It’s not like Democrats weren’t warned against doing things like impeachment theater which lead to helping re-elect Trump, but, you know they won’t stop doing the same things
Trump’s resilience causes Democrats to sound the alarm
Anxiety is coursing through the Democratic Party as President Trump emerges from his impeachment proceedings as a potent threat for reelection, with party leaders and activists uncertain about how to beat the incumbent and worried about a nominating race that remains crowded and is growing more acrimonious.
While Democrats see Trump as a corrosive figure and a threat to the nation, they also see the president and his well-funded campaign tailoring a reelection bid around the strong economy and visceral appeals to his ardent supporters.
Trump’s robust political standing came into view this past week, as he claimed vindication from his acquittal in his Senate trial despite damaging House testimony about his conduct with Ukraine — and set off on a path of retribution by ousting some officials who were witnesses. At the same time, his Gallup approval rating ticked up to 49 percent, its highest point yet.
The developments have generated convulsions of angst among Democrats, who watched their first-in-the-nation Iowa presidential caucuses conclude in a chaotic fiasco and deliver an inconclusive result. Many in the party are now sounding the alarm that denying Trump a second term could be far more difficult than they had calculated.
All Democrats had to do was not be nuts, but, these are Democrats, and their unhinged behavior, combined with the Modern Socialism pushed by the party and the members running for president, all the pronouncements of massive big government, new taxes, government in charge of our individual health care, taking away our 2nd Amendment rights, etc and so forth, just help re-elect The Donald.
“We have a president who isn’t merely unconventional or challenging institutions and elites, or coloring outside the lines. He’s unmoored,†Sen. Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.) said. Yet, Coons added, he is “very aware†that Trump could win reelection “with these economic numbers at his back, all as millions of Americans grow numb to his behavior.â€
At the end of the day, his behavior is secondary to him getting Conservative Things Done. He’s at least honest in his behavior, unlike most politicians, who we all know are shady and we wouldn’t let them near our silverware.
“We spend too much time chasing whatever foolishness Trump throws out there, and he’s masterful at it,†said Cornell Belcher, a veteran Democratic pollster. “This has got to be an election fundamentally about Democrats’ vision for bringing the country together and solving the big problems that confront us. And if a Democrat can do that, a Democrat can have a good chance of cobbling back together and even expanding the Obama coalition — and that will beat Trump.â€
Yet, they won’t stop chasing Trump, and won’t stop offering lunatic policies. Oh, and most are throwing Obama in a ditch when it comes to Obamacare. Democrats are essentially going to be running on government run health care and Trump Derangement Syndrome, while Trump and the GOP will be running on a fantastic economy and stopping the march of government controlling citizen’s lives.

I just happened to stumble on this and decided to listen to it. It will make your bones grow cold at what the Chinese are doing inside of America.
A must watch. Very informative and if your a lefty get past the idea it is a righty giving the speech. THIS IS NOT POLITICAL.
After watching this I now have a better idea as to how the Russians, Chinese, and various other groups have managed to sow so much contempt among Americans.
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Tuesday described China as America’s’ “foremost national security concern,†warning that the conventional wisdom about the communist superpower is “dead.â€
“China has become our foremost national security concern,†she said in an address to the Asian Leadership Conference in Seoul, South Korea. “ Does this mean it’s America’s enemy? No. Not necessarily. At one and the same time it is a principal trade and investment player, our chief strategic competitor, and our most serious potential military antagonist.â€
IF YOU DID NOT LISTEN TO POMPEO”S SPEECH. Know that China has actively infiltrated 450 k-12th grade schools with their version of brainwashing the children. They have actively infiltrated college campuses all over the nation and at his last count 22 states have banned these organizations from conducting business on school grounds.
China is brainwashing the masses in the USA. In many cases REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC GOVERNORS ARE HELPING THEM.
Over 110 COLLEGE PROFESSORS HAVE BEEN RECRUITED by CHINA to send any and all information of technical value to China for BIG PAYDAYS.
China sends its brightest to American schools and then has them spy on each other to make sure THEY ARE NOT CORRUPTED BY AMERICAN IDEALS AND VALUES.
The speech by Pompeo was chilling and worth a listen. Not long. About 17 minutes.
Our esteemed host wrote:
If they weren’t nuts, they wouldn’t be Democrats.
Teach shoes obvious contempt for the majority of the citizens of the USA
Instead of trying to bring Americans together he wishes to always divide just like his messiah Donald
Teach’s contempt is obvious? How so?
