It’s rather hard to have a conversation with climate cultists who are unable to provide any proof of their beliefs, refuse to practice what they preach, block you on all social media, refuse to appear on TV shows with anyone who doesn’t have the same rigid beliefs, and Demand that all news outlets refuse to give Skeptics any platform, because they’re heretics and should be burned at the stake
Merkel urges dialogue between skeptics and believers to tackle climate change
The world needs an open dialogue about climate change to heal the gap between sceptics and believers since time is running out to cut the emissions that drive global warming, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday.
“Time is pressing, so we – the older ones, I am 65 years old – must make sure that we take the impatience of young people positively and constructively,†Merkel told the World Economic Forum in Switzerland.
The first two days of the annual Davos gathering were dominated by the back-and-forth between the 73-year-old former businessman Trump and 17-year-old campaigner Greta Thunberg, with corporate leaders caught in the middle, concerned that as well as words, there was a need for concrete decisions.
She drew applause from the Davos audience when she said opposing sides in polarised debates such as that on climate change had to learn how to talk with each other again.
Hmm. It looks like what she’s advocating is a dialogue that tells Skeptics what they must believe. She believes that “time is running out to cut emissions,” Skeptics do not. Believers (I like that Reuters chose to label them as such) want to do it in a way that taxes you, increases your cost of living, and limits your freedom and choice. They want massive government control over everything. There could be some agreement on solutions, such as a big increase in the use of nuclear power, R&D into solar, wind, etc, not so much to decrease “carbon pollution” from the skeptic side, just as things that make sense. But, the Warmists generally do not want that.
And after her applause she jumped in a fossil fueled vehicle/private jet to head back to Germany.

Of course there is ample evidence supporting that human-generated CO2 is causing the Earth to warm. But the science deniers deny the science. Teach claims there is no proof of the theory, but doesn’t understand that scientific theories are not “proven”.
What finding would you consider proof? If the answer is none you’re a science denier. There is no discussion to have.
The media doesn’t give flat earthers a forum, or the HIV-AIDS deniers a forum, and they shouldn’t give Dr. Oz or Gwyneth a forum to spout pseudoscientific nonsense.
Teach claims: Believers want to do it in a way that taxes you, increases your cost of living, and limits your freedom and choice. They want massive government control over everything.
Teach says there are solution on which “warmists” and deniers could agree, but that makes no sense since deniers deny the CO2 is causing warming. Why would deniers even consider it?
Of course there is ample evidence supporting that human-generated CO2 is causing the Earth to warm. But the science deniers deny the science. Teach claims there is no proof of the theory, but doesn’t understand that scientific theories are not “provenâ€.
And Bolshevik Bunny doesn’t understand how science works.
hat finding would you consider proof? If the answer is none you’re a science denier. There is no discussion to have.
One with genuine data without all the scare tactics.
The media doesn’t give flat earthers a forum, or the HIV-AIDS deniers a forum, and they shouldn’t give Dr. Oz or Gwyneth a forum to spout pseudoscientific nonsense.
Only because Fake News is just that. A lot of Leftists pushing phony stories to advance the Lefstist agenda.
The living definition of propaganda.
Teach claims: Believers want to do it in a way that taxes you, increases your cost of living, and limits your freedom and choice. They want massive government control over everything.
Nails it.
Teach says there are solution on which “warmists†and deniers could agree, but that makes no sense since deniers deny the CO2 is causing warming. Why would deniers even consider it?
Since Hypocrite Hare often ascribes quotes to people that are false, I can’t judge where Teach was going, but why should he expect rational people consider something when they know the underpinnings are lies?
Ergo, Baghdadi Bunny is lying again.
The media doesn’t give flat earthers a forum, or the HIV-AIDS deniers a forum, and they shouldn’t give Dr. Oz or Gwyneth a forum to spout pseudoscientific nonsense.
Some scary shit just spouted there. Combine that with gun-grabbing lefties and billionaires BUYING an election and you got the goose steppers just waiting to take over the USA and deny not only the second amendment but the first and whatever amendment the electoral college resides.
In short Elwood is all for trashing the constitution as he spouts the constitution over Trumps impeachment. Scary stuff. Scary stuff.
WHY do you need the deniers to join your cause?
Why are YOU obsessed with people who deny your cause?
If its 97 percent of the world just fix it. You have never answered the question Elwood. Why do the deniers who have almost no power matter>? 97 percent of the worlds leaders all are sold on the AGW scam.
IF they really believe in AGW then surely they have the will and the backbone to start Taxing the shit out of their nations and FIX this catastrophic problem.
Why do you need us Elwood. If you tax me. I will have to pay it.
Said dialogue would consist of hyper-emotional, over-promoted adolescent ignorami and ignoramae screaming, “How dare you?”, at the world.
