Personally, I would have picked “it won’t work because too many Palestinians are violent, hate Jews, hate Israel, and want to destroy the nation, along with lots and lots of Islamists”, but, the NY Times’ Thomas Freidman has thoughts relating to ‘climate change’, and then something nefarious
Mother Nature Scoffs at Trump’s Mideast Peace Plan
To get a different perspective on the Trump-Kushner peace plan, I decided to call the best Middle East analyst I know. Her name is Mother Nature.
So, Mother Nature, what did you think of the Deal of the Century?
Well, Tom, not a lot. For starters, it mentioned me in only a few short sentences. Let me take you on a tour of the neighborhood, as I see it. Warning: My maps have no boundary lines, no walls — and no Areas A, B and C in the West Bank.
You can be sure that President Trump, who has declared climate change a hoax, has no idea that the Eastern Mediterranean has experienced drought conditions for 15 of the last 20 years, which is unparalleled in the modern historical record. A recent study by Tel Aviv University predicts that the Eastern Mediterranean will get steadily hotter and drier and gradually lose two months of winter — i.e., rainfall months — within the next 25 years. Meanwhile, in 1948 Israel’s population was 800,000. It’s now 8.7 million. Jordan’s was 450,000. It’s now 10 million. Syria’s was three million, and it’s now 17.5 million. So, the future is steadily more people and less water.
Who’s shocked that droughts happen in an area that tends to be rather warm and dry, particularly during a Holocene warm period?
How has this affected the war on terrorism?
Jordan was the third-largest contributor of youth recruits to ISIS in the Arab world. You can be sure plenty of these recruits were from the Jordan Valley, which is full of frustrated young men who can’t get jobs and so can’t marry. It’s a trifecta of ecological demise, poverty and radicalization.
See, it is drought from Other People driving fossil fueled vehicles that caused ISIS.
So what would be Mother Nature’s peace principles?
To begin, any plan that carves up the West Bank into siloed political spaces, walls and roads — driven by a Trump-Kushner desire to embrace the “reality†of where Jewish settlers have haphazardly settled around the West Bank — makes no sense to me. This is a single ecosystem, and there will be no physical security for one if there is not human security for all. More than once my flash floods have knocked down Israel’s security barrier around Tulkarm and Jerusalem.
In other words, Israel must give up its sovereignty and merge with all the areas around it run by Palestinian terrorists, at which point Israel will be taken over, and cease to exist as a Jewish nation. Funny how so many leftists manufacture ways to get rid of Israel.

Middle East Peace Plan will fail because tRump.