…is a city that will soon be flooded from a (slowly) rising sea, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on the danger of civil disobedience.

…is a city that will soon be flooded from a (slowly) rising sea, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on the danger of civil disobedience.
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President Donald Trump said he’s considering making changes to social safety net programs like Social Security and Medicare “toward the end of the year†― suggesting he is open to the cuts long pushed by conservatives.
Trump’s comments to CNBC on Wednesday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, are a change from his past promises to Americans that he would leave those programs untouched, although his administration has pushed to downsize them. Given the enormous popularity of the programs, even hinting at entitlement cuts is typically the third rail of politics, particularly in an election year. Democrats have warned that Trump might do more to decrease the social safety net, and he just confirmed they’re right.
“At the right time, we will take a look at that,†Trump said after CNBC asked if entitlements would ever be “on your plate.†He added it would be the “easiest of all the things.â€
suggesting he is open to the cuts long pushed by conservatives.
You’d like to provide us with a link, or is this more of your wolkenkuckucksheim.
Desperate since impeachment is going down the drain, Demos go back to their old standby , scaring the Hell out of old people.
Here are his remarks at Davos, including press questions.
Not a word about Social Security.
And here’s what CNBC says, and you’d think they’d make mention of something as earth-shattering as “hinting at entitlement cuts”.
So Jeffery lies again and gets caught again.
Just like Schiff For Brains.
PS Entitlement cuts are not the third rail of American politics. Social Security is.
Lil Sib-lie lies again and gets busted again. Just like tRump.
tRump should be a man for once and look the American people in the eye and tell them he wants to balance the budget by cutting Social Security and Medicare for the elderly.
And here we all thought that it was the House of Representatives that made the Budget.
BTW Jeffery, in case you missed it, New York lowered Medicare payments to physicians, etc.
Do you support people doing the same work and getting paid less by government mandate?
Since you are so concerned about the cost of government healthcare, have you vacated your patents yet, or are you still making money off the backs of the poor?
Nice pivot away from the point. BTW Jim Bob, do you support cuts in Social Security and Medicare payments?
BTW Jim Bob, Does the Senate have to also vote for bills out of the House? Must the President sign the bills to make them law?
Do you think seniors who worked their entire lives and now relying on Social Security and Medicare are receiving too much support? The GOP does.
He said, “we’re going look”. And the reporter never even turned a hair. It sounds more like reform, which Medicare desperately needs, than cuts, now doesn’t it?
So I guess he thought it was just something down the road; maybe yes, maybe no.
If it was what you imply, Fake News would be screaming it. But the summation doesn’t even mention it.
But here I thought you’d be happy he wants to pay down the debt. You’ve been whining about it whenever you get caught in a lie. You should be happy.
And, if not, why not?
But here’s what he said
JOE KERNEN: –will you look at–will– do you need to raise taxes or do you need to cut spending?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: We’re going to actually probably lower taxes, if you want to know the truth. You know, if you take a look at what we’ve done, we’ve cut taxes in half. And we’ve taken in more revenue substantially than we did when the taxes were high. Nobody can even believe it. But we take in more revenue with the big tax cuts– I mean you were paying really 41% and we brought it down to 21%, and it’s sort of lower than that–
The truth in a nutshell. The IRS always says more revenue when taxes are low than when they’re high.
Trump wants people spending, doing business.
So you’re the liar.
What else is news?
Medicare for the elderly.
Medicare covers a lot of people besides old geezers.
Like tRump, you lie. You and git both changed the subject. Why?
No, I just pointed out the facts.
You’re the one who lies.
Why? Facts not on your side?
Nice pivot away from the point. BTW Jim Bob, do you support cuts in Social Security and Medicare payments?
Look who really pivots.
Catch him in a lie (easy) and he tries to change the subject.
BTW Jim Bob, Does the Senate have to also vote for bills out of the House? Must the President sign the bills to make them law?
Does Jeffery know the Constitution or is he just trying to be annoying?
If you don’t know, look it up.
Do you think seniors who worked their entire lives and now relying on Social Security and Medicare are receiving too much support? The GOP does.
I believe you only have to have worked 10 years to receive Social Security and Medicare covers disability.
More to the point, if all you have is Social Security and basic Medicare, you’re in trouble.
The average stiff only gets $1G/month. Hardly enough to live on. And Medicare only picks up part of medical expenses.
And you know you lie about the Rs. I take it things are looking so bad for the Demos, they have to fall back on their old standby for votes (aside from dead people), scaring old people.
What with the disaster in Richmond (no casualties, no trouble, and you were so hoping for another Charlottesville) and impeachment just turning into an annoyance and the Demos’ prospects looking so bad and Trump telling Bitchi Longstocking to go take a flying leap, it must be Hell being you.