He actually made another comparison, which makes me glad that he wasn’t president on that day, despite voting for him in 2000
LOL.@AlGore on climate: "This is Thermopylae. This is Agincourt. This is Dunkirk. This is the Battle of the Bulge. This is 9/11.”
Reality on climate: "This the Salem Witch Trials. This is the Emperor's New Clothes. This is Bernie Madoff."https://t.co/8IsIhKcHy7
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) January 23, 2020
From the link, which forgets to mention the private jet Gore took to Davos
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore believes the climate crisis is getting worse “way faster†than most people realize, describing it as a “challenge to our moral imagination.â€
Delivering closing remarks at a World Economic Forum panel session on Wednesday, Gore spoke passionately about the climate emergency.
At one stage, the co-founder of Generation Investment Management compared the scale of the crisis to a number of infamous historic events.
It is “way worse†than many realize and intensifying “way faster†than people appreciate, Gore said.
“This is Thermopylae. This is Agincourt. This is Dunkirk. This is the Battle of the Bulge. This is 9/11,†he added.
This. Is. Stupid.

Al Gore has a huge investment in Carbon futures trading. So far, it’s a product that exists only on paper that no one needs, so it is only bought and sold as a novelty. But if he can get governments to force people to buy it, he will cash in at levels not even Hillary has dreamed about.
First we had Spartacus now we have The 300 Spartans. These wimp assed Democommies sure have a huge self image for a bunch of 4-F’s. They all think of themselves as hero’s yet none have gone into battle.
That wimp assed Con Man, Cadet Bone Spurs, didn’t go into battle, either. Baby Doc, Eric, Jared, Ivanka didn’t go into battle. The Don remarked that fuking young models and not getting AIDs was his private Vietnam. What a guy.
Although he opposed the war, Harvard grad Al Gore enlisted and was in Vietnam in 1971.
Few of your heroes have gone into battle. Rush? Sean? Alex Jones? Teach? Jim Hoft? They’ve all advocated sending others to fight wars that they supported.
If “going into battle” is the credibility standard you wish to establish, I am eagerly awaiting your shutting the heck up.
But in all fairness, I have never advocated that particular standard. The fact is, a tiny percentage of Americans have ever served in the military and the grand majority of them have never been in battle of any sort. Pretty much a pointless arbitrary standard for letting people participate in the national discussion. My personal point of view is that everyone who pays taxes has a right and a moral obligation to care how that money is spent. And Donald Trump has paid a LOT of taxes.
Tell it to Kye, “going into battle” is his criterion.
We were merely pointing out Kye’s hypocrisy. He was criticizing Al Gore who served in Vietnam, while ignoring that his lord and savior, Donald Trump avoided service because of bone spurs.
I believe all Americans should participate in the national discussion, rich or poor.
Kye’s criticism of democrats is valid, based on their own words, which is what he pointed out. Just as you defended yourself from my criticisms based on Kye’s words. It’s Ok. I don’t expect critical thinking, logic, consistency, military service, tax paying or even reading comprehension from you. Your bar is very low, indeed.
The Living Redwood served as a combat correspondent, safely out of harm’s way. In fact, there was a lot of humor around the fact he carried a pencil, not an M-16. He also made sure, for someone so opposed, his wedding photos were taken in uniform. I’m sure he could have borrowed some civvies.
And, if Trump was rightfully 4-fed, you’re the last one to criticize. I note neither the Mocha Messiah nor Willie ever served and Willie was of age to go, but pulled some strings.
Some poor slob went in his place.
I believe all Americans should participate in the national discussion, rich or poor.
Unless they disagree with you, right?
And our criticisms of Kye, you, and The Don are valid.
Al Gore mentioned Thermopylae and Kye accused him of being a wimpass 4-F Democommie. I merely pointed out that Al Gore served in Vietnam and Kye’s hero, tRump avoided service.
…a Trump confidante reportedly told Republican Senators that “a vote against the president and your head will be on a pike.â€
It’s Ok. I don’t expect critical thinking, logic, consistency, military service, tax paying or even reading comprehension from you. Your bar is very low, indeed.
We’re noticed the Teach’s loyal servants are getting dumber and dumber with each day. Your excuses and insults and getting more and more juvenile each day. You’re running scared. You’ve all stopped making arguments, recognizing your only hope is authoritarianism.
You need to face that tRump is in deep scheisse with the American people. They recognize him for the sleazebag he was and still is.
