The UK Guardian has long been one of the biggest and most consistent Cult of Climastrology news outlets for decades (in fairness, they do some good work on real environmental issues, though). The have a section devoted strictly to it, and have for a long time. They’re the only ones still focusing on the Keystone XL pipeline. But, um
The Guardian has been taking money from oil companies all these years it has been publishing conspiracy theories about oil companies distorting and controlling the public debate!??
— Ben Pile (@clim8resistance) January 29, 2020
Take it further? Good question. From the link in the St. Greta tweet
The Guardian will no longer accept advertising from oil and gas companies, becoming the first major global news organisation to institute an outright ban on taking money from companies that extract fossil fuels.
The move, which follows efforts to reduce the company’s carbon footprint and increase reporting on the climate emergency, was announced on Wednesday and will be implemented with immediate effect. The ban will apply to any business primarily involved in extracting fossil fuels, including many of the world’s largest polluters.
So, when will the Guardian take it further and stop using fossil fuels to gather the news, create the news, and deliver the news? They’d go out of business without fossil fuels.

Don’t be Greta.
Or an ignorant little sissybitch.
Teach don’t most major oil companies now admit that CO2 plays a major part in global warming ?
Even the 99 scientist you go on about accept the religion of climate change. As to oil companies, sure they seem to accept the fact because they sell alternative products and people like you think they are better companies because they take a knee to the climate god.
Now why were you in jail?
And you have yet to explain how taxes stop the rise of CO2.
Then there is the fact that any warming that occurs happens before the rise in CO2.
When did they do this?
Do you have a list?