John, do you leftist take classes on how to deny reality and project your faults onto other people? Americans were brought together until leftists like you decided that we are raaaacists, homophobes, Islamophobs started with your “advocacy groups” for every group, sex, race and religion in the country.
Once again you project your idolatry of Hussein onto us about Trump. Jesus is our Messiah, not politicians. You are the folks who believe political hacks can save mankind, we already are saved.
It’s as if you and Elwood train at the same propaganda mill daily. You use the same words and never waiver just like the sitting stooges on the Fake News. You are a cookie cutter tribe of non thinkers who devour every leftist meme like manna and spit out the daily narrative on demand.
Trump 2020 Keep America Great
“John” isn’t listening. He just posts one-line attacks on Teach and then goes and watches cartoons. Reasoned response, like yours, is wasted on him.
Professor, that he is not listening is my objection. You picked up on that. Regardless of what anyone says they stick to disproven theories and points as though they’re religious tenets.
To this day Elwood insists I’m a white supremacist knowing that my first wife was Jewish and my current is Korean, two things that would NEVER occur with a white supremacist. But his propaganda says I don’t agree with his racial preferences and silly cultural equality so I’m some sort of supremacist.
To this day they both know that killing an unborn baby is killing a human yet both think it’s okay. Yet if someone kills minks to make coats it’s inhuman. They also know full well a male can’t suddenly become a female even with horrid mutilations and hormones but they still insist they can.
And to top it all off if one should happen to disagree with them then he’s a bigot or racist or homophobe(?) or other such nonsense.
You’re on point, Professor, they just don’t/won’t listen.
There is one other point I want to make. They both hate Patriotism and Nationalism. I wonder why?
Trump 2020 Because he loves Patriots and America
Where was the reasoned response? We appreciate your role as protector of Teach – every ConBlog has several. John expressed his opinion. Teach includes name-calling and trolling in every post. You know it, I know it – it’s what blogs like this do. Teach likes having contrarians such as John and I because it riles up his defenders. It’s why Con bloggers do what they do.
John doesn’t listen, I don’t listen, Teach doesn’t listen, none of you listen.
Americans were brought together until leftists like you decided that we are raaaacists, homophobes, Islamophobes started with your “advocacy groups†for every group, sex, race and religion in the country.
Really? The right and left have been opponents for a long, long time. WE ALL participate willingly in vilifying each other. Obama called the right “bitter clingers”, HRC called them “deplorables” – tRump’s insult list is familiar to us all.
I have a neighbor, 3 houses down. We’ll call him Butch. He has TRUMP signs and signs for other Repubs on election days; I have Dem signs every year. We have been neighbors for decades. We exchange pleasantries most days. We cooperate on neighborhood projects. We have even vacationed together as families. He’s a good friend to very left-wing oldest son. He’s a good man and a friend. My closest colleague, also a good friend and golfing partner, is a non-Christian conservative and a Trump supporter. He identifies as an atheist. I used to deer hunt with a very vocal, very conservative cousin (he’s passed) and we would argue politics but it was always polite, although often very heated. We had family occasions at his place and ours.
Anyway, the point is it may be the anonymity of the interwebs brings out the worst in ALL of us. Bloggers, pundits and politicos, who may not have the best of intentions for America, thrive.
You call me a commie, I call you a Nazi.
You are the folks who believe political hacks can save mankind, we already are saved.
Politics is the way we settle our disagreements in a civilized fashion. If we do our jobs, our elected officials should work for us all. You might not like all that FDR accomplished but he certainly had a positive impact. I don’t like what Reagan accomplished but he certainly changed the attitudes of most Americans. Trump is an anomaly and is making the divide worse for his own benefit. He’s exacerbating our devolution into the Divided States of America.
You are a cookie cutter tribe of non thinkers who devour every leftist meme like manna and spit out the daily narrative on demand.
I don’t know John other than what I read here. I have no idea where he finds his information. You ignore the sameness of conservative responses, that Limbaugh, tRump, the Pudendum, FOX all say the same thing.
So when’s the last time you called Butch a “white supremacist” and didn’t get your sorry ass kicked down the block?
Or the last time you lied to your left wing son about joining the Army back during the Vietnam war?
Little sissybitch, got any answers?
Lolgfy Jeffery
We owe the likes of you no answers.
When’s the last time you called a man a “sissybitch” to his face, ya big pussy? I’ll pay your way to my town and you can call me “sissybitch”, ya big pussy. While you’re here you can tell your story about Vietnam to my son and we can all discuss it, ya big pussy. When did you volunteer?
