What is Impeachment Theater? It’s just an extension of the long scream from Democrats when they realized that Trump beat Hillary by the rules, and they just can’t accept it
Schiff pleads to Senate GOP: ‘Right matters. And the truth matters.’
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the lead House impeachment manager, made an impassioned effort to break through to Senate Republicans on Thursday night in his closing argument by exhorting them to remove President Trump from office because “you know you can’t trust†him “to do what’s right for this country.â€
Senate Republicans have said for months that there are nowhere close to 67 votes in the upper chamber to convict Trump on articles of impeachment, yet Schiff, the California Democrat who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, pleaded with them follow their consciences.
“Do we really have a doubt about the facts here? Does anybody really question whether the president is capable of what he’s charged with? No one is really making the argument, ‘Donald Trump would never do such a thing’ because of course we know that he would, and of course we know that he did,†Schiff said after a marathon day of presentations.
House prosecutors on Thursday presented a litany of facts and arguments to support their charge that Trump abused his power.
Well, not so much in terms of Facts
Tom Cotton: Republicans are surprised at how ‘flimsy’ the impeachment case is
Sen. Tom Cotton, who was required to sit through the entirety of Wednesday’s marathon Senate impeachment trial session, said on Thursday that “it certainly seems to drag on late into the night as House Democrats repeat themselves time and time again.â€
Cotton, R-Ark., made the comment on “America’s Newsroom†on Thursday, adding that if House Democrats “had strong evidence though, I think they’d simply present that evidence and let it speak for itself, but they don’t.”
“That’s why what we heard yesterday were repetitive arguments over and over again based on little more than hearsay, and the House Democrats’ objections to Donald Trump being the president,†he continued. (snip)
“One thing I’ve seen as I’ve listened to these House Democrats for the last few days is just how flimsy the evidence is to support their case, based primarily on hearsay. And again, repeating themselves over and over again, because they don’t have the evidence that would just speak for itself.â€
He added that he thinks his Republican colleagues are also surprised at how “flimsy” the impeachment case is.
Cotton noted that House Democrats “keep saying they have an overwhelming case.â€
“If they had an overwhelming case, they wouldn’t be demanding that the Senate do the work that the House wasn’t willing to do, subpoenaing documents and witnesses and going to court if necessary to enforce that,†he said. “The Democrats refused to do that in the House because they wanted to rush this through to try to hurt the president’s reelection chances.â€
Democrats do not really have any case except Orange Man Bad.
“If you have the facts, you bang the facts. If you have the law, you bang the law. If you don’t have either, you bang the table. Today, we’ve seen a whole lot of table banging…” @tedcruz https://t.co/mAOTQUhyNi
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 23, 2020

TEACH whined: Democrats do not really have any case except Orange Man Bad.
Really? It sure looks like Donald Trump was running a scheme attempting to force an ally to attack Trump’s political rival in exchange for almost $400 million. Even with trump’s and the GOP’s obvious cover-up and obstruction trump obviously did what he was accused of.
The Con Man argument is that trump’s actions were OK. tRump could behead a Republican Senator in the well of the Senate and still be acquitted 52-47.
The Con Men’s only case is Orange Man God.
So who do you favor in the democratic primary to run against Trump? Whoever it might be, tell me about their most significant accomplishment that so impresses you and why their history of corruption doesn’t matter.
I’ve been asking him that for six months, Professor. Nothing but silence. He’s scared to death to endorse one of those commie ass holes running on the Democommie ticket. Can’t say as I blame him. The guy is a phony just like the rest of his commie party. Hell, he’s still bitching that “Trump lost by 3 million votes” knowing full well Hillary lost in an electoral landslide. He obviously doesn’t understand how our Republic works which may be the reason he’s stuck in the past and hates America so much. All he has is hate.
Trump 2020 Beat the shit out of the commies.
I knew that. I have resorted to cheap tricks to get him to STFU.
Con Men always need a strongman to lead them. A daddy, a god, – someone to smite your enemies!
tRump is without question the worst president in US history. He has but a single vision – power – and he is running America into the ground. The world hates us.
You can’t deny that even with tRump’s cheating more Americans voted against him than for him! And not a few, but millions! His approval has never reached 50%. He attempted to rig the 2020 election but got caught. He’ll continue to cheat because him not being president threatens his freedom, his brand, his company and his family (not that he cares about them).
Do you see the any of the irony that tRump is Putin’s bitch, making you a Putin supporter. Putin was trained by real commies, and was a real commie until 1991. tRump “fell in love” with Kim Jong Un (he thought Kim was a girl’s name) – also a real commie. He describes China’s Xi as a “good friend” – Xi is also a real commie. So tRump “pals around” with real commies and brutal dictators and you’re worried about universal healthcare similar to Australia, France, Norway, Germany, New Zealand, Switzerland, Israel, Sweden, Japan, Finland, Canada, Denmark, South Korea, Belgium…
We support whomever wins the Dem primary. They are all superior to the brute, tRump.
tRump recently remarked he was looking at cuts to Social Security and Medicare while also advocating another round of tax cuts (according to “Lips” Mnuchin, these new tax cuts will actually stimulate the economy and pay for themselves)! We hear that a lot from Con Men. N.B. – we have trillion dollar yearly deficits expected for the next several years. Hey Donnie, if the new tax cuts will balance the budget like the previous ones were supposed to, why must you plan to cut SNAP, Medicaid, HUD, Social Security and Medicare?