That wimp assed Con Man, Cadet Bone Spurs, didn’t go into battle, either.
Neither did you. At least he never claimed he did.
Baby Doc, Eric, Jared, Ivanka didn’t go into battle.
No draft. Also no war, genius.
The Don remarked that fuking young models and not getting AIDs was his private Vietnam.
Although he opposed the war, Harvard grad Al Gore enlisted and was in Vietnam in 1971.
With a pencil, safely out of harm’s way. Daddy was up for re-election and thought Sonny going into the Army would help.
Christ, if you’re going to pick these fights, try one that you can back up.
Few of your heroes have gone into battle. Rush? Sean? Alex Jones? Teach? Jim Hoft? They’ve all advocated sending others to fight wars that they supported.
The Army went volunteer in ’73. With your vast military experience, you should know that.
A lot of these guys weren’t old enough to go.
And the acronym is AIDS.
Brutal. The “I know you are, but what am I” defense.
Baby Donald, Eric, Jared, Ivanka could have volunteered. We’ve been at war since 2003, moron. The apples don’t fall far from the tree. And if Rush et al were real patriots instead of hypocritical big pussies, they would have volunteered.
And you don’t have to call me Christ. Lord and Master is sufficient, idiot.
Link? As someone who worships tRump’s ignorance and cruelty, you should know more about him. Look it up yourself, Brainiac.
In an unearthed interview from 1997, Donald Trump claimed he was a “brave soldier†for avoiding STDs during his single years in the late ’90s.
“It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider,†Trump said in the interview when Howard Stern asked how he handled making sure he wasn’t contracting STDs from the women he was sleeping with.
The business-mogul-turned-politician elaborated on the fact in the interview, calling women’s vaginas “potential landmines†and saying “there’s some real danger there.â€
He also paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 to keep quiet about having unprotected sex. Maybe that was his own personal Afghanistan.
tRump is a disgusting pig and the worst president ever. But he has sure pulled the cockroaches out of the woodwork, cucaracha.
No real American patriot can support tRump.
Pence 2019: Send tRump to Mar a Lagos
Baby Donald, Eric, Jared, Ivanka could have volunteered. We’ve been at war since 2003, moron. The apples don’t fall far from the tree. And if Rush et al were real patriots instead of hypocritical big pussies, they would have volunteered.
So could you and your Mocha Messiah, now that the take homosexuals.
And the date is 2001. That’s what Pelosi Galore kept telling us.
And you don’t have to call me Christ. Lord and Master is sufficient, idiot.
I wasn’t and I won’t.
And it’s blasphemy.
Link? As someone who worships tRump’s ignorance and cruelty, you should know more about him. Look it up yourself, Brainiac.
In an unearthed interview from 1997, Donald Trump claimed he was a “brave soldier†for avoiding STDs during his single years in the late ’90s.
“It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider,†Trump said in the interview when Howard Stern asked how he handled making sure he wasn’t contracting STDs from the women he was sleeping with.
The business-mogul-turned-politician elaborated on the fact in the interview, calling women’s vaginas “potential landmines†and saying “there’s some real danger there.â€
Still no link. No guts or no truth? And is that why you prefer guys?
Hey, if you can look up an HTML tag, you’re the idiot.
He also paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 to keep quiet about having unprotected sex. Maybe that was his own personal Afghanistan.
Only the word of a convicted felon trying to get out of one of Mule Earsd’ phony charges.
Anybody still pushing stuff that has yet to be proven is the idiot.
tRump is a disgusting pig and the worst president ever. But he has sure pulled the cockroaches out of the woodwork, cucaracha.
No real American patriot can support tRump.
Well, that lets you out. Except for the disgusting pig part.
So I guess all us real patriots that love the guy, who’s been a better President than Reagan, can rest secure we’re on the right side and the Side Of Light.
Pence 2019: Send tRump to Mar a Lagos
ICYMI, the year is 2020.
And it’s Mar a Lago.
“Pence 2019” I know that you said that President Trump would be out of office by the end of last year, but while the rest of us realize that didn’t happen, you seem to have missed it.
Ask the hypocritcal little sissybitch about his, um… military “service”.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Pvt. Jeffery
Elwood, they’re the ones who called themselves “Spartacus” and “The 300”, not I. I was just pointing out how warped their self image is if they have the balls to compare themselves to actual warriors. I am not saying one has to be in battle to be an American. I’m saying THEY compared THEMSELVES to actual warriors of which they are NOT. Why are you so bitter?