Do you de nig rate Black men to their face, ya big pussy? Yeah, right. LOL.
But anyway you make my point, ya big pussy. We’re all assholes on the internet but not in person. But some assholes are bigger than others, and you’re the biggest.
If you and your brethren agree not to call anyone names I’ll go along, ya big pussy.
Lolgfy Teach’s LapDog
Uh no, you proved that you’re a liar and a coward that spews personal epithets at everyone on this site, even the host, and have for years.
Tough guy with a keyboard but you are and will always be a dumb little sissybitch who lied about joining the Army during the Vietnam War.
Your promises of civility are pure horseshit and everyone here including the host knows it.
Lolgfy Jeffery
I don’t know that our esteemed host has contempt for the left; it seems to me that he is more amused by their silliness than anything else.
Now me? I am both amused by the left and have contempt for them. Sorry, but how else should I react when we have an American left which wants to eviscerate both our First and Second Amendment rights. We have the left clamoring for ‘hate speech’ laws and advocating the censorship of views they find objectionable, and needing ‘safe spaces’ for the poor, pathetic snowflakes who collapse in a cringing puddle when they hear views with which they disagree.
Add to that their desire to disarm law-abiding Americans, but don’t want to say anything that might threaten to disarm actual criminals, because they know that taking action against criminals would ‘disproportionately’ impact blacks. Heck, Senatrix Elizabeth Warren said just two days ago that we need “race conscious” laws, because too many black Americans were being convicted for the crimes that they have committed.
Mr. Dana claims Senator Warren wants race conscious laws ..because too many black Americans were being convicted for the crimes that they have committed.
It’s bad enough to use the Daily Caller as a citation, but to mislead readers, while expected, is dishonest.
Here’s what Senator Warren said:
“You know, for the exact same crimes, study after study now shows that African-Americans are more likely than whites to be detained, to be arrested, to be taken to trial, to be wrongfully convicted, and to receive harsher sentences.â€
What do you think the Senator meant by “race conscious laws or policies”? Do you believe she means not enforcing laws against black lawbreakers, as you implied?
You would have to do a little research to find out what she means but it could mean policies to negate “black disadvantages” (we know, we know… white nationalists/supremacists imagine black Americans get all the advantages).
Contrary to what NuCons believe (that intellectual, moral or psychological deficits keep Black Americans disadvantaged), history appears to be more relevant.
W. Collins, historian: “Well, why is it the case that teenagers arrive into adulthood with such different levels of test scores?’,†Collins says. “In the paper, we don’t dig too deeply into that. But as economic historians, it’s not too hard to connect the dots from the prohibition on literacy during slavery, to 100 years of separate and unequal schooling, to high levels of residential segregation.â€
“So reparations cannot just be a check in the mailbox. What’s needed is comprehensive social, political, and economic effort to make sure that the disadvantages—inherited through slavery, and maintained through successive rounds of legal and under-the-table discrimination—are finally stamped out, and black children are able to advance at the same pace as white ones. “From a policy point of view, you can think of this as an investment in the kids,†Collins says.
We understand the futility of arguing race disparity with white nationalists, who take the recognition that Black Americans have suffered discrimination as a personal indictment.
Even he gets it…
“We spend too much time chasing whatever foolishness Trump throws out there, and he’s masterful at it,†said Cornell Belcher, a veteran Democratic pollster. “This has got to be an election fundamentally about Democrats’ vision for bringing the country together and solving the big problems that confront us. And if a Democrat can do that, a Democrat can have a good chance of cobbling back together and even expanding the Obama coalition — and that will beat Trump.â€
FREE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who would not vote for that?
Your comments are amusing and show an amazing inability for self appraisal. Before you arrived at this blog, commenters got along very well. Not everyone was a conservative, but ideas and view points were exchanged in a manner that was far from hostile. On your arrival you started calling everyone names, attacked many personally, accused most of being in some far right organizations, lied constantly and in general acted like a small child. It is impossible to have a meaningful dialogue with you.
Next you will accuse me of wrong doing and I am guilty, but only to you as you are a truly repulsive person. I say things to John as he lies and uses obfuscation as you do.
But don’t think that people around you see any value in a friendship. If you are a jerk here, you are equally a jerk in your daily activity.
[…] Pirate’s Cove – Trump’s Continuous Winning Causes Democrats To Sound The Alarm […]