Have you noticed that tRump has not refuted anything regarding his impeachment and Senate “trial”. His “defense” team can’t refute even one fact. The defense is that “The President can do whatever he wants.”
If tRump has nothing to hide, why did he admit hiding every document and “forbidding” any witnesses. (Several gave tRump the middle finger and testified over tRump’s threats).
Hey Kye? What exactly is US “commie”? Anyone you disagree with?
You’re a fascist.
The most important quality of any Dem candidate (and other GOP, Green Party, Socialist Party, Libertarian etc) is that they are NOT Donald J. tRump, a person wholly unqualified intellectually, mentally and morally to be president of this great Democratic Republic.
Anyone who still supports this sleazebag traitor cannot be considered a true American. Every ‘s Republican needs to defeated in 2020. That’s America’s only hope.
You guys won’t even describe what you want for America, other than you want a strongman to torture your enemies – Dems, Libs, Blacks, LGBTs, Browns, Muslims, atheists etc. Political correctness keeps you from advocating for a white Christian ethnostate.
tRounce tRump 2020: Drown the right-wing authoritarian Con Men in their own tears.
Funny- “Trump hasn’t refuted one fact…â€. What facts? No quid pro quo except in libs heads. Going to have to better than that, J
This is one of the rocket scientists running to be the dem nominee….
Even DiFi can’t take it anymore.
Using the organs of government to manipulate the election process is a standard play of authoritarians. Inviting foreign interference in U.S. elections undermines the foundations of constitutional government.
Trump illegally delayed the funding of Ukraine military aid, using it to coerce a foreign country to interfere in the U.S. presidential election.
#Lolgf kiddiez
The Obama Administration strategically withheld foreign aid to: Ukraine 1B, Pakistan 800M, Columbia 450M, Philippines 433M, Egypt 250M, Honduras 30M and Mexico 26M. Yet the Democrats with their seditious media enablers seem to be able to criminalize what is a normal every day government working in order to trap our hard working President into some concocted fakakta crime. This is sickening.
BTW, it is not illegal for a President to delay foreign policy. You, Shift, Nadler and all the other lying seditionists have zero evidence he did any such thing. I have a YouTube video of Joe Biden BRAGGING he halted a billion dollar deal until the prosecution of his son was stopped. On tape, In English. That, Zachriel is an actual fukin’ crime.
Trump 2020 Lets get the shitheads out of DC
Trying to force foreign countries into assisting in a national US election is not normal every day government working. Even for a hardly working President like tRump.
Impeach Obama, then.
The video of VP Biden did not reveal a crime, and certainly for the reason you claim.
Most of what Con Men believe to be true, is not.
Senate GOPhers have the votes to call any Biden they want. Why don’t they?
Dump Trump 2020: Let’s get the shitheads out of DC.
Nobody tried to FORCE foreign countries to do anything. Here is the dialog, show me the crime:
Partial transcript of the 7/24 phone call
Declassified by order of the President
September 24, 2019
SUBJECT: Telephone Conversation with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine
Participants: President Zelenskyy of Ukraine
Notetakers: The White House Situation Room
Date, Time July 25, 2019, 9:03-9:33 am EDT
and Place: Residence
The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike… I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it’s very important that you do it if that’s possible.
President Zelenskyy: Yes it is very important for me and everything that you just mentioned earlier. For me as a President, it is very important and we are open for any future cooperation. We are ready to open a new page on cooperation in relations between the United States and Ukraine. For that purpose, I just recalled our ambassador from United States and he will be replaced by a very competent and very experienced ambassador who will work hard on making sure that our two nations are getting closer. I would also like and hope to see him having your trust and your confidence and have personal relations with you so we can cooperate even more so. I will personally tell you that one of my assistants spoke with Mr. Giuliani just recently and we are hoping very much that Mr. Giuliani will be able to travel to Ukraine and we will meet once he comes to Ukraine. I just wanted to assure you once again that you have nobody but friends around us. I will make sure that I surround myself with the best and most experienced people. I also wanted to tell you that we are friends. We are great friends and you Mr. President have friends in our country so we can continue our strategic partnership. I also plan to surround myself with great people and in addition to that investigation, I guarantee as the President of Ukraine that all the investigations will be done openly and candidly.. That I can assure you.
The President: Good because I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that’s really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what’s happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it… It sounds horrible to me.
