Bernie made his money the old fashioned way: hey got elected and then capitalized on it
During a town hall on CNN on Tuesday, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) stated that he thinks it is “obscene†that fellow 2020 Democrat former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is trying to “buy the presidency.†And that he “will support the Democratic nominee.â€
Sanders said, “I do think it’s a bit obscene that we have somebody who, by the way, chose not to contest in Iowa, in Nevada, in South Carolina, in New Hampshire, where all of the candidates, we did town meetings. We’re talking to thousands and thousands of people, working hard. He said, I don’t have to do that. I’m worth $60 billion. I have more wealth than the bottom 125 million Americans. I’ll buy the presidency. That offends me very much.â€
Without being in the Senate, no one would have bought Bernie’s book, which made him rich. Bernie is trying to buy the election using Other People’s money. Seriously, what’s the difference between doing that and Bloomberg using his own money? I wonder if Comrade Bernie was upset when Barack Obama broke his pledge to John McCain to take the public option for the general election and instead continued to raise money, spending almost $750 million. Or in 2012, when Obama raised almost a billion dollars.
You know what’s obscene? Out of state money flowing to state and federal level candidates and elected officials. AOC received around 80% of her funding from people and companies that aren’t even in her district. Money flows from out of state to support/defeat propositions. That’s obscene.
Also obscene, people getting elected to Congress and then making boatloads of money off their position.
Sanders later stated, “[I]f Mr. Bloomberg wins, and I certainly hope he does not, I will support the Democratic nominee.â€
Well, you know, perhaps the #NeverTrumpers could learn something. If they had Trump’s record in office laid out in front of them and didn’t know the name, they’d support him. Instead, the nutjobs want to support socialist Democrats because they’re so deranged.

80-90 percent of all Drugs made are made in China or India. India receives about 80 percent of the ingredients to make drugs from China.
Our leaders both parties have sold Americans soul to China. Our factories are going to shut down if China cant get up and running again.
Our leaders are scumbags. Ex Senators and Reps are now working for China. Bloomberg news works for China. Bloomberg has made billions off of China. Look it up.
China is our enemy. They are no doubt the biggest threat in the world. A massive Communist government that is infiltrating America and Europe at an alarming rate. Stealing everything. Paying for Americans to spy. Giving them millions to give China our secrets.
Right now the FBI is investigating over 1000 cases of possible espionage by China.
NO ONE CARES. Cheap shit from CHINA. Walmart has become called CHINA MART.
Amazon is now owned by CHINA in every sense of the word while Jeff Bezos gets filthy rich off of shitty goods from China. You buy crap from Amazon and half the time it’s not even new stuff. Its old, recycled stuff sold as new and Amazon does an incredible job of hiding the seller once you buy from them.
People BUY FROM WALMART….They sell stuff NEW in its original package and about 20 percent cheaper than Amazon does. with FREE SHIPPING.
Walmart ships almost as fast and the stuff is in its new packages. I bought some 30-gallon water barrels from Amazon advertised as NEW…they came in smelling of wine and god knows what else in the other barrel. They were obviously USED yet advertised as NEW!!!
I sent them back. Ordered the same barrels from Walmart at 18 dollars cheaper price per BBL and they were brand spanking new. I have since started ordering stuff from Walmart and have yet to be disappointed. YES ITS FROM CHINA BUT SO IS AMAZON SHIT AND AMAZON has thousands of SCAMMER SELLERS in their network and Amazon has little control over who is selling what.
As for DRUGS:
There are about 12 Republican senators who are currently in favor of the current legislation.
ONLY FUKING 12? That means 42 are bought and paid for by CHINA. Just look up the ones in favor and you know who to primary next time around.
While the White House supports the bill, Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell admitted there are divisions over some provisions in the bill among the GOP and has declined to say when it will come up for a vote.
Good ole MITCH. Gotta check with China before we pass any legislation.
Folks the amount of China in America is staggering. Our leaders for 20-30 years have sold our soul to China and our universities are filled with Chinese Grad students doing research and farming their work back to China at OUR EXPENSE.
This has got to stop and nowhere has it been laid bare than with the Coronavirus hitting China right now.
From WaPo
Michael Bloomberg’s China record shows why he can’t be president
Bloomberg has ties to China through his business and personal dealings and has already made some eyebrow-raising comments, per the report: Calling Vice President Wang Qishan “the most influential political figure in China and in the world.”
In an interview on air…Bloomberg said XI was NOT A dictator.
Bloomberg in another speech on air said he cowtows to China censorship.
Another WaPo Article.
Jan 01, 2020 · Bloomberg’s effort to influence U.S.-China policy has been particularly evident on trade issues, making him one of the most vocal U.S. business leaders opposing tariffs on China’s exports.
