…is a horrible world killing dog, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Political Clown Parade, with a post wondering if the Oscars forgot something.

…is a horrible world killing dog, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Political Clown Parade, with a post wondering if the Oscars forgot something.
Well, we do have a dog, so I s’pose I’ll have to kill her, to save the world from
global warmingclimate change.I posted a long Article that probably no one read so Let me put this out there.
China and India produce 90 percent of the world’s drugs now. India gets 80 percent of its ingredients from China to produce its drugs.
The USA produces almost NO drugs at all and the last anti-biotic manufacturing in the USA shut down in 2004.
Scary huh? Ever wonder about ADHD and immunizations all coming from China. Our leaders have sold us down the river.
I made a statement that I thought everyone understood a while back about the now officially named COVID-19.
I said Viruses do not like warm weather. President Trump repeated this in a tweet which has people laughing at him. I got the information from a virologist from the Mayo Clinic who said that in passing as well.
The reasoning is not that viruses stop growing when it is warm.
What happens when it is warm? People stop congregating in warm homes, offices and buildings and confined spaces and begin going out and putting separation between them and each other.
This shuts down the viruses’ ability to spread because there are not ready hosts available during warm periods in which people are separating and not in confined proximity with each other.
Even China’s main scientist in charge of this is stating he believes this Virus will burn itself out by April. He did not say but part of the reasoning is that it will grow warmer. The cruise ship is a classic example of people put in confined spaces and despite precautions, the virus continues to spread.
The theory behind this is why do we get the flu in the winter months? Or Colds? The close proximity that cold weather brings us to each other.
A good example of close proximity is what is happening in Japan with the cruise liner. Something like 150 plus cases already on the ship. All in confined spaces.