Interesting if true
Hmm, could it be real? #Sasquatch
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) January 24, 2020
The story notes this tweet
Sasquatch spotted!!! I'm not superstitious… just a little stitious. Have you noticed something strange on our Sherman Pass/SR 20 webcam before? If you look closely by the tree on the left there looks to be something… might be Sasquatch… We will leave that up to you!
— WSDOT East (@WSDOT_East) January 22, 2020
Many are wondering if it is a trick of the light, particularly since there are no footprints, and
Sherman Pass in Northeast Washington has snow covered road. Be very careful traveling in mountains. More snow is on the way. #KREMweather
— Tom Sherry (@TomSherryWX) January 6, 2020
Noted the date and how similar it looks. WSDOT East is saying “It’s 100% not a tree trunk. It has a story that will be revealed in February when we do our quarterly check of the camera.”
Yes? No? Hey, they can’t all be political posts, right?

Not a Bigfoot. Moochelle just decided to take a ski trip. Understandable mistake……..
Awesome. And they say you’re not a very good racist… You’re an excellent racist.
And Mooch-elle too! Because black people are moochers. We get it. LOL.
Did you know the Trump Crime Family has taken more taxpayer money for vacations in three years than the Obama family took in 8? Did you know that? And… and… did you know much of the taxpayer money that the Trump’s spend gets paid to the Trump Crime Family – hotel rooms, golf carts, meals…? Did you know that, too?
Mike, not Moochelle.
After that projection in her pants started showing up.
Did you know the Trump Crime Family has taken more taxpayer money for vacations in three years than the Obama family took in 8? Did you know that?
No, and I’ll bet you didn’t, either, until you made it up.
And… and… did you know much of the taxpayer money that the Trump’s spend gets paid to the Trump Crime Family – hotel rooms, golf carts, meals…? Did you know that, too?
The only crime families in American politics are all Democrats – Os, Ozarks, Gropin’s, Lurches, Pelosis.
Well there Elwood P. Dolt, you’re the only one bringing up race here. I don’t much care one way or another what color the First Lady or the President are. I could just as well compare Hillary to some type of animal. And you are the one saying that blacks are moochers, not I. Maybe, just maybe you’re the closet racist……………
If anything, the cell phone has disproved the existence of UFOs, Big Feet and the Loch Ness monster. All those high res cameras out there being carried everywhere we go and no pictures that aren’t terrible fakes.
Further, we reached the point years ago with cheap digital picture and video editing that no picture or video should be trusted without authentication.