All wars are supported by a certain quantity of people who will be sending others into battle, so what? That’s always been the norm. Are you saying any person who has not experienced battle has no right to send others in harms way?
Did they?
So he went to Harvard and he equates the climate with the Battle of the Bulge and 9-11? Maybe time to up their standards..
Generally the cost of carbon offsets for business jet flights is less than 2% of the charter cost
Many corporate charter companies offer this as part of their flight contract
See how little it costs to go carbon neutral ?
At 8$ per ton of CO2 it would cost the average American $100 per year to go carbon neutral
This is what Teach fears with a carbon tax grab
2.7 cents per day
How much do you pay for your offsets? Who are you paying your $100 a year to?
You want to throw your money away, do it.
Just don’t expect me to do it.
Either with you or for you.
Americans do you see how stupid the left is? They dont want to end CO2 production. They just want to TAX it to penalize YOU for enjoying comfort.
John has the electricity on in his home, his computer turned on and is pecking away on his key board while the heat is keeping him warm.
Or perhaps he is using a 1000 dollar Iphone, made with inordinate amounts of co2 and rare earths DUG out of the ground using massive CARBON EMMITING EQUIPTMENT to then access a massive INTERNET PROVIDER WHO USES A BAZILLION DOLLARS worth of CO2 to tell you how evil you are for having heat, a phone and a computer.
You forgot, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”, and “every family will save $2,500 under this plan”.
I still fail to see how paying Al Gore’s carbon trading company $100 a year will make my carbon emissions decline. Looks like just giving money away for zero benefit. I’m sure Al Gore sees it differently since he stands to get about $48 of those dollars personally. What do you get out of it?
Still waiting for you to tell us how carbon offsets do anything if the fricking jet goes anyway.
Dear John: could you tell me how paying 2% of the cost for chartering a private jet stops that jet from emitting combustion byproducts?
Thank you in advance for educating me on this subject.
The esteemed Mr Gore said:
Let’s see, Thermopylae has been romanticized, but in the end it was lost by the Greeks. Dunkirk was not a battle, but a retreat in front of a conquering army. 9/11 was a sneak attack, and it has led to the United States being bogged down in Afghanistan for 18 years.
Yeah, the good guys won the Battle of the Bulge, as Hitler threw his last offensive at the Allies but didn’t have the men and materiel to win. Agincourt was a great victory for King Henry V, but the eventual outcome of the Hundred Years War was that England could not win its claim to the French throne.
it has led to the United States being bogged down in Afghanistan for 18 years.
Also led to a lot of dead bad guys, including Saddam Hussein.
You’re one of those guys who always thinks we lose, aren’t you?
I know Dana personally and he is definitely NOT “one of those guys who always thinks we lose”. I believe he was trying to point out That Algores selection of comparison was off the mark.
Trump 2020 Start a movement to send the leftists to Cuba.
Saddam Hussein was President of Iraq, not Afghanistan. He was captured by US forces in Iraq, not Afghanistan. He was executed by hanging in Iraq by the interim Iraqi gov’t, not Afghanistan.
Mr Wiz wrote:
This is the fallacy of Vietnam, where there were no established fronts or battle lines and we resorted to ‘body counts’ to determines whether we were winning or not. By the body counts, we were on our way to a smashing victory in Vietnam; does anyone here think that we actually won there?
If victory is determined by “a lot of dead bad guys,” then victory is easily withing our grasp: we have the firepower and technology to turn Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria and all of the Muslim countries put together into radioactive black ruins, and, by that definition, we ought to do it.
I remember the line about Vietnam: they were more willing to die for their country than we were to keep killing them.
We need to define victory and then achieve it. If all we are going to do is kill some Afghanis so that other Afghanis can have their bacha bazi, then we need to get the f(ornicate) out.
but the eventual outcome of the Hundred Years War was that England could not win its claim to the French throne.
Nice bit of information here Dana. The reality is the left has always said we have about 100 years to FIX THE CLIMATE.
In 100 years I would bet all that I have that our co2 will be pushing 600 and the earth will be 1 degree warmer, the ocean will have risen 4 inches and everything will be just fine.
But 2100 we will have solved the energy problems. Found new ways to feed more people and technology will have developed to the point we will not skip a beat and 97 year old Greta Birdbrain will still be screaming HOW DARE YOU for whatever new problems have cropped up in the next 80 years.