There’s not a big United Nations Hotcoldwetdry meeting coming up, is there? The U.N. usually reserves this kind of fear-mongering for the month before the Conference On The Parties working vacations in December
Climate change threatens future of all children: UN report
The future of every single child in the world is at risk as nations across the world fail to curb the effects of climate change and provide a clean and healthy environment essential for their well-being, according to a report commissioned by the United Nations.
“Climate change, ecological degradation, migrating populations, conflict, pervasive inequalities, and predatory commercial practices threaten the health and future of children in every country,” the report, authored by more than 40 child and adolescent health experts, said.
While the children in wealthy nations have a better chance at survival and well-being, those same countries disproportionately contribute to the carbon emissions threatening the future of all children, the joint report by the World Health Organization, UNICEF and medical journal The Lancet found.
It further added that not a single country performed well in all three categories measured: child flourishing, sustainability, and equity.
So, if we get rid of capitalism and put in a government run economic system, along with lots of taxes and such, everything will be OK, right?
CO2 has nothing to do with a clean and healthy environment. War has always happened. There has always been inequality. Welcome to life on Earth.

I’ll believe the U.N. cares about children when they stop valuing the lives of mosquitoes higher than the lives of African children.
I’ll believe they care when they make abortion a crime against humanity. when they stop averting their eyes from the child rape and murder done in the name of Islam. When they put an international stop to pedophilia by perverts and queers. Then I’ll believe they care about children.
I’ll believe they care when they make abortion a crime against humanity. when they stop averting their eyes from the child rape and murder done in the name of Islam. When they put an international stop to pedophilia by perverts and queers. Then I’ll believe they care about children.