…is horrible ice cream from world killing cows, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on what happened when a 16 year old French girl insulted Islam.

…is horrible ice cream from world killing cows, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on what happened when a 16 year old French girl insulted Islam.
Why do all of Trumps closest advisors turn against him (Trump only hires “top menâ€)
Good question John.
Why was Obama handled by a bunch of elites? He kept his mouth shut and was certainly not in charge of anything.
Trump is in charge. He owes No one anything.
He turns stupid when he thinks People like Bolton and a whole host of fired deep staters actually had the countries best interests at heart or had the Presidents back.
As long as Obama shut up everyone had his back.
Bush Jr had all his daddies men taking care of him. Trump has no one he can trust but his family. Even Jeffery Sessions turned against him when the going got tough and I wondered why until I now see him running for his old senate seat again.
Trump OWES NO ONE JOHN unlike Obama and Clinton who were outsiders. Obama simply was given a staff of deep staters who made him do things he would have rather not and if he balked well they would come for him.
Trump owes no one. So all the deepstaters are coming after him. Evidenced by comments made that if he won the election they would impeach him.
That is why the TOP men keep quitting or getting fired and until Trump can finally assemble some people that have his back, he is going to continue to get backstabbed. Thats what they do in DC.
Power begits power and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III was trump’s AG.
trump goes postal on any associate who disobeys or isn’t adequately subservient. He’s working to get his cadre of “yes men”, e.g., Pompeo, Barr, O’Brien, Pence, Moscow Mitch, Nunes, the Mnooch, Dershowitz… Don’t cross The Don unless you want your head on a pike. Or he may twitter you to death.
Don, if everyone dislikes you, it might be you that needs to change, not America.
And if you have no one to trust but your family, it’s time to rethink your approach.
Trump owes no one Actually, the King of Debt is quite the debtor. He owes Putin, and likely other Russian oligarchs.
trump goes postal on any associate who disobeys or isn’t adequately subservient.
No, he expects people to do their job. You don’t, you’re fired.
Just like the Real World.
He’s working to get his cadre of “yes menâ€
Zippy had the cadre of “yes menâ€, they even had to simplify all his decisions into checklists.
Don’t cross The Don unless you want your head on a pike.
That was Schiff For Brains’ threat. Brilliant. He alienated most of the Whigs.
Don, if everyone dislikes you, it might be you that needs to change, not America.
Everybody doesn’t, but it’s clear you’ve spent the last few days boozing it up in the John because nothing is going right. See where as many as 4 Demo Senators may vote to acquit? Bet that frosts your punkins.
And if you have no one to trust but your family, it’s time to rethink your approach.
Old American political maxim: If you want a friend in DC, get a dog.
He’s doing just fine.
Trump owes no one Actually, the King of Debt is quite the debtor. He owes Putin, and likely other Russian oligarchs.
No, the debt belongs to Zippy and all his schemes gone awry.
The only one who owes foreign powers is the Hildabeast, and she lost.
They don’t, but he won’t take the usual goofing around you see among advisors and staff.
In Bolton’s case, it was a clash of goals, although Trump probably wanted Bolton on board to get the mullahs to hike the crazy factor.
the Pentagon has just revised again the amount of American military who were injured with “headaches†( traumatic brain injuries)
It is now up to 50
Trump ordered this fine at this time to try to break up the impeachment news cycle
You like the fact Americans were injured by Iranian Missiles dont you John??? That gets you hard. I can tell.
Meanwhile so much is happening and none of it is covered by the MSM.
A chemistry professor at Harvard was arrested for being a Chinese spy. A Grad student was also indicted but she is already back in China so, nothing going to happen there.
Do you care John? Do you care these people are attacking YOUR GOVERNMENT?
Nah probably not. Since you defend HRC for selling secrets to the highest bidder. I bet Bloomberg is a chinese spy. What do you think. Biden works for the Ukraine. Bernie for Russia and Warren works for the Indian Reservations. Yang is certainly a Communist spy for China. No way he is a real American. As for kloubachar. She is just clueless.
the only one capable of running the country is the only one accused of being a russian spy. LOLOLOL.
Wow it must be a real shit show to defend your democratic ideals. In the meantime, do you have your bug out kit in place John so you can flee that big city when SHTF over the pandemic. Where will you go? Flyover country?
