I think they should start implementing the draconian ‘climate change’ policies immediately, show the citizens exactly what they’re in for, rather than slow rolling themselves back to 643AD
Spain proclaims a climate emergency, creates plan of action
Spain’s new government declared a national climate emergency on Tuesday, taking a formal first step toward enacting ambitious measures to fight climate change.
The declaration approved by the Cabinet says the left-of-center Socialist government will send to parliament within 100 days its proposed climate legislation. The targets coincide with those of the European Union, including a reduction of net carbon emissions to zero by 2050.
Spain’s coalition government wants up to 95% of the Mediterranean country’s electricity to come from renewable sources by 2040. The plan also foresees eliminating pollution by buses and trucks and making farming carbon neutral.
Details of the plan are to be made public when the proposed legislation is sent to parliament for approval.
So, how will this work? Here are Spain’s top 10 exports
- Vehicles: US$58.9 billion (17.1% of total exports)
- Mineral fuels including oil: $26.7 billion (7.7%)
- Machinery including computers: $25.3 billion (7.3%)
- Electrical machinery, equipment: $19.5 billion (5.7%)
- Plastics, plastic articles: $13.6 billion (3.9%)
- Pharmaceuticals: $12.3 billion (3.6%)
- Fruits, nuts: $10.4 billion (3%)
- Clothing, accessories (not knit or crochet): $9.1 billion (2.6%)
- Iron, steel: $8.7 billion (2.5%)
- Articles of iron or steel: $8.5 billion (2.5%)
So, all those will have to stop. Because there’s no way they can get to net zero. The automotive one surprised me. Diamler AG, Ford, Nissan, Opel, Peugeot, Renault, SEAT, and VW all make vehicles in Spain. That will have to be stopped. No way to mass produce even pure electric cars with net zero emissions. And everything else goes out on a fossil fueled plane or ship.
Good luck with this.

I absolutely support Spain’s right to do this! Let’s see them enact this and start destroying those industries as soon as possible, so that American voters can see exactly what the results are.
Of course, Spain is already one of the economically poorer nations in the eurozone, better off than Greece, perhaps, but on a par with Italy. The unemployment rate in Spain is 13.92%, and that’s down significantly from 2017. Let’s see if “the left-of-center Socialist government” reverses that trend.
They have a solution. The government will hire all the unemployed to put up windmills and install insulation in homes, then pay for it by taxing their income. Brilliant!
Where the f@ck is Don Quixote when you need him?
What the hell is a “left of center socialist government” as compared to a “right of center socialist government”? Socialist anything by definition is left of center, far, far left of center.
Trump 2020 Don’t let the DemComs make a “left of center socialist government” here
The left of center Left in America has been doing this shifting of words for decades. Everyone they hate is called far right or ultra-right. But America has no far right or ultra right. Even our conservatives seem content to just have a slower march to communism than the Socialist want.
I know, Professor. I went to bed one night and when I awoke I had gone from civil rights protester in Alabama in 1964, a guy who married a Jewish girl and after she died marries an Asian girl to a rabid right wing aggressive raaaacist-Jew hating-white supremacist. As the Democrats progressed to socialists and now into communists, went from demanding free speech to blocking it and are currently making every effort to overthrow the Executive branch of America like they did when we took away their slaves, I’m become the enemy in the country my family and myself helped build with our blood, sweat and tears.
There seems to be no room in America for those of us who built America according to the Moonbat leftists.
Trump 2020 Cause the commies ain’t gonna kill themselves just like Epstein
If you no longer feel welcome in America; if you hate over 50% of Americans, perhaps it’s time for you to leave. Saudi Arabia is a nice authoritarian nation that should appeal to you.
You’re not the only person and family to help build America, but are part of the minority now working to destroy it.
The tRump experiment is a colossal failure and the American people won’t stand for his sleazebag behavior and lies any longer.
When tRump is no more, either forced to resign or defeated, and Dems control the House and Senate, do you plan to start killin’ those “commies”?
If tRump manages to cheat another win how are you and tRump gonna kill the “commies” that refuse to kill themselves?
Historically, this works out one of two ways:
(A) They bloviate and virtue-signal continuously, while doing nothing of any substance, or
(B) They bloviate and virtue-signal continuously, while running their country into the ground ala Venezuela.
Send me your name, bank account info and SSN if you want to place any bets.
[…] as William Teach has noted, Spain has now decided to impoverish itself to fight global warming climate […]
I read that very interesting on post at The First Street Journal this morning and LOL’d. It’s so obvious what the radical left wants and what it’s become, the de facto Communist Party of America. They don’t believe nor do they give a rsts ass about MMGW. They want POWER, permanently!
Trump 2020 Keep the Democoms out of power.
Several months ago I read about a man who operated steel mills in Spain and he was arranging to have his steel works moved elsewhere. When asked why, he said, “You can make windmills with steel but you cannot make steel with windmills.”
If you no longer feel welcome in America; if you hate over 50% of Americans, perhaps it’s time for you to leave. Saudi Arabia is a nice authoritarian nation that should appeal to you.</i
He’s just making note of all the lies people like you tell.
You’re not the only person and family to help build America, but are part of the minority now working to destroy it.
More like the majority working to bring it back.
your day, if it ever really came, is gone.
The tRump experiment is a colossal failure and the American people won’t stand for his sleazebag behavior and lies any longer.
Riiiiight. That’s why, as the “trial” goes on, his approval goes up.
When tRump is no more, either forced to resign or defeated, and Dems control the House and Senate, do you plan to start killin’ those “commies�
Gonna be a long time before any of that happens. Trump will have a lot of fun being re-elected and you yourself admitted he won’t have to resign because he will be acquitted. And you and your crowd have made sure the House goes back to the adults as the Rs take it and add some to their majority in the Senate.
The psychos you love have insured the Demos will be out of power in all three branches for at least a generation.
I’ve said this is all a rerun of 50 years ago ever since ’16 and here we are.
If tRump manages to cheat another win how are you and tRump gonna kill the “commies†that refuse to kill themselves?
He only made the joke about killing that everybody has, knowing the Left, ever since Epstein died.
The only cheats are the Lefties and they had their chance at killing some real Americans in Richmond and they backed down. Were you as disappointed as the rest that there wasn’t some violence and Governor Blackface wasn’t able to mow some of them down?
The rest of the Left sure was.
BTW Gropin’ Joe can only draw about a dozen at a time to his “rallies”.
100,000 people in NJ have asked for tickets to the upcoming Trump rally.
Tonight, he got confused about FL and AL.
Yeah, he’s going to be formidable.
Teach seems to have stepped out of line with his messiah Trump on pure electric vehicles
Teach didn’t you see the tweet about Musk being a genius like Edison ?
2050 is a long way off
We do already see Hyundai offering a lifetime warranty on their batteries and Musk says that he will have a million mile battery soon
And the next generation battery an aluminum-air battery
30 years ago the price of a solar panel watt was 20$
It is 1$ now