No wonder he wants to defeat Trump. He has went from 3 billion to 65 billion dollars off the back of CHINA. He is in bed with the communist state.
Bloomberg told he news organization they cannot cover him during his run for president nor can they cover any other candidate including TRUMP. WHY??
Sep 29, 2019 · Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a billionaire and Democrat megadonor, was called out during an interview that aired on Friday on PBS’s “Firing Line” for repeatedly praising the Communist Party of China (CPC). YEAH HES IN BED AND VASELINED UP FOR CHINA.
Nov 25, 2019 · Bloomberg’s accommodating approach to China has extended to his media company. Bloomberg News in 2013 killed news stories that could have angered Chinese leaders, the New York Times reported ……WHY? MONEY.
Jun 14, 2017 · Bloomberg CEO Michael Bloomberg was full of praise Wednesday for U.S. trade with China and the country’s progress in opening its financial markets, but more is needed, he said
Story after story of the 10x worse Donald Trumpista emerges every day. Trump at least puts America first.
Bloomberg puts CHINA FIRST.
You decide. If you take the time to look this shit up you will realize that Bloomberg has indeed sold his soul to China AT YOUR EXPENSE TO GET RICH!!!!! How mahy politicians has he bought and paid for on both sides of the aisle?
TEACH: Bernie And His Three Houses Upset Bloomberg Is Trying To Buy Election
Senator Sanders has a net worth around 2 million, nothing to sneeze it, but hardly crazy rich. He and his wife have a rowhouse condo in DC, a family cabin on a lake, and their residence in Vermont.
Teach is upset that a politician would write a book “capitalizing on his office”. Being elected US Senator is an accomplishment, at least as impressive as being a trust fund baby like tRump who has also made money from books he had written for him. Has the tRump family made any money of the Presidency? LOL.
Has tRump and his spawn had any financial dealings with foreign nations?
Senator Sanders has a net worth around 2 million, nothing to sneeze it, but hardly crazy rich
But a lot more than a true Socialist, concerned about the welfare of the people, should have.
a trust fund baby like tRump???
Trump made his fortune.
Bernie got it the way the Os, the Ozarks, the Gropin’s, they Lurches, and the Pelosis have.
Peddling influence.
Has the tRump family made any money of the Presidency?
Why don’t you tell us. With links.
This is always why you always end up with your LOL shoved up your ass.
Has tRump and his spawn had any financial dealings with foreign nations?
Have the Ozarks? The Lurches? The Gropin’s? The Pelosis? The Kennedys?
More to the point, who made it honestly?
Has the tRump family made any money of the Presidency? LOL.
Thats the problem now isnt it Elwood. Your side is furious that Trump might make money off the presidency and yet when its pointed out the left including Obama did the same thing.
Well we get your post in response.
“capitalizing on his officeâ€. You mean like a former democratic president who just bought a 14 million house?
Are you implying that President Obama just bought a $14 million dollar house?
Most of what Cons believe to be true, isn’t.
Both President Obama and Mrs. Obama have penned very successful books. Barack Obama published Dreams from My Father in 1995 and The Audacity of Hope in 2006, both before he ran for President. He has made multiple millions off each.
Should successful authors be prevented from running for President?
Are you implying that President Obama just bought a $14 million dollar house?
Actually, it’s more like 15 mil.
Both President Obama and Mrs. Obama have penned very successful books. Barack Obama published Dreams from My Father in 1995 and The Audacity of Hope in 2006, both before he ran for President. He has made multiple millions off each.
More like William Ayers. Nobody heard of those “books” before he was elected.
And I’d like to hear what “very successful books” Mike with the Spike ever wrote.
Should successful authors be prevented from running for President?
No, but you’d stop Donald Trump from running and he’s the only successful author of the three.
This again is the problem with Elwood and the left. He sees nothing wrong with Obama making a fortune off the presidency and his name but it is an egregious sin that should require impeachment if A republican does the same.
Former President Obama and his family are now permanent homeowners on Martha’s Vineyard, after completing the purchase this week of a large home situated on nearly 30 acres in the coastal perimeter of Edgartown.
The purchase price, recorded at 3:31 p.m. Wednesday with the Dukes County Registry of Deeds, is listed at $11.75 million. The buyer is a nominee trust representing the former First Family. The sellers are Wycliffe Grousbeck and Corinne Basler Grousbeck. Mr. Grousbeck is a private equity investor and owner of the Boston Celtics basketball team.
What the hello is a nominee Trust?
