Monthly Archives: January 2020

Surprise: UK Guardian Finally Refusing To Take Money From Oil And Gas Companies

The UK Guardian has long been one of the biggest and most consistent Cult of Climastrology news outlets for decades (in fairness, they do some good work on real environmental issues, though). The have a section devoted strictly to it, and have for a long time. They’re the only ones still focusing on the Keystone […]

If All You See…

…is horrible ice cream from world killing cows, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on what happened when a 16 year old French girl insulted Islam.

And Here We Go: Warmists Link Coronavirus To ‘Climate Change’ (scam)

I’ve seen lots of this in Twitter Climate change: Taal volcano, Turkey earthquake, Australia bushfire, China NCOV…. Human inflicted: US vs Iran, Kobe chopper crush, HK riot…. Whew! — AMMatta (@MattaArlene) January 28, 2020 The colon seems to denote that all those things are being caused by anthropogenic climate change. All the cultists have […]

Rep Kathy Castor (D) Tells Youtube To Censor Climate Skeptics For Wrongthink

Has she read the Constitution? The 1st Amendment? This doesn’t violate the letter of the 1st, but, it sure violates the spirit with a sitting, elected federal representative pulling this Congresswoman calls on YouTube to stop promoting climate misinformation Congresswoman Kathy Castor (D-Florida) is calling on YouTube to stop including climate change misinformation in its […]

There Are Probably Enough Votes To Force Witnesses, Including Joe And Hunter Biden

The Washington Post is giddy about calling witnesses, because the House failed to do their job, so they have the big front page headline (and the article even notes calling witnesses is worthless) McConnell says he currently lacks the votes to block witnesses White House lawyers pleaded with senators Tuesday to acquit President Trump based […]

Vermont Tries Playing Games With Carbon Taxation Since They Can’t Pass Legislation

Climate cultists are always playing games Vermont Global Warming Solutions Act is "worst piece of legislation I have seen in 50 years. It’s not just foolish, and costly, and invasive. It is, by design and intent, an abandonment of accountability of our democratically elected representatives" — Tom Nelson (@TomANelson) January 28, 2020 Basically, the […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on how drag queen story hour expanded across America.

Say, Was St. Greta Really “Striking” By Skipping School On Fridays?

Apparently not The @RebelNewsOnline's documentary "Greta Inc." reveals that despite Thunberg’s calls for other students to join her in striking from class, attendance at her school is not mandatory and she can do her schoolwork while at home or away. #cdnpoli — True North (@TrueNorthCentre) January 27, 2020 Obviously, we should take this all […]

NJ Governor Murphy Makes Big Pledge To Force Citizens To Fight Hotcoldwetdry

So, when is Phil going to give up his long fossil fueled flights to his house in Italy? And his limo? And his government funded helicopter? Murphy just unveiled N.J.’s master plan for energy and made a big pledge to fight climate change New Jersey will become the first state in the nation to require […]

Trump Administration’s “Public Charge” Rule Wins At Supreme Court

Realistically, should the United States Be bringing in vast amounts of immigrants who are unable to stand on their own two feet, ones who will immediately be living off the largess of the taxpayers? A goodly chunk of nations around the world require people to have usable skills and the ability to provide for themselves […]

Pirate's Cove