…is a wonderful low carbon bike which Everyone Else should be forced to ride, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Climatism, with a post on polar bears being the new symbol of climate change realism and a stable Arctic.
BTW, ladies, it’s 2020, the whole grabbing the hair thing is so last decade.

President Donald Trump’s approval rating has reached 52 percent, the highest it has been in almost two years, according to Rasmussen Reports.
She no doubt approves of Donald Trump!
1) Any man having issues with that young lady’s hair is no man.
2) The polar bear article was chockablock with lies. There is absolutely NO evidence that the polar bear population has increased from 5,000 to 25,000 individuals, since any estimates from 60 yrs ago are unsubstantiated (i.e., guesses). But this misinformation has become dogma (bearma?) on the right.
Currently some polar bear populations are increasing, some decreasing and some stable
P.S. – tRump’s approval rating still stands around 42-44%
American taxpayers paid for tRump’s SuperBowl party. During the Star Spangled Banner, our guests had the good taste to stand respectfully with their hands over their hearts, but our Manbaby in Chief acting like an asshole who took too much Adderall.
How would you ‘patriots’ react if President Obama had acted this way?
Can anyone explain tRump’s bizarre behavior mocking and insulting America, the Flag and the National Anthem?
What is wrong with him?