President Zelenskyy: I wanted to tell you about the prosecutor. First of all, I understand and I’m knowledgeable about the situation. Since we have won the absolute majority in our Parliament, the next prosecutor general will be 100% my person, my candidate, who will be approved, by the parliament and will start as a new prosecutor in September. He or she will look into the situation, specifically to the company that you mentioned in this issue. The issue of the investigation of the case is actually the issue of making sure to restore the honesty so we will take care of that and will work on the investigation of the case. On top of that, I would kindly ask you if you have any additional information that you can provide to us, it would be very helpful for the investigation to make sure that we administer justice in our country with regard to the Ambassador to the United States from Ukraine as far as I recall her name was Ivanovich. It was great that you were the first one who told me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree with you 100%. Her attitude towards me was far from the best as she admired the previous President and she was on his side. She would not accept me as a new President well enough.
The President: Well, she’s going to go through some things. I will have Mr. Giuliani give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it. I’m sure you will figure it out. I heard the prosecutor was treated very badly and he was a very fair prosecutor so good luck with everything. Your economy is going to get better and better I predict. You have a lot of assets. It’s a great country. I have many Ukrainian friends, their incredible people.
President Zelenskyy: I would like to tell you that I also have quite a few Ukrainian friends that live in the United States. Actually last time I traveled to the United States, I stayed in New York near Central Park and I stayed at the Trump Tower. I will talk to them and I hope to see them again in the future. I also wanted to thank you for your invitation to visit the United States, specifically Washington DC. On the other hand, I also want to ensure you that we will be very serious about the case and will work on the investigation. As to the economy, there is much potential for our two countries and one of the issues that is very important for Ukraine is energy independence. I believe we can be very successful and cooperating on energy independence with United States. We are already working on cooperation. We are buying American oil but I am very hopeful for a future meeting. We will have more time and more opportunities to discuss these opportunities and get to know each other better. I would like to thank you very much for your support.
The President: Good. Well, thank you very much and I appreciate that. I will tell Rudy and Attorney General Barr to call. Thank you. Whenever you would like to come to the White House, feel free to call. Give us a date and we’ll work that out. I look forward to seeing you.
Stop being a blind partisan and a sore loser. Trump won. He will win again because of people like you who have degraded the value of the honesty of the government. It’s a witch hunt and a coup. You are all commie traitors.
Trying to force foreign countries into assisting in a national US election is not normal every day government working. Even for a hardly working President like tRump.
Given that Trump is the hardest-working man in government, he wouldn’t devote time to what you say. He did honor a treaty obligation.
It figures that the laziest man in government, the Mocha Messiah, did hand over responsibility to the most worthless hypocrite in government, Gropin’ Joe, and he did try to force a foreign country into assisting his pursuit of ill-gotten wealth.
Impeach Obama, then.
Indict Obama, then. And Gropin’ Joe.
The video of VP Biden did not reveal a crime, and certainly for the reason you claim.
It did exactly that, and your beloved impeachment, which is turning into a disaster for the Demos (when you’ve lost the Weird Sisters From ME…) (surprise!!!!), has come to focus attention on Gropin’ Joe’s misdeeds.
Most of what Con Men believe to be true, is not.
Who ya gonna believe, me or your lyin’ eyes, right?
Senate GOPhers have the votes to call any Biden they want. Why don’t they?
I believe it goes, be careful for that which you wish, you may get it.
Dump Trump 2020: Let’s get the shitheads out of DC.
Already did that 4 years ago.
But notice, the bear suit is on. Nothing’s gone right for the Lefties all week.
Kye: <I.The Obama Administration strategically withheld foreign aid to: Ukraine 1B, Pakistan 800M, Columbia 450M, Philippines 433M, Egypt 250M, Honduras 30M and Mexico 26M.
The $1 billion in assistance for Ukraine was a loan guarantee crafted in large part by Vice President Biden, made in conjunction with U.S. allies, and did not fall under the Impoundment Control Act. The Pakistani aid was legally contingent on Pakistan making sufficient progress against terrorist groups, and they failed to meet the requirements. Colombia failed to meet benchmarks on humans rights, and Congress was duly informed. Similarly for the other countries on your list, all of which the President had statutory authority.
Things were different then. Obama good.
Things are different now.
Orangeman bad.
Bwaha! Lolgfy kiddiez
Kye: BTW, it is not illegal for a President to delay foreign policy.
It is illegal to delay congressional appropriations, except as provided by law. It was patently illegal to delay Ukraine funding to ensure, as the White House said, the funds wouldn’t be spent “in a manner that could conflict with the President’s foreign policy.â€
Nice, however incorrect. The funds were released at the President’s discretion which is totally legal. The Obama Administration strategically withheld foreign aid to: Ukraine 1B, Pakistan 800M, Columbia 450M, Philippines 433M, Egypt 250M, Honduras 30M and Mexico 26M. Yet the Democrats with their seditious media enablers seem to be able to criminalize what is a normal every day government working in order to trap our hard working President into some concocted fakakta crime. This is sickening.
