We can fix this with a tax, though
Study: One-Third of Plant and Animal Species Could be Gone in 50 Years
University of Arizona researchers studied recent extinctions from climate change to estimate the loss of plant and animal species by 2070. Their results suggest that as many as one in three species could face extinction unless warming is reduced.
Seriously, you could really stop with the subhead. This is simply prognosticating. Madame Zelda at the carnival is not amused
Accurately predicting biodiversity loss from climate change requires a detailed understanding of what aspects of climate change cause extinctions, and what mechanisms may allow species to survive.
A new study by University of Arizona researchers presents detailed estimates of global extinction from climate change by 2070. By combining information on recent extinctions from climate change, rates of species movement and different projections of future climate, they estimate that one in three species of plants and animals may face extinction. Their results are based on data from hundreds of plant and animal species surveyed around the globe. (snip)
To estimate the rates of future extinctions from climate change, Cristian Román-Palacios and John J. Wiens, both in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona, looked to the recent past. Specifically, they examined local extinctions that have already happened, based on studies of repeated surveys of plants and animals over time.
Román-Palacios and Wiens analyzed data from 538 species and 581 sites around the world. They focused on plant and animal species that were surveyed at the same sites over time, at least 10 years apart. They generated climate data from the time of the earliest survey of each site and the more recent survey. They found that 44% of the 538 species had already gone extinct at one or more sites.
So, essentially, they are blaming those extinctions all on climate change, rather than on other factors. Nor does the study prove that the current warm period is mostly/solely caused by Mankind.
Projections of species loss depend on how much climate will warm in the future.
“In a way, it’s a ‘choose your own adventure,'” Wiens said. “If we stick to the Paris Agreement to combat climate change, we may lose fewer than two out of every 10 plant and animal species on Earth by 2070. But if humans cause larger temperature increases, we could lose more than a third or even half of all animal and plant species, based on our results.”
By bringing up the Paris Climate Agreement they are showing that this is all political, not science. The Cult of Climastrology always has to have some sort of prognostication of Doom to get everyone to comply with Big Government control.

Good think we already have programs in place to save cows, pigs and chickens.
I’m 99% certain that I’ll be “gone” in 50 years.
Because I’m 56 years old.
“Could face extinction..â€. Or, could not face extinction…