump attempted to bribe/force Ukraine to savage tRump’s most likely 2020 opponent in exchange for military aid unless Ukraine promised to investigate or at least announce an investigation into Biden. While clearly in tRump’s interest, it was not in America’s interest.
Trump and Putin pushed the narrative that it was Ukraine and not Russia that attacked the US, a narrative that has been proven false.
It has? By whom?
Then trump attempted to bribe/force Ukraine to savage tRump’s most likely 2020 opponent in exchange for military aid unless Ukraine promised to investigate or at least announce an investigation into Biden. While clearly in tRump’s interest, it was not in America’s interest.
No, the only farce is your bitterly clinging to a fantasy dreamed up after Mule Ears’ Russia report fell flat.
And it was hardly a foregone conclusion Gropin’ Joe would be the likely nominee.
Gropin’ Joe is, and as, a joke.
Much like yourself.
What will you do when Trump is acquitted?
Like Adam little sissybitch has no facts.
Don’t be like Adam.
Well of course tRump will be acquitted. The question is what will America do in November? We think you know.
Yes, he’ll be re-elected in a landslide.
But you said he’ll have to resign and cut a deal.
You haven’t been lying to us all this time?
Have you?
Elwood. You have lied so often here your words are worthless.
By all means, ignore me.
Oh, Good Lord, no.
It’s much more fun exposing your lies.
Just because you disagree with the truth doesn’t mean it’s a lie.
Next time you speak the truth (which, of course, will be the first time), we’ll let you know.
Total BS. Not one witness testified that military aid was withheld unless there was an investigation.
tRump and Mulvaney both admitted it, but were not witnesses. Witnesses courageous enough to defy tRump’s orders to keep quiet pieced together the actions.
tRump released the aid when he got caught.
Bull. They never admitted it was withheld quid pro quo.
Facts not in dispute.
#Lolgf losers
That vid is the killer.
The Demos claimed they had Trump when they voted on the articles. Now they say they want to call more witnesses.
I smell one of those, God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne/Cocaine Mitch, you magnificent bastard”, traps coming down the pike.
If the Demos get to call more witlesses, so do the Rs.
“Mr Biden, do you remember this video”?
“Uh, I think that was after FDR went on TV after taking Santa Anna out behind the high school gym because the British bombed San Juan Hill”.
That video is irrelevant. Biden was not impeached, tRump was. It’s been in all the papers.
The US, EU, IMF and Ukrainian anti-corruption groups all wanted the corrupt Shokin out. Shokin WAS not investigating potentially corrupt orgs, e.g., Burisma. tRump’s entire premise is false.
That video is irrelevant. Biden was not impeached, tRump was. It’s been in all the papers.</i.
Papers also said the Hildabeast would win. And Trump is going to be acquitted, so his “impeachment” will be irrelevant.
And the vid is what can get Gropin’ Joe and Zippy hauled into Federal court on charges of extortion.
Remember how you always keep saying the Demos can go after Trump when he goes back to private life? Well, so can the Rs, and they have a real charge.
The US, EU, IMF and Ukrainian anti-corruption groups all wanted the corrupt Shokin out. Shokin WAS not investigating potentially corrupt orgs, e.g., Burisma. tRump’s entire premise is false.
Trump didn’t say it.
Gropin’ Joe did.
Hear what Jeffery is saying? he doesn’t want anybody to think what Gropin’ Joe says is real.
Ah, but it is.
And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.
Just to remind everybody, by the way, this meeting continues to be on the record, so you’ve just been read your Miranda rights.
So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. (Laughter.) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.
So, who do you think gets hauled into court?
An acquitted President (double jeopardy) or a couple of scamsters convicted out of the dumber one’s mouth?
Sleep well, little Jeffery. The Long Arm of the Law is coming.
Lil Sib-lie,
The Long Arm of the Law is coming. For tRump.
And double jeopardy doesn’t apply to impeachment. “I’ll take Senate Rules for 2000, Alex”.
Lil Sib-lie,
The Long Arm of the Law is coming. For tRump.
And double jeopardy doesn’t apply to impeachment. “I’ll take Senate Rules for 2000, Alexâ€.
Senate rules only apply to the Senate.
The Constitution makes no mention of any exception for impeachment.
So you lie again.
Kind of like Mule Ears’ hokey rule about Justice not prosecuting Presidents. What a few Lefty bureaucrats say and what the courts say are two different things.
You must really be getting scared.
You must really be getting scared. And you know as much about our Constitution as Queen Don.
Article I, Section 3, Clause 7
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
So you lie again. Or maybe you’re just ignorant. We tend to think you lie out of disrespect for others. tRump does that. He assumes his beliefs and imaginings constitute truth. Much like you.
Like Adam little sissybitch keeps flailing away with his little lies accomplishing nothing.
Don’t be Adam.