I hate to repeat myself but you only have enough excuses and technicalities for one comment. Again, the funds were released and HE WASN’T CHARGED FOR NOT RELEASING FUNDS ANYWAY!
You guys are really believing your own disinformation now.
Trump 2020 Keep the ass holes on the left off balance.
Kye: The funds were released at the President’s discretion which is totally legal.
That is incorrect. Disbursement of congressional appropriations is not at the president’s discretion, but have to conform with the law.
Kye: The Obama Administration strategically withheld foreign aid to: Ukraine 1B, Pakistan 800M, Columbia 450M, Philippines 433M, Egypt 250M, Honduras 30M and Mexico 26M.
Ignoring our response is not an argument. Those instances were all in conformity with requirements of the law, as noted above.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, this is what actually happened: https://www.weaselzippers.us/442591-trump-legal-team-lays-out-6-point-case-crushing-democrats-impeachment-claims/
The transcript shows conditionality. More important, there was a pattern of escalating pressure. Within 90 minutes after the call, Ukrainian aid was illegally put on hold, and the information about the hold kept from Congress contrary to law.
Of course Zelensky is going to deny being pressure. He still has to deal with the U.S. president and his own electorate.
Trump got caught.
Funds were not delayed, kiddiez, they were delivered on time.
Nobody is buying it anymore.
#Lolgf kiddiez
On the money.
I have a beer bet with my buddy Roy. I bet that within six month of Trumps second term the leftists will file an impeachment based on “voter fraud”. Roy, OTOH thinks they will reinstate the current charges and add Treason so there is actually a crime and not just political dirty tricks by the Democoms.
Trump 2020 Just to watch the next impeachment.
Oh, off topic I just finished Mein Kampf. If you never read it DON’T. It is really one of the worst and most boring books I ever read. Maybe I think that way because I see his deranged ramblings every day when clowns like Shift or AOC or Nazi Pelozy speak. Whatever the reason may be that book sucks. It was a waste of time.
Last time Zachriel, the funds were released and the articles of impeachment are for abuse of power, obstruction of Congress and obstruction of justice for “attempting” to fire Mueller during the Russia witch hunt. He is NOT charged for withholding the funds from Ukraine.
Trump 2020 because it’s time to take out the leftist trash.
Kye: He is NOT charged for withholding the funds from Ukraine.
Impeachment, Article I: Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election. He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage. President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by conditioning official United States Government acts of significant value to Ukraine on its public announcement of the investigations. President Trump engaged in this scheme or course of conduct for corrupt purposes in pursuit of personal political benefit. In so doing, President Trump used the powers of the Presidency in a manner that compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process. He thus ignored and injured the interests of the Nation.
Trump exercised his authority as president as all presidents do. Period. It doesn’t matter what lies you guys come up with, what frame jobs you employ, what fake news comforts you, how many third and forth hand “witnesses” you pull out of you asses Trump will win in the Senate and will win in November.
All you have done is proved Trump right when he identified the Deep State and the Fake News. You brought it all out front with your lies and suppositions for Three fukin years because your commie cunt lost an election. Too bad. You’re gonna lose again and this time it’s all your own fault for betraying the public trust and running amok with a Coup D’Etat like a bunch of fukin animals.
Now I understand why you leftists spend so much time executing one another when you take over countries like Russia and Cuba. You can’t be trusted so your own people execute you. “Undermined the integrity….blah, blah, blah” you can’t stop making up phony crimes can you? Liars, you are all liars. And you will lose like liars should.
Trump 2020 Stop the leftists today or we die tomorrow.
Kye: Trump exercised his authority as president as all presidents do.
Withholding a congressional appropriation is not under the authority of the President per the Impoundment Control Act. Withholding such aid to coerce a foreign country to interfere in an upcoming election is a clear abuse of power.
You lie!!!
He did not!
He was investigating Ukraine 1 year before Bernie, Warren or Biden even entered the race for the 2020 presidency.
Part of his primary battle was how we were involved in paying too much money for NATO, and wars in the Middle East thus attacking YOUR PERSONAL INTEREST IN SEEING OUR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN DIE SO YOU>>>YOU>>>YOU can make a profit.
You lie!
Your side continues to lie and make stuff up!!
Chumpchange: He did not!
The question raised was that Trump was “NOT charged for withholding the funds from Ukraine.” That was incorrect. As for the factual basis of the allegation, there is direct documentary evidence that the Trump administration did delay funds that Congress had appropriated for Ukraine.
Bwaha! Bullshit kiddiez.
This is your evidence of an impeachable offense?