Why is it that leftists always root against America? Can’t one be a leftist any more and still be a patriot? Remember when you could have a discussion with a liberal and not have the name calling start? Now that they’ve gone full tilt leftist there’s no reasoning with them. They’re all full of hate for us and for America. It’s crazy.
Trump 2020 Keep the leftists nutz.
What purpose did it serve for trump to lie about American casualties related to his assassination of Suleimani? Isn’t NOT wanting American servicemembers injured patriotic? Why do you favor actions that injure our troops?
We guess we answered our own question. He lied to make himself look better. Once caught, he lied again about some of our soldiers “having headaches”.
Kye: It seems you do your share of namecalling. Commie, leftist, not a patriot, nutz, full of hate…
What purpose did it serve for trump to lie about American casualties related to his assassination of Suleimani? Isn’t NOT wanting American servicemembers injured patriotic? Why do you favor actions that injure our troops?
So, you wish the world’s worst terrorist hadn’t been killed. You wish the Iranian people weren’t celebrating the death of one of the most hated men in the regime.
That figures.
And, as I told your cartoon character, neural injuries may take time to manifest themselves. Also, it may just be that the Army told those guys to report anything out of the ordinary over a given period of time.
But, yes, we know you’re so glad the crazies may have wounded some of our men (and just because a guy says he has a headache doesn’t mean a) it’s permanent b) it’s serious c) it’s related to the missile strike or d) it can’t be treated successfully).
Since it looks like the impeachment is going nowhere (5% rating, wow!), I know you need something to deflect, but I doubt this will be another Agent Orange (I know, your code name in ‘Nam).
Trump wants out of the Middle East. YOU wont let him go. YOu and your cronies at the MIC and deep state.
YOU are responsible for their injuries. IF YOU cared about these men YOU would be demanding they leave Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan.
Instead YOU call Trump names and demean him for having no ME policy. He does. Its called get the hell out of the ME but YOU wont let him.
Its YOUR fault these men were hurt as he was forced to attack the guy who was attacking and even killing americans and our allies.
tRump is president and can do as he pleases. Not sure my opinion matters much to him.
If he’s leaving troops in harm’s way because people are criticizing him, that’s on him.
I heard about the Harvard scientist on NPR and it’s in all the major newspapers and networks. Lieber was arrested for covering up his financial ties to China, not spying.
“The chairman of Harvard University’s chemistry department was arrested on charges of lying about receiving millions of dollars in Chinese funding, in an escalation of U.S. efforts to counter what officials said is a plot by Beijing to mine U.S. universities to catapult China to the forefront of scientific development.”
How did the gov’t discover Dr. Lieber was lying? Maybe the FBI got hold of his tax returns.
As always, Hypocrite Hare lies.
As did this guy. In his case,
to the Pentagon.
Charles Lieber, 60, is accused of lying to the Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health about his participation in China’s Thousand Talents Program. The program was reportedly started by China in 2008 allegedly to entice U.S. scientists and researchers to improperly hand over U.S. research.
Under Lieber’s Thousand Talents program contract, prosecutors say Wuhan University of Technology in China paid $50,000 a month and provided Lieber with living expenses up to $158,000. Authorities say Lieber also received more than $1.5 million to set up a research lab at Wuhan University of Technology. In return, Lieber allegedly agreed to provide multiple services for the Chinese university including publishing articles and applying for patents.
Relationships among U.S. academics, academic institutions, and China have come under scrutiny with China’s reported theft of American intellectual property. Investigators say the Chinese government deploys numerous tactics to steal valuable research and other information, often material funded at U.S. taxpayer expense. The tactics include recruiting or using academics and students at American universities.
As I said, Lieber was arrested for lying about his financial ties to China, not spying.
Lieber was arrested for covering up his financial ties to China
No, you didn’t.
Even our resident Scheiße für Gehirne’s own link confirms that Lieber was arrested for lying.
Charles Lieber, 60, is accused of lying to the Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health about his participation in China’s Thousand Talents Program.
See the “accused of lying”?
Our resident begleitkommando can’t get the facts right, regardless.
Read the article, stupid, and you’ll find the concern is over passage of US technology to Red China, not money.
He was arrested for lying. Read your own link.