A nominee trust is an arrangement whereby one or more persons appoint a “trustee” to be listed on legal title, or other documents, on their behalf. The arrangement is simple and passive, the trustee is to do nothing except what they are directed to do by the beneficiaries. Technically it is not a trust but an agency arrangement, although it has been characterized as a hybrid between a traditional trust and an agency relationship. One use of the nominee trust is to avoid reporting the ownership of real estate on the public record. The deed, or other filed document lists the trustee, but not the undisclosed principals. Another use is to facilitate transfer of real property without involving the county recorder.
In other words Obama can have all kinds of money and its just a convient way to keep it quiet.
Commenter: No, but you’d stop Donald Trump from running and he’s the only successful author of the three.
AP: Since 1987, Donald Trump has “written” at least 15 books. According to his personal financial disclosure, eleven of those earned him less than $1,000 in royalties last year, and nine earned him less than $200.
Trump’s ghostwriters, Tony Schwartz, Adam Eisenstadt, Charlie Leerhsen et al say Trump has not written even one book.
Michelle Obama’s memoir, Becoming, has sold at least 11 million copies to date.
tRump’s problem is not making money while president it’s whether foreign nations are lining his pockets to curry favor for their nations. Does the Saudis giving millions to tRump Inc for offices in tRump Tower change tRump’s opinion of Saudi Arabia? It’s unlikely that the public library in Koshkonong MO hoped to curry President Obama’s favor buying a copy of Dreams From My Father for the stacks.
I know one thing, Trumps companies will keep going without him. But what you want is to have Trump sell his name, his logo, his label, his brand because you don’t like him. Well too fukin’ bad. They are his and have been his all his life and assuming the Presidency does not require one to divest of himself or his creations because you interpret “emoluments” to be any money earned by an official.
Incidentally, you do realize Trump has not taken his presidential salary? You owe Trump an apology. If you loved America as much as you hate Trump then you’d have to love Trump too because he loves America.
Bloomie never got anything he didn’t buy.
We’ve seen him buy his way onto the NYC ballot, then buy his way into the mayor’s office, then buy off the city council to eliminate the two-term limit on mayoral service. We’ve seen him spend nine figures to buy his way into the Democrat primary and the NV debate.
Trump’s made any number of fortunes on his own, came back from seeing some ventures go bankrupt when the AC casino gamble collapsed, made even more fortunes, and ran for President not because he needs to dictate how people should live, but because he wanted to give them a shot a makling their own lives.
Which do you want, Fauxcahontas in drag or some guy who drives the Lefties insane?
— Thomas Sowell
Lolgf Bernie
Chrissy Matthews says Bernie could lose 49 states.
I’ll see that and raise him 57.
If anybody’s got a spare fin, I’ll go to 60.
AP: Since 1987, Donald Trump has “written†at least 15 books. According to his personal financial disclosure, eleven of those earned him less than $1,000 in royalties last year, and nine earned him less than $200.
A At least he wrote them.
B 15 is a lot more than 2. Not all will be best sellers.
C Since it’s been revealed William Ayers wrote at least two (you can tell by the lack of “uh”s) and the fact both white Lefties and blacks no longer hold him in the same regard they once might have, how are they doing now?
Trump’s ghostwriters, Tony Schwartz, Adam Eisenstadt, Charlie Leerhsen et al say Trump has not written even one book.
Willam Ayers says the same about Zippy.
Michelle Obama’s memoir, Becoming, has sold at least 11 million copies to date.
At least? Sounds like it could be anything. Like maybe zero.
To the same people who claim she’s the most admired woman in the world, right?
tRump’s problem is not making money while president it’s whether foreign nations are lining his pockets to curry favor for their nations.
That sounds more like the Ozark Slush Fund and Zippy’s pay-to-play Maladministration.
Does the Saudis giving millions to tRump Inc for offices in tRump Tower change tRump’s opinion of Saudi Arabia?
Did Ukraine’s gifts to the Hildabeast change her opinion of Ukraine?
It’s unlikely that the public library in Koshkonong MO hoped to curry President Obama’s favor buying a copy of Dreams From My Father for the stacks.
Bulk purchases are how crooked politicians make money, witness Jim Wright.
DNC buys up 10 million copies of a dud book nobody ever heard of and gives one to every town with a Dem mayor to make somebody look important.
Happens all the time.
Much of what Con Men believe to be true, is actually false.
Bill Ayres. No.
At least 11 million means MORE than 11 million. And the publishes paid the Obamas millions for something.
Trump didn’t write his books, his ghostwriters did. Most are even acknowledged as such on the books themselves.
You can crawl back in your cave. We’ll continue to correct your most outrageous falsehoods. Bill Ayres? No.
Commenter: Bulk purchases are how crooked politicians make money
As do politicians dumb sons (Jr.): RNC spent nearly $100,000 on Donald Trump Jr.’s book just before it topped the NYT bestseller list