How to wrap your thinking brain around such nonsense as the claim that the President abused his authority when he briefly delayed aid to Ukraine to encourage them to reinstitute corruption investigations Joe Biden had blackmailed them into abandoning? How to register the dissonance in the claim that Trump is Putin’s tool when he provided to Ukraine lethal aid that Obama refused to provide for fear of upsetting Putin? How is it an “abuse of power†for Trump to investigate Joe Biden and the overwhelming evidence of his corruption because Biden is running for election but not an “abuse of power†for House Democrats to investigate and impeach him while he’s running for reelection? Even more crazy is how is this is an “abuse of power†when the entire Obama and Hillary Clinton teams illegally spied on Trump’s campaign and filed false reports with the FISC (Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Court) to obtain warrants for this purpose and generously paid people like Stefan Halper out of the Treasury to spy on Trump’s team and leak anti-Trump stories to the Washington Post.
Trump 2020 Stop the enemy they are at the gates!
Kye: How to wrap your thinking brain around such nonsense as the claim that the President abused his authority when he briefly delayed aid to Ukraine to encourage them to reinstitute corruption investigations Joe Biden had blackmailed them into abandoning?
That’s not the president’s prerogative. See the Impoundment Control Act.
Nor is there a reasonable indication that Biden committed a crime. If there were, then such an investigation would be conducted by the Department of Justice, and be conducted in secret until sufficient evidence is collected to put forth an indictment.
The Z’s are a debate club at a high school level. They are all aspiring lawyers and think they have a foundation in the law. They do not know it and do not understand it. Don’t fall for their crap. You are wasting your time.
Ad hominem is a fallacy of diversion.
That is incorrect. Disbursement of congressional appropriations is not at the president’s discretion, but have to conform with the law.
ANOTHER HALF TRUTH BY THE LIARS that infest the left.
The year ends by sept 31st. The funds must be dispersed prior to the end of the fiscal year or risk being at odds with the Legislature who authorized them. How and when they are to be dispersed to a foreign government is solely the discretion of the US president. Just as Obama blatantly said of funds going to the UKRAINE that I have until sept 31st to give them the funds.
Again YOU lie to decieve Ignorant voters who do not spend the time nor give a shit about the facts.
Chumpchange: The year ends by sept 31st. The funds must be dispersed prior to the end of the fiscal year or risk being at odds with the Legislature who authorized them. How and when they are to be dispersed to a foreign government is solely the discretion of the US president.
That is not correct. The Impoundment Control Act specifically addresses when and how the President can delay funding. The White House claimed they delayed the funds to ensure they wouldn’t be spent “in a manner that could conflict with the President’s foreign policy.†The law does not allow withholding funds for this purpose. Even then, they have to inform Congress of any such delay. Instead, they made efforts to hide the fact from Congress. Meanwhile, some of the funds were not disbursed by the end of the fiscal year, and Congress had to pass a fix.
Funds were not withheld, kiddiez.
It also provides a legal remedy for a violation, kiddiez, which y’all seem to ignore.
The ICA prescribes a precise remedy for a situation in which the president allegedly violates it. Specifically, 2 USC. § 687 provides for a cause of action by the comptroller general in the US District Court for the District of Columbia. But since the funds have been released, any legal action would be moot.
this zach person is funny.
He assigns levels of lawlessness to Obama and Trump. Signifying that Trump broke the law by withholding funds authorized by congress for a few weeks while at the same time telling us that Biden threatening to withhold Loan Guarantees is perfectly legal and within the bounds of perfection.
In addition it was perfectly okay to withhold aid to several nations under Obama but broke the law and requires impeachment for Trump to withhold funds to the Ukraine.
It is clear to me that Elwood and Zach are Russian Agents trying desperately to get Trump and his crippling sanctions against Iran and Russia out of the office so that we can put a real communist in there who will give us hundreds of billions on the runways and bend over and offer them vaseline.
FunnyThat, I think you have their number. Didn’t take you long, did it. Welcome aboard.
The real Democrats and liberals are long gone from the party. All this is left are communist, socialists and moooslem apologists. They haven’t a fair and reputable bone in their body politic and do nothing but lie.
At American Thinker Clarice Feldman wrote today:
“Watching the impeachment theater (or rather reading about it to save time and avoid being influenced by the hypnotic effect of television) I’ve concluded that the congressional Democrats and their base live in a postfactual “inner child†world of fact-free enthusiasms and conniption fits. In their world, a Republican president they cannot manipulate to their will must be impeached and removed from office. That a Republican president must be stripped of his clear constitutional right to shape foreign policy instead of Democratic plants in the Civil Service. That words are not entitled to their clear and normal meanings but can be restated fraudulently to fit the removal goal. That Congress, not the President, can determine what constitutes executive privilege. That witnesses with no direct knowledge can impute whatever meaning they choose into the events and such hearsay and mind readings must be credited. That the House that decides whether to institute impeachment proceedings can, claiming urgency, speed through them in secret, deny the president the right to a defense and can keep hidden from him and his defenders evidence which totally exculpates him. That having expedited a star chamber proceeding, the Democratic House can then demand the right to drag out the process in the Senate under rules they, not the Senate, set. In sum, that none of the long-established guides to evidence and fairness and constitutional protections should be followed when Democrats have a multiyear temper tantrum because they lost status and power.”