At the risk of taking shots for defending the MIC, I can answer this one. Brain injuries due to concussion don’t show up instantly like other combat injuries. It normally takes several days for the people who have them to even notice that their headache isn’t just dehydration. The pool of people grows even more when medical people and commanders actually go looking for people who habitually do not complain about minor aches and pains. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is very hard to diagnose, unlike open wounds and broken bones. Even people who were far enough away from blast to feel no immediate impact, sometimes report symptoms later. Revising the number as new information comes in is normal and expected. It results from a military that is being honest and a White House that is not covering anything up.
And now he credits Trump with controlling when Iran launches missiles into Iraq. Is there nothing that Trump can’t do?
Fine? Care to elaborate?
And it’s number, not amount (sort of thing Zippy would say; people are just objects to Lefties).
ICYMI Neural injuries often take time to manifest themselves. Nothing untoward.
Two Scoops! Just like Donnie.
Anyone wondering why Baghdadi Bunny has come out of hibernation might want to reflect on this line from Gropin’ Joe, “Whomever I pick†for VP, must be capable of being president, because I’m an old guy — no I’m serious!â€.
IOW I’m loony.
Here’s the quality of the arguments made by Trump Inc.:
Alan Dershowitz: “If a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment.”
So if trump “believes” that him being president is in America’s best interest than any crime he commits to aid re-election would not be impeachable! He could murder Biden, Bernie et al, and that would not be impeachable.
Dershowitz may be as mentally ill as trump.
Hate to tell you, but every President does things which he believes will help him get elected.
“If I Had a Son, He’d Look Like Trayvon”
“Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden”
“the Cambridge police acted stupidly”
“I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
Happens all the time.
So if trump “believes†that him being president is in America’s best interest than any crime he commits to aid re-election would not be impeachable!
Zippy thought so. So did Willie.
He could murder Biden, Bernie et al, and that would not be impeachable.
More like a service to the nation.
Dershowitz may be as mentally ill as trump.
More like you are.
Ahh, last year’s brilliant Jewish legal mind has now become the “mentally ill” Jew bastard now that he supports the Constitution and disagrees with Elwood. Nice pivot there pinko.
Is it that you can’t or won’t admit Trump did nothing impeachable? You and the other commies are really making idiots of yourselves with three years and counting of complete bullshit.
Trump 2020 And let’s start showing commercials of these leftists assholes.
tRump withheld aid from Ukraine to force Ukraine to announce an investigation of Biden.
The trump “defense” no longer denies the facts of the case (only a moron would) but now are trying to make the case that impeachable acts don’t exist.
Dershowitz defended OJ, Epstein, von Bulow, tRump, Harvey Weinstein, Harry Reems. Not a lot of “constitutional professors” have defended such a rogue’s gallery. What does his Jewish heritage have to do with it?
Hey dipshit, nothing was withheld.
Try to keep up.
Lolgfy Jeffery
tRump withheld aid from Ukraine to force Ukraine to announce an investigation of Biden.
No, it was about his coke-addled, adulterous, scapegrace son.
The trump “defense†no longer denies the facts of the case (only a moron would) but now are trying to make the case that impeachable acts don’t exist.
No, they maintain that there is no legal standing for this case.
Dershowitz defended OJ, Epstein, von Bulow, tRump, Harvey Weinstein, Harry Reems. Not a lot of “constitutional professors†have defended such a rogue’s gallery. What does his Jewish heritage have to do with it?
You hold it against him because he defended a black man? And your idea of a “constitutional professor†never tried a case in his life.
So what do his clients have to do with his ability? He got them off, after all. That;’s what a defense attorney is paid to do. Maybe you’re just jealous because nobody like that wanted to defend you (can’t blame them).
And what does his religion have to do with anything? You love to use German.
Is your inner Sturmbannfuhrer coming out?
Been reading Der Sturmer again?
Wish you coulda been there in the days of glory at Babi Yar?
tRump withheld aid from Ukraine to force Ukraine to announce an investigation of Biden.
The trump “defense†no longer denies the facts of the case (only a moron would) but now are trying to make the case that impeachable acts don’t exist.
ONLY in your fairy tale world Elwood. Trump might have wanted this. May have openly discussed this with Bolton and probably did. He might have ranted and raved and screamed and got down on the floor and did a curly joe spin around while going WHOOP>>WHOOP>>>WHOOOPPP>>>WWHHOOOOOPPPPPP.
But it doesnt matter. The president is allowed to speak with his closest advisors candidely and openly without fear of retribution. Without fear his thoughts will become impeachable offenses.