Good one-“the media doesn’t give flat-earthers a forum, or the hiv-aids deniers a forum…â€. The “because the earth isn’t flat and hiv is real means the global warming scam is true†argument. Very scientific…
“Teach claims..taxes you, increases the cost of living, and limits your freedom and choice. They want massive control over everythingâ€. Yes, and Teach is right.
“What finding would you consider proof?†Well, first of all a physical world that wouldn’t offer up enough ample evidence to produce well over a thousand peer-reviewed papers disputing agw. Pretty simple right there. On top of that, no data adjusting that cools the past and warms the present, no “pauseâ€, no trying to erase the global cooling scare and MWP, no attempting to shut down dissent, no appeal to authority as some kind of proof, no claim extreme weather events are increasing, no ignoring the fact that CO2 and temp don’t correlate over history, etc. ect..Much more;…
Don’t be Angela.
There is a train from Bern to Berlin, and the service leaves every two hours. But that’s for the plebeians, not the patricians.
It’s funny how the AGW people treat their pet peeve as a religion. Yet in the field of Astronomy, the Hubble Telescope took its data and farmed it out to anyone and everyone to discuss, research and write papers on why X or Y or Z was occurring in the Universe.
There was no attempt at keeping the science closed and only reports they AGREED with would be permitted to stand.
In the field of Geology. All of the data of earthquakes in Yellowstone is openly outsourced to every college. Not just select items. The data is not corrected, collated and given over to grad student interns to assign importance too. As the AGW people did with Ice Core samples and other scientific evidence for or against AGW.
Russian Scientists have pointed out that Briffa’s tree ring data is all wrong. They were silenced and Mann used it anyway to create the hockey stick. Noaa Took down its entire data set of over 3 decades of measurements for 3 weeks and when it was reposted they had ALL CHANGED to reflect warming, rather than insignificant warming.
When thermometers are placed around the globe they always place a vast majority of them in places affected by the Thermal plumes created by cities. A 1000 square miles of concrete and asphalt is going to heat things up radically for miles outside of the actual city. This is proven.
In short. When I look at a science project that is willing to share every aspect of their data to the world and figure it out. I trust it. When they hide it, change it and politicize it for whatever reason they deem necessary then I am a Skeptic.
Until such time as the AGW crowd can stop with the cherry-picked scientific facts, I will continue to be a skeptic despite science which says co2 is increasing and it can warm the atmosphere.
I don’t’ deny that. I deny the people who stand so much to gain politically and economically from finding a specific conclusion.
“The world needs an open dialogue about climate change to heal the gap between sceptics and believers since time is running out to cut the emissions that drive global warming, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday.”
She’s already declared “… since time is running out to cut emissions that drive global warming”.
I counter “… since the science is not there, and it has been shown this is nothing but a push for world government under socialism.”
Her mind is made up. What open dialog could possibly change HER mind? Her statement means there is no middle ground. So we skeptics just acquiesce?
Georgia, when leftists use the word “dialogue” what they really mean is a monologue with them doing the talking and it’s mostly “demands”. Today’s left has been so radicalized it is impossible to have any meaningful dialogue even if by God’s grace they were willing.
They think they are our moral and intellectual superiors and they tell each other that every day. Ever watch the clusterfuk on CNNMSNBCCBSABC, the NYT and WaPo on a daily basis as they ALL use THE EXACT words to describe every item in the news? They live in a bubble where any variance from the narrative will not be tolerated. Hell, you can’t even believe the scientific fact that a male can’t become a female without being tossed out of the in crowd.
Watch how Mr. Dowd here twists and turns in the wind when we ask him who he supports for President. He can’t answer because the bosses haven’t told him yet and to guess wrong would put him in a bad position and he knows it. He’s praying like hell Trump gets removed or Hillary jumps in because he knows in his heart Trump will slaughter any of those commies who are currently running. They’re all idiots, clowns and poseurs.
I don’t blame him for being pissed off. Trump has the best record in office since Reagan and there’s no sign of it changing. Elwood is about as deep as a piece of tissue paper. We troll him all the time here. Look how he stutters and stammers trying to extricate the Democrats of their responsibility for slavery. He knows he comes from slavers and he knows that LBJ started the Great Society to tie their dependent blacks to urban, Democrat controlled areas to keep them in line for their brick of cheese and to cast their votes (usually several times even when dead) for their modern masters, the Democrat Party.
Look at Adam Shiffty. The man converted more moderates to our team last week then anyone since the gun-grabbin neo Nazi Gov. Blackface of Virginia. He even talked two Republican lefties into voting for Trumps acquittal.
We had a fabulous turnout at the Right To Life rally in Washington where once again
the Covington kids were there and President Trump stopped by to show his endorsement for human right to life. WE also had a great turnout in support of our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms in the Soviet State of Virginia. The Klan Governor and his hooded Democrat representatives still passed numerous anti-American laws but we are slowly showing the breaking point is approaching.
Trump 2020 Lets keep the pro American movement going!