Jeffrey S. Malashock quotes John Innes Clark Hale, paraphrasing Alexis de Tocqueville:
“A decline of public morals in the United States would probably be marked by the abuse of the power of impeachment as a means of crushing political adversaries or ejecting them from office.’ What House Democrats are doing is not only unfair to Mr. Trump and a threat to all his successors. It is an attempt to overrule the constitutional process for selecting the president and thus subvert American democracy itself. For the sake of the Constitution, it must be decisively rejected. If Mr. Trump’s policies are unpopular or offensive, the remedy is up to the people, not Congress.â€
In modern English that means the leftists stink. They are the useful idiots Stalin so much loathed.
Trump 2020 Make the leftists leave.
A simpler explanation that avoids the use of fantastic conspiracies is that an inexperienced, ignorant and arrogant person became president and with little knowledge or concern with American mores or methods commits a number of misdeeds. In addition, the GOP is at once afraid of the President and has a craven desire for power.
This obviates the need for an evidence-free communist plot.
Look at recent polls to see if Trump’s policies are unpopular. And the people will have the opportunity to express their displeasure next Nov, if Trump hasn’t resigned by then.
How does a 40% minority rule the majority?
You seem eager to eliminate liberals from the US. How do you plan to do it?
It is clear to me that Elwood and Zach are Russian Agents trying desperately to get Trump and his crippling sanctions against Iran and Russia out of the office so that we can put a real communist in there who will give us hundreds of billions on the runways and bend over and offer them vaseline.
This is a common conspiracy circulated amongst the far-right.
Recent poll from FOX News illustrates the divide between conservatives and the rest of Americans.
“Trump’s best job rating is on his handling of the economy: a record 56 percent approve, while 38 percent disapprove.
More disapprove than approve of his job performance on every other issue tested on the poll. He’s underwater on guns (42 percent approve, 51 percent disapprove), immigration (41-56), foreign policy (40-56), health care (38-54), government spending (37-55), race relations (37-56), and the environment (35-57).
Views are mixed on Trump’s handling of trade: 44 percent think he’s been successful in revising trade deals to make them more favorable to the U.S., while 45 percent disagree.”
FunnyThat: Signifying that Trump broke the law by withholding funds authorized by congress for a few weeks while at the same time telling us that Biden threatening to withhold Loan Guarantees is perfectly legal and within the bounds of perfection.
That is correct. Trump delayed funding a congressional appropriation, which is not allowed under the Impoundment Control Act. The loan guarantees under the Obama Administration were not an appropriation, and so were not covered by the Impoundment Control Act.
FunnyThat: In addition it was perfectly okay to withhold aid to several nations under Obama but broke the law and requires impeachment for Trump to withhold funds to the Ukraine.
Each of the cases floating around the right-wing echochamber were deferments under clear statutory authority. For instance, the suspension of aid to Pakistan was authorized under Section 1220(b)(2) of the 2011 National Defense Authorization Act, Extension and modification of Pakistan Counterinsurgency Fund.
It’s like you are arguing that Trump shouldn’t be ticketed when caught for jaywalking because Obama crossed the street at a crosswalk. It’s not fair!
Now jaywalking is an impeachable offense.
You kiddiez are really stretching now.
Btw, the articles of impeachment didn’t mention violations of the Impoundment Central Act and here’s why…
Lolgf kiddiez
No, not ad homo. More just letting others on the comment section to not expend a lot of effort trying to set a little adolescent straight. Especially when they are discussing matters for which they have zero knowledge or experience. It is funny to watch our two resident communist tying themselves in knots and constantly lying to defame one of the best presidents ever. Know that Trump will have a landslide victory and likely the Biden’s will have their day in court. Hopefully he will get Hillary and Obama as well.
Let’s just see if the Senate agrees with Z or me. If Trump is removed from office than I guess my interpretation of the facts was wrong. If Trump is not removed then I hope Zac and the others are man enough to say after three years worth of probes, investigations, accusations and impeachment if Trump is not removed say he’s not guilty.
Zach, it’s time to get over the 2016 election. You guys are going to lose the 2020 election because you refuse to act like adults and accept the results. We’ve listened to you leftists and your commie friends in the media bitch and moan about Trump since BEFORE HE WAS SWORN IN. They threatened to impeach him even before he took the oath of office. That’s three years before the “phone call”. That’s not how our laws work. This isn’t the Soviet Union “yet” even with you guys trying. Trump has never been considered innocent before proven guilty even when you haven’t been able to prove anything. You are now in the midst of a show trial like the commies and Nazi’s used to do. Pick the victim then “assign” the crime to him. It’s bogus. We all can see it’s bogus and we just aren’t putting up with the lies and the cover-ups any longer.