Trump’s defensive team is shredding this narrative, not losing the battle.
Elwood lets be candid. NOTHING in the world the right says will ever convince you Trump is innocent and NOTHING in the world the left says will ever convince US that Trump is guilty.
This is the same thing the left did to Bret Kavanaugh and I finally started seeing references to this last night on the news.
TRUMP IS BEING BRET KAVANAUGHED……A whistleblower with NO FACTS and no CORROBORATION came forward and the left pinned all their hopes on this case. And the same thing is happening here.
The left is pinning their hopes on trying to make Trump look evil like they did Kavanaugh. Inventing a crime or crimes against both in order to take them out.
I formally request the House and Senate start a new Department of Impeachment and the first CZAR can be Adam Schiff. With absolute powers. Because one thing we all know.
The day after Trump is acquitted the House will start up on Bolton and Mulvaney and whomever else they can and begin the impeachment all over again.
That is why it is STUPID!!!!!!!!!! for a single Democrat or Republican to vote to convict in this case. Just as the 51 vote senator thing has opened a can of worms. This impeachment has done the same thing and if allowed to linger, it will become the new norm in DC.
Lolgf Porter
Obama had Federal agencies spy on Trump and produce false crimes. He got away with it so he developed a precedence. Trump can do what he wants.
tRump is president and can do as he pleases. Not sure my opinion matters much to him.
If he’s leaving troops in harm’s way because people are criticizing him, that’s on him.
ICYMI The one who put them in harm’s way was Khameini’s wannabe bitch, Zippy.
They wouldn’t be there if not for him and you bitched all over the place when Trump wanted to take them out.
Hmmm, looks like another disappointment for Jeffery.
Turns out Bolton was interviewed by RFE on the 2 calls to Ukraine.
“Well, I will be meeting Zelensky, he and President Trump have already spoken twice. The President called to congratulate President Zelensky on his election and then on his success in the parliamentary election. They were very warm and cordial calls.
The success of Ukraine maintaining its freedom, its system of representative government, a free-market economy free of corruption and dealing with problems of the Donbas and the Crimea are high priorities here obviously and high priorities for the United States as well.â€
We were in Ashland today, for the funeral of one of Mrs Pico’s cousins, when I observed a beautiful sight: a fully loaded railroad train, moving up the tracks that run between US 23 and the Ohio River, with tanker cars coming away from the refinery, loaded coal cars, and a few cars loaded with scrap metal.
What a great sight, American industry at work!
Jeffery is currently bitching about the poor quality of Trump’s defense.
Mr Dershowitz’ record speaks for itself, but did you know Jay Sekulow is 9 for 12?
In front of SCUS?
Most lawyers never get one case to go that far.
And, on the subject of how Trump is going to lose bigly, try these on for size:
New Jersey Data:
✅ 158,632 Requested Tickets (92,841 distinct signups)
✅ 73,482 Voters Identified
✅ 10.4% Didn’t Vote in 2016
✅ 26.3% Democrats
And, yes, Vagina, these are in line with recent rallies in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and Minnesota.
Poor little Jeffery is flailing now.
His last hope, pathetic and forlorn as it was, is dashed and impeachment will fail.
Remember the prosecutor Gropin’ Joe had fired because he didn’t want his coke-addled son prosecuted.
Well, today Viktor Shokin filed an official complaint against Gropin’ Joe for interference in Ukraine’s legal proceedings.
Welcome to the party, pal.
This kind of false accusation that becomes a right-wing ignorati meme, is known as a “dutcher.”
The Clinton’s murdered Epstein. That’s a dutcher.
Kobe Bryant had evidence to put HRC in jail. That’s a dutcher.
The Dem’s ran a pedophile ring out of a pizza parlor. A dutcher.
No, it’s a fact.
Read’em and weep, nitwit.
The Clinton’s murdered Epstein. That’s a dutcher.
No, that’s a fact. Well, that he was murdered. Could have been any number of highly placed Demos.
Kobe Bryant had evidence to put HRC in jail. That’s a dutcher.
No, that’s your paranoia.
The Dem’s ran a pedophile ring out of a pizza parlor. A dutcher.
No, that’s a Podesta.
And it’s Dems. Plural, not possessive.
That’s a Jeffery.
He was arrested for lying. Read your own link.
And you said it was about the money.