Trump 2020 If you love America more than you hate Trump.
the media bitch and moan about Trump since BEFORE HE WAS SWORN IN
They threatened to impeach him even before he took the oath of office
There was legitimate concern about trump’s fitness to be president.
That’s three years before the “phone callâ€
But trump was not impeached until after the “phone call”.
That’s not how our laws work
That is exactly how our Consitution works.
Trump has never been considered innocent before proven guilty even when you haven’t been able to prove anything
Trump was investigated for his campaign’s multiple contacts with Russian, and for potential obstruction of justice. Mr. Mueller’s investigation findings were turned over to Congress who chose not to impeach. Following the “telephone call” an investigation by the House resulted in articles of impeachment.
Trump was treated according to the laws. If he hadn’t been president it’s possible he would have been indicted for obstruction of justice. On the other hand, one could argue the only reason he obstructed justice was because he was president. Same applies to his hush money payouts to his inamoratas – he bribed them to avoid bad publicity before the election.
Again Elwood your doing what every democrat is doing. Giving us a timeline but NO PROOF he did anything wrong.
Now because you have such a flimsy case from the house you want the JURORS to call more witnesses.
NO. Not only NO but HELL NO.
GOP SENATORS. IF YOU CALL 1000 witnesses. If you let the trial last 10 years. If you concede everything to the Democrats you will STILL BE BASHED< TRASHED AND BEATEN senseless with this by them in the 2020.
This is now like Bret Kavanaugh.
TIME TO TAKE A STAND. No matter what you do the dems will use it against YOU.
Just say NO!!!!!!! End this so they can get back to impeaching Trump for something else.
QUID PRO QUO GROPIN JOE BIDEN in the White House. Yeah I got serious issues with that.
Bernie honeymoon in the USSR and call me a ragin socialist Sanders. Yeah I got serious problems with that.
Lizzy Like like the lone Ranger and call me TONTO Warren to get a job at Harvard and in the Senate. Yeah I got serious issues with that.
None of these are capable of running this country.
Michael Let me just send you a check and buy your vote TOMB BERG. The worst of them all. Vote Blue no matter who. The hypocrisy of voting for this man should get every democrat every posting on blogs banned for life if they support this guy. Yeah I got problems with this fuk stick.
Trump has pissed off the deep state, the MIC and the democrats who are bought and paid for by the MIC, Deepstate and they vote continuously for WARS, WARS and more wars.
The democrats are pissed Trump is trying to get out of the Middle East an Syria.
The GOP SENATORS JUST NEED TO SAY NO to IMPEACHMENT. Just say no. They are gonna Bret Kavanaugh every GOP president ever elected in the future if you let them get away with this!!!!!!!!
Why engage jeff. He only post comments to get you upset.
That’s what I try to do to Elwood and often it works. I get him calling names and ranting insanely you can almost see the spittle flying from his lips.
And ChumpChange you’re right again. I hope the Republicans do not fall into the “call witnesses, produce documents” trap. Their mind is already made up! Republicans can spend the next two months with witnesses and documents and it won’t change a single thing. Like wrestling a pig in the mud, you soon realize the pig is enjoying it.
Don’t get mad and try to “prove” them wrong, do your thing and take a vote.
We can start another “inquiry” to deal with the Bidens, Schff and Nadler.
Trump 2020 let’s take the garbage out now!
It is possible to see Jeff falling apart. He actually believed they would remove Trump. Now we have Trump 4 more years and a totally conservative government.
We’ve never thought for one second that the feckless GOPhers would remove tRump. They love power more than they care for America. We thought he would resign, and he still might if it looks as if he’ll lose next Nov. Why? He can’t risk losing and going to prison. Yes, yes, we understand that President Pence would pardon him immediately for all federal crimes. But the pardon doesn’t cover state crimes.
It’s unfortunate that hearing the truth “gets you upset”.
The best line I’ve read regarding the GOP position on trump was:
“Donald Trump could murder a Republican Senator in the well of the Senate and still be acquitted 52-47!”
Kye: If Trump is removed from office than I guess my interpretation of the facts was wrong. If Trump is not removed then I hope Zac and the others are man enough to say after three years worth of probes, investigations, accusations and impeachment if Trump is not removed say he’s not guilty.
As Trump clearly abused his power of office in an attempt to coerce a foreign country to interfere in the upcoming election, the expected acquittal will cause severe damage to American democracy. From now on, there will be little check on a president exceeding his power, and a president using the organs of government to ensure their own reelection.
Obviously many of us do not agree with you when you state (like some sort of fuking authority) the Trump “clearly abused his power of office in an attempt to force a foreign country to interfere in the upcoming election”. That is absolutely NOT clear which is why the defendant in this process is afforded a defense. You may want to treat Trump like we like in a Soviet state with show trials but as of yet we don’t (not for lack of people like you trying).
The “expected acquittal” will reinforce the idea that the voters elect the President, not partisan hacks. And from now on there will be the the same “check” on a President exceeding his power there was previous to this blatant attempt to politically remove a President by three years of accusations, innuendos and perfidy by a cabal of elites and media: The Electorate.
As stated before, you leftists were screaming “impeachment” BEFORE the guy was sworn in. That’s not a “check on a President exceeding his power” that is in itself an attempt to overthrow an election and thwart the people. IOW, it’s a fukin’ coup whether or not you admit it.
You guys have bloviated, obfuscated and lied about everything from day one. You have accused Trump of every sin under the sun from obstruction to treason and have failed at each endeavor. You are bogus! You are liars! You only want power and anything and anyone who gets in your way you try and destroy. But in Trump you ran into a guy you can’t intimidate by name calling and lies.
From day one, when Donald Trump became the president of the United States, the entire leftist media, law enforcement establishment, former President Obama, and minions of former President Obama, to include Hillary Clinton, Hollywood celebrities, and the Democratic Party had one mission: To force President Trump out of office. They drove investigation after investigation, and after three years, along with tens of millions of dollars spent at taxpayers’ expense, they found nothing on him to force him out. ZERO.
But that did not please the appetite of hungry leftist wolves who were after blood. Since the House of Representatives is controlled by the Democrats, they contrived a fake excuse to impeach Trump.
“House Democrats have long wanted to overturn the votes of 63 million Americans. They have determined that they must impeach President Trump because they cannot legitimately defeat him at the ballot box. The Democrats’ use of a phone call with the president of Ukraine – with a transcript the president himself released — served as their excuse for this partisan, gratuitous, and pathetic attempt to overthrow the Trump administration and reverse the results of the 2016 election.â€
It was 100% sham.
President Trump, during three years in office has done more for this country than any other in our lifetime.
We have the best economy in decades. Highest stock market numbers ever. Lowest unemployment amongst Blacks, Hispanics and Asians, ever. Trade victories with Japan and China, now coming into view.
More equity in NATO cost-sharing. Massive reduction of regulations and bureaucratic red tape. Conservative judicial court appointees that will stop activist overreach. All without drawing a salary, and while putting up with non-stop harassment.
The Democrats, instead of letting American voters decide if President Trump stays or goes in November, went ahead with a sham impeachment based on rumors and hearsay — and now it likely will cost them their electoral viability in many other races.
Trump’s impeachment had absolutely nothing to do with a Russian hoax or Ukrainian fiasco. It was about Trump winning the 2016 election against Hillary Clinton. Hillary simply could not accept the loss. Then she mobilized her radical army to take Trump out by hook or crook. These Democrats wanted to impeach President Trump in the worst possible way. Literally.
They wanted to impeach him even before he took the oath of office. They’ve called for impeachment every day he’s been on the job. Democrats have asserted they can impeach him multiple times. Hard to believe we live in America! Democrats are desperate and at their wits’ end.
Since the Democrats tragically failed in their Constitutional obligation to provide clear evidence of treason, bribery, or high crimes and misdemeanors, bearing true faith and upholding allegiance can only bring about one ethical vote.
It is these far left “Democrats” (we know what they really are) trample the Constitution every chance they get from gun rights to abortion and now to malfeasance using the impeachment clause for personal political gain in an attempt to turn America into a second rate banana republic with a one party political system. There is a name for that: Communism. You can deny it all you want and many can ignore it at their own peril but communism is what it is.
If you want to live in a nation where the government has all the guns therefore all the power, if you want to live where a few hundred leftist billionaires and millionaires decide who will be President, where a gaggle of pompous elitists in government and the media decide what you hear and see, then you are the enemy of free people.
And so, if you want the leftists to remove a man from office on phony trumped up charges you are not an American. In America we believe a man innocent until proved guilty and there was a time before the left took over the law and started RICO when we didn’t start with the result and build a crime around it. The left took control of the Democrat Party and the Dems let them. Now there is absolutely no difference between the Democrat Party and the CCUSA. Look them up. Unless you exist in a leftist “echo-chamber” you know how putrid the left is cause CNN told you so.
Trump will not be removed. So we win AGAIN! Trump will then show real Americans what victory is in November.
Trump 2020 because America is too great to allow a bunch of commies to
conquer her from the inside.
Kye: Obviously many of us do not agree with you when you state (like some sort of fuking authority) the Trump “clearly abused his power of office in an attempt to force a foreign country to interfere in the upcoming electionâ€.
We have supported our position, including with documentary evidence. You might try to address the points raised.
Kye: And from now on there will be the the same “check†on a President exceeding his power there was previous to this blatant attempt to politically remove a President by three years of accusations, innuendos and perfidy by a cabal of elites and media: The Electorate.
Authoritarians maintain power by manipulating the electoral system while claiming to be democratically elected.
Not really, kiddiez.
You’ve made it up as you go along.
Bwaha! Lolgf